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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 463x361, vegaann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6194351 No.6194351 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is over your house for a family dinner, he asks for a vegan meal.

What do you do?

>> No.6194355

lock the doors
hand him a live chicken with a knife
tell him thats his dinner

>> No.6194356

maybe give him a banana or something

>> No.6194363


So epic
American hero
fucking vegans

>> No.6194366

Pass him a head of lettuce

>> No.6194368

tell him if he mows my lawn he can eat the clippings.

>> No.6194370
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Not vegan

>> No.6194371


I'm a heterosexual bachelor who lives alone, why would I have some random dude I've never met with a 1990s haircut in my dining room, and in what way is the scenario a "family dinner"?

>> No.6194374
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>> No.6194376
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i crack open my days-old bag of this after it browns and tell him to enjoy

>> No.6194391

Tell him to make it. It's rude not to mention these things beforehand.

>> No.6194393

This. Except I'm as gay as a Jimmy Choo handbag stuffed full of glitter and rainbows. Though I did have a vegan dinner tonight, coincidentally.

>> No.6194396

"The vegan option is to get the fuck out."

>> No.6194400

>This guy is over your house for a family dinner, he asks for a vegan meal.
He'd get one. I cook pretty much vegan at home. When I want some animal products I go out for them.

>> No.6194447

kick him in the ovaries

>> No.6194476

How vegan are we talking here? If I actually know him, I'd tell him my clean counters and utensils sometimes touch animal products. If he has a problem with that, like he's some turbo vegan, he should probably leave because I have pets.

Or if he doesn't care about pets and does care about meat ever being in my kitchen he can have an unopened can of whatever I find in the pantry? So, just beets right now.

>> No.6194479

Whole wheat pasta with squash, mushrooms, and kale, side of salt-n-pepper chickpeas

>> No.6194490
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Bean tostadas. Don't put cheese on top of his. Paired with a side of tortilla chips with guacamole and pico de gallo, or salsa.

Well that was fucking easy.
I have this all the time either way.

>> No.6194492

bro i know you got some dusty cans of water chestnuts back there
we all do

>> No.6194502

I don't. Tinned, they taste like arse-nuggets. Fresh only for me, thanks, though I've never had them frozen. Don't even know if they're sold frozen at all.

>> No.6194509

Why are Americans triggered by vegetarianism?

Also, why do Americans think veganism is the same as vegetarianism?

>> No.6194510

Because vegans are self righteous assholes who think they're ethically and nutritionally superior when they're only ethically superior.

>> No.6194511


>> No.6194519


>why do Americans think veganism is the same as vegetarianism?

Because they're supposed to mean the same thing. Historically, "vegetarian" and "vegan" were the same thing, then people wanted to be vegetarian in regards to not eating meat but didn't want to give up either fish, eggs, or dairy, so they made up sub-groups for those people and called vegans "strict vegetarians," and now there's so many non-strict vegetarians that it's easier to just refer to ovo and lacto vegetarians as vegetarians and actual vegetarians as vegans

>> No.6194523

I would make some falafels if I was given advanced notice.

It's one of the only vegan foods that pretty much anyone likes, even if they are hardcore meat eaters.

The normal people can have their falafel pitas with tzatziki and bacon, crazy delicious

>> No.6194529


>It's one of the only vegan foods that pretty much anyone likes, even if they are hardcore meat eaters.

A friend of mine used to really like falafel until I mentioned that it's vegan. Then he decided he didn't like it.

>> No.6194530

beans and rice works fine.

>> No.6194539

People throughout the western world are triggered be vegetarianism. The British used to force or trick Hindus into eating meat.

>> No.6194540

If he asks in advance, I'll make him something. Probably pretty simple, like some kind of fancy salad.

If he asks when we're sitting down together, I'll slowly push the salad bowl in his direction while maintaining awkward eye contact.

>> No.6194543

That's too bad. I guess it's people attaching a dislike of a lifestyle to what that lifestyle is associated with. Sometimes fair, usually not.

>> No.6194544

His only options are cereal with water, cereal with steel reserve, or my dick because hes a faggot

>> No.6194545

I make him a tempeh burger with frozen vegetables and white rice.
Only as we're eating do I realize I have no idea who this man is or why he's in my apartment.

>> No.6194549

>Historically, "vegetarian" and "vegan" were the same thing
Do you want me to believe that the Americans on this board are historically aware and not simply doing this out of ignorance?

>> No.6194550


Same reason you can't mention kale without people thinking you're some kind of asshole

>> No.6194555


The packs of gun powder or whatever used for muskets back then was greased in lard or tallow and needed to be opened by biting them, much as some people open packets of crisps/chips and other stuff nowadays. Naturally, this pissed off both Mohammedan Indians and Hindus.

>> No.6194556

>not being fat, ignorant cunts

What do you think?

>> No.6194558

Well since I apparently invited him I presumably already have something prepared. If he's never brought it up before and didn't mention it when initially invited, I'll try to make do with plating whatever is part of the meal that would work while being mildly annoyed that he didn't mention his dietary restriction before I planned and prepared the meal.

If by some chance he's in my home uninvited asking to eat my food I suppose I call the cops.

>> No.6194562

>was greased
Was BELIEVED to be greased. There was no proof of this.
>look guys just make a new batch of bullets if you're that worried about it

>> No.6194564

Kale is the most delicious leafy green vegetable imo and I have to be ashamed of liking it now ;_;

>> No.6194566
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Sometimes I make vegan or vegetarian meals incidentally. On the unlucky occasion that he stopped by while I had a meatloaf in the oven, I'd make him rice and beans... because I always have rice and beans in the cupboard.

Alternative option: scrap dinner and order Chinese. He can get a Buddha's delight, since he loves vegetables so much.

>> No.6194573

Here's a thought: don't give weapons to the people you're subjugating. Ever consider that?

>> No.6194575

Actually it was common to grease rounds.
Other wise you're more or less fucked.

>> No.6194601

Because vegans are generally insufferable. If for some reason I ever decided to adopt the vegan diet I would use the older term "strict vegetarian" just to avoid associating myself with those dickheads.

>> No.6194608

How many vegans do you know mate?

>> No.6194611

That's not really true, the word vegetarian covered both since the moment it was coined in English and both ovo-lacto vegetarians and strict vegetarians were amongst the members of the earliest of the philosophical and religious movements that restarted the practice in Europe after the enlightenment. Vegetarianism was always both people who chose not to eat flesh and people who followed what we would now call a vegan diet.

>> No.6194614

Spinach is better anyway.

>> No.6194619

no it's not

spinach is slimy and complete garbage compared to kale

>> No.6194622

1.) Tell him meat is the natural order
2.) Tell him vegans will act as garnish on the corpses of others after the apocalypse
3.) Tell him vegans are weak and vegan body builders cheat
4.) Throw rice at him
5.) Throw sticks at him
6.) Give him a potato and turn away, run and cry
7.) Tell him you don't believe in vegans
8.) Not eating meat is blasphemy
9.) Not eating meat is anti-science
10.) Eating meat helps curve carbon footprints

>> No.6194624

Not that poster, but I have known several dozen and only two have ever been anything other than insufferable. Most vegetarians are generally okay, but most vegans are just a challenge to be around.

>> No.6194640

I know several, most of them you have to walk on glass around to avoid get a rant. It's the same problem that arises around religious zealots and people who are overly invested in politics.

>> No.6194644
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What's the point of vegans anyway? What's so bad about eating meat? Is there a health point to it or is it all humanitarianism?

>> No.6194645

Probably some kind of pasta with olive oil and reconstituted porcini mushrooms. Probably roast some broccoli and cauliflower as a side dish.

Actually doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.6194653

share with him what i've made for myself

>> No.6194655

Vegans will tell you both but the truth is that, nutritionally, a good vegan diet is no better than a good omni diet

>> No.6194657


If they are doing it for health reasons I think the person is misinformed. Lean protein+ veg is the best thing in the world for you.

Most of them do it for moral reasons I think. I don't like eating from factory farms because those places are basically animal torture facilities, but killing an animal that has had a pleasant life it totally fine, it's actually a better deal than they would get anywhere if the animals were wild.

>> No.6194662



>> No.6194664


So I should just keep eating turkey and beef and ignore my niece's obnoxious boyfriend?

>> No.6194669
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Well, meat is bad when not eaten in moderation and literally every nutritional body agrees. If you're eating lots of meat, you should stop doing that.

>> No.6194673


Not a whole lot, just a bit per meal.

>> No.6194677

Oh well. I don't actually know any vegans. I've been vegetarian for two years and never say a word about it unless asked. If I'm served meat, I eat it and enjoy it.


*tips trilby*

>> No.6194678
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>ray peat

>> No.6194685

>avoid products with gums
Yet tubers are alright?

>> No.6194686


>lean protein

Like beans?

>> No.6194688



>> No.6194689

feed him my asshole

>> No.6194690

>still confusing vegans for vegetarians

Anyway, do you have any pets, anon?

>> No.6194691


I'm actually mostly vegetarian. I just remember feeling great when I was a /fit/fag and eating my grilled chicken and broccoli all the time

>> No.6194697

Yeah, vegans are terrible people, like all extremists are.

>> No.6194703


If everyone didn't have to be an ill-disciplined special snowflake all these subdivisions wouldn't be an issue.

No pets.

>> No.6194707

What is this mumbo jumbo image?

>> No.6194718

hand him his choice of a canned vegetable

>> No.6194953

serve him a vegan meal and then fuck him?

>> No.6194957


all i know is that meat constipates me so i have to severely limit it. i don't know about the moralfags.

>> No.6195078


>> No.6195081

Give him a cigarette

>> No.6195084

So he just wants the side dish?

>> No.6195086
File: 18 KB, 649x214, 73unvMK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing a vegan gets to eat from me is a BULLET

>> No.6195147

I'd make pasta with tofu and tomato sauce. I'd give him a knife and plate to crumble the tofu, since he could have said he ate vegan before he showed up.

>> No.6195149

skip the dinner and just make out with him and cuddle

>> No.6195227

You guys are fucking stupid he's already eating a salad if he needed any more I'd make him more salad but im assuming that he was eating that entire bowl and thats a pretty big bowl he's probably almost full so I wouldn't have to make alot or anything very easy problem to fix also I like his style

>> No.6195245

If you don't like the meat, you can pick it out.

Wa la

>> No.6195288

>I'm as gay as a Jimmy
>I did have a vegan dinner tonight

Not as much of a coincidence as you think.

>> No.6195292

Throw him out after a good ass kicking

>> No.6195333

fuck'n make him one I have enough "side dishes" I normally put with meals I make for company would not be hard to make a few of those vegan if they aren't already. I generally only serve one meat item a meal anyways.

>> No.6195885


>> No.6195894

make a dish with lentils and potatoes, naan and some simple dessert

offer it to everyone continue to serve original meal as normal

y'all are faggots

>> No.6195900


tell him to eat the side dishes

The Buddha was a vegetarian but usually ate whatever he was served to be a good guest.

Vegans don't have to be assholes, they choose to I suppose.

>> No.6195929


>> No.6195937

No he wasn't. His last meal was fucking pork for shit's sake. And the Dalai Lama isn't vegetarian, either. Why do white people Buddhist wannabes spread this misinformation so readily?

>> No.6195942

Serve him everything else and just add his serving of meat to mine.

>> No.6195943
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>but usually ate whatever he was served to be a good guest.

Why do white people hate other white people so much?

>> No.6195953

Except nowhere in his teachings did the Buddha prohibit meat consumption, ever, and he himself had a strong fondness for pork, chicken and various fish.

>> No.6195960

>americlap so triggered by vegetarianism that he has to start policing buddhism
really sad, lad

>> No.6195978
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 39883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what? food that isn't deep fried pink slime on top of a heap of deep fried tubers? VEGANISM! PETA! B12!

Picky eaters whining about vegetarians are like picky eaters freaking out about gluten. To them it's an enormous relief that they've found a label that seems to make their disorder socially acceptable.

>> No.6195987

Nope. I'm vegetarian myself and not an American, either. The Buddha never prohibited meat. He barely even suggested people to be vegetarian. He said something like "it'd be nice if people were vegetarian," but that's about it.

>> No.6195988

Pretty much anything not eaten in moderation is going to be bad for you, nutritionally. Too much broccoli and kale is bad for your thyroid. Brazil nuts can give you selenium poisoning. Quinoa can by very irritating to your gut and cause a high inflammatory response. Too much citrus leads to increased pH and causes ulcers in your stomach. And large amounts of white rice, as in asians, is linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Everything in moderation. Variety of diet. And stay away from too much sugar. The fucking end. Any other notes is just up to the individual variances.

>> No.6195990

Make a black bean burrito with pico and guac. Also put extra hot sauce in it so he chokes cause hes most likely a huge pussy.

>> No.6196162

>just beets right now.

Feed him some bread, too.

Then mention that he's feasting on the corpses of millions of yeasts.

>> No.6196173

tell him even the leaf spinach isn't vegan safe since I use chicken crap for fertilizer

>> No.6196174

i would make an all vegetable dish and secretly ad lard and chicken broth and other animal products that the vegan would not notice eating.

at the end of dinner I expose my plan and tell him he's been DUPED

>> No.6196231

Beans on toast

>> No.6196308

here is your reply

>> No.6196311

nonsexual things teenaged boys fantasize about: the post

>> No.6196352

I always tell people what I"m preparing beforehand so I wouldn't have this issue. If they were too stupid to pay attention then that's their fault, and they can eat whatever sides I have that are vegan, if there are any. Otherwise they'd just get the response of "dude I told you what I was making..."

>> No.6196544

That's not Buddha. Buddha is never depicted as fat.
>the more you learn

>> No.6196567

>Buddha is never depicted as fat.

- just because a quote came from the internet, it does not have to be true.

Abraham Lincoln

>> No.6196579

point him to the door and wish him well

>> No.6196587

That's my favorite Lincoln quote, the man was a visionary

>> No.6196602


That anon is right, Buddha is not depicted as fat. The confusion comes because there is Guatama Buddha who is the original buddha and there are other individuals who are also called Buddhas. The fat Buddha in the picture I believe was a Chinese Buddha.

>> No.6196607


Mow the grass and put it on a plate.

>> No.6196617

Can we agree that veganism is a mental illness?

>> No.6196623

Give him a glass of water

>> No.6196632

Given I am a vegetarian and a lot of what I cook is vegan by more or less accident, I probably wouldn't give two fucks.

>> No.6196635

This is the right response.
If you have special requirements for your diet and you show up with no forewarning; fix the meal yourself or bring something to eat.
People shouldn't have to accommodate your special needs with no notice.

>> No.6196679

Why don't we formalize the general /ck/ sentiments as a series of commandments? For easy reference:
- Avoidance or minimization of consumption of meat, dairy, or eggs is a mental illness and deserves nothing less than murder
- Tastiness of meat is inversely proportional to the welfare of that animal while it was alive
- MSG is deadly poisonous
- Putting condiments on steak deserves nothing less than murder
- Cooking steak to any doneness other than rare makes you a subhuman
- Any criticism of the abuse of the "intellectual property" system by companies involved in GM research is unacceptable
- Gin & tonic is a drink for women
- Vegetarianism is veganism, and "pescetarian" is a word made up in 2014 for the specialest of snowflakes
- Wine is pretentious
- All food allergies are just the person being a pussy
- Drinking any beer other than the topmost mass produced ones may be an indicator of homosexuality and trend-following
- It's impossible to not like scotch
- Green shit doesn't belong on pizza
- I can't abide what put on a hotdog
- Most foods just aren't appropriate for an adult to eat
- If I haven't heard of it, it's an emerging fad

>> No.6196682

>- I can't abide what put on a hotdog
- I can't abide what others put on a hotdog

>> No.6196689

Scream at him to get out of my house, he's not my family, what is he doing here?

>> No.6196690

Hey mike birbigglebug

>> No.6196698

I want to murder /ck/

>> No.6196709
File: 2.09 MB, 1283x777, aaeerwer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much nailed it, we can all stop posting forever

>> No.6196730

/ck/ - Full of shitty opinions since forever

>> No.6196764

It's not even the Chinese Buddha, it's Budai, an entirely different character who only happens to have a similar name. The relation between him and Buddha is about like the one between Jesus and Thor.


>> No.6196782

dude, the people who don't eat meat are the same ones who think MSG is poison

>> No.6196785

no it's buddha, it's a title given to those who've become enlightened, generally speaking when you say just buddha it's assumed you mean sidartha, but there are many buddhas

>> No.6196854

my experience indicates otherwise

>> No.6196867

Pull out Thug Kitchen and make something from it.

>> No.6196924

Make some Indian food, something without ghee.

>> No.6196936

The ones who will actually tell you about it, you mean. Which indicates something about the personalities of the individuals.

Other vegans stay home and grow food or go to the farmer's market or whatnot.

>> No.6196946

Why does it recommend regular table salt specifically?

>> No.6196948

I think that qualifies as a lot.

>> No.6196950

>Other vegans stay home and grow food or go to the farmer's market or whatnot.

Yeah I know a few of those. They're the exception, I have absolutely no problem with the sort of vegan who isn't pushy about it. I mean if we're talking about food or going out to eat its find to tell me about it, as long as you aren't making an active attempt to convince me to change.

For all I know these could be the majority of vegans, but if so they aren't even bringing it up in relevant contexts because of the bad name they're given by the loud mouths.

>> No.6196964

If he were from my family he'd know you eat what you're given, not just be a massive bitch. If you have faggy dietary concerns you bring what you need unless you're sleeping with one of the cooks. In the hypothetical instance he's at my family meal and not actually family he'd best fill up on the salad and potentially soup course. And duel forks with me for my aunt's fruit salad for after meal fare.

>> No.6196971

There are no "other vegans." The behaviours you claim these "other vegans" exhibit imply introversion. By the very nature of being vegan or vegetarian, they can't be introverts.

Introverts, by definition, don't draw attention to themselves. The whole point of veganism and vegetarianism is to use diet as a podium from which to speak down to others; to be the focus of attention. Whether the desire for this focus is to ultimately sway opinion against the consumption of animal products or simply for the attention itself, the whole vegan/vegetarian movement is based on seeking attention.

This is not something introverts do. There are no introverted vegans and there never can be. There's more evidence for David Icke's batshit theories than there is for the existence of the ever-elusive vegan introvert.

>> No.6196972

Even if the majority were loudmouths, that wouldn't necessarily turn me away from the position they take.

Those who argue against a deeply ingrained social practice are always loud and seen as loonies and nuisances. I mean that's the nature of trying to incite change.

Doesn't help matters that in the case of veganism, the vegans actually know about the treatment going on in CAFOs, whereas the average person does not. So the situation seems much more urgent to the person who knows. We have two separate issues of "should we eat animals" and "should we give even a single shit about how animals are treated"

>> No.6196974

Iodine, likely.

>> No.6196980

That ought to be in the supplement category, then.

>> No.6196984

I don't think I've ever seen iodine supplements for sale. Likely because everything has iodine added nowadays.

>> No.6196986

>Impossible to not like scotch
Yeah that's just what real scotch enthusiasts need, more alpha pretenders shitting up our playground

>Gin and Tonic girls drink
Might be, doesn't stop a gin and tonic, served in a large Bordeaux or burgundy style glass in the summer sun from being amazing

>> No.6196989

The point of veganism is to treat animals with kindness. People using it for political or social gain doesn't change that, Bitter McButthurt.

>> No.6197000

Although I will admit that the stricter you get with veganism, the more you descend down a slope of not wanting to hurt anything ever. The end of that line is, I suppose, killing yourself. So of course vegans seem insane.

Where to draw the line is subjective, but that doesn't mean I think it's not worthwhile to take a stab at it, no pun intended.

>> No.6197001

I cant tell if this dude is troll or not but irregardless why are some people so butt hurt about being vegan, you are all basically falling for the stereotype that every vegan is an asshole. I have met a lot of vegans (I live in socal, what do you expect now I guess) and most of them are pretty chill. Actually, most are way more down to Earth and cool to chat with or hang out even.

>> No.6197004

>spreading vegan propaganda like a schill

>> No.6197006

Lean protein is definitely exponentially better for you than fatty, but animal protein in general is more difficult and time consuming to digest (than say, vegetables or fruits), therefore it puts unneeded stress on the intestinal system.

>> No.6197011

No it isn't. According to >>6196972 (you?), the point is
>to incite change
You don't incite change by quietly munching alfalfa sprouts and keeping to yourself. You incite change by being
>loud and seen as loonies and nuisances.
Loud people aren't introverts, Anon. They're just... not.
The very nature of the entire movement is to seek attention, regardless of whether that attention is for a cause perceived as positive (animal welfare) or negative (simple look-at-me-ism).

>> No.6197022

>but animal protein in general is more difficult and time consuming to digest (than say, vegetables or fruits), therefore it puts unneeded stress on the intestinal system.

Do you know what fiber is? How masticating vegetables and fruit properly is incredibly important? That we don't absorb nutrients in some nuts and seeds if they are not broken down because they pass right through us? What are you basing your "protein is stressful" opinion on?

>> No.6197026

>What are you basing your "protein is stressful" opinion on?

>> No.6197037

Vegan just means you don't eat animal products, so quietly being vegan still means you're vegan.

As for the people actively trying to get others to be vegan, yeah you're right. They have to be extroverts.

Some people might say that the best way to get others to change is to quietly, politely set an example. Sometimes that's true, since annoying people will cause them to hate you and, by extension, everything you stand for.

But if we're talking about, say, improving the living standards of farm animals, force and loudness would be the only way. It's like the cops forcing someone to stop beating their dog. The cops politely asking the guy won't do shit.

So I can see the value of being aggressive, even though some people apply it in counterproductive ways or use a movement for unrelated personal gain.

>> No.6197048

Find me a single example of a single vegan who isn't attention-seeking or preachy. Go ahead. Just one.

>> No.6197072

>It's impossible not to like scotch

That's funny, my experience is closer to
>It's impossible to like scotch, if you pretend you do you're an 12 yr old fedora trying to appear gentlemanly

Also, you missed:
>no one likes sushi, if you pretend you do you're a pretentious tryhard
>sushi is the best shit ever, if you don't agree you're a flyover moron
>Wisconsin makes the best cheese on earth
>Wisconsin makes kraft singles exclusively
>Murrica has the best beer, belgians are fags
>Murrica only makes budweiser and pbr
>All americans are fat retarded faggots
>All non-americans are jealous retarded faggots

>> No.6197079
File: 780 B, 200x200, 780 byte bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find me something that is invisible
<1KB bait

>> No.6197087

All I'm seeing is you admitting that you can't. Like I said: there's more evidence for reptoids than these supposed vegan introverts.

The whole point of going vegan is to be the focus of attention and so you can justifiably have tantrums in public without being black.

>> No.6197103

I am not the same guy. You are entirely insane if you think there aren't any vegans who practice their lifestyle without preaching. And even if I linked you some random site were people are innocently sharing vegan recipes etc. you'd still call it "attention seeking", because you can't win with insufferable people like you.

>> No.6197107

>He's a guy I actually like and a bro who just happens to be a vegan
I'll check my fridge for anything that I could use to substitute the main meal I cook for everyone else.
>He's a random guy/a buddy that isn't close to me
He gets whatever everyone else gets but without the meat.

>> No.6197117

All I'm seeing are excuses, too. You're not even trying to show Anon anything.

>> No.6197151

There's obviously no evidence for something which, by definition, cannot give evidence of itself.

Tons of people in India would (not) like a word with you.

>> No.6197158

I figure something out.
I have some vegan microwavable meals that I heat up from time to time.

(They're pretty good for you, and taste okay, good for when I'm lazy)

>> No.6197164

You do realise that veganism is incredibly rare in India, right? In the south, vegetarianism is more uncommon than in the north due to fish being a common source of food throughout the south and the northern vegetarians eat dairy. The whole country eats honey. Even the Jains. Vegans in India number only in the tens of thousands, which is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the billion people in the country. There are more vegans in the US than there are in India.

>> No.6197165

>Find me someone who avoids attention
Amigo, please.

>> No.6197177

>the whole point of being X is for attention
You can claim this about so many -isms. You are dumb and lack reasoning ability to allow the most irritating people in a group to spoil you on the ideas.

If you don't accept the ideas behind whatever it is, okay, but don't be doin with this.

>> No.6197183

I figured there would be the most vegans in India due to the various forms of Buddhism (who tend not to evangelize, also), but I believe you.

There ARE a lot of vegetarians though. Does going from vegetarian to vegan somehow make you crazy instead of just following a diet? Making that conclusion seems rather hysterical. The reasons for both choices are the same.

>> No.6197184

>10.) Eating meat helps curve carbon footprints


>> No.6197186

Follow the thread. Even the other person in the argument first said "well, yeah, vegans are loudmouths because they have to be" then when the other guy said the same thing, he want all "nuh-uh! nuh-uh!"
The entire vegan ideology strives for the global abandonment of animal exploitation. You can't affect anything on a global scale without calling attention to it and, therefore, to yourself.

>> No.6197204

No one said crazy. What was said was "attention seeking." And yes. Even the very, very few vegans in India are beginning to start the same batshittery as vegans elsewhere. Though making up less than a tenth of a single percent of the country by the end of 2013, vegans are demanding government stimulus monies for vegan supermarkets.

Also, Buddhists are not vegan or even vegetarian. Hindus and Sikhs in India are actually more likely to be vegetarian than Buddhists are. While not part of India, Sri Lanka is a deshi country. They are also 70% Buddhist. Vegetarianism is far, far, FAR less common in Sri Lanka (about 1% of the population) than in India (about 20% of the population). While veganism is absolutely unheard of in Sri Lanka and exceedingly rare in India.

Veganism is a western invention. It comes from the UK, actually.

>> No.6197207

>The entire vegan ideology strives for the global abandonment of animal exploitation.
There's a difference between
>it would be nice if the whole world shared my view
>I'm dedicating my life to a crusade

Some people just want to do what they can to help, and feel better about their own life. Same with any personal moral code.

Isn't this the No True Scotsman fallacy we're dealing with?

>> No.6197224

Not at all.
The vegan philosophy was born only within the last 70 years or so in Britain by Donald somethingorother, the person who coined the word 'vegan' in the first place and founded the tenets of the movement. The official mantra of the movement, and yes "veganism" is indeed a movement and has a mantra, is "Promoting ways of living free from animal products for the benefit of people, animals and the environment."
The key word here is "promoting."
You can't promote something by quietly enjoying it on your own.

This isn't a "no true Scotsman" sort of thing because the guy who coined the word, defined and started the movement has WoG rights on the subject and clearly, WoG states that the movement is meant to promote change on a global scale.

>> No.6197231

Even if the association is often there, why do you think it must always be there? The motivation for avoiding most animal products is not difference from the motivation to cut out even more.

>Veganism is a western invention
Perhaps because the culture/practices of India prevent Indian vegetarians from questioning the consumption of the few animal products they do eat? If they did start questioning it and cut out more foods due to the same principles, what of it.

>> No.6197241

I've never heard of that guy, so that seems to be the disagreement.

I'm saying all you have to do to be a vegan is go to church, while you're saying one is not a true vegan without being a pamphlet-toting door-knocking evangelical. Not that I hate the evangelicals, since to them it is an extremely important cause and they are attempting to help me.

>> No.6197243

Well it does get a bit hairer when the evangelicals want to kill me in order to save my soul.

>> No.6197248

It's a western invention for the same reason that bushido code is a Japanese one: some guy had too much time on his hands and his life was too easy, so he had to make up some rules to live by to feel like he's better than other people. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. The guy who started veganism basically caused a minor war with the vegetarian community, calling them savages for their consumption of milk and berating them for it.
It was preachy and belittling from its inception and today is only doing what it was designed to do from birth: belittle others for choices they don't agree with.

>> No.6197267

I can see the humaneness of milk being questionable, though. Especially in the United States, holy crap. Like, not historically, but right now.

Some people are just self-righteous, about anything under the sun. Can't you separate an idea from the person who preaches it?

>> No.6197291

>Bacon: cook in coconut oil


literally wat

>> No.6197383

What are these paranoid ramblings? You sound like you could crack at any moment. I'd nip that in the bud if I were you.

I've never known a board other than /v/ that is so singularly rustled by innocuous aspects of others' lives.

>> No.6197386

Yeah that's the point.

>> No.6197402

I've never even told my family I'm vegan.

I don't do it for attention and I'm as introverted as they get. There are lots of assholes that want to talk about it, but I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind so I don't bother. I know how you feel because many of them act holier than thou about it, but you are talking out of your ass.

>> No.6197792

>here's a paragraph telling you just how introverted i really, truly am

>> No.6197804

My favorite part about this is how many people in this thread are bashing vegans, saying they'd lock them in a room and tell them to kill chickens and shit. LOL, how can they not eat bacon? Simply ebin.

Vegetable stir fry. Cheap, quick, and it's easy to add meat to my own plate without substantially changing anything.

>> No.6197994

Make him leave, never talk to him again, and feel like an idiot for making friends with a vegan.

>> No.6197999

nigga gets a bowl of rice with sesame seeds

>> No.6198040

Shut up and eat your salad

>> No.6198045


I'd argue that they arn't ethically superior.

Animals raised, albeit not always entirely humane conditions, with a constant supply of food. With a lack of predators trying to kill them, with mostly a lack of parasites. Generally to a decent age. To be killed swiftly once mature.

If vegans and vegetarians had their way these animals would never of had a life and the environment that they inhabited would be used by wild animals which mostly don't survive into adulthood, suffer from diseases, parasites and generally a slow and painful death.

Fuck their so called ethics, they don't know shit.

>> No.6198177

>Also, Buddhists are not vegan or even vegetarian.

To be fair, Buddhists did inherit the ahimsa concept for the vedic religion just like the other dharmic religions did. It's just that most branches only tend to follow it strictly within the sanghas. So it's not entirely wrong to associate vegetarianism with Buddhism (though generally vegetarianism is more important in Chinese buddhism and its offshoots than Indian buddhism.)

It's just that in most cases it's more of a clerical thing, and usually in China and other Mahayana areas rather than Theravada areas like India and Sri Lanka.

>> No.6198194

>My favorite part about this is how many people in this thread are bashing vegans, saying they'd lock them in a room and tell them to kill chickens and shit. LOL, how can they not eat bacon? Simply ebin.

My god people exaggerate their reactions to things on 4chan?!?! Holy fucking shit!

>> No.6198696


4chan isn't the only place you hear this bollocks

>> No.6198720

Give it to him.

My meat, I mean.

I mean I'm gon' get dat ass.

>> No.6198784


>Animals raised with a lack of predators trying to kill them
>Lack of parasites
>to a decent age

They're literally enslaved by their predators. They live like 1/5 of their natural lifespan at best, and it's hard to say they have an easy time and don't have to worry about being preyed on in childhood when we have veal as a product and male chicks get thrown into blenders or suffocated within hours of their birth. The only times they don't have tons of parasites is when they're fed mountains of antibiotics as part of their feed (which has created a massive public health threat due to antibiotic resistant bacteria). Their feed regularly includes the blood of their own species (used as a B12 source). Diseases of squalor and insanity from the crowded conditions are common.

If you want to beat vegetarians/vegans in an argument, stay far away from engaging in ethical arguments. When it comes to ethics and certain other arguments, they have an advantage over people who eat meat; they developed their opinion contrary to social norms and usually ended up changing their ways later in life, whereas people who eat meat were generally born and raised with the opinion that meat eating is perfectly fine in every way, making their arguments for meat eating more defensive than rational, being basically "I'll say whatever I can think of to justify my habit and won't entertain the idea of changing what I'm already used to"

>> No.6198807

Budai or Pu-Tai[1][2] (Chinese: 布袋; pinyin: Bùdài), or 布袋(Hotei) in Japanese,[3] Bố Đại in Vietnamese, is a Chinese folkloric deity. His name means "Cloth Sack,"[3][4] and comes from the bag that he is conventionally depicted as carrying. He is usually identified with or seen as an incarnation of Maitreya, the future Buddha, so much so that the Budai image is one of the main forms in which Maitreya is depicted in East Asia.

>> No.6198809
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>1/5 of their natural lifespans at best
yes but most of their siblings survive though, something that wouldn't happen in the wild

>predation: veal and male chicks
quick death, webm related

>antibiotic resistant bacteria
food borne bacterial pathogens that cause disease in humans are never treated with antibiotics since the disease that is developed is food poisoning, for which the treatment is rest and rehydration

If you want to argue in favour of vegetarians saying that they have the moral high ground tell me how putting a baby chick through a blender in a fraction of a second is more cruel than the attached webm

>> No.6198813

>milk drinking cock sucker

>> No.6198820


>feed inclused blood of own species
does that make you squeamish? there is no risk of prion diseases from blood, only from neurological tissue

>diseases of squalor and insanity
these are preventable and public opinion is swaying in favour of better conditions for animals, soon this won't be an argument

>> No.6198827


Are you trying to boil your argument down to "because bad things also happen in the wild, every animal should die by human hand"? That'd be like saying every human should be raised in concentration camps and then euthenized at age 18 because sometimes people die in other painful ways before then if allowed freedom

>> No.6198828

Chicken tendies, chicken tendies,
drive me round all the bendies
I want them in my stomach, I feel my mood plummet
so in the oven those tendies go
and good boy points given for me to show
pour my ketchup in my little bowl
in this the tendies will trawl
tendies tendies thrown at my wall
no tendies? I will bawl
tendy, tendy, give me tendies
The chicken taste that is so trendy
Mother, will you lend me?
tendies tendies on the floor, mother won't make them anymore
She'll be sorry when I slit her throat the dirty whore

>> No.6198831


Animals are not human, they are not afforded the same rights because we are not equals they are beneath us.

Your point is invalid because of this.

Are you trying to deny the fact that the quickest and most humane death any animal can receive is in a slaughterhouse by human hands.

>> No.6198833
File: 899 KB, 158x129, tmnope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like to have a vegan in your family or circle of friends? Do you have to plan every meal around them or do you just cook whatever you want and they have to fend for themselves?

>> No.6198841

What is the difference between "tendies" and "tenders?"

>> No.6198844


>Animals are not human

Yet humans are animals. This is a lazy way to ignore the contradiction in what you say you believe. If you actually believed it, you wouldn't then resort to "no, but that's different though" when applying it to humans. If you really think you're sparing the animals a lifetime of misery, why not do the same with humans? I'm not talking about equal rights as much as I'm talking about logical consistency

>> No.6198855

Tell him if he's not going to eat what I cooked, he can find something in the cabinet. I probably have some browning bananas or something in there, and suggest that if he has dietary concerns he should voice them BEFORE dinner has been made. I then don't invite him back.

>> No.6198856

>circle of friends
although I've never cooked for a vegan I'd welcome the opportunity. Most of the food I eat anyways is devoid of animal products and if I was cooking under this restriction I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a vegan recipe

>> No.6198857

I'd probably make him one.

>> No.6198860

>logical consistency
humans are a subset of animals
Humans are animals
not all animals are human

do you even set theory at all??

>> No.6198863

what's with the persistent rumor about vegans not eating yeast? fungi aren't animals, and veganism is about animal suffering, not about fungal suffering.

>> No.6198873


You can pretty much get tenders at most fast food joints and low end family dining establishments but tendies can only be obtained with GBP and almost always need to be hand delivered by a mother figured regardless of who made them.

>> No.6198874

evading the point, illogical

>why not do the same with humans?
because we are above animals

>> No.6198879

If he pushed his hair out of his eyes and bothered to shave, ffs...

>> No.6198887


protip, use the term "non-human animals" when talking to vegans, it makes your points more clear and harder for them to semantically attack.

also, what makes us above non-human animals?

>> No.6198889

Give him bread, I dunno.

>> No.6198893


And not all animals are cows, not all animals are chickens, not all animals are pigs. Of course they aren't humans, which are another type of animal. What I'm saying is it's not logically consistent to imply that for all the other animals you're doing them a favor by confining and killing them, but if we expand it to humans (which would include you, apparently you wouldn't like it to happen to you) you immediately understand how immoral that is. That's logical inconsistency.

It's no different than if I argued that it would be a nice gesture for me to stab you in the neck, and if you said "how would you like it?" I could say "that would be terrible, but I'm above you so it's okay if I do it to you"

This isn't rational thinking, this is just defending a habit

>> No.6198896


when there's a giant meteor speeding towards Earth, threatening to wipe out all life on the planet, it will be humans who go out to space in the space shuttle and try to blow it up to save us all.

Not cows, not chickens. Humans.
A human can save a cow's life. Rarely will a cow or a sheep save a human's life, let alone an entire population of its own kind.

That's why a human life has more value. Because that responsibility is on us.

>> No.6198902


So if you have responsibility for other life and the ability to save it, why are you choosing to do the opposite?

>> No.6198910


>muh factory farmed animals would go extinct without factory farms

>> No.6198913


because BACON taste guRRRRRRDDDD XDDD yeehaw! git er done!

>> No.6198920

Give him a slice of bread and a glass of water while I eat my fettuccine and shrimp dish, cured meat and gouda, and glass of french berry soda.

>> No.6198922


no, i'm not going to get into semantics with someone, they know exactly what i mean when i say animal

>also, what makes us above non-human animals?

inb4 you reference studies on chicken intelligence or other higher life forms.

We are above them because we can dominate them

they are given a life of ease not luxury and a swift death. how much more humane would you like to be, every cow can't be brought up in kobe getting daily massages.

>> No.6198925

What about not caring ?

Is "I don't give a fuck" logically consistent ?

>> No.6198931


That's a different matter. My point was referring to the concept of a human life being equal in worth to an animal life.

I didn't say that ending an animal life just because you are human is justified.
I am saying that humans are entitled to believe their lives have more value.

>> No.6198934


thats not logical inconsistency when you're comparing two things that are not of equal standing.

Tell me do you cry for the billions of bacteria who die in/on your body every single day. Do you cry for plants when they're killed, how about insects?

no of course you don't yet you complain its illogical when in fact its more consistent.

>> No.6198937


I'm not arguing about what has more value to begin with. A family member has more value to me than a random human does, I wouldn't then argue that it's okay to kill people outside of my family

>> No.6198940

there was a vegan over my house the other night, I made tuna

I gave him a bag of potato chips I had in my cabinet

>> No.6198942


You're making jumps again

>> No.6198944


If you personally don't care if a meteor is going to wipe out humanity, that's understandable.
But most people will have an inclination to try and save themselves, and by extension, all other life on the planet.
If a few cows need to die during the execution of our solution to the problem, I'm sure they won't mind, since they're not in the possession of the faculties to find an alternative one

>> No.6198945


Is that more of a jump than "other animals aren't humans, therefore mass slaughter is a nice thing to do"?

>> No.6198946

I'll give him a bag of carrots.

>> No.6198950

I enjoy eating animals. It is very unlikely that I will get harmed by eating animals.

Conclusion : I eat animals. Easy, no ?

>> No.6198951

Humans have rights, including the right to determine their own fate within the constraints of the law. Animals have no such rights.

Humans share a social construct an animal would not be able to reciprocate. They also are unable to articulate their experiences and motivations in a coherent way.

Also, from a biological point of view, altruism is only viable if the cost (or lost benefit) of said altruism is proportional to the gain for the beneficiary multiplied by how closely related the two are. This can be extrapolated to social relations in the context of human society to contain pets or species able to pass the mirror test.

>> No.6198956


>It is very unlikely that I will get harmed by eating animals.

Except through heart disease, cancer, stroke, dementia, etc

>> No.6198962

I don't put too much weight on the mirror test because the implication is the animal is interacting with the world primarily through sight. like a dog identifies things by how they smell, not how they look.
if you put on a disguise you could fool a human but your dog would still be able to tell its you unless you masked your scent

>> No.6198965

whatever you say ayn rand

>> No.6198972

Yeah if you don't eat a steroid fed cow a day that's actually part of the "very unlikely" bit.

>> No.6198976


I am mostly sympathetic to your post, but this point in particular seems irrelevant:

"They also are unable to articulate their experiences and motivations in a coherent way."

Coherent to humans, in other words. They are plenty of nuances and modalities in animal communication that science has yet to make sense of, but that doesn't mean that animals don't express their motives and experiences in a way coherent to members of their own kind.
If a higher, more intelligent alien kind came down to Earth, and we were unable to understand their mode of communication, that would also mean that they were unable to convey their experiences "in a coherent way", even though that says nothing about our relative standing in terms of social complexity.

>> No.6198977

But who polices the natives, who outnumber 100 to 1?

>> No.6198981


>Humans have rights, including the right to determine their own fate within the constraints of the law. Animals have no such rights.

That "the group we're oppressing have no rights of any kind, we're better than them, they're dumb and don't deserve life" concept has been used for thousands of years for humans as well and I don't find it to be a compelling moral belief. I'll go ahead and stop arguing though because I don't think it'll go anywhere, and it's just following what I originally pointed out, which is that most arguments in favor of meat eating, particularly ethical arguments, are more about justifying a pre-existing viewpoint rather than critically examining the system and looking at it honestly.

>> No.6198984


you made a jump to killing a person expecting me to say that that is inhumane. But we're not talking about people, we're talking about animals and how we have the right to kill them. and i never said mass slaughter was nice I said it was humane.

of course you keep beleiving your own ideology

>> No.6198985


Oh yeah, and here's some professional debates about the topic. Check them out if you want


>> No.6198990

you are humanizing animals, there is a difference between oppressing humans that have goals and desires, can think critically, and articulate their feelings of how their self relates to the environment they are in; and food items that grunt and shit all over the place

>> No.6198996

>professional debates

But.. Just stop. I don't care. I like eating cows and pork and I'd eat fucking dolphins if they tasted good. That's the bottom line.

>> No.6199001

no homo?

>> No.6199009

For this reason, I propose we eat the retarded, the brain dead and the autistic.
Could you imagine how tender Terri Schiavo must have been after 15 years of bed rest?

>> No.6199011
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But i don't think you'd be very tasty tbh

>> No.6199015

*loud drawn out exhale*
"God dammit. Alright, let me see what I can throw together"
*storm off to kitchen and be seen pouring a drink*

>> No.6199023

Why be such a faggot ? You can just laugh at him, you don't even have to answer.

>> No.6199024
File: 261 KB, 510x304, sofritas[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a chipotle down the street. I hear their sofritas are good.

>> No.6199032

Stopped reading then and there.

>> No.6199037

They should be euthanized, imho. Cannibalism without immediate necesiity is depraved though.

>> No.6199051

knew that was coming, the problem is the retards belong to someone. I don't plan on eating someones pet.

if you really want me to go there, I don't believe anyone with an IQ below 80 should be entitled to the same rights as others. They are lacking the one thing that makes humans human, a brain capable of critical thought.

>> No.6199052


because I like the mental imagery of being a begrudging host who keeps it pent up inside then lets it boil over in private more than just being a direct asshole. It's about subtlety and character development.

>> No.6199059
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>hand him a live chicken with a knife
A live chicken with a knife, what a scary thought.

>> No.6199083

cue three made-up anecdotes

>> No.6199085

When you put it that way you're right. More room for interesting development than just the "manly chad laughing because he gives no fuck" archetype.

Go on.

>> No.6199089

He didn't say it was a rooster.

>> No.6199392

The conditions are hellishly bad, it's definitely worse than living in the wild. Don't lie to yourself.

>> No.6199402

In the industrial system, that is. Ideally, farm animals can live nice lives. If I buy meat it's always from such farmers.

>> No.6199412

>public opinion is swaying in favour of better conditions for animals, soon this won't be an argument
The poor conditions are profitable, so I expect there will be more misleading advertising, like "free range", which means almost nothing.

I'm hoping for labgrown meat, honestly. Grow the muscle with a brain.

>> No.6199417


>> No.6199425


It won't matter soon enough anyway, if populations increase at the rate they currently are there'll be food shortages in most countries before the end of the century, by that point energy inefficient food sources like beef will likely be drastically reduced and if we're not eating energy efficient crops like farmed insects battery hens will be the norm.


Hoping for this too, first lab grown burger was last year wasn't it? Shouldn't be more than 10 until they hit the shelves.

>> No.6199429

This is a religious argument and you shouldn't expect everyone to agree, guy. Being more intelligent doesn't put us in a different category, because you said so.

>> No.6199448

>there'll be food shortages in most countries before the end of the century
for some reason people give a shit about people that will live after they are dead

>> No.6199452


Actually it does, higher order organisms such as monkeys, apes, porpoises and Octopus vulgaris are protected species in law because we say they are deemed intelligent enough to warrant protection.

Clearly not all creatures are born equal, we are at the top of the food chain, that puts us in a different category.

Better men than you have argued this.

I'm 27, i'll likely see 2070.

>> No.6199457

Toss him out onto the lawn and tell him to eat some grass.

My lawn could use a trim anyhow.

>> No.6199459

The increases in technology over the next 75 years should be incredible, people could live to 150.

>> No.6199469

I don't see this as a valid excuse to treat animals below a certain line however you want. This categorization is subjective and ultimately arbitrary. If vastly superior aliens came and decided to eat you, you would demand your freedom.

>> No.6199476


I don't see you fighting for the rights of insects, plants, bacteria or fungi.

You too are guilty of drawing lines in the sand.

>> No.6199487


Tell him my dick is a vegan meal.

>> No.6199499

Well, I have to eat to live, so I have to kill something. But I wouldn't go around preaching that the line I have made for myself is an undeniable fact.

If we want to try to quantify this, I think it's the most moral to eat creatures who cannot feel pain, seeing as they lack nervous systems. "Lower" farm animals clearly feel pain, and emotions. So that's roughly the same category as myself. I'm not going to insist that eating them (or abusing them, since you can treat inferior animals however you want right?) is okay just because they're less intelligent than me.

>> No.6199507

Tell him its a tofu dog

>> No.6199514


And yet research suggests that plants actually do feel rudimentary pain, talk to each other and can hear.

Just because you see cattle reacting immediately doesn't make it any less humane than eating plants by your definition.

>> No.6199538

Well, I know what pain feels like as a creature with a brain, and I know it's bad. So if I have to make a choice (and I do if unless I anhero), I'd choose to cause the rudimentary pain, since as far as I know that's not as bad for the brain-lacking and nerve-lacking plant. Causing less pain overall is one of the only goals of a "good" person.

>> No.6199547

Also this is why some religious guys turn to fruititarianism. That's as close as you can get to killing nothing, since the plant "wants" you to eat its fruit after it drops to the ground.

>> No.6199550

>cop-out: the post

>> No.6199591

>or abusing them, since you can treat inferior animals however you want right?
False, abuse for the sake of abuse is a at best a sign of sadism, a flaw of character. At worst it will change the abuser for the worse.

I feel no moral obligations whatsoever to an animal that would never come to my aid and hasn't even close to the level of self awareness I have.

The quality of my finite life would drop by an unacceptable amount if I were to stop eating meat. If I personally kill my meat by lashing it until it collapses, that would change things. I have killed and butchered my meat before and it wasn't 'fun', but it didn't really bother me either. I have seen the video's of shithole butcheries, and while the animals are treated callously, it's not done with malice. Even so, I prefer my meat to have died with the least amount of suffering possible.

Comparing the consumption of non-human animals to cannibalism to me is crass and vile. Except for minor differences, other humans ARE me. The mentally ill and retarded are still loved by other human beings. The thought of eating another human fills me with a revulsion I believe is hardwired into the normal human mind. It might not be entirely rational, but that doesn't change the fact that cannibalism would give me no pleasure whatsoever, while looking at a cow on an empty stomach awakens primal urges in me.

>> No.6199980

if plants do in fact feel pain, and you want to reduce plant suffering, a good way to do so would be to cut the animal products out of your diet. fewer plants need to be grown and killed to feed a human than to feed a cow to feed a human.

>> No.6199987
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I'd remind him that plants feel pain too then kick him in the dick.

>> No.6199993

Make him something that doesnt contain animals or their byproducts. No problem vegan bro.

>> No.6200019

10/10 SAVED
m8 i just dies laughing

>> No.6200055

>What do you do?
Suck him off hard and long while feeding him what ever vegan crap he eats.

>> No.6200193

i'd spread em.

>> No.6200611

Those groups are incapable of feeling distress, trepidation, or to even mentally process pain, except for some insects and arthropods which have endorphin and nociceptor systems.

Plants "talk to eachother"? Do you believe in crystal healing too? Where are plants' brains?

Perfectly lean meat with little or no animal suffering involved is going to be good.

I'd be interested in insect patties too, really.


>> No.6200621

The keyboardist in my band is a vegan and he never goes on about it, ever
Just saying

>> No.6200625

>insect patties
Considering the flavoring tech we use to disguise low quality meats, I'm surprised insects are not already used as filler. Soy is easier, I suppose.

>> No.6200893
File: 15 KB, 385x257, marbling-2500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plants "talk to eachother"? Do you believe in crystal healing too? Where are plants' brains?

They use chemical communication. They don't have brains, but they do respond to stimuli.

>They (sic) are plenty of nuances and modalities in animal communication that science has yet to make sense of, but that doesn't mean that animals don't express their motives and experiences in a way coherent to members of their own kind.

Claiming this about animals, but ignoring the same in plants is at best hypocritical.

>Perfectly lean meat with little or no animal suffering involved is going to be good.

God no!

>> No.6200913

>implying two things are the same even though they have something in common
"Do carrots scream when you pull them out of the ground?" is the oldest anti-vegetarian argument in the book. Not because the person actually cares about whether plants suffer or not, but because pointing out supposed hypocrisy makes the person feel secure by deflecting any threat to their habits.

>> No.6200916

*just because they have
totally wrong word choice there

>> No.6200948

I fix a wonderful vegan meal, maybe a vegan eggplant Lasagna.

Inside, I put bacon bits. Tell him afterward. He won't be back.

>> No.6200955

I always have carrots and a head of cabbage in the fridge

>> No.6200956

>bacon bits
Jokes on you, friendo

>> No.6200959

It's not vegan, even that crap you buy at the store. But I make my own bacon bits.

>> No.6200971

No. It's just that I view lifestock as little more than vegetables, compared to highly intelligent animals, pet animals or humans.

I feel no ethical obligation to cows, pigs or chickens, other than refraining from cruelty for cruelty's sake. Not because of the animals, but because of what it can do to a person.

When you say that animals can reason on a level comparable to humans, they just can't communicate in a comprehensive way, I will call you delusional and point out plants repond to stimuli and communicate too. A plant that is being eaten warns it's neighbours, who immediately start bolstering their defences. You could argue plants feel pain and fear, just not exactly the same way animals do.

You are right, I don't care about the suffering of either meat or vegetables. I know the higher-functioning an organism is, the more capable they are of consciously esperiencing pain and suffering. I don't need to feel secure, I know what I am. I know the most noble thing to do is to minimize suffering.

But I don't care enough for beings that are genetically so little like me, who are so far beneath me intellectually, who have no friends or family that love them who I can in turn relate to.

The suffering I spare those animals does not outweigh the joy I get from consuming their delicious flesh during my finite existence. I don't believe in an afterlife. I don't believe I'll be judged. This is all the time I'll ever have and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend it eating soy instead of steak!

And how fucking DARE you equate meat consumption to fucking cannibalism, you delusional fuck?

>> No.6200996

period blood soaked tofu "egg salad" sandwich.

>> No.6201060

>You are right, I don't care about the suffering of either meat or vegetables.

Pigs can do multiplication so just put this into thought. you don't kill children, so why would you kill something that has the intellect of a child?

>> No.6201063

autismos can do math too, doesnt make them human

>> No.6201066

What my family would probably do:

I dunno, probably tell him that we don't have a whole lot of vegan stuff to make him a meal with. We'd make something for him and if he's even slightly impolite, we'd make him aware that he's not welcome anymore. That or just be passive-aggressive assholes about it.

>> No.6201072

Tell him to eat around the steak. He should have mentioned it before arriving.

>> No.6201075

I think I've got a few veggies, I'd just give him a potato an onion and a carrot and tell him I now pronounce him raw vegan.

>> No.6201113 [DELETED] 

Pigs fail the mirror test. They may be smart, but self-aware enough for me to care. Toddlers can pass this test, and they are HUMAN. You're conflating animals and humans again. Consumption of meat is not morally equivalent to cannibalism you delusional fuck.

>> No.6201116

I guess there's always extra side dishes if you cooked for a family...
even if he ends with mash potatoes and fries, i don't think he would be unhappy

What did you do?

>> No.6201128 [DELETED] 

Pigs fail the mirror test. They may be smart, but they're not self-aware enough for me to care about their welfare. Toddlers can pass this test, and they are HUMAN, same as me. This genetic similarity warrants altruistic behaviour, as do social relations with loved ones, be they pets or humans. This extends to the loved ones of other humans, be they retarded, comatose or otherwise 'subhuman'.

As to WHY? Because bacon tastes great, but eating a child is fucking horrifying. Consumption of animal meat is not morally equivalent to cannibalism you delusional fuck!

>> No.6201135

Make him a vegan meal, he has a good face

>> No.6201157

Pigs fail the mirror test. They may be smart, but they're not self-aware enough for me to care about their welfare. Toddlers can pass this test, and they are HUMAN, same as me. This genetic similarity warrants altruistic behaviour, as do social relations with loved ones, be they pets or humans. This extends to the loved ones of other humans, be they retarded, comatose or otherwise 'subhuman'.

As to WHY? Because bacon tastes great, but eating a child is fucking horrifying.It would give me no pleasure whatsoever eating another human being, so why would I? If eating animals is equally horrifying to vegetarians and vegans, so be it. Far be it from me to judge them. I refuse to be judged by them and will point out how I think they're full of shit when they start arguing against meat consumption, though.

>> No.6201162

Also, let me repeat myself:
>The suffering I spare those animals does not outweigh the joy I get from consuming their delicious flesh during my finite existence. I don't believe in an afterlife. I don't believe I'll be judged. This is all the time I'll ever have and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend it eating soy instead of steak!

>> No.6201188

you'll be damned?

>> No.6201199

I wouldn't mind so long as he asked in advance - I'd just make a second, smaller portion of the same thin with animal products removed or substituted.

>> No.6201210

What do you even mean?

>> No.6201217

Figure of speech.

>> No.6201242

nothing get's /ck/s skidmarked tighties in more of a bunch than vegans.
I love it.