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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 717 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6194092 No.6194092 [Reply] [Original]

light or dark, /ck/

you must choose.

>> No.6194124

light, all the way.

Coffee Beans are like steaks. Most people think darker is better but really is tantamount to overcooking.

Such better flavor light-medium roasted.

>> No.6194280


I used to prefer dark, but there was something about light that I really liked about it the last time I bought some.

>> No.6194291

>charbroiled starbucks garbage that tastes like ashes and smells like burned dog shit
>acidic tryhard hipster beans that are practically green and come in a tiny brown recycled hemp paper envelope that costs $27 and has a handwritten label

Yeah, nope. I choose neither. Medium roast since I started drinking coffee in 1993, come at me bro

>> No.6194329

The first thing you said was correct, the second is beyond idiotic.

>> No.6194401
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>Coffee Beans are like steaks.
go fuck yourself

>> No.6194405

1993, huh? You started drinking medium before it was cool then. Sounds like a hipster/8 to me.

>> No.6194456

Lighter beans have more caffeine, but a lighter flavor.

Dark beans have a more robust flavor, but lower caffeine.

>> No.6194552

>more caffeine
>lower caffeine

The difference isn't high enough to matter..

>> No.6194581

>drinking coffee

>> No.6195019

Yeah it is

>> No.6195368

It really does depend on the coffee.

I've had some essentially green coffee that was great - light acidity, strong cocoa odour and finish... very pleasant all the way through without being flavourless.

I've had some dark roasts that played their smokiness really well with other equally present flavours.

If I had to choose one bean or brand for the rest of my life, I could make a choice of which roast, but if I still have the freedom to choose where I get my beans from (well, the roaster around the corner) then I can't decide.

>> No.6195372

Improperly roasted overpriced beans drinking hipster detected. Enjoy overpaying for vinegar.

>> No.6195394

new England roast for me.

>> No.6195420

what drink then. rolling for coffee

>> No.6195450

dark. less caffiene content, more of a bean flavour.

i wish they could give a concentration to caffiene, cuz sometimes ill get a really good stable caffiene drip, but other times its a pseudo heart attack

>> No.6195479

Did you just learn how to use a strawman today or something

>> No.6195484
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Say ad hominem next

>> No.6195485
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See: image
The caffeine difference is negligible and you're tasting ash, not bean

>> No.6195492
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Keep moving those goalposts

>> No.6195498

Why choose one? It isn't like beer drinkers stick to a single kind of beer. On that note, my daily drinker is a dark roast. However, I'm drinking a medium to light roast as I'm typing this.

Sometimes I like the flavor of the bean. Sometimes I like the flavor of the roast.

>> No.6195535

I can't move goalposts when you never even made an argument.

>> No.6195550

Look at all this projection

>> No.6195566


>> No.6195571

I use a krueger machine and I love it. Fuck you, French press pussies.

Also I enjoy anything ranging from light to dark, really.

>> No.6196703
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>I started drinking coffee in 1993
Funny you mention that year because that was when I started my internet journey.

>the second is beyond idiotic
Nah, he's kinda right. The darker the roast the less acidity in the brew.

If I had to choose I'd go with the lighter roast because I prefer a neat espresso (without milk). Darker roasts are better for milk-based coffees.

>> No.6196745

the question is impossiburu.

there is not light without darkness.

did you see that? that just happened.

clean the pieces of your shattered mind up before you leave.

>> No.6196804
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What happens if you mix lightly roasted beans with a dark roast? Do they complement each other or does it just taste like shit?

>> No.6196846

They'd need to be ground and brewed separately or you'd get the worst of both worlds. High acidity from the light roast and bitterness from the dark roast.

I wish I could think of a good analogy but I can't right now.

>> No.6196882

Even after mixing, the dark roast would overpower the light roast.

>> No.6196892

Very true.

> tldr; mixing roasts just isn't worth the effort.

>> No.6196901


Some very good espresso blends combine lighter and darker beans.

People need to stop pretending single malt scotch is the template by which to judge all beverages. Blending is perfectly respectable.

>> No.6196940

If I were to drink it black I'd go medium-light.

>> No.6196941

>Some very good espresso blends combine lighter and darker beans
Source? I'd like to try one of these blends.
I'd also like to see the difference between the roasts that are used. Like how dark and light the blended beans are.

I just don't think it's possible to get a smooth brew out of differently roasted beans. But I'd gladly admit that I'm wrong If/when I learn otherwise.

>> No.6196961
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The term is "melange roast", search and you will find.

>> No.6196978

>melange roast
Thanx! Next time I visit my local roaster I will enquire about this type of blend.

>challenge accepted

>> No.6197018

This little cutie patootington will sort you guys out on light v dark roasts.

Coffee Roasts - Light or dark coffee? The Long and the short of it: http://youtu.be/hwNPadXRzYs

>> No.6197060
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I raged.

>> No.6197075

Too complicated ?

>> No.6197109

you seem upset. are you her? the vid had 22 views.

just watched another one of her vids where she used an espresso machine. it looked like the first time she ever used one. she under tamped and then struggled to get the portafilter into the machine so the machine did the tamping. that breaks the puck and creates channeling, resulting in a shit brew.

>> No.6197121

>sort you out
>we've got you sorted

Is "sorted" kind of like "based"? Supposed to sound cool if you're about 12 years old?

Also that video is obviously aimed at britbongs who have never heard of coffee before.

>> No.6197130

>are you her?
I would never refer to myself as a cutie patootington.

>> No.6197393
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"I do not agree with that analogy."


>> No.6197438

I prefer dark, acidity is not for me

>> No.6197539

>those glasses
Good lord, what capricious god hath foisted this atrocity upon our planet?

Also, she didn't say shit about light v. dark roast except to say that they don't determine how strong your brew is, which is something that anyone with half a brain could figure out with a little trial and error.

I'm generally more a fan of dark roasts: I like the deeper flavors, and I've found that they have a sort of cushier, more thump-ish impact on the tongue than the sharper ping of light roasts.

>> No.6197542
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>drinking coffee
>light, all the way.
>Coffee Beans are like steaks. Most people think darker is better but really is tantamount to overcooking.
>Such better flavor light-medium roasted.
>I used to prefer dark, but there was something about light that I really liked about it the last time I bought some.
>It really does depend on the coffee.
>If I were to drink it black I'd go medium-light.

So many Reddit refugees ITT

>> No.6197546

yeah how dare he stay on topic and make meaningful posts

fuck off back to /b/

>> No.6197548

>le ebin trilby mayme
Pls go and stay go

>> No.6197655
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>I'll take my coffee...dark, like my soul...
>I drink my coffee black...
>I drink light coffee. The flavor tone and mouth feel are much more...euphoric, than dark.
>I drink coffee but despise the capitalist wage slave system

>> No.6197663
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Ah yes, the eternal conundrum... shall I take my coffee dark or light? The eternal yin and yang balance of my mid-day go-juice after a long night of raiding on WoW. As a coffee conniseur aficianado myself much prefer dark and black most of the time, it matches my chaotic philosophies and temperament. But when my mom buys coffee she buys light so when I drink that I just drink it to "cleanse" and rebalance my soul from all the dark coffee I drink. I always drink my coffee black, sweetners and milk is for children and swaggots who put it in their "McCafe" coffee on their way to their dead end 9-5 job.
Always remember, espresso (class) is for men, white mcdonalds crappe (swag) is for boys. That's my 2 cents on this eternal debate.

>> No.6197682


>> No.6197687

so since liking coffee makes you a fucking faggot reddit hipster. What is the 4chan drink of choice?

>> No.6197690

Kombucha. It's the only mature drink that isn't literally memes and reddit.

>> No.6197699

But isn't that drink pseudoscience wholefoods hipster bullshit?

>> No.6197705
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Don't tip your fedora too hard there coffeecuck, it might fall off!

>> No.6197717

No but coffee is literally the fedora of beverages. Kombucha is the only tea a respectable adult should drink.

>> No.6197723

How about mate?

>> No.6197728

Mate is acceptable if you drink it in the traditional containers with a metal straw.

If not you aren't a human being to me. You're an autistic mass of flesh squirming on the floor in front of me.

>> No.6197732

So smugness is part of drinking stuff that 4chan approves of?

>> No.6197749

There's a troll who likes to shit in the coffee threads. Nobody has figured out why yet. Some say she was raped by a coffee.

>> No.6199331

Actually its because my grandmother spilled a McDonalds coffee in her lap.

>> No.6199345
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>hold coffee between your legs and take the lid off
>surprise, it spills

>but it's not my fault, the coffee was actually just too hot
>tfw you realize most people are helpless infants and they need corporations to take care of them while simultaneously saying they're terrible

>> No.6199358

This thread sure went full shitpost

>> No.6199360

>muh tort reform
How does it feel being a shill for corporate lawyers?

>> No.6199363
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>> No.6199364

i'm not a shill because normal people realize putting hot coffee between your legs is a bad idea

>> No.6199375

Even so, that shit was at what... like 300F? She got 3rd degree burns from it. Nobody needs coffee that hot.

>> No.6199381
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pictures of the burn

>> No.6199386


>> No.6199390

>it was 190F
>to be at 300F it would have to have been made under pressure

>my keurig machine goes up to 194F
and i never burned myself because i don't put HOT BEVERAGES BETWEEN MY LEGS

she was old and dumb and people hate mcdonalds because big corporation

>> No.6199393

Dark. Cause I hate myself.

>> No.6199400

>lol old people r dum

God you sound exactly like a fifteen year old twit

>> No.6199403

Read the lawsuit.

Mcdonalds kept its coffee exceptionally hot so that people would leave the store before it cooled down and not ask for refills.

Also the old woman was wearing sweat pants which acted like a sponge.

And who hasn't ever put a drink between their legs? Cars didnt always have >9000 cup holders

>> No.6199407

>people who put hot beverages between their legs are smart
You sound like a fatty who blames McDonald's for being fat

>> No.6199426

People take slight risks multiple times per day based on reasonable estimates of consequences

Problems happen when irresponsible companies make those estimates invalid

There is little risk of normal coffee getting spilled. It would be uncomfortable at worst. McDonald's is not normal coffee

Get your facts straight, shill

>> No.6199427

>Mcdonalds kept its coffee exceptionally hot so that people would leave the store before it cooled down and not ask for refills.
I went to eat at an Indian restaurant. They gave me coffee that was almost boiling. She told me that's just how the Indian people like it.

I didn't put it between my legs, and I didn't burn myself because I know how to handle a hot beverage.

>Also the old woman was wearing sweat pants which acted like a sponge.
Not McDonald's fault

>And who hasn't ever put a drink between their legs?
Smart people who don't put hot liquids near their genitals

>> No.6199435

>McDonald's is not normal coffee
oh yeah right, they use special water that boils at 300F and instantly causes 4th degree burns and hitler

>coffee that was just served to you was really hot
you're so dense

>> No.6199439

>he didn't read the facts
Opinion invalidated
Indian restaurants serve coffee in a metal cup that doesn't leave any doubt about the temperature

>> No.6199441

>Indian restaurants serve coffee in a metal cup that doesn't leave any doubt about the temperature
>everyone does the same thing
opinion invalidated, it was in a regular mug and i was still mature enough to handle a hot beverage without hurting myself

>> No.6199443

You are missing the point

>> No.6199450

>it was in a mug
Was it a covered Styrofoam mug?

>> No.6199454

>if I defend the huge corporation they will reward me
Is this what Americans are taught at home school?

>> No.6199460

it was a covered styrofoam mug that shouted distracting insults at me
>if you point out when someone does something stupid, they can do better in the future

>> No.6199464

>my one experience at an inauthentic Indian takeout joint is more valid than the testimony of an expert in thermodynamics and the actual highly incriminating internal records of McDonalds corporate
OK buddy

>> No.6199495

This is what /v/ thinks, not sure about /ck/.

>> No.6199504

Because this is the internet and we need absolutism in order to divide everyone up into "Us and them" categories. Arguments are a refuge of the bored.

>> No.6199518

I will side with a corporation over some idiot that cannot understand that coffee is scalding hot and dangerous .
Every time.
Its time we stopped coddling the stupid.
We do not want the European nanny state here.

>> No.6199586


>> No.6199916

>over 700 claims involving third degree burns
>durr people are stupid
Yes, "people". McDonald's people.

Lawsuits serve to retain accountability. Literally the opposite of a nanny state. You don't need to spell out every little possibly through regulation, as long as the threat of a lawsuit enforces common sense, like "change your temperature to industry standard when hundreds of customers are getting severely injured"

It's amazing how little the little people understand about this.

>> No.6199930

>"change your temperature to industry standard when hundreds of customers are getting severely injured"
How is that not nanny state?
Protip- its ok if the world is a little dangerous.
Freedom is more important than safety.
The whole reason I used to go to MacDonald's was the coffee was pipping hot.

>> No.6199945

>drinking anything above 160F
enjoy your osephagal cancer

>> No.6199967

>a little dangerous
A little understatement?

It would be different if the cup said "we serve coffee far hotter than anyone else in the industry, third degree burns are possible"

But they don't. They say "caution, hot". A reasonable person would not expect that kind of injury.

It's the equivalent of an electric hair dryer that electrocutes you to death if you push the wrong button, and the manufacturer has the exact same " risk of electric shock " label that everyone else has

>> No.6199977 [DELETED] 

i like to make hot coco i fucked a bitch name coco lololol

>> No.6199978

Why would you need to put any beverege between your legs in an Indian restaraunt? Don't they have tables?

>> No.6200036

>A reasonable person would not expect that kind of injury.

Any person that does not expect injury from a lap full of hot coffee is a fucking idiot .

I love pipping hot coffee but it can no longer be sold because people are idiots.
The world is full of pathetic weaklings.

>> No.6200137

Holy shit what a bad ass motherfucker.

The internet trembles before your e peen.

>> No.6200146

my keurig goes up to 194F, hotter than mcdonald's coffee. is this a safety hazard?

just because 700 people got injured doesn't mean anything.

if mcdonald's served breakfast to 7 billion people and 700 were hurt by hot coffee, nobody would care.

you're literally saying it's up to corporations to hold your hand because you can't be responsible with a cup of hot coffee.

>> No.6200153

How many times has dunkin donuts been sued successfully?

How many people hospitalized?

>> No.6200281

If it's hot enough to burn your skin, then it's too hot for your mouth, you fucking retard.

Yes, that is a safety hazard. Not-quite-yet-boiling water is only slightly less dangerous than boiling water, as the less-hot-than-your-Keurig McDonald's coffee that was giving people 2nd to 3rd-degree burns demonstrated.

There is no good reason for a company to serve drinks that hot. It's not a matter of the corporation holding your hand, it's matter of the corporation selling a defective product, and a dangerous one at that. They deserve to be held responsible since they're the ones that committed the original fuck-up.
Same thing if they were serving undercooked burgers; yeah, perhaps the person eating it was a retard for not noticing that it was undercooked, but why the fuck was the customer served an undercooked burger in the first place?

>> No.6200282

Dunkin donuts serves cooler coffee because of fear.

The world is a blander place because of our litigious society.

>> No.6200285

how many times have people said that dunkin donuts make their donuts out of worms? or that it's their fault people are so fat?

dunkin donuts is probably worse than mcdonalds. mcdonalds has salad and fruit, at least.

>> No.6200300

>here is no good reason for a company to serve drinks that hot.

Bullshit you trolling cunt fuck, many people prefer it as hot as possible.
If I want boiling coffee, am willing to pay for it and someone is willing to provide me with the product I desire, then who the fuck are you or anyone else to say we can't complete our transaction.
Fucking socialist shit bag pls go.

>> No.6200309

>Not-quite-yet-boiling water is only slightly less dangerous than boiling water

>tfw you get a mild burn from boiling water on the stove and you call 911 and the police break your door down and shoot the pot of boiling water and you get in your mobile scooter to go to the ambulance but the ambulance can't carry you so they get a pick-up truck and put you in the back and when you get to the emergency room there's a lawyer there waiting for you to sue the water company, cooking pot manufacturer, stove manufacturer, electricity company, and everyone else in the country for paying taxes that support these companies who has an icepack and lollipop in his briefcase then pats you on the head after getting you awarded 150 million dollars of which he only takes a small 90% of to pay for basic legal fees and nobody learns how to be a responsible adult then everyone dies the end

>> No.6200327
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If you are actually drinking coffee that hot, then you are more retarded than the people who got burned by McDonald's coffee.

Also, your example is a blatant red herring as the people who got 3rd-degree burns from their McDonald's coffee didn't request to get coffee that would give them 3rd-degree burns.

>> No.6200336

Many many people drink coffee that hot anon.
Especially older people.
That's the way it was always served in the sixties and seventies.

>> No.6200343

Coffee today is so cool you can drink it without slurping.

Used to be all coffee was so hot you had to take in air as you sipped.

>> No.6200345

Who the hell invited the edgelord Paultards?

>> No.6200360

>boiling coffee
>coffee that causes 3rd degree burns
>that's how it was served in sixties and seventies
bullshit. And even if that were true, that doesn't make it any less retarded, and it doesn't change the fact that the people who filed the burning coffee lawsuit against McDonald's did not ask for their coffee to be so hot that it would give them severe burns.

>> No.6200366

>Many many people drink coffee that hot anon.

I'd like to see a youtube video of someone trying this. Something like those old jackass videos, is that guy still around?

>> No.6200372

>dunkin donuts is probably worse than mcdonalds. mcdonalds has salad and fruit, at least.

Did you get confused about something? Salad doesn't give people third degree burns.

>> No.6200405


Alright you stupid fucks, the next time you go buy cleaning supplies i want you to pour that shit down your throat. What? Lots of people have done it! Therefore it must be safe! As consumers it's the big EVIL corporation that makes EEEEVIL profits to send out workers to ensure you are using the product properly every time you use it.

OH! You DON'T want that? Maybe you should use a little bit of common sense then. Same with coffee.

>> No.6200420

>comparing caustic chemicals to edible food
Looks like the Paultards have lost the argument. We can go back to discussing ACTUAL FOOD FIT FOR HUMANS now instead of parroting tort reform propaganda

>> No.6200428

Why are you up in arms about besmirching McDonalds?

Who cares if McDonalds is besmirched. What's it matter to you?

>> No.6200447

>What's it matter to you?

They'll invite me into their secret smoke filled room and gieb monies if I just defend them enough on the internet.

>> No.6200451

While this thread is still about serving retardedly hot coffees, if an old Fuck comes in requesting EXTRA HOT and you already boil/froth to 60° Celsius, do you just keep heating it? The milk burns at 65°.

>> No.6200463


Former barista here. Old people asking for coffee just want coffee from the urn, which is held around 160 degrees F which is about 71 in degrees commie. They do NOT want steamed milk and they will often get upset if you offer it.

>> No.6200536

That reminds me of a time when some old person asked for a cup of coffee with cream and then they came back through the drive-thru and said that it was too cold. Fucking old people.

Also, I notice that a lot of older people tend to say things like, "I'll just have a regular coffee." - after that, I just give/charge them a medium light roast black. Teens tend to expect a lot of sugary shit like whipped cream on their lattes (I personally can't call it a latte once it has whipped cream on it).

>> No.6200648

I've had to explain physics to a few denizens of geriatric park.

I can't give you a 220F latte. Nobody can. Water boils at 212, milk at a lower temperature. I can give you an incredibly unsafe, scalded latte at around 200, but I accept no responsibility for any resulting damages.

A regular coffee here is 1 cream, 1 sugar... not sure if there are regional changes, but it makes sense that there would be.

If adding "con panna" helps you (like it does me after about my fourth shot of OCDspresso), I say go for it. You'll sound like an asshole, but so do they.

>> No.6200927

>a cup of hot coffee is the same thing as a instant-death button

i refuse to believe someone would actually say and mean this

to protect my own sanity, i refuse it

>> No.6200943

Has saying that McDonald's use the same warning label that everybody else uses but their coffee is much hotter.

It's like putting a warning label on cars saying "crashing you car could cause serious injury" and while every other car manufacturer has an airbag in the center of the steering wheel, the McDonald's car has a chefs knife pointed directly at your chest.

>> No.6201190

>to protect my own sanity, i refuse it

Amazing what kinds of mind games people will play on themselves just to avoid having to accept that their firm unwavering belief was wrong.

>> No.6201194


None of those people were successful. It's a testament to the success of the "tort reform" shills that people like you associate severe burns and going to the hospital with people sticking dead bugs in their food intentionally.

>> No.6201368
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I manage a coffee shop in phoenix and convinced my roaster to give me a "white" espresso blend, which is really just an ultra-blond roast. For coffee nerds: He roasts until right before the first crack and then removes the beans from the roaster. The resulting espresso is like a cross between yerba mate and coffee in flavor and has a sort of grain/cereal flavor. I still do regular espresso, but a lot of our patrons really like the variety. It makes a good latte but its hard to do anything else with because it doesn't form a very strong crema.

>> No.6201429

What the hell does that have to do with scalding hot coffee?

>> No.6201436

I drink dark roasts that I reheat multiple times. Add lots of sugar.
Go on. Get mad.
Dance puppets.
Or stay calm. You have no clue how I want you to react to this.

>> No.6201457

I like very dark roasts since light roast does not stand up to cream and sugar.

>> No.6201474

can we please stop comparing a hot beverage to a knifeairbag and just say what we really want to say?

you want people who serve food to adults to treat them like children and not trust them with hot beverages

>> No.6201477

you completely misunderstood that post, way to go

>> No.6201507

Dark, with a splash of hazelnut syrup and just enough cream to kill the burnt taste

>> No.6201546


don't forget that the hipster beans taste like they're soaked in grapefruit and battery acid .

>> No.6201639

Read the OP

>> No.6201691

No, you're the one who is confused

>> No.6202816

You need to understand that the focus of a thread can shift midway.

>> No.6202846

Holy shit, this thread went down the tubes quickly.

>> No.6202865

You need to understand that the OP is always relevant since it's the whole reason people come to the thread.

>> No.6202911

I always roast light, better taste and more caffeine. French or dark roasts are toppleb as fuck.

>> No.6203001

I don't think I agree with that.
Once the topic has shifted far enough away from the OP, the original idea is no longer relevant.

>> No.6203027
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>> No.6203035
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I like light roast.

>> No.6203071

>you want people who serve food to adults to treat them like children
Not at all. But a label on the cup that says exactly how hot the beverage is would be good. Or some kind of temperature-sensitive device on the cup that acts as a thermometer and glows red when the beverege is super hot.

It's not possible to know how hot the beverege is otherwise, without taking a sip or lifting the lid.
People take calculated risks all the time and I'd put a warm cup of coffee between my legs if the only risk was staining my pants with a warm sensation. I wouldn't put that cup between my legs if I knew that I was risking 3rd degree burns.

But above all, I definitely prefer a light roast. It brings out the fruity flavours of the bean.

>> No.6203076

>if the only risk was staining my pants with a warm sensation

Coffee that cool is not worth drinking.

>> No.6203084

I have a tip that may save your crotch.
If you are ever in a truck stop in flyover country( yes I know you would never, but if you did) the coffee is far hotter than MacDonald's .
The truckers won't have it any other way.

>> No.6203205

For you.
My beverege of choice is espresso which should never be that hot.

Thanx for the tip.
I think truckers want extra hot coffee so they can sip it over time while spending many hours on the road. Though trucks usually have cup holders which reduces the risk of groin annihilation.

>> No.6203217

Every car made in the last ten years has cup holders.

>> No.6203218

Then why did this woman have the cup between her legs?

>> No.6203404

She was whore.

>> No.6203802

No. Its not. Pleb.

>> No.6203806

waters boiling point is 212F.

>> No.6203811

What about when that water is diluted with sugar and coffee? What's the boiling point then?

>> No.6203815

once you put sugar and cream in it, the temp is only going down unless you introduce another head source after adding

>> No.6203816


>> No.6203818

>What about when that water is diluted with sugar and coffee? What's the boiling point then?

>1 gram molecular weight nonionizing solute per liter = 0.52 degree C increase in boiling point.

4 grams of sugar is roughly a teaspoon. So there's very little (if any) effect of adding a few teaspoons of sugar to coffee.

>> No.6205539

Bumping to keep alive so I can get that link on my PC later.

Also, light roast is God's roast.

>> No.6205737
File: 165 KB, 1919x1079, i want to believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is no good so I'll take your word for it. Thanx.

>> No.6205771 [DELETED] 

hehe no problem you little permavirgin dweeb. enjoy your "mocha latte crappachinos" while I enjoy my beer and pussy.