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6198907 No.6198907 [Reply] [Original]

who here watched the game alone and blacked out before the game got over last night? I certainly d-didn't...

>> No.6198914

Did you drink on an empty stomach? That's probably why. Next time, lay down all that alcohol on a nice, delicious bed of chicken tendies.

>> No.6198917


you people are going to die having been alone your entire lives.

>> No.6198921

What "game" are you talking about?

>> No.6198926

That's very sinister and accurate

>> No.6199035

Not op but my stomach can't handle much food anymore. I tried to quite drinking yesterday but just fit really jittery so went and bought more alcohol. A-at least I made it through the game I guess.

>> No.6199906

A fifth over three and a half nights isn't /alc/ territory, right?
>eating while drinking
Enjoy getting fat, I guess.

>> No.6199939

Didnt watch the game but got drunk alone

>> No.6199941

Not my ENTIRE life. Why do you think I started drinking in the first place?

>> No.6201452

your parents

>> No.6202012


not even close, unless you weigh like 70 pounds

>> No.6202662


oh not the alkies, you guys are cool. i mean the LOL TENDIES XDDDDD shitheads.

>> No.6202670


doesn't matter, alcoholism means you feel like you have no control to booze and that you need it (to varying degrees, the most extreme of which is physical dependency with withdrawal symptoms upon quitting).

i drink a fifth every 2-3 days personally and i've never been deeper in this shit.

>> No.6202690

Lol nope.

>> No.6202719
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these alkie threads always depress me

the self pity, etc.

I drink everyday
yes it has caused some problems
I don't drink out of self pity
it gives boozers a bad name
I drink and have fun
OP go to a meeting or have a drink and shut the fuck up
your self pity is stinking up the joint

>> No.6202733


welcome to the club bro. hope you see past that egoistic denial eventually.

>> No.6202753
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>> No.6202769

My gf was in the room but she doesn't care about football, I some how managed to drink an entire bottle of soco 100 proof.

>> No.6203282

sure m8

>> No.6203292

Anyone want to go to meetings or rehab, but have too much anxiety to make the effort? I can't imagine going to an alcoholics meeting. I have a hard enough time buying groceries. At least there they don't ask my name and presumedly don't know I'm a booze addict.

>> No.6203349

>someone isn't a problem drinker
it happens...its sad and it happens.

>> No.6203410

I do. I can't bring myself to go, then stick to it shortly thereafter. TOO depressing.

>> No.6203463

Not AA but I've been to NA before and what you want to do us find a home group with a large number of people. No one will force you to talk and even beyond that, there are so many people willing to talk you'd hardly even be noticed. They don't call on you like a teacher. If you want to talk, okay. If you want to just listen for 5 years straight, that's okay. People really demonize NA/AA but in my experience it's just a lot of people just getting shit off their chest.

>> No.6203658

Don't watch games, but a rather interesting night.
>quitting smoking, last night was 3 days without a smoke mark, buy self a few of those mini packs they do for Christmas, and an assortment of nicer scotches and what not as a treat. Having a few glasses and reading a book when suddenly cravings pick up and I'm pretty wasted at this point, shops are closed as planned, I knew something like this would happen so timed shops closing with level of intoxication. Have genius idea, 8 acres property, I'll make a fire and that can substitute as smoke. End up making 4 fires in backyard as a drunken mess craving a cigarette.

>> No.6203673

I've smoked cigarettes for almost 10 years now, I've been able to cut back drastically by realizing that wanting to smoke is most often triggered by association, having a drink being one of the larger associations. Though it's like if you stop at the same stop light every day on your way to work and that's when you light one up, you need to realize that and force yourself to not light up at that point. Sounds kind of dicey but realizing why I smoked when I smoked helped me back down to the point where I will only have a cigarette if I'm really craving versus just being a creature of habit.

>> No.6203719

I've been smoking rather than drinking and it's nice. I think I'm going to buy some brandy this Thursday though

>> No.6203724

Unfortunately I'm also addicted to all the associated activities too

>> No.6203743

I too passed out at the game on a combination of opiates and alcohol. Woke up, went home, and drank until 2am on gin. Had to miss half of work yesterday, thank god for the snow because it gave me an excuse to say I had to dig myself out.

>> No.6203875

I'm really surprised by it all, 2 weeks ago, the idea of quitting was like, heh, I'm a smoker and that's that, it's how it always will be. I ran out of money and decided that if I can go the one day, I can keep going.

>> No.6203877

I've been getting very drunk every day since June of last year, and I know I have a problem, I just don't want to stop. Things keep getting worse and worse, but I keep blaming it on other things in my life even when I know it's the alcohol that is doing it. Fuck.

I tried cutting back this week and I just found myself having the most severe insomnia ever. I've been drinking less than half of what I normally drink, and I would find myself going to bed, waking up after 2 or 3 hours and laying awake for several hours before repeating the whole thing over again. Is this normal for "detoxing"? I've never had problems sleeping before I started hitting the bottle hard. If I do manage to quit, will I sleep like that forever, or is there some cut-off period? I don't want to be like this forever.

>> No.6203903

2 am here. Just woke up and about to hav my first shot. I'm drinking Absolute(shit) vodka and will be moving to some crown

>> No.6203918

Hey, just go to the doctor and tell him that you are an alcohol. Then after a physical examination and some questions he could prescribe you some benzos for the withdrawal. Just have a few mg when you feel the rush og anxiety and probably some more before going to bed. Keep at it anon, the first four days are the worst.

>> No.6204367

>replacing alcohol with benzos
The withdrawal from benzos can last months/years, it's usually not worth getting on that shit unless you suffer from serious anxiety.

>> No.6204376

I drank 8 beers and took ambien. Woke up on my living room floor the next day with no memory of who won. Was only an hour late for work Monday!

>> No.6204379
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>absolut shit vodka

da fuq? It's good shit m8. What's better?

>> No.6204435


anyone who tells you there is a drink limit to be considered an alcoholic is a retard who is actually proud of their problem

that being said, based on what i've seen when people talk about how much they drink in these threads and on reddit, it seems like a lot of the out of control "can't hold a steady job/start drinking as soon as I wake up" alcoholics drink upwards of 20 units a day, which would be around a fifth of hard liquor.

>> No.6205012

Any other alkalines always feel thirsty no matter how much water they drink?

I drink 4-6 litres of water a day, only drink after work, and constantly feel thirsty. Not diabetes, because I just went to my doctor, said I was an alcohol, and everything in my bloodwork --from liver to kidney function, is normal (other than tryglyceride levels).

Is this unquenchable thirst common?

>> No.6205077

I always feel thirsty too. I dunno what it is, or why. I've been to my doctor, and he has no idea why I feel so thirsty.

Generally I wake up in the morning feeling like I haven't consumed water in a month, and I'll drink two or three pints of water just then because my throat aches from being so thirsty. Then I'll drink two or more pints of water throughout the day before I begin drinking at night.

You're definitely not alone, I have no idea why I'm so thirsty or what is happening.

>> No.6205122

How many drinks a day were you at, and where are you now? (In any case, the insomnia *will* go away. It does *not* last forever. And if you're having physical symptoms of withdrawal, you chose wisely to cut down first, rather than to go cold turkey.)

>> No.6205150

I'm not sure about units, but I would go through about 400ml of tequila a day, or a litre or more of some 20% alcohol. I know I can't just cold turkey it, particularly since I'm trying to chase my feelings away, but I've been trying to down less than half a bottle of tequila, or less than 300mL of 20% booze. It's fucking hard, and it's good to know that the insomnia won't last forever. I've been worried about it, as I think I'll eventually go insane if I can't sleep.

>> No.6205311

Benzos are not to replace alcohol, but to avoid withdrawal symptoms, aka delirium tremens, aka "anxiety". Don't do it for more than 2 weeks.

When I went to the hospital, I was drinking close to 30 units/day (a litre of wodka). They gave me 40mg of valium the first 2 days (that's a lot), then lowered the dose and I was off in a week.

>> No.6205547
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I always get drunk and end up upsetting my girlfriend. I still don't know what I said last time I blacked out, but when I woke up I knew she was crying because of the kleenex strewn about and because she was sleeping on the couch.

The worst part is she keeps making up excuses *for* me and always apologizes even though she did nothing wrong.


>> No.6205808

Good start. You're down to about 4 (300mL 20%) to 8 (375mL out of a 750mL bottle of 40% hard liquor) American standard drinks a day.

I go with 24-oz beer at 5% = 2 drinks. 750mL wine at 15% = 6 drinks. 750mL port at 20% = 8 drinks. 750mL of hard liquor at 40% = 16 drinks.

If that's half your usual intake, yeah, you're coming down from a pretty scary place, and yeah, it is pretty fucking hard.

Remember that you're cutting down for a pretty good reason: as hard as it is, it's less hard than what was waiting for you down the other road of keeping up with a 10-20 drink a day habit. You don't need to abstain if you don't want to. But if I were a doctor, which I'm not, I'd like to get that number down to the 4-6 range, then the 3-4 range. Give yourself a week here at 4-8. Then see if you can start racking up more 4s and fewer 8s. If you need professional help, don't hesitate to find it.

>> No.6205834

Tapered down for two weeks, really thought I was in a good position to walk away from alcohol. Tonight is my third night and I'm praying for sleep. I've been awake for going on 48 hours and I'm losing my goddamn mind.

>> No.6205877

You suck man.

>> No.6205883

How many of you dropkicks can actually hold down a steady job?

>> No.6205904

I've been fired twice for either drinking at work or getting into work drunk.

>> No.6205905

Alright, this thread makes me nervous. Over the past month or so, I've probably drank a bottle of wine and 4-6 beers an evening after I get home from work. Should I worry about withdrawal symptoms? I've never really felt an actual craving for it, it's more or less something for me to do when I get home. Either way, after checking this thread and looking up delirum tremens or whatnot, I'm freaked out.

>> No.6205941

As long as you don't start drinking when you wake up in the morning you'll be fine. Also, if you don't have any crippling personal issues and feel the need to numb your mind, you shouldn't have a hard time slowing down or quitting. I'm almost at a point of no return.

>> No.6206153

Holy shit man why do you mix the colors?

I drink all kinds of stuff but I never mix vodka and whiskey.

>> No.6206157


Dude, you need to cut it down and not be mean to her. I understand that you may only do this when you're under the influence, but please try to remember that being with someone is special.

I'm 25 and an alcohol and I've never had a girlfriend in my life.

In the end, the only one that can really stop you from doing these things is you anyway.

>> No.6206226

Therapists have a higher success rate at helping alcoholics quit than things like AA. See if you can get one? You're clearly not drinking heavily enough to become abusive out of boredom...

>> No.6206230


Chad pls go

>> No.6206507

Maybe deep down you actually don't care for her or resent her. I was seeing a girl until recently, never really had strong emotions for her or anything, but let things out when tipsy drunk. Lately realized that was why.

>> No.6206919

Thanks for the support man, I really appreciate it. It was hard to admit that I have a problem, and what is actually causing it is the alcohol, and not other random stuff. Taking responsibility and not just hiding in the bottle was way harder than I thought it would be, and as stupid as it is all I want to do is crawl back into the bottle and forget it. I guess I just have to focus on my health and not allow myself to get discouraged by my feelings.

>> No.6208598

On the off chance one of you reads this, just go to a meeting.

You can sit there in silence like an autist in the corner the whole time, they're used to it. You seriously don't have to talk or make eye contact with anyone, you can just listen. Pretend you're watching anime

>> No.6208612

>secret to neing a successful alckie

Just keep a gallon of water at your bedside at all times, dummy.

>> No.6208618

I know bruh

>you need to cut it down and not be mean to her
If only it was that easy dude. You think I like making my girlfriend cry?

I'd actually like to try therapy. I'm not sure how to go about doing that though, especially since I'm broke.

Possible. Sometimes I feel pretty aloof about her, other times I think about her and almost cry because of the shit I put her through. I've tried to break up with her once and she cried and I pussied out.

Just one of those fucked up situations. When it's bad, it's bad but when it's good it's really good.

>> No.6208629

is there some combination of alcohol and blood sugar that would make you pass out like right when you want to?

Just a general question

>> No.6208678

Being alone is my dream bitch

>> No.6208791

That's all i want. seriously.

just give me a 1 bedroom apt with a tunnel to a liquor/grocery store and let me die in peace.

on my budget i have to use share houses and hate is inevitable. i cant like or respect ppl anymore.
loving their stupid, petty lives and dramas. you're all walking corpses being "defined" by people who tolerate you just because you tolerate them.
using your own embellished tragedies to garner false sympathy until its your turn to do the same.
I dont need or want others bullshit adding to the stench of my own.

>> No.6209145

fuck this feels lime me for a few years now but i dont know how to make that a reality

>> No.6209187

I'm really not sure if I should post this, but it happened while i was intoxicated. But its an /alc/ thread again and Google hasn't helped.
Also has anyone else ever had this happen to them??

> Was out with a friend eating and drinking
> Suddenly become different person my friend didnt say anything really bad to make me change like that
> Leave the place go outside, I'm not sure what happened first, not recognizing my friend or seeing something
> I became seriously scared swearing I saw something some ghost apparition or something, something wasn't normal
> Look at my friend and no idea who they were, keep asking you who are you, who are you becoming very agitated and scared I cant explain how scared I was fucking terrified
> I had no idea who I was looking at (keep in mind this was a friend from a long time ago)
> Somehow manage to get back to normal (somewhat)
>get in taxi, go home
> This morning I saw a woman in my dream I and some people were taking me to see her because she had something to do with me I'm not sure what or why but I felt like that she was who I saw or she was taking me to find something out, In the elevator going up to go the somewhere that I had to (The whole dream I have never seen any location like that ever)
Now I cant stop thinking about that night or dream..

So am I just over thinking it or what the fuck happened that night, has any one else experienced something like that?

>> No.6209202

>I'd actually like to try therapy. I'm not sure how to go about doing that though, especially since I'm broke.
There must be some free structures. Just take care not to get into a sect.
Look for an alcoologue or a doc working in addictologie (sorry, it doesn't translate well into English. A doctor in addiction or alcoholism.)

Sounds like a bad trip on hallucinogenic drugs. You sure you didn't took LSD or shrooms?

>> No.6209211

. I have never even tried that any hallucinogen in my life..... plus its not possible, I live In Korea drugs are pretty impossible to get here, all I drank was soju and this is the first time I have had something like this happen so I'm stumped

>> No.6209225

Also adding to that I have drunk that much plus more before but this is the first time I had such an odd reaction?

My friend was a bit worried, he is Korean and Korean people believe that some people have the "ability" to see ghosts (It apparently runs in the family here) and he seriously asked me if I have I have the ability to see ghosts but I'm not 100% on this, he has never seen me act like that so he was a bit freaked out
Which in turn made me keep thinking about that situation

>> No.6209703
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My poop was solid and brown for the first time in a month.

It only took two days of not drinking. I think this calls for a celebration.

>> No.6210751

What's your reason for drinking, /alc/?

I just want the bad feelings to go away.

>> No.6210807

I had that at the beginning of this week. I was trying to have a full work week sober. Had a stressful Wednesday and 96 beers since then.

I miss the days when every shit wasn't an emergency.

>> No.6210814

Yeah, I have. Before I go into the details: These experiences started in my youth (~15-16), ie shortly after I started drinking (central yuropooin, completely normal here). It didn't really get intense until I started anti-depressants around 6 years ago, though, as illustrated in the examples following.

The first time I remember was when I got home after a night of heavy drinking. I was walking up the stairs to my flat and when I was just a few metres in front of my door, the light turned off automatically and only the moon light illuminated the staircase. I live in a really old building, so we've got these huge double doors with massive wooden frames; like a smaller version of a gate. The twilight of the moon shining through the windows and my intoxication made it look really imposing and I suddenly got the feeling I was in front of a dark portal leading to some other world and I literally couldn't move. I just stood there, transfixed. Then I somehow snapped out of it.

Second time was when I combined weed + alcohol at a party. I was hallucinating and imagining the girl I was talking with was insulting me and ridiculing me. It was the first time I'd ever experienced this kind of hallucination. It seemed absolutely real and I could've sworn it'd happened that way, except nobody around me understood what the hell I was talking about.

That's when I stopped mixing weed and alcohol. That didn't stop the hallucinations though. The other instances I remember all happed when I was tired and really drunk and alone. I'd come home from going out and sit down in front of the computer for a final beer before bed, relaxing and listening to some music. Five to ten minutes pass and I'm still awake but I find myself somewhere else entirely. Like, I'm a child and at my parents' home in summer. Or I'm in some sort of fantasy world. And it's all so real and endearing that when I snap out of it, I feel it's reality that's foreign and strange.

>> No.6210823

>96 beers
Are we talking pints here or smaller?

>> No.6210836

it may turn out that the best option for myself is to kill myself in the near future

and I hatemyself

I like alcohol, but I would much prefer to smoke pot as a crutch, but unlike alcohol(except for sometimes) pot just makes me think about how horrible a person I am and magnifies all my mistakes and flaws to the point where the only way I can make up for how weird and bad of person I am is too kill myself

>> No.6210842

12oz. cans. And I guess it isn't quite that many yet. I'm only halfway through my third 30-pack, so by the end of the night it'll be 96.

>> No.6210878

Okay, that's around 60 pints in 3 days. I can see how that's possible. 96 pints would've struck me as a tad fantastic, even for an alcoholic.

Currently drinking a bottle of Madeira. Never had any before. I like it. Better than Sherry, not worse than Port but different.

>> No.6210945

Or or hear me out you retards can just stop drinking! I know! What a fucking miracle! It's not a disease just put down the glass.

>> No.6211002

South Park pls go
>implying anyone here wants to stop drinking

>> No.6211009


>> No.6211013

Can I go drunk? I could go, and not act belligerent. I'm a calm drunkard. I really need to quit though, but going to a meeting makes my heart skip beats just thinking about it, and I've been drinking. I can't imagine being there sober. I don't think I'm autistic, I'm just a depressed neurotic asshole with no self control.

>> No.6211061

Depends on the glass.
It can be just to stop the shakes, or to sleep.
It's often to forget booze ruined my life.

The dream and the night are two different event.
Some dreams feel like they have a meaning, when there is nothing to interpret in them.
For the night, IDK. Speak to a doctor about it if it happens again.
The questions he'll ask may (or may not) be about if you were tired, had noticeable events in your life in the previous days ; if you saw things that do not exist (hallucination, like seeing ghosts) and/or mis-seeing things (illusion, like not recognising your friend). So take a few notes, you may not remember details in a few month.
And a tip from someone who know too many bad shrinks : whatever they prescribe you, google the thing before eating any pill. Whatever they diagnosis you, read about it before being OK. You know better than many doctors.

>EDIT : Fuck, I wrote a wall of text again. I always do that when I'm drunk. Fuck it, I'll explain myself tomorrow.

>> No.6211097

As a fellow depressed weirdo, I'd say you should really go to/make it your goal to visit a psychiatrist and then a therapist first and foremeost.

The only reason you should skip that is if you really, really can't afford it and nobody else (charities, mental-health organisations, etc.) won't help you out (some of them offer free therapy up to a certain limit; fucking worth it).

I don't know whether you can go to AA drunk. Logic says you can (it's for fucking alcoholics) and you can't (booze smell/behaviour making others relapse). I've never been there, so yeah. Thing is, AFAIK, the people leading these meetings aren't required to present solid qualifications (i.e. a university degree or extensive professional experience) to proove they're capable of conducting these get-togethers. That doesn't mean they aren't capable but it does mean your results may vary very much.

Also, if the religious connotations of AA bother you, there are other groups as well that are secular, athough they're not as widespread, naturally.

>> No.6211164
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Fellow co/ck/s

I'm seriously considering walking into work with a mickey of some shit, likely JD, in my backpack.

I'm 21, the amount of my drinking increases each day. I find myself shaking in the morning and stuttering for the day after a long night.
> Should I worry?
> When did you start worrying?
> 3 beers and two jack and cokes in while writing this post, cheers

>> No.6211225

It all depends.

What do you work, when, and with how many people around you?
In general, it's not a good idea to bring booze to work. But if it's the only way you can function and you can conceal it and manage to do your job, then well, fuck, you're not alone, do it.

>> No.6211392

do you work in a kitchen?

just try not to take it. if you do, get STRONG breath mints and use excessive deodorant. and try not to be happier than usual. in fact, be a bit more somber. rinse your mouth after swigs. and only do enough to get you through the day.

>> No.6211409

>I miss the days when every shit wasn't an emergency.
Fuck. so much this.
shit-pissing yellow toilet staining ass juice every 45mns is not fun.

having friends and a life and actually caring about anything was fun, as i remember, also.

>> No.6211559

I used to drink every fucking night a few months ago before I got busted and had to stop for awhile.
I could get drunk as fuck and wake up and feel fine for work in the morning.
Had a few beers the other night after not drinking for two months and woke up with the worst hangover I've had in years.
How do I get the magical "no hangover" thing back?

>> No.6211585

Dunno. Did you drink lots of water/other non-alcoholic stuff during that time? Did you eat lots before drinking? Did you get more sleep than now?

Fuck knows m8. Worst case, you've reached the point where the only way to cure a hangover is not letting it happen.

>> No.6211594

nothing really changed outside of not drinking.
the people in AA mentioned it happening to them too after they quit.

>> No.6211597
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i haven't been able to eat in days and i know my stomach lining is fucked so withdrawals are going to be coming, soon i won't even be able to keep down water

tonight is probably the lasy night i will be able to drink for like a week and i'm so fucking scared you wouldn't even believe, detoxing is a torture i wouldn't wish on anyone don't ever start drinking heavily if you can avoid it

>> No.6211635

Well yeah, the not-drinking does that to you. I misread your earlier post that said you got busted. No miracle the people in AA tell the same story.

You'd probably been drinking regularly without realising it before shit hit the fan; that's why you never or hardly felt a hangover.

>> No.6211639

Anon check into a clinic. You're in serious risk of delirium tremens.
Call an ambulace if necessary, they will understand. Honestly m8, don't fucking kill yourself. Even if you want to, there are better ways.

>> No.6211663
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Sending good vibes, you're way

>> No.6211809

haha no worries about a a wall of text at least it's informative and thats what really matters here.

Well I haven't had a proper sleep since then so Im still waiting for this mysterious lady to come back, I slept 2.5 hours since that dream so might have to wait a bit before seeing a shrink Im not to keem on talking to people irl (why else am I on 4chan) lol
I just hope this was a one off event whrre my mind went derp

>Hopes so

>> No.6211811

When every shadow is a spider it's difficult to ignore the pain you're in.
Without the illusions you can no longer pretend your mom ever loved you.
You dream of peace, like only the stillborn know.
My skin is on fire and I can't wash the bugs off.
Allowing another person to understand is not fair to them.
My heart will explode the next time my dog starts barking at anything.
You don't know what fear is, not yet

>> No.6211814

i go through this once a week, mostly.

boiled eggs, annon. and apples. if you can make it to a juice place get apple and lots of ginger. ginger is so bloody good for stomach stuff.
nothing acidic.

8 years drunk. trust me.

>> No.6211819


pretty much

>> No.6211821

cool, I have 15 years drunk and i'm literally dying of cirrhosis, that that is solid advice

if you are are to get any food in you it helps so much, when you get so sick you end up going like a week without food it just makes it much worse

>> No.6211825

>My skin is on fire and I can't wash the bugs off.
>Allowing another person to understand is not fair to them.
I hate to tell someone in an obviously bad state this, but for the love of poetry, everything apart from these two lines is horrible. And the first line of that is bordering on bad. Second line is pretty damn good though. Hit me good, I have to admit.

Keep on working, with some luck you might kinda go Bukowski.

>> No.6211832

that's just what i feel like bro, not trying to be a poet

if you don't know DT you have no idea how true the first line is, shadows start crawling and spiders race across my ceiling

it's called delirium for a reason, I can't write shit at all

it always makes me really sad when I cant convey it, but I'm too stupid

>> No.6211833

shit, man. im sorry.

tell me about yourself.

>> No.6211838

come on, man. just let the guy express himself.
its truth to me.

>> No.6211842

Anyone else wake up in the middle of the night and have a drink? Sometimes I wake up at 3 or 4 and can't go back to sleep so I take a shot and lurk around here for an hour. Then go back to sleep. I shouldn't even be awake right now, I've got to rewake up in 4 hours for a wedding.

>> No.6211848

no. i drink till i cant drink anymore or pass out. i drink till i can't see or pick up the bottle.

>> No.6211849

I don't know DT but I know shadow spiders. If you're writing this in DT then holy shit, respect to you. But if you post poetry (yes it's poetry), you're gonna have to deal with criticism. All the better if it doesn't concern you. I know the feeling of not being able to convey my thoughts. It's frustrating and that's what makes good poetry so fantastic; it transcends that barrier with bare vocabulary and hits right in the feels.

And as I said, that line about understanding was completely fucking to the point.

>> No.6211876

I am experiencing one of the worst cases of alcohol withdrawal I've ever had as I have been posting.

I was kinda rambling off the top of my head, but the fact you had one line you like and shit on the rest of it makes me respect your opinion a lot. I know I'm not good at 4chan poetry, but if something strick a cord that makes me feel good.

I don't mean to waste your time, but if you are a kind enough gentleman I would like to hear what was shitty about every line because I'm out of my mind enough that I'm not feeling defensive

I've always wondered if it's an issue of people being able to relate, but you seem to think I'm objectively shit so your insight is more valuable to me than you may realize

>> No.6212291


>> No.6212322


yep me too. even before i was an alcohol i drink water like crazy. it's not uncommon for me to drink 3 liters of water over dinner at a restaurant

it's so bad that I often have problems sleeping because im in a cycle of
>thirsty, can't sleep
>drink water
>have to pee, can't sleep

When I was getting my sleep apnea (muskell neck, not fatty) checked out I mentioned it and the doctor said chewing a gum or a mint will stimulate saliva production and make you feel unthirsty. so any anons who have the same problem can try that

>> No.6212366

>tfw get shitty blood test results back
>tfw high everything, especially liver enzymes
>tfw want to be /fit/ and happy but suck at it
>tfw my Dr. wants to "talk" about my results
You honestly might be developing diabetes. Excessive thirst is a symptom.

>> No.6212395

Don't do it man. I can tell you from personal experience that once you start going down the road of drinking at work, you'll start to drink everywhere and become way too dependent on it. Take a minute and think about why you drink. If you drink because you like what drinking does (flavor, feeling, helps you sleep) , just savor times outside of work. If you start drinking because stopping isn't an option, you have a problem.

>> No.6212495

Should I be worried If its slimy, grey and red?

>> No.6212714

>that fucking feel when you chug beers, drop your phone, fall at least 3 times, fuck up your elbow and do cocaine

Fucking got to quit this shit

>> No.6212728

If you drink that much are are still increasing and continuously do it to that degree then you probably should have been worried a long time ago, retard.

>> No.6212780

what do you think

>> No.6212899
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I was sober for over a month.

Then last night I couldn't take the soul crushing boredom anymore and got smashed. Whyyyy

>> No.6213066
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Edgy as fuck, straight out of some teenager's notebook.

>> No.6213140

im in this political philosophy class and the professor is a real genius

he talks about plato, and the state of the soul. he made a comment about how vices kill your soul slowly, and mentioned drinking. i almost started crying

im cutting back. ive got to stop. i want to keep my soul

>> No.6213151

more on this

ive been drinking heavily for about 5 months now, like really heavily.

i thought i was okay. i never had hangovers, never had any withdrawal symptoms. then 2 weeks ago i woke up in the middle of the night shaking and my heart was racing. i felt panicky. the next day i could barely answer peoples questions without stuttering and my hands shook all day. i havent felt like that since then, and ive been tapering off.

i hope ill be okay, but im terrified

>> No.6213448

Hey guys, not really an acly but I like these threads.

Anyway, I was going to go to a music thing tonight with my one friend who I always hang out and at around 5 PM today I asked her when we're going and she said that her friend was coming from out of town instead. That was my only plan today, now I'm in my room drinking brandy and I'll probably smoke later unless I make some plans for the future.

I asked if she and her friend wanted to drink later but she didn't respond so I guess I'll play darkest dungeon tonight again.

>> No.6213477

i used to say "not really an alcy but..."

and now this is me

>> No.6213490

Stop drinking so much, you dip.

Is 750ml in 2-3 days a lot?

>> No.6213512

that question has literally already been asked

if you think its too much, then stop before it doesnt become close to being enough

>> No.6213517


>> No.6213530

That's 5-8 drinks a day, I'd say yes

>> No.6213544

To clarify, I only do it on the weekends (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

I *usually* don't drink during the week and if I do it's a fifth over more time (5-6 days)

So that means I'm good, right?

>> No.6213769

your fine little one

>> No.6213775

Why do I sometimes try to barf out my liquor even though I'm not that drunk. Like, I take a drink and my throat tries to gag up the liquor.

>> No.6213886

that happens to me just because of how i drink liquids. i cant do shots, but i can drink 4 times the amount of a shot out of a cup, its just the way it hits my mouth and throat

>> No.6213923
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At it again

>> No.6213931

>tfw drunk

>> No.6213945

You are quite on the way to become an alcohol. Just stop being in denial. You know asking random people on 4chan to confirm you are still OK is pretty much a sign you're not OK.
You may still be in the "heavy drinker" phase, but it won't last long before you are a full blast alcoholic.

Reduce your consumption before it's too late.
Why not try spending 2 weeks without drinking? If only too see how it goes. That would answer your questions better than us.

If you're thinking about excuses to not stop for 14 days ; and I know that's probably what you have in mind ; you're an alkie. Welcome.

>> No.6213960

can i smoke reefer in those days?

>> No.6213973
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>drink a litre a day of cheap vodka for 3 years straight
>taper my consumption with beers so i don't die from withdrawals

been alcohol free 8 months. i tried the other day to get drunk, but it didn't feel the same. just felt like i was letting down my waifu and grandma.

>> No.6214005

>>tfw sober for almost a week

Everything is so boring. It's driving me mad not to go pick up a 12 pack right now


>> No.6214009

If one shot's enough for you at that time it sounds reasonably comfortable. Not trying to be edgy or an asshole.

>> No.6214010

im the guy who posted above you. the boredom doesn't go away for at least a month.

after that, its fairly easily. if you were a real heavy drinker, the brain doesn't fully go back to normal for at least 6 months.

>> No.6214031

I almost got hit by a car going to get a bottle of vodka

now all i want to do is drink

>> No.6214037

750x2 is how many drinks? What's 3x 750? That's a decent get off level. Kind of wiped out the next day, not drinking tonight.

>> No.6214039

If I don't experience any withdrawal symptoms 48 hours after last drink, would I be in the clear?

Habit is normally a 750 ml bottle of wine and a six pack of light beer 5 nights a week. Never blackout drunk, usually have a nice buzz when I go to bed.

Also, don't know if it matters, but 6'1'' 250 lbs

>> No.6214062

your weight is really helping you out with the addiction, or lack their of

you were drinking a lot, but not nearly as much as a lot of people

and most of the charts and stuff made for the average person

>> No.6214066

Still dealing with nightmares and insomnia, so boredom is the last of my worries I suppose. Thanks for the encouragement man.

>> No.6214078

So that's a probable yes for in the clear?
In terms of symptoms, the only one I've ever had is higher heart rate the next day, but I'm diagnosed with general anxiety disorder so that's normally chalked up to that

>> No.6214085

you gave me a little hope. been drinking like that by only for the past 6 months, started just after my 21st birthday

today is my first day of tapering. i feel pretty good, at one point i thought to myself "fuck it, just get drunk again, start next week" and i put the bottle back down. it was really starting to ruin my life

in the past i smoked weed every three hours for five years, then just decided to stop one day. i smoked cigarettes for 2 years, and just dropped that cold turkey last night

im just terrified about what ive read about DTs.

>> No.6214087

you'll be okay my man. if not, remember, you can always kill yourself if it becomes unbearable.

knowing i can kill myself at any moment really helps me get through the day.

>> No.6214091

yeah, if you were in serious trouble youd know it by day two

>> No.6214093

also, on boredom, what is helping me is playing videogames like dota or gta 5.

just something that you just dont think about how you feel ive been playing gta5 just zoned out driving

>> No.6214096

whatever you do, don't cold turkey my man. it's fucking hell. ive tapered many times then started again before being 8 months dry.

the trick is to wait as LONG as you can after you wake up until the withdrawal symptoms become really bad. then usually a high ABV beer an hour will keep you safe. id recommend at least 5.5 or 6 percent. i could never taper on light beer.

you will probably not sleep very well, infact you will probably have the most surreal nightmares, like mind bending wake up and audibly say "what the fuck nigger" kinda shit.

just remember, after 5 days of tapering, you'll be out of the woods. just remind yourself that sure, alcohol is amazing but waking up everyday not feeling like death is better.

>> No.6214112

thanks man. i read a lot about tapering before deciding to do it. its been 6 hours since i had a shot or anything, but back is killing me and my head is starting to hurt. i feel like i went through one wave of the withdrawals already. when i woke up i was shaky and nervous, which is how ive woken up the past few weeks.

like i said earlier, my wake up call was abrupt. i had never had any type of withdrawal symptom, and then 2 weeks ago, after spending basically a whole week on a bender, i woke up after four hours terrified for my life, like jerking and shaking and heart pounding. sort of subsided after a shower, but ive been shaky and had anxiety every morning since then. and started taking the drinking slower. today is the first day of real methodical tapering.

>> No.6214125

nice. tapering is better alternative than any kind of rehab/detox. tapering is just hard for most drunks because of the obvious reasons.

one thing i would recommend that you don't have shots. i found myself craving more booze after a shot because i didn't have anything boozy to sip on. which is why i prefer a beer. or mixed drink.

thats just me though.

good on you for stopping before it gets too bad. my wake up call was having shots in the morning to stop from shaking/anxiety. it was rough because the first shot is almost always insta puke lol.

friends is on netflix now. go marathon that. chandler is top tier btw

>> No.6214143

ive seen it all

using videogames and podcasts

>> No.6214149
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welcome to nightvale. listen to that while u taper. just not in bed at night when you cant sleep.

its some lovecraftian spooky shit.

>> No.6214178

save for quitting drinking, how do i get rid of this SHITTY fucking bloat from drinking all the time? i don't even do beer, just shots of rum and vodka

trying to drink lots of water but it seems to have no effect

and my liver hurts

i think im also constipated

eating prunes, avocado, brussel sprouts, nuts... coconut oil sometimes lets me shit but right now i'm just backed the fuck up


>> No.6214194

Op here

I wasnt trying to come off as all self pity or whatever. Its just an embarrassing thing to say so I phrased it like that, even though its not embarrassing at all on an anonymous european hentai image board

>> No.6214207

technically your liver cant hurt, it doesnt have pain receptors

how long have you been drinking?

>> No.6214211

>Welcome to Nightvale

My niggaaaaaa, some of my favourite music has been found there

>> No.6214216


how... long?

i mean. really only since i was 21, and i'm 23 now, and ive gone through phases where i abstain for a couple weeks, or just drink casually and only when i go out... but for the last maybe month i've been drinking constantly, all the time, i'm almost never sober.

and i mean.. i feel pain where my liver is so

>> No.6214242

well dont worry about it too much, and self diagnosis just makes you more scared because symptoms of everything are vague.

>> No.6214250
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a 4 litre bag of wine is 9 dollarydoos where i am. its too cheap, i cant help myself it makes me feel good i dont want to disappoint my old man though fuck i dunno

>> No.6214276
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I was at a work do on Thursday and one of my workers throated a beer, after he finished he said "I saw you watch anon and thinking, I could do that." which I was. I told him I had to drive home to which he replied 'Put your key behind the bar anon, you can do it". I only had one beer, but by the end of the night my colleague vomited in the bathroom and and got kick out of the bar.
>I'm glad I have my impulses under control.

>> No.6214890

im the guy who has started to stop, and i had that bloating too

this morning, i took a long dark piss, and when i laid back down the bloating was just gone

>> No.6214905

you probably have either alcoholic fatty liver or alcoholic hepatitis (which is the progression of the former)

youve only drank for a few years, so you dont have cirrhosis. its not too late. you have to stop. save yourself now.

also, updating my own thing. day 2 of tapering and i feel great. i didnt sleep last night, but it was the first time in months i actually felt good just laying in bed. i was comfy

>> No.6215230

>alcoholic hepatitis

Alcoholic hepatitis is a serious disease. As many as 35 percent of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis. And more than a third of them die within six months after signs and symptoms begin to appear.

holy shit

is it Not too late...? is it not?

>> No.6215237


i am also bulimic (7 years) and i wonder how much that makes it worse for me

>> No.6215528

im looking for a new drink i used to get shitfaced on whiskey and tequila but now i just cant take their taste
im drinking beer mostly now but its not enough
i hate vodka

>> No.6215817

like i said, dont self diagnose because every disease basically has the same symptoms.

but face it

you dont feel well. you know its because of your drinking. stop drinking.

>> No.6215817,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hit me right in the feelbone m8

>> No.6216062

stop fucking up your body

one of the reasons livers get damaged is because alcohol replaces nutrients from the food you take in, and youre actively taking the food you do manage to put in back out

>> No.6217563

When I couldn't drink pure wodka anymore (I think it was early pancreatitis signs), I mixed it 50/50 with water.
Yes, it is as disgusting, if not more. But I wouldn't puke it. (I now mix 1/2 wodka, 1/4 juice, 1/4 water, to get some vitamins and nutriments.)
Whiskey mixes well with ice/water, or so I've been told.

>> No.6217578

not an al/ck/oholic myself but..
>went out to the bar last night
>qt sitting by herself at the bar drinking
>go sit next to her and start talking
>she drank pretty heavily while we were talking but I didn't think anything of it
>a few hours later she invites me back to her place
>go inside
>empty bottles of cheap vodka all over the floor
>she gets out two unwashed glasses and pours us some shitty vodka
>tell her I don't need anymore to drink but she chugs an entire glass
>we sit on her couch and start making out
>she passes out after a few minutes
>carry her to bed and go home
I feel kinda bad for her. Now I see why she was sitting alone.

>> No.6217591

good to hear my man

>> No.6217808

I knew a girl like that once. Damn shame too, she was a nice girl otherwise.

892 days without a drink

>> No.6217832

>qt alcoholic
Shoulda tried curing her :/ .

>> No.6218009
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>use to work at this cafe
>remote place
>only get few regulars in july
>my boss is on a month long vacation
>usually don't have any coworkers around on saturdays
>make screwdrivers and watch x-files
best job I ever had

>> No.6218045

maybe you should take a neurology class and figure out how diet alters your state of mind

you think unhappiness is some sort of object attached to you?
you can't possibly even touch a philosopher if you think of yourself as a sham amongst shams.
I'm not trying to make you feel better, though good philosophers tend to speak of the bad parts of life, they thoroughly enjoy the good parts as well.

your just hinging some emotional issues on an intelligent man's bad-day dialogue.

stop drinking so much, go out and exercise, hike a bit and listen to some non-emo music.

this isn't philosophical, chemistry is predominate factor in all faculties of your mind, including language and all deductions of logic. you might deduce a happier life if you weren't shitting your body up and crying yourself to sleep.

>> No.6218217

Is darkest dungeon a video game or is it when you sit alone in your room?

>> No.6218400
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>> No.6218422

Are you drunk right now?

>> No.6219574

update part two

drank last night as part of the tapering, but ended up drinking more than i wanted to, felt like shit

today, woke up, and havent had a drink in nearly 24 hours and still have half a bottle sitting right next to me. i was walking through a store today and saw wine bottles and shuttered, and i cant belive i used to go into stores and buy liquor. i feel really good. sweat like a motherfucker though, will that ever go away?

>> No.6219664
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>get a 25k promotion to 75k
>time to celebrate
>employee with the keys to the port gives me an incredibly jelly look
>I don't even get carded even though i'm barely 22

The glenfiddich tastes like roasted pecans with a bit of vanilla. I never knew whisky could taste this good.

What should I open next?

>> No.6219696

this isnt really that kind of thread

>> No.6219712


Oh... I thought this was a drinking thread. I'll leave you all to wallow in your misery then.

Goodnight anons. Try not to drink so much.

>> No.6219757

there is an active alcoholic beverage thread active now though

>> No.6219772

You want a headache tomorrow? Finish the port, then start on the scotch.

Make sure not to drink any water.

>> No.6220848


>> No.6221171

>Drinking vinegar to feel good
He's already disappointed

>> No.6221238
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>Start playing DayZ and Smite
>Haven't eaten properly in over two weeks
>Drinking less and less
>Drink normally the other night on an emtpy stomach
>Why am I so drunk?

They've been consuming so much of my time I've been tapering without realising it
I don't know if that's a good or bad thing

>> No.6221276
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>tfw 12 beers doesn't give you a buzz anymore and only makes you feel the need to pee
>tfw made my first cocktail at 9 this morning

>> No.6221311

hello there fellow aus fag

its cheap and terrible, I prefer the reds though , higher alc content usually plus imo white wine tastes like shit

>> No.6221317

>Valentine's Day

I want out

>> No.6221327
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fuck valentines you just reminded me of how lonely I am.

>tfw broke up with bf few days ago after he burst my eardrum by slapping me
>tfw 4 hour beating

Why is anyone surprised that I drink this much

>> No.6221331

She must of had some problems
It's pretty sad, a lot of men look down on women who drink like that

>> No.6221913

how do I know if I'm having alcohol withdraw?

>> No.6221958

drink some alcohol and see if it goes away.

>> No.6221967
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You'll feel jittery, anxious, irritable then start getting too hot and too cold while sweating, then insomnia

>> No.6222023 [DELETED] 


>> No.6222144

I'm not. I thought I waa a while ago cause I get more lethargic than a k-holing bear in the winter which sometimes makes my vision fucky. but they looked at some blood tests I had a few months before and said I'm just a weird guy

I also get really angry if I eat too much sugar. not immediately but like 30-40 minutes later when my body pulls a malaysian airline

>> No.6222235

what did you do to cause that?

>> No.6222419

you only get insomnia if you are trying to sleep

during the day its called pep

>> No.6222441

I'm back. I now drink about 1 to 1.5 liters of 80 proof a day. A few beers on top of that. This has been rapidly progressing in the last 6 months. How long do I have?

>> No.6222448

been off the sauce for a few days, now back on & holy shit wow

>> No.6222465


who cares?
you're a drunk

>> No.6222575

I got hospitalized from pancratitus exactly 6 months when I met your drinking level. And, yes, exactly that.

I only had a few sweats and a little shaking when I went without. When I 'tried' to quit, the 3rd day I began to have extremely horrible 'stomach' cramps. Low and behold, it was my pancreas, which distended so much it left fist-sizd bruises on my stomach.

One word of advice: Go to a detox if you are going on the 3rd day of not-drink. Otherwise you could live with life-long diabetes, which sucks dick.

>> No.6222643

I also ask myself that a lot, I'm prrtty sure he was still angry that he lost his ex girlfriend and he did still love her and I just wasn't her, I never actually did anything bad to him, he would just get angry for any reason, howni spoke to my friends, or how I closed the door

Was pretty hard to predict when he would get mad, plus he had cheated on me already and when he was drunk he would be trying to kiss me but he was biting me so hard I bled.

all in all a pretty scary guy to mess with.

>> No.6222654

At first your post scared me a little but ill probably an hero soon anyway so whatever.

>> No.6222665

yeah the sweats will stop.

just remember that you really arent of the woods until day 5 or 6. day one can be really easy then boom day 2 or 3 or 4 will fucking waste you.

keep it up

>> No.6222695

why did you tolerate him for so long? (assuming he didn't cheat on you, slap or bite you all in one day)

>> No.6223089

and you had 0 symptoms before then?

that sounds pretty unbelievable

>> No.6223109

how old were you/how long did you drink up to that?

>> No.6223167

Oh yeh all in one day would be impossible, well when he was in a good mood things were really great, he did say sorry and Im kind of a push over

>> No.6223655
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>been on SSRI medication for a few months
>alcohol no longer gives that nice buzz and euphoria
>goes straight to sluggishness and then hangover

send help

>> No.6223675

Clearly ethanol should have stayed your preferred drug of anti-depressant. taper off that nonsense and take St. John's wort or someshit.