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6222167 No.6222167 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this even exist?

When did anyone ever make a sandwich and think, "Damn, if only I had some olive loaf"?

>> No.6222172

Right before they killed themselves.

>> No.6222175

My step dad who was a monster. So yeah, terrible people.

>> No.6222178

You guys are shitting right? Stuffs amazing.

>> No.6222184

Clearly Jimmy,

You are incapable of comprehending the subtle nuances and umami characteristics of a delicate olive loaf with those tantalizing textual shifts of the succulent meat and the juicy olives.

>> No.6222185

I always liked it. Still get it on occasion from Koegels. They have a mac and cheese loaf, but I'm not brave enough to try that.

>> No.6222192

I love the stuff.

>> No.6222194

Do you want to rewrite my menu? lol

>> No.6222221

Are you kidding? Olive loaf is god tier. I mean, I wouldn't buy cheap ass generic or even Oscar Meyer brand olive loaf, but it's fucking god tier sandwich meat, especially on a sub. Fuck, now I'm craving a big ass sub stuffed with this stuff, I'm going to have to go get some.......

>> No.6222223


Do you serve olive loaf?

>> No.6222227

I have nightmares of this stuff, it looks absolutely terrifying.

>> No.6222241

I'll pick up some from the deli once in a while. It's a pretty good white trash sandwich. Couple slices of olive loaf, some American cheese on white bread is a guilty pleasure of mine.

>> No.6222245

When I was a kid I thought olive loaf was great. Then I learned what tapinade was. Now I just buy better quality meat, and put a green olive tapinade on my sandwich when I want that flavor.

>> No.6222251
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>> No.6222261
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olives also, make a mean meat loaf.

>> No.6222301
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Head cheese comin thru faggits!

>> No.6222303

I've never had head cheese, but have always wanted to try it. Heard good things.

>> No.6222305

I've never eaten that but it does have some artistic merit I think

>> No.6222307
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>> No.6222311

Oooooh I get it. Like a penis.

>> No.6222314
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back up other unappreciated meats

>> No.6222315

scrapple has a huge following. olive loaf not so much

>> No.6222326

>scrapple has a huge following.

right, if you're from West-flyover-redneck-tucky

>> No.6222331

I worked in a deli for a couple of years. the mess this shit made, dude.

>> No.6222332

point being even in those godforsaken areas olive loaf has no following

>> No.6222335

fucking love olive loaf you pleb

>> No.6222342


Your point is irrelevant, because I'm sure there is some other godforsaken place where Olive loaf is a staple food.

>> No.6222348

yeah? name it

>> No.6222475

my 2 favorites olive loaf+old fashioned

>> No.6222480
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>> No.6222518

I assume that has the same bittersweet taste of olive oil cake.

>> No.6222649

i've never tried it before but it looks good as fuck

>> No.6224038
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Olive loaf is a comfort food with nostalgic value.

How on Earth have the hipsters in Brooklyn not started a "gourmet olive loaf" thing yet? (Would follow the PBR, toast, and other things.)

>> No.6224046
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>the toast thing

GodFUCKINGdammit, that shit makes me rage. It started out here in SF, and it was stupid then and its still fuckng stupid. I can't even think about it without going full head explosion.

>> No.6224054

Why does sandwich meat of any kind exist? It's nothing more than processed ground up animal genitalia, bone, and gristle.

>> No.6224055


Some fads I get - some I don't. The toast one is bizarre:

> I'll have the toast with cinnamon and sugar with some organic raisins please

> That'll be $6.79 please

And lines out the door to buy . . .

>> No.6224056


Where did this shit originate? Who can I be mad at?

>> No.6224059


What is the toast thing?

>> No.6224060

Wait what toast thing? Like people are making "gourmet" toast and charging an arm and a leg for it?

>> No.6224063

>How on Earth have the hipsters in Brooklyn not started a "gourmet olive loaf" thing yet?
Because most folks who can afford to live there did not grow up poor, so olive loaf wasn't something they ate. The same itch is scratched by putting tapenade on sandwiches, and you can find that in Brooklyn. Olive loaf is a too close to Sloppy Joes, pimento cheese and fried bologna sandwiches - almost too trashy to approach with irony. There are gourmet grilled cheese shops, though.

>> No.6224065


Started in SF.


>> No.6224066


. . . but they idolize Pabst Blue Ribbon . . .

>> No.6224069

I can't talk about it. I'll stroke out. But it started with this insane woman in SF who couldn't hold a job but she knew how to make toast and coffee, and she started a "cafe" that sold only toast, coffee, and coconut water. And the fucking hipsters went FULL RETARD, and now fucking toast places are in hip cities everywhere! FUCK. that's all I have to say about that.

>> No.6224072

Ahahahaa that is so great. There are 4 people in my next class from San Fran. I'm gonna have to ask them and gauge their reaction.

>> No.6224077
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Well I've seen some retarded food trends before but I'm pretty sure this might be the stupidest.

>> No.6224084

That article title is fairly misleading, only one restaurant charged $11, all the rest we around the $3-4 range. Doesn't change the fact that small diners generally have a two egg breakfast that comes with sausage or bacon and two pieces of toast here for $5, but eh.

>> No.6224111

>but they idolize Pabst Blue Ribbon
That was always a NYC cheap beer option. It was the cheap beer offered country bars (Coyote Ugly, Hogs and Heifers, The Village Idiot) and music venues long before the term "hipster" was brought back into common use. When a new group of people started hanging around such places (especially the music venues) wearing Von Dutch hats PBR became the default order, because it was the default cheap beer. (Craft beer was hard to find at music venues back then, and if you were going out to see a live band why pay $5 for a plastic cup of Brooklyn Lager when a PRB tall boy and a well shot was $4?) Remember before the rents went crazy they were mostly upper-middle class kids who were music fans, slumming it in the neighborhoods where the music venues were located.

But generally if hipsters are going to adopt something lowbrow it will be something from another culture, like tacos or banh mi. They're less likely to go in for what the poor kids from their own childhoods were eating.

>> No.6224670

The Toast thing does not seem that stupid.

If People want to pay for Stuff they could easily make themselves (like Coffee), why not?

>> No.6224677

Not really.