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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6199938 No.6199938 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any times that you stopped eating a certain food because of something that happened in regards to eating it /ck/?
A few times I stopped eating certain foods
>Ate a beefy crunch burrito from taco bell when they first came out
>end up with diarrhea and a cramped stomach the next day
>Still don't eat taco bells ground beef to this day (this was right before the scandal surrounding the quality of their beef a fears year back too)

>October of 2013
>Eat cheesecake at a casino restaurant with my now GF (she got a grilled cheese)
>A couple hours later my stomach starts to grumble
>Go to bed
>wake up a few hours later, sweating like mad, have horrible spins
>make my way to her bathroom
>feel like I am going to vomit and shit at the same time
>End up vomiting for like 4 hours straight, its super chunky like cottage cheese
>haven't had cheese cake since

A strange one
>Probably 5 years ago
>had a dream that I was a toddler eating chocolate
>But it wasn't chocolate
>I was hovering over a litter box eating literal shit
>Even though I knew this, I couldn't stop myself
>Didn't eat any chocolate for an entire month
I also can't eat lucky charms because I either have a dream (or memory) of eating them at like 5 years old, only to later learn that it was cat food.
What about you guys?

>> No.6200197

I read about someone finding a roach inside canned brigadeiro years ago. Can't eat it to this day.

>> No.6200202

I dont eat manwich because its called manwich

>> No.6200203 [DELETED] 

i once was eating a sandwich at a restaurant. when I saw a white chick holding hands with a nigger

i got up and left without paying for me meal
fucking disgusting

>> No.6200206

Somebody found a dead frog inside a can of green beans... yeah no canned food for me thanks

>> No.6200214

/pol/ you are a pathetic loser

>> No.6200224

Only one of these

>be like 12
>mom makes arthichokes for dinner all the time - fucking delicious, the way she used to make them
>eat them one night as usual
>after I finish eating them, sit on the couch and pass out all fucking night feeling sick as fuck
>get up the next day with the flu

Pretty sure it had nothing to do with the artichokes, but having eaten them so close to getting so sick, my mind never let me enjoy them ever again.

>> No.6200227

Any beef product from whole foods.

>had these little burger patties
>took a big bite
>first chew and my jaw stops on a big bone shard

Never again will i eat beef from them and if i have to ill chew slowly and cautiously.

>> No.6200235

This one time I ate an old can of peaches that seemed to be alright at first.
> expiry date seems alright, crack open can
> looks alright, smells alright
> begin eating
> tastes alright, peaches are a little squishier than I liked them
> finish off the peaches, drink juice from can
> that's not right this shit is like syrup
> finish drinking anyway
> few hours later, terrible cramps and nausea
> running to the bathroom projectile vomiting black shit even though my stomach had nothing but water and canned peach stuff in it
> get to the toilet and unleash black atomic breath with remainder of stomach contents
> sick with food poisoning symptoms for the next week
> fresh peaches are the only peaches I can eat without gagging now, and only in very limited quantities

>> No.6200250 [DELETED] 

I bet she got some lovely large dusty african cock that day.

>> No.6200266

When I was 5-6 years old my mom got mad at me because I wouldn't eat the spinach off my plate.

She ended up chasing me around with a bag of spinach before I locked myself in there for what seemed like hours. When I came out she shoved a few leaves down my throat with a fork and I threw up everywhere.

That was 10+ years ago and until ~2 years ago I couldn't even stand to be in the same rooms a leafy green.

It's impossible to go to restaurants nowadays because even if I go to a place like the Cheesecake factory I feel like I only have an option of a couple 'non-green' options.

>> No.6200269

I love popcorn but sometimes I get bits caught between my teeth and gum and then the gum swells up and hurts for days. Brushing doesn't remove the offending bit of popcorn so I just have to put up with the pain.

So I don't eat popcorn as much as I'd like to. I even considered getting a popcorn maker for a while. Maybe the popcorn would be different than the microwave stuff that I usually eat.

>> No.6200274

>buy some mexican drink from the grocery store because it's 70 cents and I'm easily intrigued
>open it up
>it has the consistency of aloe vera mixed with jello
>not even past its expiration date

>go to local Panera
>after waiting in line forever order some half turkey sandwich
>go home and open it up
>it's the smaller half of two slices of bread cut diagonally
>2/3 of a slice of tomato
>a slice of meat and a leaf
And my apple was bad, fuck those kikes.

>> No.6200279

>I locked myself in there for what seemed like hour
in the fucking bathroom, because I didn't add that.

I know 4chan sits all over rape culture, but that was by far the most unpleasant experience in my life and it's definitely scarred me.

>> No.6200284

>eating spinach quiche with a bottle of white
>GF proceeds to tipsily tell me about her diaper fetish
>put fork down
>cannot even think about quiche without getting the feeling the pit of my stomach is dropping away

>> No.6200291

A lot of people have the same issue with popcorn. Use toothpicks, floss, or tweezers if you have to. More often than not some wooden picks do the job nicely, but more importantly than the gums you have to make sure you chew the popped shell of the corn thoroughly so they don't get caught in your throat and become irritating.

>> No.6200293

>I couldn't even stand to be in the same rooms a leafy green.

This you?

>> No.6200303

You should have just eaten your fucking spinach

>> No.6200307

Most dairy gives me sleep apnea. I like dairy, but waking up in the middle of the night gasping for breath is not fun.

>> No.6200311

Asian stores have 'corn snacks' where they have no shell, so they're sort of sphere shapes

>> No.6200317
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chester's also got him covered

>> No.6200318

My mom hasn't had a ham sandwich in 20 years because it was what she was eating when the cops showed up and told her my father had been killed. She says it just reminds her too much of that moment.

>> No.6200319
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Yeah, thanx. It's good to know I'm not the only one with that proplem.
The 'caught in the throat' part was enough to put me off popcorn for life. I forgot about that aspect.

Though this popcorn maker does look really good:

Wow, thanx! Definitely going to look into this.

>> No.6200368

>It's Christmas
>Maybe 7 or 8 years ago
>Big Christmas ham for dinner
>Cheesecake for dessert
>Feeling kind of sick later that night, just brush it off and go to bed
>Wake up later that night and run to the bathroom, threw up until I was dry heaving
>I was the only one who got sick, rest of my family was fine
>Cannot eat ham to this day

This next one happened more recently
>Freshman year of college
>Friends want to get me drunk
>Sure why not
>"Hey anon, try this tequila!"
>I downed half a fifth on an empty stomach in under an hour
>I remember maybe 20 minutes of that night, half of it was me throwing up
>The other half was me drunkenly hugging a girl named Armani
>I told her to name her babies Gucci
>Though I spaghetti'd
>She asked for my number the next morning, while I was hungover as fuck

I no longer drink tequila.

And the thought just makes me sick. I'll eat pork, bacon, sausage, etc. Just ham. Fucking ham. I cant do it.

>> No.6200445

Just this past week.

>Love mom's chili
>its amazing
>over for dinner
>mom has cousin's infant daughter, is watching her
>she is a little sick, but no big deal
>load up on chili
>stay the night because I'm lazy
>wake up vomiting
>diarrhea too
>everyone has it
>I throw up what is literally a bowl of chili, no extra liquid or anything
>wasn't even digested from the night before
>just a thick slush of chili that almost chokes me
>chili coming out of my nose too, meats, beans and all
>As it turns out, my cousin's kid had the flu and didn't tell us
>two days of flu before recovering

The chili didn't make me sick, but I'll ever eat any chili ever.

>> No.6200456

>tell her to name her kids Gucci
>think you spaghetti'd
Nigga you could have fucked her raw.

>> No.6200464

Why don't you just look inside the cans you cock lockers

>> No.6200487

Yeah, I can't drink carbonated lemonade or vodka now because that's what I would binge.

>> No.6200494


If I worked for Brigadeiro Co Inc., I'd be sewing your ass for besmirching my business with such a baseless claim.

>> No.6200554

When I was a kid my family and I were sitting down, watching tv while eating chips. Guess my mom was PMSing or something, cause she flipped oit over how loud i was eating the chips, even though i had my mouth closed and it was only one chip at a time. I didnt grab anymore, so she forced a handful into my face.

To this day she swears it never happened, but i have never willingly eaten chips while sitting within close proximity of another person since, and whenever i do i chew really slow.

>> No.6200596

>Find a dead maggot inside a pistachio
>Habitually inspect every pistachio I eat from then on

>> No.6200605

Fucking fettucine. It makes me think of how I convinced my mom -who loved it- to order something else when she was in the hospital dying of cancer

>> No.6200606

> find a live worm in pear by biting it in half and spitting out the chunk i just bit
> cut it out of the pear and keep eating
> still love pears

>> No.6200607

>mom makes shrimp with garlic butter
>garlic butter is expired
>eat it, start feeling sick after it
>spend the whole day vomiting shrimp chunks and feel like death
>couldn't eat shrimp for about 8 months, the smell of garlic or shrimp would make me feel uneasy
>can't play vice city now because it reminds me of it

>> No.6200626

I didn't eat hot dogs for over a decade after throwing up chili dogs on my 13 birthday (due to stomach flu) You know that violent vomiting that comes with particularly nasty stomach flu? Yeah, chili dogs.....coming out my nostrils.......
Anyway, I can eat them just fine now. I finally got over that one, thank goodness.

>> No.6200645

>eat cherries right off the tree
>turns out they all had maggots in them because lol late in the season
>throw up for hours, even when I had nothing in my stomach

I still find the taste of cherry disgusting

>> No.6200659

>second grade
>raising mealworms for school project
>as instructed, keeping them in a tank with 1-2 inches of cornflakes on the bottom
>have to dig through cornflakes to find mealworms as they grow, pupate, and turn into beetles
>~15 years later
>still can't eat cornflakes without obsessively digging through the bowl to check for mealworms

good thing cornflakes make for a shitty cereal anyway

>> No.6200696

>middle school
>rare day of the year, they have strawberry milk
>drink like 12
>feel like shit through math
>end up covering my desk in red milky goo
>lay off strawberry milk for over 10 years after that

>> No.6200712

OP wtf is it with you and eating cat products?

>> No.6200721

spread butter on waffle before adding syrup, the american way
butter is pretty frozen but I make it work, add a bunch of fake syrup, and commence eating.

butter turned out of be garlic butter and both garlic butter and waffles have given me a weird feel ever since

>> No.6200731

Ugh, fuck Panera.

>Go to Panera Bread for the first time, people rave about the place and line up outside the door
>Order sandwich, chips and soda
>Hold the tamato plz
>"Sorry all the sandwiches are pre-made"
>Are you fucking serious?
>Total is like $12 jezuz christ
>Sandwich is flavorless, bread is rock-hard
>Chips are stale
>Best part of the meal was the Jone's soda
>Hipsters and yuppies seriously line up around the block for this rip off

>> No.6200736

I became a vegatiran when i found out that the meat i was eating was actually made of animals

>> No.6200740

What is that milky white medicine your parent's made you drink as a kid? Anyone remember that shit. Tasted awful and was a fucking traumatizing experience.

>> No.6200749

Fucking PMSing mom's bro. We could make a whole thread of that shit.

>> No.6200754

>was a youngster
>roast beef sandwiches for dinner
>ate so much
>puked it all back up
>never touched roast beef ever again even up to this day

>> No.6200776

>/tg/ here
Not me - but I once GM'ed a game of Exalted that ended up with one of my players unable to eat sausages for a while...

>basically the players were a group of heroes, on a quest to save a young lady from a mad spirit
>they find the spirt, the spirit tests them in various weird ways... first tempting them with a grand feast of all kinds of weird shit, then after that rotted the feast and forced them to endure eating it...

>turn out all the meat for the feast had been magically extruded from the woman, meaning that she looked like some kind of mutant sausage hedgehog

>one of my players was so sickened by this - especially the knowlegde that his character had eaten human sausage

Fucking hilarious IMO

>> No.6200779

You're autistic.

>> No.6200806

>Hipsters liking panera
Uh, what?

>> No.6200826

i had a bad flue and my mom gave me some carrots to munch on because it was the only thing that didn't made me feel like vomiting. a few minutes later i had to vomit. i did so into a bowl and right that moment, my dad walks into the room. he looks at my orange vomit and says : this looks like one could still eat it. just like grated carrot-.salad.
till this day (20 years later) i can't eat carrot-salad. Thanks dad...i guess.

>> No.6200835

Muscles with a sauce
>Swallowed a shell that had cracked into one

>Cracked my tooth on a fucking stone, no fucking clue how a stone got there

Hog meat thrown in a paella
>The bullet had shattered inside and the hunter left it in when cooking leaving tiny metal shards everywhere

You get the point, i hate anything with bits your not suppose to swallow, i just enjoy munching down on my meal, fucking hate fish, spending forever dissecting every fucking bone from the fish before chewing down on every single part with a glass of water and bread in hand ready to save my life if any fucking tiny bone gets caught in my throat.

>> No.6200868


the stone came from the beans, for some reason beans are notorious for having small rocks mixed in with them. I chipped a tooth eating ham n bean soup once.

>> No.6200878

Had to eat an entire plate of fish gratin covered in ketchup while I was in daycare. Ever since then I've wanted nothing to do with fish.

>> No.6200954

your dad's cum.

>> No.6201050

Ate bad curry once and ended up waking with some massive stomach cramps. Eventually puked it all up and haven't been able to eat curry ever since. I'm guessing it was the chicken, but I'm still scared to eat curry.

>> No.6201087


I know that feel except with Chinese food. Now never order chinese takeaway

>> No.6201118

Just an FYI, that sound like it's probably some form of GURD not OSA. Not saying it's not possible it's OSA, but just seems more likely it's GURD. RPSGT here.

>> No.6201122


reminds me of that episode of malcolm in the middle where Hal was eating "olives"

>> No.6201155

>sewing your ass
That seems uncomfortable.

>> No.6201185


I have a friend who cannot eat Subway. He'd not even be finished eating his sandwich and have to run to the bathroom due to extreme bowl problems.

It's gotten to the point where if he sees a napkin, smells Subway, or sees the commercial, he immediately feels ill and has to evac.

I can't eat it because I feel so bad for him, and because I fear I will be in the same boat one day.

>> No.6201209

Used to enjoy eating at Zaxby's now and then, but then back around Easter of 2013 I ended up waking the next day with horrible stomach pains, then rushing to the bathroom to begin alternating between vomiting and diarrhea for most of the day. Haven't been back since.

>> No.6201319

>be 10 year old me
>mom is feeling lazy, makes frozen fish sticks for dinner
>puts them on plate, look at them
>fuck Ya! They look like mozzarella sticks
>that horrible first bite
>choke them down because everyone else seems to like them
>throw up violently for whole night
>man I fucking hate fish dicks
>haven't eaten one bite of one since
>now 21

>> No.6201463

I'm going to steal that, great idea.
We had a Cthulhu LARP where somebody threw up.
>Playing in a private home
>Players find a huge feast of roast pork
>Like actual roast pork
>Players eat a lot of roast pork
>They keep exploring the house
>Find a door
>Open it
>Dude falls out of the closet, covered in stab wounds, and covered in the drippings from the roast pork to make him smell like it.
>All the players are pretty shocked
>Dude's dog comes over and starts licking him, then chewing on his hair
>Player runs to the kitchen to go throw up
>He never ate roast beef again.

>> No.6201485
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I don't eat apple cereal bars anymore because I once opened one, was about to take a bite when I realized it was full of lil white worms

>> No.6201517

>be 11 or 12
>at a party
>they have guacamole
>holy shit this stuff is amazing
>eat way too much and end up puking my brains out
>can't even smell avocados without getting ill

It took me a decade to be able to eat stuff with avocados again I still can't eat them in large amounts.

>> No.6201522

>me college sophomore / not much of a burner
>dealer across hall in dorm likes to get everyone baked
>hanging with friends / all are getting lit
>here anon, hit this bong
>being sociable, take one blast
>serious nausea after five minutes / gotta leave
>spend next 2 hrs puking in the shower
30 years later, never smoked since then.

And this one's a bit different...
>co-worker and I get chinese takeout from a joint we have eaten at hundreds of times
>the absolute best Kung Pao Chicken I have ever tasted before or since
>he finds a dead roachlike bug in his food and immediately throws it in the trash
>i sift through mine quickly / no bugs / fuckit- too good / finish without another thought
>he could never eat delicious chinese takeout again

>> No.6201537

Yeah, the last 3 times I've eaten funnel cake I've puked.

Never again.

>> No.6201547

When I was growing up, my mom would take me to lunch once every two weeks to this soup sandwich place, and either she or I had the cream of broccoli.

Just writing that made me recall the taste and smell, I'm sure they made it shitty, but it's pretty much ruined for me.

>> No.6201556

>"Sorry all the sandwiches are pre-made"
Except they're not? You must've gone to a real shitty one.

>> No.6201579

>about 10
>dad brings home Taco Bueno
>gets me two bean burritos
>finish one
>take bite of the second
>massive fucking hair ball
>like, something a cat would cough up
>no, for real, it's a big ball of hair
>never eat at Taco Bueno again
>just kidding, I still eat there

>> No.6201594
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>cant play vice city

>> No.6201603

My brother worked at Wendy's.
>he told me to never eat their chili

I have a friend who is a plumber that does contract work for a lot of fast food places. He said the most disgusting id Taco Bell.
>he will never eat there

>> No.6201680

I stopped eating Sugar Puffs after I found a bunch of dead baby wasps mixed in the box as a kid. At a glance they looked so similar to the Sugar Puffs that I'm sure I must have eaten a few before I noticed.

>> No.6201744

sure let me just take the roach off it's not like the can is ruined

>> No.6201865
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Back when I was a strapping young lad of 2 years, my mother served beets with dinner. I ate them and proceeded to puke. Everywhere. This must have damaged me as I haven't eaten them since. They are the only food I refuse to eat.

>> No.6202332

Milk of magnesia?