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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 350x350, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6219699 No.6219699 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck can I make this not taste bland as shit?
i try olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and it all comes out of the fridge as a chewy mass of flesh.
>hardmode: i'm poor as fuck and trying to be /fit/, give ideas?

>> No.6219706

spice rub man. Spice rub and grill, spice rub and bake, spice rub and fry. It's all fucking delicious. My go to is:

>smoked paprika

Grill that shit, squeeze lime juice over it, let it rest, shits good man

>> No.6219708

>ultrahardmode: i'm trying to cook stuff as quickly as possible

>> No.6219719

You are complaining about flavor and then implying that the problem is the texture. Which is it? Is it both?

Chicken breast gets a bad rap on /ck/ because people buy shit meat from shit birds and then overcook it because they're deathly afraid of MRSA and other horrible things that people think come from CAFO birds (whether or not they're right is another discussion).

Don't overcook it. Try brining it before you cook it, it will retain more moisture. Cook it on much higher heat for a much shorter time. Try other approaches like poaching (see: hainanese chicken)

Since you're poor, getting high end heritage breed meat from designer butchers is probably out of the question, but sometimes people have good luck getting better flavors out of the meat that some halal butchers sell.

Finally, if you are poor and trying to eat a /fit/ diet, consider alternate sources of protein such as legumes. In fact, that should probably have gone first but you asked about the chicken.

>> No.6219721

Pan fry is about as quick as you'll get while still actually cooking your chicken, assuming you're poor enough to not own a grill.

>> No.6219740

Season the fuck out of it (pretty much any combination of seasonings that taste good together will taste good on chicken) and grill or pan fry it hot and quick.

Chicken is pretty damn boring by itself, but it provides a meat like texture and serves as a good conduit for just about anything else. Key is not to burn it or the spices, and to keep it from drying out.

>> No.6219751

brine and fry

>> No.6219753


that fucking image

every time

>> No.6219786

Cut it in half, salt & pepper both pieces and cook it for 2 1/2-3 minutes per side in a pan.


>> No.6219794

hot sauce


>> No.6219806

Why you make some delicious tendies of course.

It really is that simple.

>> No.6219832

Take your chicken out of the fridge in advance so it cooks easier. Salt + pepper, sear it in a pan on medium high for 4ish minutes per side. The trick is to cook it for the least amount of time possible. If you overcook chicken breast at all you are fucked.

Now this is epic.

>> No.6219844


Believe me, it's great when you're on a diet

>> No.6219942
File: 10 KB, 480x360, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken tenders are a g8 idea m8. now I just need to find the appropriate substitutes for the keto

>> No.6219944

Pick up some Blackened Seasoning or throw your own together. Add just a little bit of olive oil to a pan, season the hell out of the chicken breast (cut into smaller strips preferably) then cook in the pan for a few minutes each side. Dirt cheap and pretty good

>> No.6219955

I'ma need a legendary step-by-step guide for that m8

>> No.6219959

It's true what posters are saying
chicken is one of those things that is no bueno undercooked and overcooked
it also needs to be cooked at high heat
no one knows why
some say it all started during the building of the great sphynx 14,000 years ago...
but that's another story
I use beer and the rendered fat from the chicken for maximum good times.

I brown it all around
deglaze with the beer
drink rest of beer while casually cutting the big piece into smaller pieces with the side of my spatula and usually have to switch hands because it's getting hot
usually will add water or more beer so it get's cooked through
reduced down into a sauce
but don't do this because I'm a bachelor student type
I eat it right out of the pan-no mess-no dishes-

>> No.6220054

Marinate in soy sauce & garlic.
Throw on the grill with rosemary.

>> No.6220058

>i'm poor as fuck and trying to be /fit/, give ideas?
eat beans

>> No.6220066

red kidney beans are rather tasteless, and they have carbs. I'm on a 1.5 month keto diet

>> No.6220069

retard detected

>> No.6220080

Buy thighs?

>> No.6220082


>> No.6220083
File: 43 KB, 960x614, 1414194452539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs needs it and I'm the guy who suggested OP buy thighs

Honestly tendies made from thighs mite b cool

>mfw thigh tendies

>> No.6220084

i've been considering it.
they are cheaper, have more fat content, and bone imparts a better flavor
>and I can make stock!

>> No.6220089
File: 653 KB, 260x146, 1389562260005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I posted about tendies before le ebin maymay

>> No.6220145
File: 58 KB, 300x356, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a really easy one I go to when I don't want to fuck around with being in the kitchen for more than an hour.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

While melting some butter, mix some finely chopped thyme and grated parmesan cheese into a bowl of Italian-style breadcrumbs.

Lightly coat the outsides of the chicken breasts with the melted butter and then generously roll them around in the breadcrumb mixture until fully coated. Making sure to save a little melted butter and breadcrumbs, place the chicken on a deeper oven pan of some sort (usually just stick to one of those multipurpose glass dishes) lightly dusted with some breadcrumbs.

Take the remaining butter and drizzle a little evenly it over the tops of the chicken, and maybe some more breadcrumbs if you're feeling froggy.

Cook for about 30-45 minutes depending on the thickness of the breasts. If done correctly, the breadcrumbs will be slightly moist but not soggy/burnt and the chicken will be nice and tender. Goes great with standard fare sides like green beans, broccoli, and rice, and it reheats really nicely.

>> No.6220155
File: 179 KB, 499x499, look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good sear in a non-nonstick pan

>> No.6220251

Basically what everyone else in this thread has said: spice it well. If you care about calories, just go ahead and bake them in a baking dish w/ a bit of water in it; should help them stay just a bit more moist than they might otherwise. If you're less worried about calories, pan fry those assholes.

>> No.6220436

Should I pan fry it or bake it? Should I just cook a breast as I eat them or cook them all at once?

also when you season chicken breast do you covoer the entire thing with it as if it was bread? I sprinkle seasonings on it but I find that it doesn't really change the flavor much at all since there's so much fucking meat relative to the seasonings.

>> No.6220439
File: 54 KB, 260x260, basic-black-beans.detail[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck chicken, eat beans. Add tomato and lime and you got delicious and even leaner and cheaper protein

>> No.6220441

"but they have carbs"
ayy lmao

>> No.6220448
File: 44 KB, 499x499, 1409673977675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make tendies instead

>> No.6220845

Cut into strips and marinate in oil and spices. Fry that shit. Then make wraps with veggies pickles cilantro hot sauce and lemon-garlic sauce. Heaven.

>> No.6221115

I did some nice chicken breast earlier
>preheat grill to around 200c
>chicken in baking tray under some olive oil
>generous salt flakes and rough ground pepper
>flip it
>same again
>squeeze half a lime
>put it in the grill for a while - I just did it until it started making a noise and smoking a little
>take it out and flip it
>same again
>take it out and fry over a high heat for a short while with a clove of garlic and maybe a little thyme
>pour over the juice left in the baking tray


>> No.6221128

Slice it open like a book, put some honey, blue cheese, tarragon and a bit of pepper in them. Then close them up and wrap them in bacon. Put them in the oven until they're cooked.

>> No.6221139

get out

>> No.6221313

Beer can chicken, easy, cheap as fuck, tasted pretty good and there are plenty of recipes for it out there.

>> No.6221335

>and it all comes out of the fridge
cook it in the oven or on the stove instead

>> No.6221352

>trying to be /fit/,
Bake it. Skin-on, bone-in. Give it a simple marinade or spice rub, get the rub underneath the skin, or park a slice of lemon, lime, orange, or a whole herb inside that skin. Put in a pyrex or cookie sheet, and simply bake it, dude. Pull off and discard the skin after cooking.

>> No.6221363

Sprinkle liberally with my homemade chili pepper powder.

Colors it a tasty red and gives it fantastic flavor with practically no added calories.

This is /ck/ so cook up some chili powder,

remove the stem and seeds from and grind up at least 3 kinds of dried chilis (not the thin bright red ones unless you like heat) and 1 part peppercorns.

1part peppercorns to 2parts chili peppers = chili pepper powder.