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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6215506 No.6215506 [Reply] [Original]

Might be his worst review yet. You know what? When I first stumbled onto his channel years ago, I was infatuated. Obsessively watching his videos, the whole 9. Anyways, after his new year "VORW" where he admittedly said 4chan owned his soul. We are the reason he won't allow comments on his video. Who the fuck gets trolled by 4chan so fucking hard that you can't let your audience (you know? The reason you have a channel?) to discuss things about him because he can't handle a few trolls. I refuse to go to reddit and navigate that hell hole to talk about him.

General review brah thread.

>> No.6215521
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>> No.6215525
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If he just made more videos just like his chik filet one and allowed comments, he would easily be one of the most like able youtubers out there.

I know that's not what he's aiming for but you can obviously, and I say with a heavy heart, see the decline of not only his videos, but his state of mind as well.

>> No.6215527

How can you take YouTube fast food reviews done by a teenager so seriously? How could you even take two different forums so seriously? Go outside. It's really nice out today

>> No.6215550
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I think the video where he ordered the wrong thing is what killed the channel. Since he has a "I put up everything I film" policy, he put up a video where he ordered the wrong thing (I guess he didn't bother to check it before he turned the camera on) and he was devastated.

So instead of opening comments up on his videos he of course blocked them. Blocked the opportunity to for his fans to identify with him and his situation and to have a fun discussion amongst each other. But yeah, no! IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT ME YOU HAVE TO GO TO LE REDDIT XD PROBLEM LE SOLVED. That's his answer to his fans.

I... I can't take it anymore.

>> No.6215551

Look bud I'm only gonna say this once

This is /joey/ territory

You don't like it, you can get out

Get this autistic faggot out of here

>> No.6215557

You new faggot.

>> No.6215560

>camera moving around
>so someone is holding it
>someone has to sit through this shit
>someone has to deal with him after the video stops

>> No.6215561
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Guess what puddin? I am going outside today, in fact, it's my girlfriends fathers bday today and her family is loaded. I can't imagine the fun shit that is in store for the evening. Why do you care about what I care about? I care about his channel just like I do for any channel I love. I have just never seen just a dramatic decline of content quality before.

>> No.6215565

joey isn't even funny. he's just a fat fuck who talks like a 10 year old girl

at least reviewbrah has a sense of humor about himself

>> No.6215566

It's his mom.

>> No.6215571
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It was his dad. Which was cool. His dad supported him all the way. But yet again he allowed 4chan to govern his life and has removed his video with his dad in them.

>> No.6215578

Well this place has scared him into a state of isolation and depression (listen to his new year VORW where he talks about how this site is responsible for his demise) so I wouldn't doubt it.
He used to before his soul officially left his body. He needs to do some soul searching to make it right again

>> No.6215583
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Joey certainly has declined in quality as well, but he's still better now than reviewbrah was at his best

>> No.6215593
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Moments before 4chan found out about his channel

>> No.6215599

Ah jeez
Now I feel bad

>> No.6215603

>it's gween

>> No.6215611


>he's a broey

pick 1 and only 1, and go the fuck back to /fit/, the only board that can stand you

>> No.6215622
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>His smile and optimism, gone.

>> No.6215624
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Yeah. That was then.

But this is now.

>> No.6215627

Holy fucking shit. Real life 101 can really make you it's bitch.

>> No.6215666

But how? Why would I want to see an obese man eat directly in front of a camera and explain with a high pitched voice about how its good fast food?
The dude is unlikeable

>> No.6215682

Well. Satan says so. /ck/ officially belongs to reviewbrah until satan rolls for Joey.

>> No.6215778

Oh boy. It's been a while since I've seen one of these. It's so sad that his best answer to his fans is "channel discussion is held on my sub leddit". Really? That's how you do it "reviewbrah?" Funnel your fans into a shithole like that? YouTube is in 2nd place for general discussion right under this site.

>> No.6215827


You always make these threads, yet you never offer any suggestions for change. What do you honestly want to see out of my videos?

>> No.6215842

Never reviewed "Chik Filet". And yes, my mental state is rapidly declining, I admit.

As I said before, what is it that you would like to see fixed with these videos?

You really shouldn't.

/joey/ is the superior party here, and I support him. He's a nice guy.

>> No.6215848

The twinkle in your eye ;_;

>> No.6215856

Considering both him and you are faggots, you should probably both fuck off to reddit

>> No.6215876
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>> No.6215879

You just seem glum in all of them. I like the reviews but I wish you'd be more happy-seeming

>> No.6215886


Oh shit is it really him?

Where do you get your suits? And what kind of hair product do you use? Finally, what's your jacket size?

>> No.6215895

From various places, I'm not a fan of the slim fit trend nowadays, so I'll just buy my suits from various stores online. If I see something I like and the price is right, I'll go for it. I'm not looking to be fashionable, just happy and comfortable with what I wear.

I use brylcreem in my hair, back in 2012 I used some hair gel, I think LA Looks, and it just dried up and wasn't good.


There's not much I can do to fix depression without going to a Psychiatrist which I don't want to do just yet.

>> No.6215905

Turn your comments back on, not that I use them, but it is a bitch move. Also, review alcohol, it will help with the depression.

>> No.6215906

I'm not a fan and I think you are a fucking goober, but

>There's not much I can do to fix depression without going to a Psychiatrist which I don't want to do just yet.

you need to stay a step ahead of mental issues, not wait until they get out of control.

>> No.6215908

>Also, review alcohol, it will help with the depression.
Are you retarded?

>> No.6215911

Nope, just self medicate a lot.

>> No.6215912

I've had comments down for 2 years, I guess it's worth a shot. I was thinking about that last night actually, might see how it works out. Who knows.

That's fine, we've all got our views.

Yeah, you're right. I know I'll have to get myself to go at some point.

>> No.6215915

Get help reviewbrah, Your videos are amazing and we hate to see you suffering.

>> No.6215918

Review brah!
Just wanna say big fan of the show, keep the content coming.

>> No.6215919


I have a Brooks Bros 3 button charcoal suit from the late 90s that I no longer wear. It's from the "brooksease" line. It's a size 38, but I don't know about the arms (I'm really a 38S but I usually get 38 and have it altered). You want it?

I've also got a couple of Brooks Bros non-iron dress shirts (a solid light blue and a solid white) that I also don't wear. 15 and 1/2 - 32, . They're in good condition, same as the suit. Haven't touched any of them in close to 10 years. They are spread collar and you seem to like point collar, but again, I don't wear 'em.

>> No.6215920

Everybody is turning off comments these days. There is no reason to subject yourself to all that abuse. It is not like these people want you to turn em on so they can say nice things on your channel.

>> No.6215924
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There is lots you can do for depression before the pharmacy:
Lifting weights.
Games. (Video games, Chess, etc)

>> No.6215926

Sounds like you may have depression Reviewbrah. I know you're not ready to see a psychiatrist yet, but if you do indeed have depression, then it's going to be very difficult to treat unless you see a doctor. You might be tempted to blame your depression on whatever problems in your life right now, but if it's real depression then fixing those problems probably won't help a lot. Just food for thought.

I like your videos man. You actually have a great sense of humor in your vids, I just wish you could shrug off the haters better. Just open your comments and don't get bent out of shape when someone insults you. But again, if you have a depression disorder, fixing it will probably thicken your skin and give you a higher self-esteem.

>> No.6215934

Review brah.
Will you ever take submissions for reviews?
I mean can we post stuff to you so you can review stuff from outside the USA?
You could get a PO box so you don't have to give out your address.

>> No.6215935
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>It is not like these people want you to turn em on so they can say nice things on your channel.

Not like anyone would like a forum where food and cooking could be discussed along with appropriate mediums such as pictures or videos. We should all just sit in boxes talking to ourselves because we can't endure minor criticisms or people acting retarded to gain attention.

>> No.6215938
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Here's the jacket, as you can see it's fairly out of sync with current style trends which is why I don't wear it, but if it's something you'd wear, I'm more than happy to send it to you. The trousers are on another hanger that I can't be bothered to dig for but it's pleated and the pants are cuffed so you could probably get them extended if they're too short. 30 waist.

>> No.6215939


Thanks for your understanding and advice everyone, I've had anxiety, depression and a few other things over the years, but depression has been by far the most debilitating of them all.

I'll definitely look into what I can do to get on the up and up.

I am totally open to suggestions, I welcome them, I'd rather review what everyone wants reviewed first. So I'm open to suggestions, and from there I'd see about a means of getting things.

>> No.6215948

Just to add to what I said in >>6215926 if you want to get on the up and up, the most logical approach is to get a psychiatric evaluation. Weightlifting, art, and socializing are great, but these things, even for a person without depression, take commitment. If you saw a doctor they would likely prescribe you an antidepressant which could do a lot for your depression. You could be feeling happier in weeks, and then naturally you would be in a better condition to do other things like art and weightlifting if you wanted to make life style changes to further improve your mental health.

Point being, a doctor could give you the quickest avenue to feeling better, so consider it a starting point reviewbrah

>> No.6215961


As someone who has struggled with depression and taken meds, I generally support this although I think that exercise is a more surefire solution if you can keep it up.

Meds can work but not every brain responds in the same way to the same drugs, and it often takes a few rounds of drug juggling to find one that clicks and gives you what you need to get out of a hole for long enough to make sustainable changes to your life and lifestyle so you can ease off the meds and replace them with obsessive exercise or whatever it is that gets your rocks off.

>> No.6215962

Try taking cold showers in the morning, it will strengthen your resolve, they help ward off depression, and have a number of other health benefits.
I've been doing it for a few weeks now and every time I come out grinning like a retard.

It would probably help if you stopped drinking energy drinks too, I used to drink two or three a day. They're absolutely awful for you and provide no benefits. Caffeine addiction is a bitch.

>> No.6215976


I'm not really into thrifted or used stuff myself so I don't really expect you to take me up on this but if you could make use of this stuff, my email is ck_throwaway at yahoo dot com

>> No.6215986

You are awesome and I enjoy ur videos and personality

>> No.6215998

Hey reviewbrah, have you considered doing your reviews like this guys?


>> No.6216019

4chan coo/cks/ made him famous.

without us, he has no one.

>> No.6216029

more like cu/ck/s

>> No.6216031
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>without us, he has no one.

The sad part is without us, we have no one either.

>> No.6216046

Omfg is this really you the fuck person who owns the channel

>> No.6216055

Have you ever smoked weed
done any other drugs
had sex
what music do you like
how old are you
who do you live with if not by your self
why do you post on /ck/ if you hate 4 Chan

>> No.6216067

I feel compelled to point out that "get help" is a sort of meaningless meme phrase spouted by people who probably haven't actually seen a psychiatrist or been exposed to the mental health industry.

My dad made me see a counselor when I was younger and it was incredibly destructive. She spent the majority of the time trying to convince me that I'm weak, not cool, not intelligent, won't amount to anything, that I'm evil for wanting a girlfriend and that I don't deserve friends or a girlfriend. I was 17-18 when I saw her and one of the biggest issues was that I was upset that I I lost the only genuine friends that I had when I was 14-15. Her solution to this was to try to demonize me not only for missing them but for having friends in the first place. From there she tried to pry to find any little details that she could take to the police about things that I or my friends did. Psychiatrists won't respect any kind of guarantees of privacy, and if you do see one you should go into it with the same mentality that you would if you were speaking to the police

Assuming that the psychiatrist you see isn't an outright bully, they have absolutely zero help to offer you except for drugs, and drugs are NOT helpful. They used to lobotomize people, they didn't stop because it was immoral or savage, they stopped because they developed drugs that could do the same thing.

Here are some direct quotes from her :
>"How would you like it if someone fucked you in the ass?" (in reference to me wanting a girlfriend, when I wasn't even focusing on the sexual aspect of having a girlfriend and I don't have a strong desire to have sex in general, she was the one trying to steer the conversation towards sex and when there was the slightest interest expressed in having sex at all this was her response)
>"have you always been a scared shit"
>"so you're weak" (she said I'm weak multiple times, and this time in particular was in response to me talking about jumped by multiple people

>> No.6216072

>"ah, grooming" (in response to me talking about a girl liking me
when I was 15 and she was 14 and having a very minor, informal relationship with me, and me not wanting to
ask her out or further develop or escalate the relationship until we were both older
>"the world needs ditch diggers too"
>"you're NEVER going to be a politician" (I had expressed no desire to be one, she said this somewhat randomly, not directly prompted by anything, but it was probably because I
expressed a general interest in politics)
>"those aren't for you" (in reference to me watching online lectures, discussion panels, by universities/think tanks
>"it doesn't matter what you think"
>"it's not up to you" (any time I expressed an opinion she disagreed with)
>"there's people that come here with REAL problems"
>"compensating for something" (in reference to me having a slight interest in guns, I asked if she wants to see my dick in response and they say I have "poor impulse control")
>I forget the exact phrasing but she pretty much said I can't go to university or college, as if I was submitting an application to her
>she was constantly trying to say I'm unfit even though I had like a 19 BMI and well toned muscles, she made me get a physical from a doctor and the doctor asked if I played sports
and seemed impressed with how fit I was, the very next time I saw the counsellor she acted like the physical didn't happen and kept trying to say I'm unfit
>constantly insulted my clothes

The list goes on. If you've read this far I'm typing this out because I sort of identify with you, you remind me of myself a little and I think we probably have similar issues.
You said in one of your videos that you like to go for walks at night, I used to go biking almost every night and she tried to frighten/intimidate me into not doing it, simultaneously
making me out to be a criminal and a target.

Please don't see a psychiatrist, they're state sponsored bullies and drug dealers and that's all.

>> No.6216075


Found your problem. That profession attracts really fucked up weird people. Better to first approach a medical professional and get a reference from them.

>> No.6216079

keep doing what you do brah.

>> No.6216113
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It's SHIT outside today. No clouds to block the sun and make shade from that obscene hellfire ball. No rain to cool me off. Above 23c/73f absolute limit.

Send some ice cold wind this way and then I'll go outside.

Fucking nice day, he says.

>> No.6216130

WOW, I have to point out that this guy is completely fulll of shit.

If what you said is true, that is a VERY rare outlier when it comes to psychologists. Every one that I've seen has been completely understanding and compassionate about everything I told them, and privacy is not something that they compromise on.

Don't let one person's shitty experience dissuade you from talking to mental health professionals, they really can be loads of help, and they won't push drugs on you if you don't want them. You just have to find the right therapist.

That experience is so fucked up and I'm really sorry that happened to you, they should be fired and they are NOT an accurate representative of what therapy is like for most people

>> No.6216166

I agree. >>6216067 just ended up with a very abusive person. That's terrible what happened, but I've never encountered anything like that.

I've been to a counselor and a psychiatrist and both were smart, insightful, and easy to talk to. They idea that a counselor would say "you're weak" is something I can't even fathom.

>> No.6216258

My suggestion? How about stop letting the trolls win, be the 18 year old man you're supposed to be, and grow a pair of fucking balls. Let us support you directly on your YouTube (at the source) instead of driving us to other places to discuss. There you go man. I genuinely love your videos. Me and my gf watch them religiously but even I can't ignore the decline. We truly just want you to GIVE THE TROLLS THE MIDDLE FINGER! Just like you'd chik filet review, you daring people to challenge your wardrobe etc. Stop crawling in a closet while the house is on fire and closing your eyes and pretending it's not ablaze.

>> No.6216269

I don't know then. It was a chicken sandwich. Maybe it was from Wendy's? I'll have to look after I stop getting spoiled by my gf family. That's how much I care about you, reviewbrah. I'm in a bathroom so ritzy it has 2 towel guys. I'm in the shitter to reply to you. My mental state sucks too dude. PTSD? Got one of the worst cases of it. But damn, kiddo. You know what you do if something is bothering you? FUCKING CONFRONT IT!!! I truly do love you.

>> No.6216279


You can't "pretend" to be happy but you can surely fucking change something in your daily routine to help yourself.

>> No.6216451
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why do you take these faggots seriously when they troll you? they are just bitch ass niggas who hate themselves and take it out on you because you have the balls to put yourself out there.

also you think the Texans should try to sign Johnny Manziel once he gets out of rehab?

>> No.6216480
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>implying reviewbrah is ITT and you're not all hopelessly playing along to trick yourselves into thinking you interacted with someone online

>> No.6216487

>also you think the Texans should try to sign Johnny Manziel once he gets out of rehab?

Not Reviewbrah obviously, but that would tie for the most retarded thing I have heard today.

>> No.6216493

Message me via YouTube right now and post results.

I don't have a camera right now (aside from the video camera which is impractical) so take this as a poor mans timestamp.

>> No.6216519

what was the other, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6216529

An argument over whether or not raping a child was morally wrong if the child enjoyed it, which wouldn't be that retarded on /b/ or /r9k/, but it started in an best animated character that uses a weapon thread.

>> No.6216532

jesus christ, stop with the threads about that annoying little cunt already.

>> No.6216533
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Well, he's telling the truth.

>> No.6216536 [DELETED] 

I told you he came to /ck/ to shill his channel. I told you, /ck/.

>> No.6216539

>justifying child rape
>possibility of Johnny Football ever being successful
>equally retarded

sounds about right

>> No.6216624

Go fuck yourself. I actually love his channel just as much as I love the illusion and happy console gamer. Fuck off with that pussy shit. We are trying to toughen him up. I'll defend him vehemently and troll trolls if I have to. Seriously dude. You sound like a Mom.

>> No.6216652

Ah shit he's probably gone

Just wanted to say I love the VORWs and the reviews, although it seems like you're starting to run out of stuff to review lol

Love ya Reviewbrah, you are that nigga

>> No.6216662

Someone give this fag a trophy. This all the way home. Let me add this reviewbrah: I have severe PTSD from the marine corps. I had crippling social anxiety and I literally could not go in public anymore. But I had to because I have a daughter. I was forced to do shit that I didn't want to but guess what man? I got better. I suddenly had no problems and just... Healed. I never thought it was possible. I remember one time I was out and I shit you not all of the sudden (I'll never forget, I'll spare the details) but I took a deep breath and exhaled and all of the sudden I could see a bit brighter, smell a little more, and the fog disappeared. Not saying it's going to happen like that but you better have some fuckin thick skin if you're going to a public figure.

>> No.6216667

I'm still here, I'll be gone in a few minutes though.

Thank you for your words! I have a lot to review, 16 products as of now, so I have to get on it. Often I just feel completely drained and I feel that if I were to make a review, it would be worse than the usual, so I just try to time everything out.

Anyway, I hope to start getting things up at a more consistent rate. Suggestions are gladly welcome.

>> No.6216702

He's so adorable when he's looking at the soda saying it's green it's like his disney land. THis might be his best video ever.

>> No.6216712

OMG and he has a little beta fish! You can see it right around 6:30.

>> No.6216722

REviewbrah do you still have your beta? Can you please smile more in your videos? I really like them, but you seem so unhappy and it makes me die a little inside.
ALSO, what is your all-time favorite thing to eat?

>> No.6216735

Are you a virgin and would you like to see my tits, based Review Brah?

>> No.6216737

I like the new sarcastic Reviewbrah

>> No.6216771

Get help you stupid fuck, or before you know it you'll be on the tail end of your twenties wondering where the fuck your life went.

>> No.6216777

Yes, this was the zenith of my existence.

Unfortunately, my fish died about a year ago. I've been meaning to get one for some time now, but I've never gotten around to it. I do smile a little in my reviews, in the Sara Lee brownies video I know I smiled a little bit. Will I ever be like I was in 2011? No, I don't think that's possible, and if it were I think these reviews would be even stranger than they are already.

>> No.6216784

shut the fuck up

>> No.6216795

I'm sorry that you got riled up because I answered some questions.

>> No.6216837

Instead of a bunch of videos about shitty food, why don't you make fewer videos but at nice restaurants?

You can even ask some fugly girl out and have her be your cameraman. You don't have to fuck her or anything, just some bitch to tag along and pump your confidence a bit.

I know you probably don't eat shit like that every day, but processed foods like what you usually do can't help your mood.

>> No.6216857

Don't respond to those troll posts. I don't really understand why autistic virgin beta nerds on 4chan feel the need to lash out on you for being yourself. Keep doing your thing man.

>> No.6216891

reviewbrah let me be your girlfriend

>> No.6216893

review brah`
you absolute wierdo
you cancerous no good strange fuck
eat some hot sauces and chili & vegimite
I want to see you hurt
lets get a series on spicy peppers
I don't really like you very much
still I don't dislike you very much either just fairly repulsive
mostly because you are entirely queer
seeing you on co/ck/ers is fine and all you shitty namefag
still it would be better that you contain yourself with the meatheads on /fit/ as you were

>> No.6216913

You're going places man, you have maturity and charm that people your age don't have anymore.

>> No.6216919

That was a beautiful work to read, changing things up after every line.

>> No.6216929

reviewbrah why are you afraid of my love

>> No.6216931

that's the spirit reviewbrah. Fuck them haters.

You need to do your reviews with this playing in the background:


>> No.6216939
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Why would I be a hater
I just call it like I see it

>> No.6216943
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Reviewbrah, I love ya and I hope you find Jesus.

>> No.6216945


because you're autistic

>> No.6216946

I hope Jesus finds Reviewbrah

>> No.6216954


I would probably subscribe if it was more like this.

> bright lighting
> casual discussion
> positive attitude
> that ending just talking about how nice it is outside

>> No.6216956

actually your primary care doctor can prescribe an antidepressant for you. you don't HAVE to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Exercising also helps, but doing that in combination with an antidepressant would be your best bet.

Psychologistfag here, just trying to help.

>> No.6216978

I wish I could still have that carefree little kid attitude I had back then, so many of my problems and worries today wouldn't exist.

Unfortunately life isn't like that.

It just is what it is.

>> No.6216994

You mentioned in one of your long videos you had something wrong with your stomach. Like pains and the sort. Did that ever clear up?

>> No.6216996


It's all there. Everything's there.

>> No.6216997


I understand. The biggest reason I prefer watching that one is because I don't always feel mentally the best either. I wouldn't call myself depressed but my emotional stability wobbles when I'm alone, so I usually prefer to keep my casual entertainment to be pretty positive.

Good luck regardless man.

>> No.6217003


fuck you faggot ill kick your ass you little faggot kid. oooo the energy drink is GWEEN!!! fuck you faggot ill smash a can of piss on the top of your head you lisping cunt. fuckin pick up the table and smash it on your campy ass fuckin wannabe vampie. fucking fag

>> No.6217027
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no ones buying it dude. give it up

>> No.6217031

Excellent rich vocabulary.

I totally understand, sometimes it's best to keep everything positive.

Yes, it lasted about a month straight but eventually cleared up.

>> No.6217040


yeah and what has your vocabulary gotten you other than being a fucking joke to online message boards? go marvel at bubbles in a drink you fucking cunt, youre a faggot kid. go review a $2.99 burger and drink an energy drink. no wonder youre depressed. little faggot

>> No.6217050

What's your diet like off screen? A healthy diet will boost your mood.

>> No.6217053

You seem mad friend. Maybe that's enough internet for today.

>> No.6217064

With all due respect, I think you're getting a little too worked up.

You're just talking to some guy who reviews stuff on YouTube, nothing to get that worked up over.

>> No.6217077


>Excellent rich vocabulary

Here's the thing Reviewbrah, I used to have beef with you back when you were just some random teenage fuckboy who used to respond to trolls with typical bathroom language and /b/-tard insults.

And your following is lame as fuck. I didn't like how you posted on different boards and forums trying to build appeal while your actual reviews were pretty lame.

I know you've grown up a bit so maybe if your product doesn't suck as much as it did years ago I'd be inclined to give you a chance.

But frankly once you get past the suit and the anachronistic mannerisms, it's just a plain-old food review, and that's not going to get you anywhere.

Joey has that tremendous force of personality behind him as well as that shock-value. That's kind of his thing. He's also just a really friendly guy who's actually good at cooking, and his cooking videos are genuinely enjoyable.

Find a niche that isn't just "weird kid in suit gives his 2cents about this burger."

>> No.6217086


Also, again taking a page from Joey, just don't respond to trolls. It lowers you down to their level.

And this is coming from a guy (me) who wrekt you so hard that you personally recorded yourself and posted a vocaroo.

You're still shit and I hate you btw.

Fag. Broey till I die.

>> No.6217087




>/joey/ is the superior party here, and I support him. He's a nice guy.

That is all.

>> No.6217094


go be depressed bitch i fucking hate you after what you emailed me. i reached out to you and you spat in my face. fucking criminal

>> No.6217097

Reviewbrah the thing is you are popular on 4chan because you are weird as fuck and have that attitude and all that. Of course some people are just trolls but you should realize your fanbase comes from your ridiculous attitude.

>> No.6217104

>someone posted this thread link in the broey general
>they react like this


>> No.6217109

It's kind of funny though when you realize this is all over food reviews.

>> No.6217110

the great irony of course is that you got trolled incredibly hard because he got trolled incredibly hard

>> No.6217115
File: 2.94 MB, 960x720, sick bite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A healthy diet will boost your mood
This is entirely true should he even understand what healthy food even means
It will likely be some shit heavily advertised yet still even more heavily manufactured at a plant

>> No.6217117 [DELETED] 


fuck off depressed bitch ill fucking lick your faggot ass you fucking faggot. get the fuck off this site or ill fucking rape you faggot. ill fucking cum all over your niggerloving face BITCH

>> No.6217120

Just ignore them, they don't even watch Joey for reviews let alone hate you for any reason. They're just shitposting.

>> No.6217125

anon-kun, maybe you should find somewhere else to vent. there are real human beings on the other end of your posts.

>> No.6217126


I think you're great! 4chan can be a funny place, don't let it get to you.



>> No.6217131


what fresh hell is this

>> No.6217132 [DELETED] 


fuck you faggot this is my thread


whatever fatass you used to be funny now youre just a faggot

>> No.6217134

Do you still post on the misc?

I personally quit after I got mod negged after making a joke about Zyzz. the mods are crazy with power and its a big circle jerk over there.

>> No.6217137

No. I stopped months ago.

>> No.6217139

Well shit, we just need Steven Reed in here and /ck/ will have the holy trinity, he's probably on /b/ looking at lolis.

>> No.6217141 [DELETED] 


kill yourself faggot

>> No.6217143

Hello Wild Cats!

>> No.6217148

good man. the levels of stupidity, willful ignorance, broscience, and sheep mentality because of the stupid rep system is cancerous to any online forum.

4chan boards like /ck/ which have less trolls than others are the best place to post. hell even reddit isn't that bad, especially your subreddit in particular.

>> No.6217149


you're not even trying

>> No.6217155


wait you do realize that's not the real Joey right?

Joey wouldn't bother wasting his time posting with us degenerates.

>> No.6217158


Since 1914, when as a volunteer, I made my modest contribution in the World War which was forced upon the Reich, over thirty years have passed.

In these three decades, only love for my people and loyalty to my people have guided me in all my thoughts, actions, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions, such as no mortal has yet had to face. I have exhausted my time, my working energy, and my health in these three decades.

>> No.6217159

Dear Reviewbrah,

I wish I could tell you to stop acting like an overly self-conscious, sulking bitch. But who knows, maybe you do have grown-up nigga problems; like your mom's dying from a terrible mix of pancreatic cancer and alzheimers, or your crack head parents are burning through your college savings to feed their addiction. But maybe you're not.
I don't know what sort of deficiencies you think you have but chances are it's nowhere near as bad as you think. Depression isn't something to laugh about either, it will require determination to live through. Oh, and find a way to stay off 4chan. Seriously, this place is fucking cancer on the soul.

But either way, stop acting like a bitch. Signed some anon that doesn't hate you.

>> No.6217165

do you live in maine or something?

>> No.6217167


It is untrue that I or anybody else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. I have made so many offers for the reduction and elimination of armaments, which posterity cannot explain away for all eternity, that the responsibility for the outbreak of this war cannot rest on me. Furthermore, I never desired that after the first terrible World War a second war should arise against England or even against America. Centuries may pass, but out of the ruins of our cities and monuments of art there will arise anew the hatred for the people who alone are ultimately responsible: International Jewry and its helpers!

As late as three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish War, I proposed to the British Ambassador in Berlin a solution for the German-Polish problem -- similar to the problem of the Saar area, under international control. This offer cannot be explained away, either. It was only rejected because the responsible circles in English politics wanted the war, partly in the expectation of business advantages, partly driven by propaganda promoted by international Jewry.

>> No.6217169

Joey has posted here before and mentions /ck/ in at least one of his vids. Not even a Broey and know this.

>> No.6217172

I'm gay. There. I said it.

>> No.6217173


joey proved it was him because he posted here under that trip and then shouted out the broeys as he said he would do a night earlier

>> No.6217180


But I left no doubt about the fact that if the peoples of Europe were again only regarded as so many packages of stock shares by these international money and finance conspirators, then that race, too, which is the truly guilty party in this murderous struggle would also have to be held to account: the Jews! I further left no doubt that this time we would not permit millions of European children of Aryan descent to die of hunger, nor millions of grown-up men to suffer death, nor hundreds of thousands of women and children to be burned and bombed to death in their cities, without the truly guilty party having to atone for its guilt, even if through more humane means.

After six years of struggle, which in spite of all reverses will go down in history as the most glorious and most courageous manifestation of a people's will to live. I cannot separate myself from the city which is the capital of this Reich. Because our forces are too few to permit any further resistance against the enemy's assaults, and because individual resistance is rendered valueless by blinded and characterless scoundrels, I desire to share the fate that millions of others have taken upon themselves, in that I shall remain in this city. Furthermore, I do not want to fall into the hands of enemies who for the delectation of the hate-riddled masses require a new spectacle promoted by the Jews.

I have therefore resolved to remain in Berlin and there to choose death of my own will at the very moment when, as I believe, the seat of the Fuehrer and Chancellor can no longer be defended. I die with a joyful heart in the awareness the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, of our women at home, the achievements of our peasants and workers, and the contribution, unique in history, of our youth, which bears my name.

>> No.6217181

>Joey and RotW in one thread

This is amazing. Easily the coolest thing to happen to our fuckawful board.

>> No.6217183

Is it true you are "dating" Olivia Munn because she has a manly waist and ass?

>> No.6217185
File: 2.46 MB, 960x720, 408370525622.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joey i want to sponsor you
80 usd a month
got a twitter

>> No.6217186

If you are the real Joey or even if you aren't thank you.

You have good reviews and keep up the good work.

>> No.6217189


Goering and Himmler, by their secret negotiations with the enemy, without my knowledge or approval, and by their illegal attempts to seize power in the state, quite apart from their treachery to my person, have brought irreparable shame to the country and the whole people.
Finally, may they be conscious of the fact that our task of building a National Socialist state represents the labor of the coming centuries, and this places every single person under an obligation always to serve the common interest and to subordinate his own interests. I demand of all Germans, all National Socialists, men and women and all soldiers of the Armed Forces, that they remain faithful and obedient to the new government and to their President unto death.

Above all, I charge the leadership of the nation and their followers with the strict observance of the racial laws and with merciless resistance against the universal poisoners of all peoples, international Jewry.

>> No.6217193

Please kill me.

>> No.6217199

Who invited the oven reviewer?

>> No.6217201


Wot fokkin' bawlshet is THIS?

>> No.6217207


>not exaggerated balderdash

>> No.6217210


Yeah Hitler is here too. This is crazy man.

>> No.6217216


All joking aside, check out "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told"

It's a very enlightening documentary and heavily sourced. The only documentary on me worth watching.

>> No.6217259
File: 1.66 MB, 2816x2112, 404000108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats the story on eating peppers?

>> No.6217281

Please dont stop making videos, I really enjoy them even if they have declined in quality lately. I think a major thing that would help is simply smiling more often during the videos. Ever since I found your channel I have watched every new video and every time I find myself on youtube I check to make sure I havent missed a video of yours. Have you ever considered reviewing recipes and making a dish from scratch to review? If not may I suggest that as a possible course of action to try?

>> No.6217342

You had a very (and admittedly unfortunate) experience. Seeing a psychiatrist can be a life or death difference for some people. I can honestly say that I'd probably be dead if I didn't seek help from one.

>> No.6217405


You should just continue doing what youre doing and not be self-conscious and not really care about that negativity.. Just review what you like.. You can actually build quite a good reputation like you are doing.. but it isnt going to come through regular means.. Lots of people on youtube have cowarded out and came back half-assed.. It certainly isnt the place to be self conscious.. it just is part of the terriotory.. If you wanted to fit in like a regular person nobody would want to watch the videos. But its also a mistake to throw away such an opportunity. Just make it as interesting as possible. Find somewhere else to get your positivity in life and disconnect it altogether from what your viewers say or else youll get screwed up.

>> No.6217484


I doubt you're still around but I sincerely wish you the best.

Depression isn't good, I'm seeing a therapist right now and I think that one would benefit you, as well as changing up your diet somewhat. Energy drinks are not that good for you.

I really admire your style and mannerisms, and enjoy watching your videos. They can be a little lengthy, so if you're looking for suggestions I think that you can get away with editing out some of the fluff, but ultimately I think that you should do what makes you happy.

Please be happy. And thank you for doing what you do. Thank you.

>> No.6217652

I really want Tim Heidecker to do something like this. After Tim's Kitchen Tips and On Cinema there's no doubt in my mind he'd be able to make something that feels more genuine than the real thing.

>> No.6217668
File: 1.67 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20150203_183526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I got all dressed up and looked like an educated 30 year old man and then talked a bunch of shit while I ate trash on camera and let you fight about it in the comments

Would you like that you fuckin nerds

>> No.6217683

why do all those korean pop stars wear those stupid fucking flesh coloed mics everytime I see them.
like even when they're not singing or performing.

>> No.6217689

Coz they all look the same, how are we to know they were a pop star without it

>> No.6217696

Why do you still make videos if you're depressed?
Are you bored of making them?

>> No.6217699


I just got home and I'm reading through the comments. Reviewbrah, this faggot speaks from experience. Even if it's not a psychiatrist, do what you know deep down is right and change some bad/unhealthy habits up. I see that you drink a lot of water and great on you. But what else do you eat besides trash? You're obviously slim but junk can calcify your pinneal gland.

In a matter of fact: if you saw earlier I mebtioned I have PTSD. I have a very, very small YouTube channel where I just rant for 10 min about something that really got to me. I'm talking like 5 videos in the span of 9 years of having a YouTube. About 2,000 views in total. I have one comment on all 5. It's "this is what autsim looks like" because I posted a video of half of my head and beard shaved and left the other half of my head un cut. and I said: do girls like cut or uncut better and I ended the video.

>> No.6217719

Says the fucking faggot who love the Falcons! Nigger!

You see that reviewbrah? I just made fun of someone that I know very little about just to say it. I used what little information they disclose to poke fun at them when in fact, I'm just sad that my arizona cardinals always start the season off so strong just for them to shit the bed every season, erry time.

But are we going to go hide behind a computer screen because unless we did something truly fucked, we are anonymous for the most part. Oh... That's pretty much what 4chan is... And I've been here since 2006. And these are the people you are letting manage your life?

>> No.6217721

Everyone point and laugh at this blatant newfag!

See reviewbrah! Trolling is easy. Learn to counter it if you wish to engage. Seriously. Let your fans have a discussion on your videos. Consider it bro. I really do love you man.

>> No.6217726

Who's more annoying in this scenario:

There is a small group in a huge park, minding their business, discussing a topic the like minded individuals wish to talk about. Suddenly, a 5ft 3in 245lb disgusting pig of a man comes running by and says "YOU GUYS ARE SO STINKY!!!"


An anon who truly enjoys a YouTubers channel making a thread every now and then?

>> No.6217733

I could only imagine the kind of shit reviewbrah sees in his inbox on the daily. This post makes me wish I didnt care.

>> No.6217735

I like your videos. If you maybe added a bit better lighting and mic'd yourself up you could probably gain a larger following. Other than that, they're decent videos with useful content. Ignore these fat asshole nerds, they're just jealous.

>> No.6217738

You're a newfag in this case, speaking on shit you haven't been following, the only reason he's allowed to have his channel is because his FATHER monitors it and said he can only keep it if he shuts down comments.

Furthermore, he was "countering" people his dad didn't make him shut it down because of you faggots he made him shut it down because he was cursing and saying vulgar shit that he's not allowed to say, he didn't get trolled he just has a father figure who expects him to behave like a gentleman unlike you.

>> No.6217753

Reviewbrah! If you were to have asked this anon for a time stamp the Internet would've shut down. Push back a little if you have to. Don't be afraid to say shit that you think might not be funny.

>> No.6217755

Reviewnugger, you have this lady moist and wanting. Tell her she better charge to eye fuck you like that.

Boom. There you go. Have some fun. Or hell. Try to. That's why I say that one chicken sandwich (I know. I have to find it) was your best. You showed some opposition to the trolls.

>> No.6217758

I'm crying VORW. IM CRYING! Can you imagine if he reviewed the flashbang chili extract. Holy fuck I'm on the moon.

Here is a tip. Look up tedbarrus. Learn how open he is. Look how he says fuck the haters. Now, find a balance between you and that crybaby.

>> No.6217761

Implying even Jesus knows about the city he lives in. My friend from the military is a cop there... Sorry reviewbrah. I won't disclose but you dun goofed in one of your VORWs. You disclosed something that allowed me to pinpoint your location. This, paired with some sports you once enjoyed... It was obvious.

>> No.6217767

Are you getting me RB? Tell him to fuck off back to /a/ cmon. More than likely thats joey btw

>> No.6217771

>just watched it
>watched his original frozen White Castle review right after because this one felt so off

I think I'm going to cry. Hold me /ck/

>> No.6217775
File: 79 KB, 510x732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night.

Cap: paele

>> No.6217787
File: 77 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual I'm watching your videos to go to sleep and saw this:

Holy FUCKIN FRESH Batman. Fresh from tha floor up... You see what you're doing RB? You're making your problem with forcing people to go elsewhere to discuss your videos other websites problems like I'm doing now. Thats called being a liberal and this site hates them. As do I. Look... I don't like samefagging and putting a spotlight on me. Enable comments dammit.

>> No.6217791

>implying anybody could love the Falcons

>> No.6217799

Go to bed.

hey man what is with your obsession with the number 2?

>> No.6219280
File: 125 KB, 1133x627, fine yeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude your fucking awesome brah

>> No.6219363

Love you, man. Thanks for the videos.

>> No.6219395
File: 629 KB, 966x934, 1413380408104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Falcons :3

>> No.6219478

how is that relevant though? completely different situation.

>> No.6219519


>we could see him grow up

Oh fuck man time's going so fast and I don't know

>> No.6219533


what is this video? has someone linked it in the thread?

>> No.6219535


Why did you save the right image as a 4 colour gif and put it into a gigantic png collage?

>> No.6219549


The 15k people waiting in front of the stage will be thrilled to hear her sucking in cheap pizza cheese and munching away on it.

>> No.6219554


No Henry I like you a lot, I wouldn't eat your food but I would like to hang out with you

>> No.6219595


well i think this about wraps it up for /ck/

>> No.6219739

I want to believe.

>> No.6221052


>> No.6221066

fuck /joey/, bunch of cruel, uneducated cunts

>> No.6221077

I would like her to do that to my penis.

>> No.6221210
File: 29 KB, 480x480, 1423191907168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really you????

if yes wow awesome I love you I wish I could hang ou with you some day

>> No.6221222
File: 21 KB, 640x427, 7iyWCKul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off /ck/ a lot of people actually like reviewbrah

>> No.6221226

>Dat gif
>Say your not a hater

1/10 made me reply

>> No.6221227

Does anyone else have a hard time watching this without fucking cringing to death? I thought of doing a "review" from my new C7 Corvette but then my better judgment got the best of me and I didn't want to shit up my car. Then I made a video of me "reviewing" food in my kitchen but then thought of how many times I would be called a faggot. I deleted the video.

>> No.6221231
File: 374 KB, 703x470, Monkey style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad


>> No.6221233


Thats wgat makez reviewbrah different, Im tired of seeing fake happy fags
At least reviewbrah is himself even if people think thats negative or whatever

fuck you, reviewbrah is awesome just the way he is

>> No.6221235

9/10 QT

>> No.6221242

dammit he is just so adorable

I love reviewbrah plus I love knowing what american junk food tastes like

>> No.6221244

well he has food in his mouth cant smile then

>> No.6221253

Seriously, how old is this guy? I could believe anywhere between 13 and 24.

>> No.6221256

Are you the guy who posted the blue one on /o/?

>> No.6221258

Join the robot revolution at /r9k/. You're clearly one of us. Take the red pill not the white one.

>> No.6221259


Nigga all you do is bitch about not having a girlfriend

>> No.6221261

Well meme'd my friend. Well meme'd indeed.

>> No.6221277

I'm sure you dont have one either faggot

>> No.6221288

No, mine is white. Honestly i got it from a bet I made with my dad. He lost and paid for half of it including insurance.

>> No.6221439

holy fuck he is so cute in this video