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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6203700 No.6203700 [Reply] [Original]

is it from the curry?

>> No.6203704

ITT:bongs with weak bungs

>> No.6203705


>> No.6203754

The cure: more semen

>> No.6203812


Crohn's is a condition resulting from the synergy of three environmental factors.

1. Too many antibiotics strip the intestinal tract of healthy bacteria.

2. Diet replete with unfermented grains that are naturally difficult to digest and mildly poisonous even with healthy complete intestinal bacteria leads to digestive difficulty and inflammation.

3. Diet heavy in sugar exacerbates infections that take hold due to intestinal inflammation. Chronic intestinal inflammation, infection, and digestive difficulty leads to an auto-immune response.

Congrats, your shitty diet and doctors reliance on antibiotics has given you Crohn's.

The most successful treatment for Crohn's is not novel at all. Stop eating un-fermented grains and cut out as much sugar as possible for an extended period (years) and then add probiotic and enzyme containing foods to your diet (yogurt, natto, raw potatoes, raw nuts, etc.). Pretty much a paleo/keto diet. Your body will heal itself in time if you can stay away from the center aisles of the grocery.

>> No.6203827

>eat raw potatoes

gee, thanks

>> No.6203830

>Crohn's disease
>mystery bowel condition

Oh god what the fuck did you pull this from the telegraph or some shitty site

>> No.6203849


Raw potatoes are not part of Western diets, but they're full of enzymes and quite tasty.


Japanese yamaimo (mountain potato) is really good ground up raw with chunks of raw tuna and a dash of soy sauce and a bit of wasabi. The texture will probably be off putting the first couple times you try it, you might gag a little even, but the flavor is creamy and starchy and mates well with a lot of different ingredients.

>> No.6203851

eat my raw shit

>> No.6203856


cause special snowflakes think they have it

>> No.6203859


Somebody's father diddled them too much!

...or maybe not enough. Cute!

>> No.6203872

It probably is the shit diet, and possibly the presence of an additive that aggravates inflammation.

I just discovered that Chrohn's is closely linked with arthritis, something which has been making life a misery for a while now. I also get a fucked up stomach and awful bloating 8 days out of 10. Funny that. My mother's the same, with the addition of shitting blood in the absence of any internal signs of cancer.

I'm surprised the american cunt whining about special snowflakes took this long to arrive. Please go back to posting rare steak and handguns.


>> No.6203885

I doubt it's UK specific and I doubt that the incidence is increasing. It's far more likely that the numbers were always higher than we thought and people just used to dismiss it as chronic belly aches.

also that feel when terrified you have ass cancer but live in clapistan and have no job for muh insurance.

>> No.6204060


>Hey stranger, I know what you should eat to cure your crohns

Wow, never heard that before.

>> No.6204083

>sister in-law has Chron's
>laugh to myself every time I see her eating food that would aggravate her Chron's

I would give her advice, but she's a cunt and would just dismiss it.

>> No.6204097

Shit transplants are the way forward. Gut flora are practically a vital organ.

>> No.6204102

I think you're mixing causes with consequences there.

>> No.6204121

Everyone I have ever met who claims to have "crohns" is a hypochondriac picky eater piece of shit just looking for the disease of the week to blame her (it's always a her even if it has a dick) problems on

>> No.6204266


This treatment has proven to be temporary if the underlying problems and diet are not changed dramatically. That and no one wants to give themselves a shit enema or make shit milkshakes *every* *day*. uggghh


The rationalist in me wants to say it is coincidence, but you're right for whatever reason (cause or effect). Everyone I've met with Crohn's has some fat hypochondriac overbearing mother/father who was sexually abused as a child and who thinks something is wrong with them if they are not undergoing medical proceedures on a regular basis. They create these picky hyper-nervous children with no boundaries. The cycle repeats.

>> No.6204343

Crohn's disease is linked with increased animal protein consumption, which is most likely the primary reason for increased incidence in the developed world compared with everywhere else. This factor could certainly be contributing to an increased base rate, in addition to any increased diagnosis rate.

They guy blaming antibiotics and recommending a paleo diet is a retard though.

>> No.6204347
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actually suggesting yamaimo and tuna together?
why not just go and suck the sperm out of some girls pussy? thats a probiotic right?

>> No.6204352

Cheese is causing it.

>> No.6204364


ive only met one person with crohn's and he was an awesome guy. he didn't advertise it, i only knew because i offered him something that he couldn't eat so he explained why

>> No.6204369

probably all the inbreeding

>> No.6204372

Possible, milk and animal protein consumption is correlated with increased risk of crohn's disease (along with smoking and a number of genetic factors.)

Fish is fine though and shows no association.

>> No.6204373

mother has colitis, father has crohns. both have had to get surgery. what can i do to not have the same fate as them?

>> No.6204380

eat fiber

>> No.6204381

youre being really judgemental
have you sat in on their bowel movements and examined their stools? then how can you be sure theyre faking a digestive illness?

>> No.6204393

no clue
i have colitis and neither of my parents do
nor do i adhere to any of the bullshit "causes" being posted in this thread
currently taking 4x lialda every day and i'm pretty stable, though shits are generally on the loose side
could probably use a bit more fiber

>> No.6204405


>stop eating unfermented grains

so drink more beer?

>> No.6204410

>then how can you be sure theyre faking a digestive illness?

Because they do not have a diagnosis from an actual doctor. It's all "muh feels", not a lab test.

>> No.6204416

I don't hear of many people faking crohns disease but I do hear IBS get thrown around a lot. Can't really test for it so it's just a blanket diagnosis for abnormal bowel habits.

>> No.6204459

It is the wheat crops. A combination of changing to a different type of wheat (originally developed in the USA) and the types of systemic pesticides being used in the various types of crops for staple foods. The microbes in your gut get removed because of the systemic pesticides that don't get removed during processing. Then you are still eating grain products in the amounts you always have. But these grains are a bit different and exacerbate the problem. From there, it is a downward spiral of inflammation and wacky immune-system hijinks.

If you want to eat wheat/grain products, I suggest you go to a supplier of organic heirloom wheat/grain varieties and make your own wheat/grain products. Or, grow your own.

>> No.6204558

also be sure to only eat almonds that have been activated.

>> No.6204575

It's wet lettuces who think that they must a "disease" or a "syndrome" every time they get a dose of the squits.

>> No.6204594

While normally I'd consider such speculation about as valid as saying vaccinations cause autism, the idea that the explosion of bowel problems is likely diet related is worth investigating. The diets popular in the US and UK tend to be heavy on wheat, sugar, meat and dairy, while being pretty light on vegetables and legumes. That's going to have an effect on our gut flora.

I don't think there's yet enough science to specifically point the finger at the most commonly available wheat, but I try to play it safe, consuming mostly organic wheat. It's one of the few things I'll buy organic.

>> No.6204614

>>effect on our gut flora

Certainly, but it doesn't even have to go that far. A lot of people eat horribly unbalanced diets; even without a change in gut flora it's still no surprise that digestive issues pop up.

A guy I work with--Engineer in his late 20's--claims he has IBS, but literally the only thing he eats are certain specific fast-food meals and those frozen corn dogs.

>> No.6204623


What is this "different type of wheat (originally developed in the USA)"?

>> No.6204629

>claims he has IBS, but literally the only thing he eats are certain specific fast-food meals and those frozen corn dogs.
There you have it. My suspicion is that while a percentage of people with Chron's or IBS just have a fucked up medical condition many others with similar symptoms are doing it to themselves by eating a shitty diet. The number of people who pretty much live on fast and convenience food is staggering. It would seem odd to me if that didn't fuck some of them up.

>> No.6204643

Hahah my exgf got that shortly before she dumped me hahahh!

>> No.6204673

Epic blogpost bro, where can I subscribe?

>> No.6204797

can someine explain more about unfermented grains?

is it bad that i eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning?

>> No.6204843

>can someine explain more about unfermented grains?
Some people will talk about phytates being horrible for you. Others will tell you the right amount of them is beneficial, and can help prevent cancer. There's lots of speculation and broscience surrounding the issue.

Look up Phytic Acid, and make up your own mind.

>> No.6204847


By fermented grains, I assume they are referring to various alcoholic drinks.

>> No.6204854

Think more like sourdough bread.

>> No.6204861


I'd rather think about various alcoholic drinks.

>> No.6205037

I think it is one of Syngenta's wheats one of the TAM series like TAM 111, but I don't really remember.

>> No.6205043

It's 100% genetic.

>> No.6205083

>Mother has colitis
>Father has Crohns
>Not wanting to have the same fate as them

CONGRADULATIONS! you're screwed!

Seriously though, coming from a guy who's lived with crohn's for 19 years, it's somewhat genetic, so if both your parents have a problem like that, then you might as well suck it up. On the plus side however, at least you'll never have to worry too much about losing weight. Just hope and pray you don't get diagnoised for it.

Also, that guy recommending taking all your sugar out of your diet and having a paleo diet? he's full of shit. I went on a diet similar for it and I was about the worst person you could meet. It almost ended my marriage. I made a cheesecake from it and it almost put me and my friends into the hospital. it was more of a laxative cake than a cheesecake.

>> No.6205086

Crohn's is an actual disease with clear symptoms that has many known genetic factors that predispose people to it. IBS is just a constellation of symptoms that does not attribute any causal factor.

Just because the cause is diet doesn't mean someone doesn't have IBS because it's literally just describing a group of symptoms, and the cause of Crohn's is never diet alone (though it's well known that certain dietary factors such as consumption of large amounts of animal and dairy protein are associated with higher risk of developing Crohn's.)

>> No.6205089

It's genetically predisposed with a complex constellation of genes contributing to susceptibility. What triggers people with high susceptibility to develop the disease is unknown but speculated to be dietary due to the disease being more common in wealthy countries.

>> No.6205091

ah, yes. I had a friend like that myself.

>Heavily overweight friend
>constantly eating things that doesn't make her shit
>Takes laxatives to relieve constipation
>"anon! I need ya help! I think I got the crohn's!"
>"What makes you think that?"
>"I haven't crapped for 3 days!"
>".... you're a freaking idiot"

>> No.6205102

>TAM 111

In other words, a popular variety of the very common red winter wheat?

And what evidence is there that it has anything to do with either Crohn's or IBS or any other health condition?

By the way, some GMO kook wrote a bogus article about farmers spraying wheat with Roundup to dry the crop out. The reality is that if that is done, it is very rare for several reasons including cost. It would cost so much to do that the farmer would necessarily lose money on the crop.

>> No.6205103

Crohn's is more like a predisposition to develop problems when ingesting specific stimuli.

>Also, that guy recommending taking all your sugar out of your diet and having a paleo diet? he's full of shit. I went on a diet similar for it and I was about the worst person you could meet. It almost ended my marriage. I made a cheesecake from it and it almost put me and my friends into the hospital. it was more of a laxative cake than a cheesecake.

Paleo Cheesecake? Seriously? You seem a bit retarded. Like those people that go vegan but keep trying to find the best fake meat.

>> No.6205108
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Oh here it comes. The thread is about to get shitposted. I can sense it.

>> No.6205120

The cheesecake wasn't paleo. It was completely sugar free if I recall. The recipe actually called for us to make our own yogurt (something which immediately made me suspicious) and it was a baked cheesecake too.

After coming out of the oven, it had lost like 50 to 80 percent of it's mass. One of my friends who has an iron gut (He can have beans and chili and still have normal bowels) said that after having it was one of the only times where he's had horrible, horrible diarreha.

>> No.6205143

Laughing pretty hard. You're right though, it's bound to happen.

>> No.6205145

>Crohn's is more like a predisposition to develop problems when ingesting specific stimuli.

It's exactly that, but it's a very specific set of chronic problems not just a tendency to generalized digestive issues. In particular it is an immune system related issue, probably a specific form of immunodefficiency, though the exact mechanics are unknown. It's specifically known to not be an auto-immune disorder.

>> No.6205148

Sugar free laxative cake? Were you using some sort of sugar alcohol derived artificial sweetener? Those are universally bad news (and there are better options these days.)

>> No.6205167

>The cheesecake wasn't paleo. It was completely sugar free if I recall.

That's pretty easy to do.

>homemade yogurt cheesecake

I've made those before. Pretty good. I used to make 1 gallon of yogurt at a time so I'd have yogurt for quite a while.

Was there a sour taste to the yogurt and how long did you incubate it?

>> No.6205172

>sugar alcohol derived artificial sweetener

that.... is an interesting turn of phrase. I'd actually like to see someone do that. But no, no it wasn't. I think it *may* have had some sort of artificial sweetner derived from fruit, but im not sure. it was like 6 years ago.

Still... it was horrifying. it was more base than cake (and before you gluten or grain-free bastards start up, it was ground up nuts).

The way crohn's disease works (and i'm simply paraphrasing what my doc told me) is that the white blood cells in your body see YOU as the bad guy and begin to attack the body itself. To keep it chilled out, you take immuno-suppressents to do it, which makes you more susceptable to disease, but keeps your crohn's from flaring up. It's quite literally poison, but a poison which keeps me from dying on the toilet.

>> No.6205187

oh sweet dear lord, I just said it was like six years ago that I made it. Um... damn, it was a fairly bitter cake as I remember. The yogurt may have been incubated.... 2 or 3 days? I dunno. I'm trying to remember but yeah, it was a LOOOOONG time ago for me.

It was from this completely sugar free diet which meant no fruit, no to some veggies, nuts, mushrooms, a few gluten free grains (which i've discovered actually does the opposite of helping with crohn's and has little to no benefit for it at all) no meat, no to a lot of dairy.

I basically lived like a freaking squirrel. for a month. and they recommended doing it for YEARS.

I may have enough will power to join the freaking latern corp. But not even I could do that for years.

>> No.6205192

Why did the cheese cake fuck you and your friends exactly? If you'd been eating paleo anyway how did that exacerbate your crohns?

>> No.6205194

The only grains I have are from beer and I take a nice perfect shit every day at the same time.

>> No.6205199

hey /ck/ you think if you drank enough grain alcohol itd kill all your gut flora

>> No.6205200

>Like those people that go vegan but keep trying to find the best fake meat.
How is this retarded? I don't get it.

>> No.6205206

I have literally no clue. NONE. Honestly, it could've been the freaking oven gremlins for all I know. All I know is that about 2 or 3 hours later, we were all taking a crap. 5 people, 2 toilets.

it wasn't pretty.

BTW, I haven't tried paleo diet, but from what I gather it's just another fad diet for hipsters. I even remember hearing somewhere that it's actually, on some levels, unhealthy for you. But i'm just going from what I hear from my friends and media, so it could just be crap.

heh... crap. I made a pun.

>> No.6205216
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>Your body will heal itself in time if you can stay away from the center aisles of the grocery.
yeah, no. i have crohn's. it's scar tissue in my colon. no amount of paleo diet over time will fix that shit.

i take aziathioprine so my immune system doesn't destroy my intestines, and pentasa to coat my guts with a soothing chemical (not sure precisely what it does).

crohn's indirectly lowers bone calcium too

>> No.6205228
File: 1.06 MB, 440x187, muh nigga!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has Crohn's
>Take aziathioprine

Sup mah homie? What's pentasa do with regards to side effects? Never heard of that before. I'm currently on azathioprine and infliximab myself.

>> No.6205239

>. Diet replete with unfermented grains

So my alcoholism is fighting crohns?

>> No.6205248

pentasa doesnt have side effects, doesnt "act" on your body any way. it's more like a bandaid for your gut.

>> No.6205251
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>> No.6205255
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Aaaah. cool.

>> No.6205257

>fairly bitter

This is the tale tell sign. It was the yogurt. You made it incorrectly. Something happened like you didn't pasteurize it or after it was starting to incubate it got infected. The result is bad bacteria culture instead of good stuff. The good stuff will just get more sour as it gets older.

When correctly made, you can stop it at any point where you like the level of sourness or lack of for that matter. If you want it thick but not too sour for your tastes, you reduce the milk a good bit.

It sounds like you simply ate something that was improperly made. Keep in mind, some artificial sweeteners also have a bit of a bitter flavor to them in some way.

>> No.6205262


I've had Crohns 13 years. Lost my entire large intestine and part of the small. 4 surgeries in so far. Since the last one 4 months ago I've been enjoying a fistula that leaks shit from my gut out through a surgical wound on my stomach.

Long story short, dont mistake IBS with IBD (Crohns/Colitis). IBS is to Crohns as "I hate it when there's a knife in the spoons section of the cutlery drawer" is to full blown OCD.

>> No.6205263

also, take a look at your aza prescriptions soon. they're not being manufactured any more, there's a good chance you won't be able to find it in the next couple months.

ask your doc about something called 6MP (that's what they refer to it as, never looked it up myself). i guess it's the same drug, but different manufacturer.

seriously, ask your doc soon about teh aza shortage

>> No.6205272

jesus christ, that's what im afraid of one day. my doc told me that since i was diagnosed pretty early in life (10) that it was treated better than most. i only have some scar tissue, never needed surgery yet. as far as im aware, that's an absolute last resort.

>> No.6205275

ah, thanks. I had my suspicions about the yogurt, but the diet itself wasn't working out for me. I don't mind a good bit of steak, but when a diet tells me that I have to have it well done, no sauce, and only a few veggies?

yeah, that's when I start to get a bit angry. Not to mention living like a squirrel would've driven me nuts.

>> No.6205277

ouch. 32 and only had one surgery so far. I feel for ya brah.

6mp? will do man. Didn't know they were running out of it here.

>> No.6205316

It is absolutely a last resort. I stopped responding to pred, infliximab was working until I had a reaction to it and Humira was a wonder for a while. Then it's surgery time.

It's not always as bad as it seems though. I was most terrified of a stoma but I was surprised to only have one for a year before things could be linked back up. I've heard people talk about having much better lives after surgery, I've just been quite unlucky with complications also:

Don't feel to bad for me. To all with Crohns in this thread when they say don't smoke they mean it

>> No.6205330

ouch. I had complications after my surgery and actually seemed to get worse rather than better.

BUT YOU SMOKE? damn... you're a brave one man. I actually had my doctor all prepared for giving me a huge ass lecture about not smoking before I told him I didn't and knew I never would. In fact, if I had been diagnoised with crohn's while smoking, he said that if I quit my symptoms would be completely asyptomatic.

SMOKING WITH CROHN'S: it's that freaking bad.

also, as a side note: if I was down in victoria or in adelaide, he would immediately perscribe me medicinal marijuana.

>> No.6205348
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Why do you trust these people with your diet?

>> No.6205357

i use an ecig. smoked for a few years, never really noticed any problems. i havent had a real cig in a couple months, just vapor these days with the nicotine

>> No.6205359


I don't smoke anymore but I did for far far too long. Had my head in the sand about needing to change and expecting meds to be some miracle cure. Stupid not brave.

>> No.6205372


did you sweeten it heavily with artificial sweeteners?

I've gotten sugar free milk chocolate before, heavily sweetened with artificial sweeteners, which has had me, who also has a normally iron gut, doubled over in pain from extreme cramps for a whole evening.

>> No.6205389

>increased animal proteins

Not that guy, but do you not understand the correlation between these two things?

>> No.6205397

"Sugar free" things are the worst... Some of the artificial sweeteners draw water to your intestine and the results aren't good.

Cough syrup did a number on me this winter. Not a pleasant combination.

>> No.6205407


>inb4 any mention of sugar free haribo

>> No.6205437

I have it and let me tell if I ever find someone faking it I will crawl up their ass myself. It's living hell combined with the fact that they can't find anything physically wrong with you so 90% of people just go
>lel you're fine stop being so sensitive

>> No.6205470

The cheese itself or something adverse in cheese that wasn't present before? Like something farmers are giving the cows for their health or in their feed. I love subjects like this. but, the more I learn even from official scholar sources the more I just need to make my own cheese from my own cow that ate feed I grew on my own property.

>> No.6205520

>And what evidence is there that it has anything to do with either Crohn's or IBS or any other health condition?

We're still waiting?

>> No.6205528

saying to not bring something up is the same thing as bringing it up.

thanks meme lord, you lost the game

>> No.6205549

I'm not sure, but I believe it was only a little bit. In any case, it was disgusting.

>> No.6205556

>lel you're fine stop being so sensitive
oh god... you have no idea how much that pisses me off when someone does it to me. Or if they try to be helpful and say "just do this anon" or "try gluten-free anon" or "just learn meditation anon."

I know they're just trying to help, but it just ticks me off to hear them telling me things I've already tried and didn't work.

>> No.6205575

It was already mentioned indirectly >>6205148

The legendary effects of sugar free haribo gummies (and other diabetic candies) is due to sugar alcohol sweeteners. In the case of haribo it's maltitol.

>> No.6205790


There's no reason at all to get into a 1-sided debate about how everything posted isn't worth shit as a source.

>> No.6205807

I hate that whole crowd that thinks they have the secret to fixing it. It's like the shame people that just shill yoga for everything.

That said, there definitely are food triggers.
>tfw ice cream for tonight
goodbye world

>> No.6206132

People love to pretend they know better than doctors.

>> No.6206211

>Food triggers
Soda does it for me. Give me a soda and in under an hour, i'll be stuck in the bathroom. I've even cleared rooms out from just having KFC.

>> No.6206225 [DELETED] 


Probably comes from the stress of knowing the kikes cucked Britain into fighting Hitler (who didn't even want to fight Britain and let the British army escape Dunkirk early in the war when he could have pulverized them) and their reward was being invaded by shitskins

>> No.6206237

It's a class of sweeteners, like xylitol. Dentists are excited about it because it tastes sweet so bacteria try to go for it, but starve because it's alcohol and they can't digest it.

>> No.6206262
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Oh man, I was diagnosed with Crohn's a few months ago. So far they started me on some basic drugs but they aren't working that well.

I am terrified.

>> No.6206276


Well, have they talked to you at all about your diet yet? because it can help to a certain degree. Surgery is only for the absolute worst case "your body isn't responding to the drugs we're giving it" scenario.

I will say one thing though. Colonoscopies are now going to become your friend and your most hated enemy.

>> No.6206283


My GI Doctor said that I need to take it easy on fiber for now. I've been juicing fruits and vegetables for nutrients so my diet doesn't consist purely of chicken and rice.

But otherwise he said that different people respond to different diets and it's hard to come to any universal conclusion.

I had a colonoscopy already. The worst part was honestly the insane laxatives they make you take holy shit.

>> No.6206290

Yeah, those laxatives are what make me believe that doctors are secretly sadists. But, I did find that using straight black coffee as a kind of mouthwash right after ever drink of the stuff does get the taste out of your mouth.

As for diet, just try and keep an eye out for anything that might set ya off. Things like fried foods, cakes, drinks. But if you do want something and can't help but have one, plan to stay at home that night. That's my general rule.

>> No.6206295


Thanks anon. Even though it's genetics I have the distinct honor of being the first person in my family to get it, so it's nice to get to talk to somebody else.

>> No.6206305

my pleasure. glad to have helped as much as I could. I just wish i had the same help when I was 13. 32 now and damn if it's still a bitch to have.

Look on the bright side, at least now you never have to worry about losing weight. It's just gaining it that can be a problem now.

>> No.6206334

Surgeryfag here. To add to what the other Anon said, there's no one size fits all Crohns diet, your doctors may consider an elimination diet where for a month or so you are fed only by a milkshake through an NG tube (you won't want to drink it). It gives your gut a rest and as it ends you can reintroduce foods 1 by 1 to test for reactions. sounds miserable but the gut rest can help the meds work.

Also +1 to the weight thing. Crohns is a great weight loss programme.

>> No.6206335

Curry makes me poopy