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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6198748 No.6198748 [Reply] [Original]

Which sauce is your favorite, /ck/?

>> No.6198764


Britbong here and only been to taco bell once, can't remember if I had any sauce, barely remember what I ate except for the fact the "meat" was not the consistency of meat.

How hot is the Fire sauce though?

Alot of places in the UK that have "XXX hot sauce" are full of shit, the stuffs no hotter than a scotch bonnet.

>> No.6198771

never been able to tell much of a difference between fire sauce and the mild.. I enjoy the Verde lately

>> No.6198777

It's not hot at all, their sauce is catered to an American palate and we can't into spicy food

>> No.6198787

i like fire but i wouldn't put it on anything but taco bell since it's shit tier.

>> No.6198789

Not only that, but it tastes disgusting. I only use TB sauce if I'm not taking it home.

I have a similar problem with "XXX-SOOPER HOT" hot sauces. They're all about the scovilles but they taste like ass drenched in industrial solvents. You want good pepper sauce, you steer clear of anywhere white people gather.

>> No.6198790

Fire or GTFO

>> No.6198791

yeah itv cause we don't have a bunch of dotheads coming into our country and currying up the place.

>> No.6198793

dat edge

>> No.6198802
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>> No.6198826

>you steer clear of anywhere white people gather.
I'll steer clear of were the baboons gather thank you very much.

>> No.6198847



>> No.6198854



>> No.6198858

Mild mixed with fire master race. Mild has the best flavor, fire leaves something to be desired in the flavor department but has a little heat on it. I use a packet of each per taco. Try it next time guys, perfect balance. Hot is also a good choice if I only want to use one packet. I always hated the verde and the chipotle.

>> No.6198862


The "fire" sauce is barely lukewarm.

>> No.6198865
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>i use all the sauces

>> No.6198868

>You want good pepper sauce, you steer clear of anywhere white people gather.

This is actually true. White people have the most pussy palates ever.

>> No.6198870

try poppamies naga jolokia, delicious as fuck and stay away from that shitsauce called sriracha, tastes like your breath smells if you eat tons of garlic and dont brush teeth for 2 days

>> No.6198880


Why is it that Americans are so racist.

>> No.6198885

Either that or they're in a scoville arms race. You don't see that among Mexicans, Thais, or Koreans. They're not trying to prove anything.

All I'm asking for is some kind of middle ground between people who refuse to know the pleasures of pepper-induced dopamine highs, and assholes who don't care what something tastes like as long as it has a skull or an atomb bomb on the label.

>> No.6198894


Again, Americans why is it always about race?

>> No.6198900

because we are a melting pot unlike the brown smelly shit hole that has become modern yurup

>> No.6198954



America: 72% white
UK : 79% white british (87% white)

keep on beleiving that

>> No.6198957

That isn't true. Get an updated statistic ya fuck.

>> No.6198963

everyone in america will be mexican in 100 years

>> No.6198979


taken from British census data of 2011.

taken from American census data 2010

These are the best comparisons you'll get for another 5 years

>> No.6199010

Taco bell sauces are universally awful, just like their food.

>> No.6199018
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the GOAT
never met a single person who tried this stuff who didnt love it

>> No.6199034

yurup is suppose to read as europe you tea drinking bangers and mash faggot.

>> No.6199077


ok, well then data for Europe as a whole is 96% white on average.


>> No.6199081

>still has a monarch

top kek

>> No.6199096


>monarchy costs british taxpayers $50million per year in upkeep
>brings in close to a billion in tourism

sounds like a worthwhile investment to me

>> No.6199104

not mexican, just latin american in general.

and what is a latin american, anyway?

it's white people who mixed with natives, who basically asians. and sometimes mixed with blacks, if they're puerto rican or some other lower class of hispanic. this is taken to the extreme in brazil where the kids will come out looking like they're from three different families because of all of the race mixing done by their ancestors. race mixing results in more diversity, not less, and we should be happy about it.

asian, hispanic, black, white, native: none of that matters as long as we're not jewish

>> No.6199110

>upkeeping an inbred family to make money
good job john patel.

>> No.6199119

>people only go to england to see the royal family
>nobody would go to see buckingham palace if it were just a museum
lotta implications there, buddy

>> No.6199130
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>Americans make up a large proportion of monarchy related tourism spending

how does it feel knowing that people you meet on a day to day basis send American dollars to the descendents of your former rulers

>> No.6199143

>implying I have any pride left in the American people
>implying this doesn't crush me as a patriot of this fine country
>implying i don't feel deep shame over what could have been a glorious, shining beacon of freedom and brotherhood in the world has sunk so low

your country sucks, too

>> No.6199149

some people give money to their church. some give money to the UK. how does it feel to be seen as a charity case?

>> No.6199155


people spend money here, its business.

I thought you guys were clued up on capitalism.

>> No.6199157

And what are white people, anyway? Dirt farming Slavs look white. Jews look white.

>> No.6199160

Now the only thing I feel deep shame over is how that last sentence was constructed. Let's try this again.

>implying I don't feel deep shame over what could have been a glorious, shining beacon of freedom and brotherhood in the world sinking so low

>> No.6199164

>implying people in UK have money

haha look at this patel go into defense mode.

>> No.6199174

>Jews look white
Nice try, Shlomo. No matter how hard you try, you don't get to be a part of the ethnic melting pot that is America, and that makes America great and strong. You are a parasite that feeds on the fine men and women of the Negroid, Caucasian, and Mongoloid races. An inhuman aberration, sent from Hell to destroy our civilization. You will be purged from the Earth, and then the rest of humanity will join together as one and accomplish amazing things, wonderful things that you feeble, rat-like Jewish brain cannot possibly begin to fathom.

tl;dr fuck off kike

>> No.6201046

I've tried it. It's shit.