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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6202866 No.6202866 [Reply] [Original]

I've been told I need to lower my cholesterol. Do any of you have experience with this? What kind of foods should I eat that taste good?

>> No.6202868

420 blaze it

>> No.6202873
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>> No.6202885

kidney beans and white rice with garlic powder and hot sauce.

>> No.6202888


I was diagnosed with high cholesterol about 3 years ago.. i was able to cut my numbers in half by doing the following

went from 190lbs to 170lbs (on the diet that follows) cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides all reduced to acceptable levels

oatmeal with walnuts everyday for break fast (both oatmeal and walnuts will help lower cholesterol)

stop eating red meat and saturated fats. daily sat fat intake should be under 5 grams.

do not eat egg yolks. go whites only, or eat one egg white for every 3 eggs you eat. people on this board will tell you that eating cholesterol does not affect blood cholesterol - but that is a fucking lie.

keep total calorie count to whatever your daily calorie intake should be. your body will convert extra calories to cholesterol. your body will love converting saturated fats into cholesterol.

eat a salad every day

treat meat as a side dish, or a flavoring element of your food, instead of the entree.

saturated fat control is really important. things heavy in sat fat are the following - red meat, milk, cheese, butter... read labels and learn what you are eating.

>> No.6202904

Thanks man

>> No.6202910

Or you could just 420 blaze it

>> No.6202917
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>> No.6202930

sorry, meant 1 yolk for every 3 eggs. yolks are where all the cholesterol are. whites are just pure delicious protein.

oh.. and i forgot probably the most important part.

WALK EVERY DAY FOR 30 CONTINUOUS MINUTES. studies have shown that less that 20 minutes of walking does nothing - but somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes the bodies metabolism kicks on and works magic.

I also started lifting light weights... i don't think this is as important as the other stuff, but it made me feel better and after losing some of that weight i wanted to start working on muscle tone a little.

unfortunately, after my blood numbers came back better i totally fell off the wagon about 2 years ago during a fourth of july party at which i ate like 17 cheese burgers and i have never really fully recovered. but.. i still eat healthier than i used to and i still exercise more.. but i have been meaning to get back on it this year with the whole new years thing...

>> No.6202955
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This guy's got it. Whole grains and all kinds of beans should be the main thing you're making meals out of. That means whole wheat, corn, barley, oats, rye, brown rice, lentils, black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, split peas, etc. When you eat animal-sourced foods, make them as lean as can be, and just generally avoid red meat

>> No.6202989
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>at which i ate like 17 cheese burgers
Is that you Randy?

>> No.6202991

How strict does this have to be? Will it fuck me off to go off the diet a couple of times a month or something like that?

>> No.6203004


You can't think of it as a diet, you need to think of it as a life style change.

1 cheeseburger a month is not going to kill you... but you need to start thinking of fast food as a gateway drug to bad behaviour.

the other thing i noticed.. if you stop eating refined sugars and processed foods... you will stop craving it.

eat one slice of pizza though, and you will crave it for the next 2 weeks...

it's rough but you can do it.

honestly, it's this, or take drugs that are related to not being able to get a boner anymore... think it through.

some people would call the diet extreme, i think the diet is natural... taking boner killing chemicals is extreme. having to get your chest cut open, your rib cage cracked open to do open heart surgery or CPR is extreme....

you need to stick to it more than you're prepared for....

>> No.6203007

Samefag fuck off

>> No.6203013

I don't really eat a lot of junk food so that's not a problem, I just don't excercise a lot and eat a lot of meat because it's filling and easy to make.

>> No.6203016
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>pic related. it's you fatboi.

>> No.6203030


Statistically, you probably have shitty cholesterol too

>> No.6203041

Eat hole grainz n Belize in urself

>> No.6203051
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Try to swap meat out for legumes. A lot of legumes have a similar savory proteiny flavor, they're very cheap, and simple to prepare. Some require soaking before cooking (lentils and split peas don't) but the cooking itself just involves boiling/simmering them until they're soft, then draining them and adding spices

>> No.6203067

This guy needs to 420 blaze it

>> No.6203075
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>> No.6203085


>> No.6203106

Lentis will give you less gas if you par boil them and then drain the water, add some more water and soak overnight draining at least once or twice and then cook it.

>> No.6203112
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mushrooms can also have a very meaty texture.

you might also explore some meat substitutes. a lot of what is out there is total shit and tastes horrible... but there are a couple good products too.. you should try 1 or 2 new products from different brands every week till you've sampled something from each of the major players in the space and figure out what you like.

i like:

boca burgers (but it has to be the all american flame grilled - tastes better)
morningstar chipotle black bean burgers
gimmelean breakfast sausage - sort of a pain in the ass to cook, but tasty
boca's fakey ground beef crumbles... work well in a lasagna... as do their burgers if you crumble them up

try to teach yourself at least 1 good tofu dish... see if you can find "tofu cutlets" in your market. these are generally easier to prepare and throw into dishes than waterlogged tofu bullshit.

also.. to go with the theme of the thread at this point... you might also consider blazing it up nugga.

>> No.6203258

I was like tldr but then at the bottom i saw 420 blaze it

>> No.6203302

A lot of people seem to be suggesting beans, legumes and grains. Non-mughlai north Indian food is basically 90% this and it's delicious as fuck. Some of it can but a bit rich but once you know how to make it you can cut back on the fats. If you want I can give you some recipes that I like.

>> No.6203307

yeah bitch!

>> No.6203405

Yo you fucked it up

>> No.6203431


how so?

>> No.6203443

You besmirched yourself

>> No.6203446

Do it Sanjy we love you

>> No.6203459
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Look I think you need to back up off these, before you besmirch yourself, fool.

tl;dr blaze that shit up!

>> No.6203462

Holy shit its like you read my mind

>> No.6203466


>> No.6203470 [DELETED] 
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Think he's an IPAfag?

>> No.6203486
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Think he's an IPAfag?

>> No.6203576


Ignore this fucking retard's shit about the eggs. Everything else is spot on but this stupid cunt parrots retarded fat soccer moms when it comes to dietary cholesterol. The cholesterol in the egg yolks will not affect your cholesterol at all. Do your research on this because I'm right, fuck this stupid nigger.

>> No.6203581


Seriously, never give advice again. There's no such thing as muscle "tone" you dumb fuck, go to /fit/ once in awhile. You either gain muscle or burn fat, you can't "tone" something dumbfuck.

And still with the eggs. You're a dumb piece of shit, learn how to fucking research something instead of repeating old incorrect 90's fad diets.

>> No.6204433

Snoop doesn't drink anymore

>> No.6204445

go to /fit/ yourself and ask about a pre-show dehydration.

>> No.6204450

>you can't "tone" something dumbfuck.

Sure you can. For example, you can tone your stomach by losing fat and building your abdominal muscles. "Tone" just means "make your body look better via gaining muscle and losing fat"

>> No.6204455
