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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6218653 No.6218653 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Trying to cut 10 lbs
>Want that full feeling.
This morning I ate 1 Cucumber with 6 tbs of chunky peanut butter - 550 cal
1 Avocado with lawry's seasoned salt - 190 calories
1 1/2, of 4 ounce pork chops with dry rub - 225 calories.
1/3 cup or so of cottage cheese with salt and pepper - 70 calories
8 spears of asparagus with lemon, butter, salt, and pepper - 75 calories because of small amount of butter
Half lb of sauteed spinach with butter salt and pepper - 100 calories because of butter
Tall glass of unsweetened vanilla almond milk with 1 packet of sweetleaf - 60 calories
>MFW this whole meal left me stuffed and it was only 1270kcalories
>MFW I haven't tried any of this food before in my life except for spinach pork and avocados because I'm a poorfag that just moved out. >MFW all of my vitamins and minerals were covered
>MFW I'm going to like this every day from now on.

>> No.6218655

Thanks for that blog update, now fuck back off to Facebook where people actually care.

>> No.6218686

>this morning
>ate 1270 calories
Are you planning on only having a light snack this evening or something?

>> No.6218694
File: 14 KB, 300x315, ForSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would I eat after such a huge meal? I'm stuffed for the rest of the day. If you can eat after this you must be Matt Stonie, Furious Pete, or a fatass.

>> No.6218701

You must not be doing much of anything during the day then. I mean, good on you for wanting to lose weight or whatever, but one huge meal in the morning so you're not hungry for the rest of the day is a poor way to go about it.

>> No.6218705

It's not a poor way of going about it if I've lost 6.8lbs in 11 days.
It's like the "If it's stupid, and it works, then it's not stupid" quote.

>> No.6218749

You must be a monstrous hambeast to eat that much in one sitting

Dont give us that 'its my only meal of the day' bullshit, we all know youll be looking im the fridge in four hours

Avocado of only 190 calories? Yeah, bullshit.

>> No.6218758
File: 533 KB, 1189x896, Booby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

230, wow off by so much. Also clearly I'm not looking through my fridge if I'm losing this much weight.
Fat from the pork chops, beef, cottage cheese, eggs, bacon, sausages, or avocados I eat on the daily keep me satiated.
It's carbohydrates that give you blood sugar spikes and make you want to eat more as you're crashing.
It's easy af to pound away a 3,000 calorie bag of doritos, but have you ever tried to eat 1,500 calories in peanut butter? Shit is impossible, you get full too quickly.
Use common sense.

>> No.6218765

That's just water and excess food/poop weight.

>> No.6218767

>Ive tried to eat 1500 calories of peanut butter in one sitting
>Ive eaten a 3000 calorie bag of doritos in one sitting

Jesus christ anon, get your shit together

>> No.6219341

I'm cutting weight at the moment, but I'm a pretty big guy and work out a lot, so I'm can still eat almost 4000 calories a day and still rapidly lose weight.
Feels good.

>> No.6219596

I never said I tried either. Do you have a 3rd grade reading comprehension? I just said it's easier, never in there did I say "I've tried" or "I've eaten"