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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6204621 No.6204621 [Reply] [Original]

all right /ck/ you're task is to make the best edible ration you can for soldiers.

rules: ingredient needs to exist in real life

Ingredients need to be available, you are not going to feed soldiers the finest grass fed kobe/wagyu beef, or russian caviar.

Needs to have a good shelf life, let say 6 months.

> Whole Sausage with rice
>Kim Chi
>Thai papaya salad

>> No.6204651

Jerky, hard tack, and vitamin supplements.

>> No.6204674

>Needs to have a good shelf life, let say 6 months.
Thats fucking nothing. If the nutritionists had not fucked up bad for WW1, they would have produced canned food that wasn't complete shit.
Canned already has a shelf life a lot higher than 6 months.
Oranges, root vegetable mix, 2-3 kids of sauce that tastes okay, and something to substitute meat. Meat is the biggest issue, since the qualities degrade too hard from canning.

The other solutions is flash freezing stuff into powder, and make it mixable into something eatable with hot water.

This anon is unto something. You can make a lot of the traditional cuisine meals, and just find a way to vacuum pack them. Of course, nobody likes that because it means you have to use area to dry said things.

>> No.6204700

In b4 soylent

>> No.6204709


Canned food, oranges (or limes if you want to go Royal Navy), jerky and cheese.

Anything missing?

>> No.6204720

Beans, rice, sriracha.

>> No.6204722


>Beans, rice, sriracha.

>Giving dried beans to soldiers.


>> No.6204726

summer sausage (vacuum packed and can be stored at room temperature)

cans of sauerkraut

mustard packets


I don't know. This thread is stupid. What does "need to be available" even mean?

>> No.6204746

fun fact, rations from WW2 are still edible. Hell, iirc they still find containers of hard tack from the Civil War that are still safe to eat.

6 months is child's play for canned food.

>> No.6204750

>What are cans

>> No.6204753

>you're task

Opinion discarded, fucking idiot

>> No.6204754


Then why use beans?

Consider also morale and the fact canned food is not enough to survive on permanently.

And that soldiers need a LOT of calories per day.

>> No.6204758

i ate an mre from korea
ravioli i think
was good

>> No.6204759
File: 1.09 MB, 2256x1496, 37[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wa la

maybe throw in a beaten biscuit or two

>> No.6204764
File: 124 KB, 800x533, beaten biscuits w ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have one guy carry the sack full of beaten biscuits, have another guy carry a country ham / jamon in his backpack

>> No.6204777

Cheese would have to be hermetically sealed.
Beyond that, yeah, its spot on.
Cheese is pretty ideal for field food.

>What does "need to be available" even mean?
No foods that are either a regional specialty due limited ingredients, or things that takes years to make.
The reality is that its a stupid requirement when most food takes hours to make, and fermenting/brewing doesn't take that long either. Just a storage room and a month or two.

>Instant malnutrition

>> No.6204793


Well we need some sort of calcium and cheese is also good for morale/shit food. Not to mention cheap.

All my suggestions can be 'pooled' in the field.

I should also add that there should be some sort of treats involved. Chocolate is a classic and Coffee is doubly good for sentries.

>> No.6204796


You'd be better having one man carry a sack of oats.

You then have oatcakes and porridge or just a generic ingredient for a stew/soup to thicken it.

>> No.6205612

In a non pc world I'd provide them with salt, a few spices/sauces and have them eat the enemy. Imagin what it would do for troop morale to have pork tenderloin and bacon every day

>> No.6205670

This. Easy.

>> No.6205812

Actually standard USA MREs are pretty good, I might have some if I get back to my room. I'll share.

>> No.6205951

>for men and dogs

>> No.6207202

chef boyardee, crackers, some sort of canned vegetable

>> No.6207206

Whey powder, fried vegetables, fried bread

>> No.6207209

Do US troops still get ephedrine/caffeine pills ever since ephedrine was outlawed as a supplement?

>> No.6207217

ephedrine no, caffeine yes

>> No.6207227

I wonder if freeze-dried garden burgers (with visible chunks of peppers, onions, carrots etc.) would go over well. Freeze dried chive/scallion packs would add some nice color, and some corn biscuits with margarine for calories. Throw in some heavily spiced jerky, compressed oats, and orange drink/instant coffee for a quick breakfast. Chocolates, chewing gum, and poptart-style traditional deserts (tiramisu, chocolate cake, cookies)

I think heavily spiced nutri-loafs might be the best idea in reality though.

>> No.6208699

>dry biscuits
>mushrooms in case meat runs out
>individually wrapped cheese sticks/blocks
>canned corn
They will receive all they need in addition to being well fed. Rations would contain an orange, a pack of jerky ,spam/ham, or mushrooms, two biscuits, a cheese block/stick and a small tin of corn.

>> No.6208738

us troops never got ephedrine and caffeine ... we're fe really well.

they give them other things. not sure what they are. the blue ones give you weird dreams. sometimes I really wonder what the hell is in them and what the hell they're doing

>> No.6209150

>Lots of Cocaine
>One of those small bottles of Vodka
>Lots of rice

>Cocaine to have the strongest and most ballsy army soldiers ever
>Vodka for them final moments to leave happily, or a big kid of confidence before they charge into battle
>Rice to keep them full and not seem like fucking druggies

>> No.6209160

It sort of depends on the type/length of mission, climate, availability of water and so on. I think the mongols and the japanese had some dried meat / vegetable rope thing that they could just put in boiling water and make a soup out of. With today's technology it's probably far easier to pack much more energy and nutrients to little space and also give it a more varied flavor.

>> No.6209165

Honestly, spam is pretty much already the perfect ration.

>> No.6209168

Or "pork" tenderloin eh?

>> No.6209292

I'm pretty sure the PX stores stocked EC "supplements" and soldiers bought that shit up to stay awake driving through the night.

>> No.6209526

Dried Meats, Dried Fruits, Nuts.
Calorie dense foods with high carbs levels, Preferably protein.
Canned food is actually bad, it tends to have a higher water content which makes it much heavier.

>> No.6209541

Freeze dried tendies

>> No.6209626