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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6192030 No.6192030 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on /ck/ who use 2% or even skim milk instead of whole
absolutely disgusting

>> No.6192033

skim milk is better if you're just thirsty

whole milk is better if you're thirsty and hungry, or want the creaminess

>> No.6192035
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drinking cow juice

almondmilk masterrace chekin in

>> No.6192037

> skin milk
> better if just thirsty
Just drink water.

>> No.6192040

> drinking almond juice
Cow milk drinkers unite

>> No.6192041

"Whole" milk from the store is only like 4% milkfat. Hardly a difference

>> No.6192042

>just eat bread and lettuce when you're hungry
still provides energy and nutrition brocephalusbergstein

>> No.6192044

If you think 3.25-3.8% is not a big difference then you're stupid.

>> No.6192047

You don't drink if you're hungry.
> implying you can't get your servings of milk anywhere else.

>> No.6192050

>You don't drink if you're hungry.
but when you drink milk, it turns into cheese and whey in your stomach so it's like you ate some cheese.

>> No.6192053

I should restate. There isn't anything wrong with drinking skim to cut calories and still get the protein. However, if you're putting skim in your cooking, you're a moron who should never go near a kitchen.

>> No.6192054

Skim milk is delicious
1% is okay
2% or higher tastes like butter crudely mixed into milk
Fight me irl

>> No.6192066
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skim and 1% tastes like water
2% tastes like milky water
homo milk tastes like fucking milk
Come to VLC Media Player in the next 15 mins if u want an ass kicking

>> No.6192071

Whole milk is the shit you dumb faggot. I met a guy who drank skim once, and he took it in the ass from his father 14 times a day.

>> No.6192078

There's a difference but not enough to make you less of a man. I regularly drink heavy whipping cream and I'm still a fat beta neckbeard.

>> No.6192084

>people who say whole milk tastes too 'rich'
>skim and 2% taste like water

>> No.6192160

I exclusively use skim milk powder. And not because I don't use a lot of milk, no, I actually use a lot. But powdered, it's cheaper than fresh in terms of gross mass and protein content.
Also, here in Canada supermarket milk is just as processed as powdered. So really, there's no point being picky when I can save money for essentially the same product.

>> No.6192163

>Also, here in Canada supermarket milk is just as processed as powdered.
lol no, not at all

>> No.6192175

I get harassed if I cook with whole milk

>anon you fatass why wouldn't you choose the kind with 98% of the fat removed
yes people actually think this

>> No.6192181

My mom would buy skim and 2%. When I moved out, I immediately switched to whole milk and never looked back. We have practically nothing in common, and I haven't talked to her in about 6 years.

Moral: buy your kids whole milk

>> No.6192184

Yes, it is. "Whole Milk"? Doesn't exist. What they do is remove all the fat from it to get skim, then add it back in separate batches to get desired percentages like "whole" and 2%. Then there's pasteurization and homogenization.

>> No.6192207

That is nowhere near as processed as dried milk products.

>> No.6192234
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>> No.6192240

I like non-fat milk

>> No.6192267

>There are people on /ck/ who use pasteurised milk.
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6192274
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Nigga you can't bulk efficiently with whole milk.

>> No.6192276

>drinking milk at all ever
milk smells and tastes like something you shouldn't be putting in your mouth

>> No.6192281

Powdered milk is just dried skim
Pretty equivalent in terms of "processed", not that it actually matters

>> No.6192283

>4 months to go from otter to otter

HAH and you want to discuss efficiency

>> No.6192331

>drinking milk

>> No.6192339

>people who evolved to drink milk opened up a completely new food and nutrition source
it's been scientifically proven that humans who adapted to drink milk have higher intelligence, since domesticating an animal takes more intelligence than just stabbing something to death and planting seeds

>> No.6192357

Okay i just think milk tastes bad

>scientifically proven
Ignoring the fact that nothing is scientifically proven, relatively speaking, that is not remotely true.

>> No.6192358

full cream powdered milk master race reporting in

that said though i dont drink a great deal of milk at home so to just works out better this way, and there's really not too much taste difference

>> No.6192421

>it's been scientifically proven that humans who adapted to drink milk have higher intelligence, since domesticating an animal takes more intelligence than just stabbing something to death and planting seeds

Yes, one of the many ways in which whites are superior is our ability to properly digest milk and milk byproducts such as butter and cheese.

Spoiler: non-whites aren't humans.