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6210725 No.6210725 [Reply] [Original]

This is free coffee at work in the break room. How can I make it not taste like ass crack?

>> No.6210736

Mix in some booze.

>> No.6210756

Add milk and sugar.

>> No.6210770

a spoonful of condensed milk

>> No.6210774

So... >>6210756, right?

>> No.6210778


>> No.6210782

condensed milk is tastier than just plain milk and sugar.

>> No.6210785

Just get used to it. They served worse at one company I was at. Just had to deal.

Until everyone in my department determined it was too shit to go on with, and we bought a $25 drip brewer and brought in our own coffee. It got much better after that.

>> No.6210792

But just so we're clear, condensed milk is milk and sugar, right?

>> No.6210797

yes, but its milk and sugar boiled together. So I'm guessing theres something chemically different in that than just plain milk and sugar because my coffee always tastes better when its condensed milk over the other way.

>> No.6210801

Oh. Okay. And yeah: I agree. Condensed milk in coffee is delicious. Just wanted to bust your stones a bit.

>> No.6210808

Do this. If you have a fridge there buy some whole milk and bring it. Use more than one pouch to make It a little stronger then add milk and do a 60/40 coffee/milk ratio. Add plenty of sugar and now you have a dessert drink.

>> No.6210820
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Bust his stones? You wanted to jack him off using condensed milk as a lubrication agent. Kinda gay there, feller.

>> No.6210827

but i'm a girl

>> No.6210865

Work does supply powdered non dairy creamer and sugar.

>> No.6210899

Obviously I could use whole milk or condensed milk. But thats just putting lipstick on a pig.

>> No.6210964

Who cares?

>> No.6210978

means the other guy busting my stones can't jack me off using condensed milk as a lubricant

>> No.6211050

Clean the coffee makers' filter baskets with soap, water and a brush. This is almost NEVER done, and is the single best thing you can do to improve the taste. Done every time before you brew, the coffee should immediately go from tasting like rotten ass to decent.
If it still tastes sour, chances are the coffee maker' lines and hot water tank are choked with lime scale. Pouring vinegar into the hot water tank and then running a few cycles of just hot water is necessary to dissolve the scale and clean out your water lines.
Do that and you'll get the best coffee possible from the work coffee maker.

Sadly, you'll likely never get too much better than that. Most pre-packaged industrial pods are already old and oxidized as fuck before they ever get to you.

>> No.6211060

I've had a feeling that a few good cyclers with CLR, or as you suggest, vinegar, would really do wonders for the maker we have. I need to get a model number off the beast and find the user manual.

>> No.6211087

If it's an industrial model like a Bunn, there may be a manual water add hatch on top of the machine. If there is, just dump a quart of vinegar in there, then run water through the machine three times to clear out the vinegar and lime scale from the internal tank (be sure to remove the sprayer from above the basket to allow the chunks to flow out of the pipe). If it's really limed up, you'll have to do it all a second time.

I had a Bunn home machine once upon a time-their internal tanks are the same as the industrial ones and have a 3-quart capacity. Further, they are designed around a 48-ounce brew cycle. So after 3 of those cycles, you can be sure that all of the acidified vinegar water will be flushed from the tank.

>> No.6211089

Get a better job

>free Tazo and Indonesian coffee in the office kitchen mustard race reporting in

>> No.6211098

>yfw the home-sized coffee makers in offices are just as neglected as the industrial size coffee makers, if not more so

>> No.6211103

>tfw don't know what the fuck you're getting on about

>> No.6211117

Talking about the cleanliness of the coffee makers and holding carafes. Even the highest quality coffee in the world will taste like ass if it's sitting in a vessel that hasn't been cleaned in 3 months. You're lucky if those things get rinsed out with water once a day, let alone cleaned regularly.
And the ones with that little bubble to show the amount of coffee inside it are the worst. Those bubble columns are impossible to clean properly without special tools. All the oils in the coffee just collect there, go rancid and build up, becoming a varnish of wretched flavor and rotten awfulness.
Not religiously cleaning the holding carafes and coffee makers is one of the prime reasons coffee shops with poorly trained employees generally don't have great tasting coffee. Since it's such a simple drink, the details are absolutely everything-and cleanliness is crucial.

>> No.6211121

Oh. I never noticed cause I'm not a faggot and I drink coffee for the caffeine, not to taste the earthy and floral notes.

All I know is that the coffee that comes out of the machine at my office is bretty good tasting coffee

>> No.6211139

>not working at Unilever in 100 VE where machines are self-cleaning and get a human clean three times daily

>> No.6211170

I'm not a faggot who tastes it for the floral notes either. I can't taste that good, and have no problem admitting that fact.
That said, the difference between coffee made in clean and dirty pots is not subtle. Literally anybody can tell the difference.
A coffee pot that's dirty makes coffee that tastes like muddy ass no matter what you put into it, and a pot that's clean doesn't. Simple as that
Moral of the story: The 2 minutes it takes to do a basic clean of your coffee pot with soap and hot water before you brew is time very well spent.

>> No.6211189

Give up on work coffee and drink water all day. You'll miss the coffee a lot less than you think. I quit my 6 cup per workday habit cold turkey around the new year and it's been a great change. When I drink coffee on weekends or special occasions now it actually has an effect.

>> No.6212107

To test said cleanliness to see if that's the reason for bad-tasting coffee, use those coffee pods in OP like you would teabags. Boil some water in a nukebox and pour it over the coffee bag in a mug then fish out the bag when the coffee is adequately strong enough.

I used to brew coffee this way and it was PDG.

>> No.6212111

>I'm not a faggot
I'm pretty sure you are a faggot.