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6197176 No.6197176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Craft beer fags BTFO


>> No.6197185

>commercial about how our piss water is not as good as other beer.
b...b...but we know its shit. thats why you drink it r...right.

>> No.6197193

budweiser is just an average beer. you have to remember not everybody lives in places where they can get every kind of beer available to them, and there are a SHITLOAD of terrible beers that have come out recently.

so many beers use artificial flavors which taste awful. i'd rather have budweiser than a syrupy "bluberi" beer that can't be called a blueberry beer because it doesn't actually contain blueberries.

yuengling is a cheap american beer that's better than budweiser though.

and sour belgian beers are better than everything else.

>> No.6197232

holy shite my man. My family and most people i know hate them so its rare that Ill buy some all for myself

I had two sour ales last night that were excellent


and Monks Cafe Sour Ale that was marginally worse

>> No.6197240

jesus christ that commercial

>> No.6197249

I liked the commercial to be honest.
It's appealing to the common man, and a lot of craft beer guys are annoying (though it's what I typically drink).

>> No.6197253

What an awful fucking commercial. I couldn't even tell what the point was. They don't use green hops in budweiser (i've seen the shit they use - it's like ground up hops that look mud brown and they're pressed into little pellets that are then boiled in the water), the beer they make doesn't look delicious like... oh my god this is such a shit commercial.

>> No.6197268

that being said, I usually drink pbr or miller

Its a great commercial for a superbowl audience

>> No.6197277

look, the mcdonald's of beer is annoyed by actual beer, so they made a commercial

I'm glad that occupied a portion of my finite time on Earth.

>> No.6197294

>that glorious feel when the craft beer industry is finally making a dent in Inbev's profits

This is simply desperate posturing.

>> No.6197323
File: 1.39 MB, 4128x2322, atf pls go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love beer - all sorts of it, from hefeweizens to imperial stouts.

My staple is Shiner.

That being said, macrobrews serve a purpose in modern society. You're not going to get a keg of St. Arnold's for a house party. At the same time, you're not going to get a sixer of Bud Ice to sip on with a good meal with friends.

There's no shame in picking a case of Miller Low-Life every now and then for the occasional party. it's an accessible beer that most people, both men and women can drink easily.

In the end, though, I'm glad I live in Texas and everyone drinks Shiner.

I loved the commercial, though.

>> No.6197351

What does "beechwood aged" even mean and is that even necessarily a good thing? That seems like a random-ass tree to age a beer in, and considering the way that aging a product slows production I doubt they're aging their beer in beechwood casks for any amount of time that'll accomplish anything.

>> No.6197374
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It's a marketing misdirect for anyone who doesn't understand brewing to make it seem like the beer is carefully brewed and given some sort of properties from the beechwood.

In actuality-- beechwood adds relatively nothing to the flavor of the beer (if you couldn't already tell from the 'crisp' water and stale barley taste of Bud). It's just there for the fermentation process-- to give it some extra surface area for the carbonation process to speed up the process.

That said, Budweiser, despite its shittiness, is nothing if consistent with quality control of each batch they produce-- which is pretty amazing in the beer world given the amount of beer they produce.

>> No.6197833

Man they must be be seeing a dent in their profits to put this shit out. I saw a barrel aged Labatt the other day too.

>> No.6197883
File: 739 KB, 976x1273, Thumbs Up Judge Dredd John B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6197907

This coming from the company that owns the likes of Goose Island...

>> No.6197908

You've never shotgunned a Bourbon County?

>> No.6197949

AB Inbev owns Goose Island....? 0-o

The company I pay $8 a bottle to for their Bourbon Country Brand stout?

>> No.6197957


lol @ these neckbeards freaking out about >muh corporations

it's funny because you're probably the same shrill 19 year old libertarians who will defend the free market until you're blue in the face, and yet, here we are

protip: if it tastes good, drink it

>> No.6197964

>freaking out
I'm just a little shocked that the same company that makes budweiser also makes a carefully crafted, barrel-aged stout that's regarded as one of the best around.

>> No.6197965

Chyeah brah. Before every Bears game I do Bourbon County bombs. You shotgun a BCBS, BCBCS, BCVR, then top it off with a BC barleywine. Then if the Bears win we break out the funnel and Proprietors BCBS.

>> No.6197969

When I saw this ad during the game all I could think was, "Well, this is what I'm going to be hearing about on /ck/ for the next month"

>> No.6197970

>regarded as one of the best around

You new around these parts? /ck/ thinks bourbon county instantly became shit when the corporate lawyers signed a piece of paper.

Remember, these are people who can't simply say "beer", they have to say "craft beer". It's about image, not enjoyment.

>> No.6197972

I'm not complaining that AB-InBev owns Goose Island at all, they still make damned good beet. I'm just remarking on how two faced it is to put out a commercial like that when breweries like Goose Island are part of their portfolio.

>> No.6197979

>Ameriblobs going on about muh microbreweries again

It's an argument between piss water drinkers and pretentious hipsters that think real beer is some sort of revelation, you're both as bad as each other.

>> No.6197985

I don't think I've seen anyone say that kinda thing on /ck/. But I've DEFINITLEY seen a ton of you faggots crying about how "they" all think they're so cool - except that "they" doesn't actually describe any one.

>> No.6197992

I don't think I've ever seen anyone bash Bourbon County on /ck/...Come to think of it I can't recall anyone anywhere bashing it.

>> No.6197995

I love craft beers. I didn't like BCBS, but not cause it's owned by a corporation. I just thought the brew was too heavy.

>> No.6197996

>dat sound when a million fedoras suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced

>> No.6198005

Where do you live? Shiner is becoming shit, is turning into Budweiser. Its still better than Bud, but it won't be long now.

>> No.6198012

Yeah heavy is definitely the word for it. I guess I can't interest you in this bottle of Black Tuesday then...

>> No.6198018

I've never heard of that but I'm not sure I'd like it.

Anyway, since Goose Island's purchase by AB inbev means that GIs current brew master will be stepping down and they will now be contracting out more of their production, the quality will definitley turn to Blue Moon/Magic Hat-tier shit within 5 years.

I wouldn't be surprised if they start fucking up the BCBS somehow.

>> No.6198027

Barrel aged stout that clocks in up around 19% abv. My hope is the folks at goose island manage to retain some control over the production, at least of big name beers like BCBS

>> No.6198031

Under the new deal, the original owners own/retain nothing

>> No.6198035

I don't mind macrobrews at all, but this was just embarrassing.

>> No.6198036


Blue Moon is a wheat beer. Do you mean to say that you believe the EEVIL corporation will change bourbon county into a wheat beer?

>> No.6198048

piss water

>> No.6198049

Nah, I'm afraid that the corporation will turn BCBS into a low quality stout, much like how Blue Moon is a low quality wheat beer.

Why so ass mad about me thinking that huge scale production will likely have a negative impact on quality?

>> No.6198058
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I heart hipster buttpain

>> No.6198059

I was just on BA and saw someone call Blue Moon Belgian White "Witbier".

What the fuck

>> No.6198075

The arrogance of this commercial reminds me of the US automobile industry in the 1980's: we know our product is inferior, but you will buy it anyways because buying anything else is un-American. Our company has been around longer and is worth more than a few countries you could name, so it's not the least bit absurd for our beer ad to look like a piece of propaganda. In fact that's what we're going for, because the kind of people who would find that offensive aren't watching the Super Bowl anyways.

First off we have the propaganda like sloganeering right up front. No reason to make it subliminal. Kids these days expect text with their images. Then there's the message itself: look at our history; look at our dominance. If you think you're too good for our product you must be an effete snob. Or a hipster, sitting at a table with other neckbeards fussing over the beer. That isn't what you want. You want to be at a fun place with girls and televisions, watching sports.

We know there's better out there, but if you want better your status as a red blooded American male will be called into question. What gives us the right to say this? Look at the fucking horses! We're so fucking iconic we can sure as fuck tell you what to think. And you'll believe it, too, because you don't want to be a filthy hipster, do you?

>> No.6198077


>> No.6198086


You're the only one who's ass mad here. They're not going to "turn it into piss water". There is nothing to turn because they already did when the PO box of the holding company officially moved from Chicago to Hamilton, Bermuda. Remember? >muh corporations!

>> No.6198088


Witbier is the name of the style, in the Dutch language.

>> No.6198089

And you know what? It's going to work.

>> No.6198091

Tribalism always works.

>> No.6198104

If there were a job for identifying the theme of movies/commercials, I'm sure you'd get rich doing it.

>> No.6198110

But it's not piss water now. And PissWaterInternational, Plc. doesn't yet own it.

>> No.6198133

I'm not questioning the ad's effectiveness. This is big money hiring the best ad men in the business; people who understand psychology as well as the world's top psychologists.

But this could backfire over time. Drinking Bud as kind of an anti-snob backlash move is bound to leave Bud drinkers looking silly in a world where more and more of their peers are choosing to drink something better.

It become something akin to driving a Chrysler K-car in the late 1980's. Something emblematic of placing brand loyalty over quality and style.

>> No.6198137

Pretty sure they only bought them last year. The product hasn't changed yet, and might not.

>> No.6198139
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>> No.6198157

He seems pretty calm Mr. Memester

>> No.6198164

So there's just woodchips in there as it ferments? That might explain the shot of woodchips I recall there being shown when this was mentioned in the ad. Though it still strikes me as disingenuous because it's hardly being "aged" in the wood the way a whiskey or wine ages, though the way the word it makes it sound like they are doing that, which they aren't.

>> No.6198174


The thing is people simply aren't buying Buds and other macros as much as in the past. There is nothing to get mad about over the Bud commercial. They already lost the battle to craft beer. In 1988 they sold 50 million barrels of Bud. In 2014 they sold 16 million barrels (around the same amount craft beer produces).

The only bad part for me was the "Pumpkin Peach Ale" diss. They literally just purchased a brewery (Elysian) who makes that exact beer. What a slap in the face to those guys. But hey, wider distribution, capital and monies..can't really blame them even if they are a bunch of cucks.

>> No.6198179

ITT: people being ignorant of product differentiation strategies

>> No.6198180
File: 585 KB, 600x1067, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too. If you sniff your beer you are a faggot. Just down that shit like a man.

>> No.6198184

That's not what this is at all.

If you're looking at it from a strategic standpoint, it's obviously fucking smart to do.

But it's deceptive advertising and possible degradation of product quality that people are discussing ITT.

>> No.6198201

youre a consumerist sponge faggot if you dotn at least sniff your first sip

uncultured mongrel

>> No.6198215

He was being sarcastic you painful faggot

>> No.6198262

It's pretty obvious. Ford and Lincoln may be the same company, but you wouldn't advertize an F-150 and a Lincoln the same way. The difference is that Ford is doing very well with the F-150, while InBev has been steadily losing ground with Bud.

So they went with a reactionary angle. All they give you about the beer is that it's crisp and hard to make. They don't even say it's a beer for beer lovers. They say it's for people who love to drink beer. Reminds me of the old campaign for Piels: "It's a good drinking beer!" Makes me think Bud is in a race to the bottom where Piels is now.

Fuck, I would probably drink Piels over Bud, come to think of it.

My guess is this was squarely aimed toward future beer drinkers. People who already drink beer pretty much know what they like. No one who enjoys IPAs is suddenly going to switch to Bud out of fear of looking like a hipster. But the high school kid watching this commercial are likely to think, "fuck those hipsters". My guess is Bud is hoping they'll be the brand's future.

>> No.6198272

There's a long American tradition of associating culinary sophistication with elitism (which is not entirely unjustified.) They're playing to that. It's almost more of a commercial trying to keep existing Budweiser drinkers from trying craft beers than it is a commercial to encourage people to drink bud.

>> No.6198276

>It's almost more of a commercial trying to keep existing Budweiser drinkers from trying craft beers than it is a commercial to encourage people to drink bud.
And to get the kids who are not yet drinking prejudiced against craft beers in principle. That's where it's clever and borderline unethical.

>> No.6198280

>That's where it's clever and borderline unethical.

Unless they literally say "If you drink craft beer instead of Bud, you are a faggot." then I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.6198283

You are cookoo for cocoa puffs, you do know that?

>> No.6198297

>Unless they literally say "If you drink craft beer instead of Bud, you are a faggot."
That was pretty much the subtext of this ad. Even though every detail was designed to show power, authority and tradition the message was one of desperation.

>> No.6198301

Do your windows need a new coat of tinfoil? I'd check if I were you, m8.

>> No.6198306

I saw it, maynard.

It's in there. It's in there a few times, actually.


>> No.6198312

>They literally just purchased a brewery (Elysian) who makes that exact beer. What a slap in the face to those guys.

That's the thing. This ad is intended to be polarizing. It really caters to both macro and micro drinkers. Both markets InBev is heavily invested in.

>> No.6198313
File: 82 KB, 530x260, BeerSnob_BeerSnob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Describe this picture in as many words as you need.

>> No.6198317


>10 times more dislikes than likes

Tee hee.

>> No.6198327

Pretty much this, Bud isn't bad, however it's inoffensive. It's something nice to drink on a hot day when you're not really looking for an unfiltered saffron IPA infused with unicorn cum.

Yuengling's my staple for cheap beer, though.

>> No.6198331
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People that use the internet don't drink bud.

These are the people that drink bud.

>> No.6198336



>> No.6198339

I sort of figured, but it amused me a little anyway.

>> No.6198340
File: 27 KB, 300x211, tumblr_lo7dt8J2YM1qij8g6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant it's not bad, however it's not good, it's just inoffensive.

And these are the people that cry about it on /ck/

>> No.6198342

PBR is better, I only ever drank Yuengling when I was in college in Philly and somehow PBR was twice the price it was in the Peoples Beer Republic for some reason

>> No.6198366

wtf are you talking about? People got paid pots of money to develop the message, subtext and iconic look and feel of this ad. The best minds in a top ad agency spent months working this shit out. And the top brass at InBev approved it. Every detail of this ad was labored over and approved by both the agency and InBev.

You think it doesn't bear a little critical analysis? The days of Flatt and Scruggs shilling on the radio for Martha White Flour are long gone. Branding is a fucking science today. And this is a pretty serious about face for the King of Beers. It makes Leon Redbone floating through space singing "This Bud's For You" look quaint and innocent.

>> No.6198371

>a company want to make money and gee whiz I aint gonna stand fer it
bonkers u r

>> No.6198393

>Thinking Goose Island was ever good

>> No.6198397

Bud exec, you lost me 4 years ago
Before I started drinking legally but I never wanted a Bud ever since

>> No.6198398

the worst blueberry beer is budwisers fault...fucking wild blue

>> No.6198408

You misread me. I think it's brilliantly done. I'm just saying it could fail for them, because it undermines the prestige of the product itself.

I don't give a fuck about InBev; I don't buy their products. Just talking about the ad here.

>> No.6198413

they own gooseisland and i think they coproduce gooseislands major sixpacks, the year round staples like 312...but its sugested that gooseisland is still pretty idependant and makes its fancier shit independently in its own facilities....budwiser aint makeing bourbon county or lolita

>> No.6198419

budwiser doesnt make bourbon country...the gooseisland team makes it...i think budwiser just owns them on a corporate level but doesnt actualy dictate anything about the brewing

>> No.6198442

ITT: Shilling for Goose Island

>> No.6198515


>> No.6198516
File: 221 KB, 459x262, Here we go png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckle up kids cause >here we go

>> No.6198525

Theres always >something< else to drink besides Bud. fuck if nothing else is around and I must drink BMC I'll drink Miller because Bud still won't get my money.

>> No.6198548

This shows Budweiser's desperation more than anything.

>i'd rather have budweiser than a syrupy "bluberi" beer that can't be called a blueberry beer because it doesn't actually contain blueberries.

Yes and I'd rather have a beer with really blueberries than either bud or that syrup crap.

>giving AB-Indev, Miller, etc money

>> No.6198549

And the 312 beers are bleh.

So many other mediocre beers in that price point and style that aren't owned by A-B. No need to buy it.

>> No.6198565

top kek

>> No.6198579

I for one, cannot wait to try what will surely b the dozens of new Pumpkin Peach Ales that will no doubt be coming out shortly.

>> No.6198602

I'll never say no to one, but Budweiser has a really unpleasant sweetness to it that I don't enjoy. I'd take a Pabst or a Miller or something instead if I could. Also Bud is priced a little higher than I think it's worth.

Still, went bowling with some friends a month ago and all the lanes had were Budweiser and worse. So the King of Beers did the trick, and we somehow managed to have a good time without craft beer (a thing beer snobs cannot imagine).

>> No.6198636

>all the lanes had were Budweiser and worse. So the King of Beers did the trick
I'm right with you. The King of Beers may just be adequate, but it's better than no beer. I'll happily drink it if it's the only option. It's just so easy to do better is most situations that I almost never end up actually drinking Bud.

>> No.6198722
File: 331 KB, 1283x900, usa-anheuser-busch-bud-ice-light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best out of all the Buds is Bud Light Ice. Goes real well with some fancy tendies, too.

>> No.6198737
File: 77 KB, 271x332, bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make this in light??? Why on earth...

>> No.6198770

fucking everyone's on the internet nowadays

>> No.6198786

I'm sure he's very active on the antique tractor forums. Probably a mod even.

>> No.6198804

Yet you are buying as many craft breweries as you can...scared much?!

>> No.6198817


>> No.6198819


>> No.6198834
File: 43 KB, 477x177, 1391459657526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a nice commercial, they're proud of their product

>> No.6198842

You're much more obnoxious than him, though.

>> No.6198853


>> No.6198861

And they should be. As has been observed above, they brew to exacting standards and are recognized for their consistent quality. That it's not a very good beer is secondary. Budweiser is an institution in this country and the advertisers are banking on that.

Also beer snobs really are annoying. There ought to be somewhere we can stick these young assholes until they outgrow their "cage phase" and can interact with the wider beer-drinking culture without being faggots. Let them have all the DIPAs, RISes, and Belgians they want, as long as no one has to listen to them bloviate.

>> No.6198864
File: 479 KB, 730x584, 1422835215830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all so upset on the internet
they gotta take the m00tle's advice and take it easy

>> No.6198884

So, what if they DID actually make a good beer? They certainly have the ability to make a consistent product, so why does it have to be a bad one?

Why not? The cost? competition? No. it's because pisswater is easy to make, and a majority of people actually do like to drink it.

>> No.6198895

Commercial shows a picture of a bag of barley malt and fresh hop cones

>should show drums of corn syrup, rice, malt extract and processed hop pellets.

>> No.6198912

mfw da bears win da superb owl

>> No.6198939
File: 108 KB, 500x500, DaisyCutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will chug Daisy Cutters all night

>> No.6198947

moar like Daisy Cutlers.. amirite?

>> No.6198948

I wish I was a Bears fan. Did they win the world series this year?

>> No.6198959

More like Daisy Cuties...amirite?

>> No.6198967

I like that artwork.

>> No.6198975


>> No.6198995



What are your guys thoughts on this? The Co-owner who got outvoted on the issue seems pretty butthurt especially after having to say nice things about the move to AB a week earlier.

>> No.6198998


>The moment particularly resonated with Cantwell and those Elysian brewers. Two weeks ago, it was announced that the 20-year-old Seattle brewery was Anheuser-Busch InBev's fourth craft brewery takeover, following Goose Island (of Chicago), Blue Point (Long Island, N.Y.) and 10 Barrel (Bend, Ore.). A-B is the brewer of Budweiser.

>Ever since the announcement, Cantwell has made clear that he opposed the deal but remained optimistic that being brought into the ABI empire will ensure growth for Elysian. Then came that commercial.

>The rub mostly came from the fact that Elysian's new owners mocked the notion of "pumpkin peach ale" just months after Elysian brewed a beer called Gourdgia On My Mind — a pumpkin peach pecan ale made with Karo corn syrup.

>"I find it kind of incredible that ABI would be so tone-deaf as to pretty directly (even if unwittingly) call out one of the breweries they have recently acquired, even as that brewery is dealing with the anger of the beer community in reaction to the sale," Cantwell said Monday morning by email. "It doesn't make our job any easier, and it certainly doesn't make me feel any better about a deal I didn't even want to happen. It's made a difficult situation even more painful."

>> No.6199012

>You shotgun a BCBS, BCBCS, BCVR, then top it off with a BC barleywine. Then if the Bears win we break out the funnel and Proprietors BCBS.

Gonna need some words with those acronyms faggot

>> No.6199027


>> No.6199030



>> No.6199033


Oh its so delicious.

>> No.6199056


>> No.6199063


That's fucking hilarious.


Bourbon County Brand Stout, Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout, Bourbon County Vanilla Rye, Bourbon County Barleywine, and Proprietors Bourbon County Brand Stout. Happy faggotron?

>> No.6199065

>our beer is worse than craft beer, we concede
>but only rich snobs drink craft beer
>you're not a snobby asshole are you?
>drink the cheap shit instead and be a cool down-to-earth guy!

>> No.6199067

I thought the ad was hilarious. And I drink macros and micros. What it was is a desperate attempt to keep their current current consumers from experimenting with these newfangled hippie beers. Nobody who drinks good beer is going to watch this and decide to go buy a case of Bud, they are begging the old guys not to taste the forbidden apple. I'm not a hipster beer snob, I'll drink what's around. But I sure as hell don't buy bud, miller, coors, or anything that comes in 30 pack cans.

They are grasping at straws now. The generation that grew up with only knowing Miller and Budweiser is getting old. Many are switching to something new, and it won't be long until they die off. Anhauser Busch and miller will always be around, but as time goes on the sales will fall.

The add was desperate.

>> No.6199080

Yeah well the best craft beers are still American so whatever bitch

>> No.6199088


>> No.6199092

>Bourbon County Brand Stout, Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout, Bourbon County Vanilla Rye, Bourbon County Barleywine, and Proprietors Bourbon County Brand Stout
>Happy faggotron?

Yes, thank you fan boy.

>> No.6199094

More likely they will rebrand themselves like dominoes and such have done. They will change the recipe to something of higher quality and sell it. They will be more like a Sam Adams kinda beer company but not as much variety.

>> No.6199098

I don't see that happening. Not when the model of their parent company has been to buy brands globally and reduce their quality to save money while relying on their name to sell beer.

>> No.6199105

Filthy hipster.


>> No.6199106
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Yeah, it might be bland, but there are worse things out there.

>> No.6199136

No, I mean their original consumer base is getting old and will die off or get too old to drink. Young people aren't interested in macros unless they are poor college kids, and even then there are cheaper options than bud. Once they get jobs they'll buy decent beer, most likely.

Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't know anyone who buys Budweiser. Their relevance and consumer base is just moving on.

>> No.6199144

The only bud drinkers I know are actually from St. Louis, and the only bud light drinkers I know only drink it when its what on special.

>> No.6199194

The only people I see with bud in their shopping cart are Mexican. And if A~B knew a goddamn thing they would market to that audience. I have friends from mexico who say that drinking bud down there makes you look cool. Its more expensive there, its sort of like their version of craft beer, the guy with the money buys bud. Then they hop the fence, swim the river, and buy up all the cheap Budweiser.

The Mexicans are coming, the macro drinking baby boomers are going. Marketing needs to get their shit together if they want to stay relevant.

>> No.6199202

Interesting. Seeing as Groupo Modelo essentially is the Mexican beer industry, its funny that A~B is a novel brew for them. I guess its like PBR in China when compared to Snow.

>> No.6199226

>I don't know anyone who buys Budweiser.
Me neither, but it's still in every store so someone has to be buying it.

>> No.6199232

I think bud costs more than corona or modelo in mexico, whereas here Mexican beer usually costs more than bud. So they come here and buy the cheaper fancy bud. I'll ask my friends about it.

>> No.6199237

Why would anyone buy a keg of St. Arnolds anyway? All their beer tastes the same and its more expensive than Karbach.

>> No.6199245

>'Craft Beer' competition is killing the macro industry
>Budwiser comes out with this ad, like the ass blasted babies they are

>> No.6199279

you forgot:
>after buying up a bunch of craft breweries

>> No.6199290

>drinking Karbach over No Label
Also, Saint Arnolds has some amazing limited release beers. Karbach is an IPA-fest along with Lone Pint and Buffalo Bayou.

>> No.6199295

Its not killing it but their glory days are over, especially for their "Lite" beers.

>> No.6199312

The fuck are these houstonfags doing in here?

Saint Arnold is king. Karbach is fine. No Label and the rest a shit.

>> No.6199351

"Sure American cars aren't as good as German ones. But you know who bought German cars? HITLER"

>> No.6199387

>being this mad you live in a flyover and drinking all sorts of great beer isn't just a regular fucking activity

>> No.6199391
File: 858 KB, 240x228, disgust1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking pbr
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.6199395

This shit is my one true love.

>> No.6199408

>Makes Lime-A-Rita

Thanks Bud

>> No.6199421

but it is

>> No.6199428

Tim is that you?

(I'm drinking a 4 pack rite now)

>> No.6199430

The only shit tier brewery is Fort Bend. Fuck even the foodtrucks that frequent that place suck.

>> No.6199442

I don't really get the association of hipsters with micro/craft beers anyway. Has everyone forgotten the whole hipster PBR bullshit from a few years ago? These are people who are loyal to nothing but irony.

>> No.6199455
File: 167 KB, 1200x800, gtpbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even watch that movie?

>> No.6199462


>> No.6199465

There's definitely assholes who treat breweries like indie bands - I've met them. That said, snobbery over anything has become associated with either hipsters or aspies in the past decade.

>> No.6199468


>> No.6199483

There are plenty of good breweries in flyover land. I mean that's where all the smaller higher quality operations stayed afloat before the craft/microbrew trend set in on the coasts. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6199485

This is true. Pretty much all of the best breweries are in flyover country. Aside from those in California.

>> No.6199494

>best breweries in California
lol ok

>> No.6199666

Funny the advertising agency I worked for built No Labels website and we overhauled their terrible bottle labels. I actually like their beer but when it comes to St. Arnold's I'm not a huge fan. I don't

>> No.6199679

Also before I left we picked up Texian Brewing as a client and they have a solid line up but their saison is a shit.

>> No.6199694

I haven't had too many GREAT American saisons. The Crooked Stave saison series is amazing though.

>> No.6199714

I'll check out No Label again, I just don't remember being impressed, everything was mediocre IMO. I'm a big saint Arnold guy. I've heard several people say it all tastes the same tho. They have a house yeast they use in all the beers that gives them all a similar distinct flavor, I guess I just like it. To each their own. I like Karbach a lot too, but I like IPA. And they make a shitload of those, really they hop the fuck out of everything they make.

>> No.6199725
File: 111 KB, 883x691, 1396045773551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that video was offensive

I always hated budweiser because they were the redneck drink of choice and I hate rednecks

guess I have a valid reason to vandalize budweiser property now

>> No.6199737

Did rednecks seriously think the was anything but a bad commercial?

It mad Bud look really bad and the people who sell it really bitter about its ongoing demise