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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 499 KB, 1536x1536, gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6189878 No.6189878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This fucking happened to me yesterday

> Take gf out to dinner, celebrating
> 3rd anniversary, she just defender her dissertation, I got 2 consecutive promotions
> Nice steak house (Manny's Steakhouse to those that have been there.)
> "I'll have the surf n turf!"
> she didnt read the menu
> no surf and turf
> she orders a lobster tail and porthouse instead
> and a seafood tower appetizer
> and a chopped salad
> and asparagus
> and a baked potato
wtf, she's like 120lbs
> i order a strip steak and a 2 bottles of wine
> we enjoy our food
> "gee anon, im so stuffed but can still have cheesecake!"
> she orders cheesecake
> get bill
> mfw my steak was $60, wine $120
> mfw all her shit costed + $354+tax,tip
> "thanks for taking me out anon"!
> mfw when she has only blown me twice since then.

I spend over $500 on this sloot and she only blows me twice. What a fucking waste.

Why do you refuse to go out to any place more expensive than Applebee's, /ck/?

>> No.6189881

I should also throw in that her lobster tail was $90 alone because we live in fucking Minnesota there aren't lobsters here you stupid bitch.

>> No.6189886

>Take gf to expensive restaurant
>Surprised at the cost of the bill
>Happened yesterday
>2 blow jobs
2 blowjobs in a day

Fuck you retard, appreciate your bitch or some other man will

>> No.6189887



also enjoy your bulimic girlfriend

>> No.6189888

Nigga you just sound like a complainer. GEt a grip on life or you'll end up alone and even more autistic than you are now.

>> No.6189889

The restaurant is only fucking expensive because she ordered enough to feed 50 people. You can google for the menu if you don't fucking believe me. This place doesn't cost $500.

>> No.6189890

You spent $354 at a restaurant that presents food like that? I hope that was some expensive fucking wine.

>> No.6189895

If you simply said "Order whatever you want, fatty" You could avoided this whole thing.

>> No.6189896

$354 was for her shit. There was also $60 on me and $120 on wine. Plus 10.775% tax, and 18% tip. I spent close to $700.

>> No.6189899

why does she hold her fork like a disabled person?

>> No.6189903

Why is she eating chicken and broccoli if she ordered steak and lobster and asparagus

>> No.6189904

i wouldve gotten so fucking mad op.

one time i took my ex to a hipster sushi place, and it costed me $80. i was a poorfag college idiot and complied like an idiot beta. long story short, a year and 4 months later, I realized I mustve spent at least $2000, between trips around the country, meals, and gifts, for no fucking reason at the end.

shit man. its such a waste to throw money like this. fuck your bitch op, id probably be mad for days. shit i would disrespect her flagrantly every day, and im usually the nicest beta cuck ever.

>> No.6189906

No, that's a different restaurant. I don't bring my camera with me when I'm about to drop over $500 on food.

>> No.6189908
File: 51 KB, 707x516, asggag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teach your girlfriend about moderation. But seeing your picture, I can imagine it being hard since she's a mongoloid.

>> No.6189910



>this b8

>> No.6189913

Manny's Steakhouse is retarded overpriced, you could have gone to a 3 star restaurant for less than that

>hurr durr muh michelin stars

yeah yeah I know, just saying

although I guess his bulimic girlfriend might not have gotten her fill

>> No.6189914

>entrée with two sides

That's a completely reasonable order at a high end restaurant. If you don't wanna spend the money, go somewhere else you stupid fuck. Why spend so much money on dinner anyway. Go play mini golf or a museum or whatever the fuck you guys are into to.

>> No.6189918

A girlfriend isn't a machine you put money into until it dispenses sex.

I hope she dumps your lame ass.

>> No.6189920

Why did you offer to pay?
Your fault for hooking up with a chick who can't pay her own way.

>> No.6189921

>Has never had a girlfriend

>> No.6189922

teach your disgusting girlfriend to use cutlery OP, then you can worry about how much she eats. she holds that fork like a fucking spastic.

>> No.6189924


>"takes her out" because he got 2 promotions
>expects her to pay

I'm all for not throwing money at women and if this weren't a fake post that would be a lot of money to spend, but when you take someone out to dinner it's pretty normal to expect that you're going to be the one paying.

>> No.6189929

Michelin gave stars to fucking Taco Bell. They have no credibility any more.

>> No.6189931

DUDE WTF, you don't do seafood tower till she is your wife or going to be. That is like a birthday din din man. Fucking stop dating dude. Shit 400 dollars can get you an hour with a nice callgirl. FUCKIN BAIT

>> No.6189942

OP, is your gf a prostitute? Or an escort?
Anyway, I'm surprised she sucked your cock after such a meal without puking on your cock.

>> No.6189945

>Take gf out to dinner, celebrating
>she just got her environmental studies degree, I got promoted to assistant staples manager
>Nice Japanese restaurant (Benihana's to those that have been there).
>"I'll have the expensive food"
>i order a chicken teriyaki
>mfw her stuff was expensive
What a waste.

>> No.6189952

She probably thought you were going to propose.

>> No.6189956

That's what you get for being a carnist and dating one :^)

>> No.6189958


>Plus 10.775% tax
>not legally obligating businesses to include tax in their prices

Jesus fucking Christ, America, get it together.

>> No.6189961

Americans are too stupid to understand (bill + tax) = bill + tax, and would stop eating there after seeing higher prices on the menu.

>> No.6189984


OP Obviously a troll

So many retards getting baited

>> No.6189985

Meh. One time I dated some pleb girl who only wanted to eat McDonalds. You'd think I was lucky, that bitch somehow ran up a hell of a tab though. I also hate McDonalds, and I felt like a disgusting ape when we had sex after our Micky D's date. It didn't work out, she disgusted me. Even though she was hot.

>> No.6189987

>holding a fork like that

what hte literal fuck

I hope this is bait

>> No.6189989

>all these fags responding like OP ever claimed that the chick in the story is the one in the picture

you can't all be this new, holy shit

>> No.6190006

>Crying over $500

I can't imagine being that poor.

>> No.6190012


Yes, which is why here in the UK it's a legal requirement for businesses selling to the public to include tax in their prices. That way consumers aren't misled, and nobody has to worry about the effects on their competitiveness.

>> No.6190029

no it's
>look at me i'm so cute

>> No.6190030

maybe she has MS

>> No.6190054

Worst thread in a while. What's even the point of this story?

>> No.6190069

a girldfriend is more like a slot machine.
You throw in some money and you might win some smaller or bigger thing.
But even if you win something bigger you'll realize later that it was still a waste of money.

>> No.6190079

>Doesn't bother to check prices before taking his girlfriend to a super-expensive restaurant and he's the one paying. And he apparently doesn't know her eating habits even though she's been his girlfriend for 3 years.

>Doesn't even bother checking the prices of the food and drinks he orders himself.

>Is surprised when the bill is a fuckton of money.

That's a pretty penny but this was mostly your own fault.
At least you got her to blow you twice in one day, and hopefully more after this.

>> No.6190086

Just dump her, that's what you want to hear right?

>> No.6190089

>implying he even has a gf and the story's even real

>> No.6190095

>treating relationships as some kind of give and take contract
>not doing things simply out of love

You autistic OP?

>> No.6190098

>having a GF
See this where you went wrong.

>> No.6190100
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How was the steak? What sauce did you have on it? Also chips? I don't get the idea of chips and steak, I want my steak on mash to soak up the jus.

>> No.6190102

Not only that, that girl looks way to young to be in college or blowing an adult.
I'd say she's around 15 y/o

Only an idiot would think she's his gf.

Capcha: AGE hatslog

>> No.6190107

haha frozen lobster

>> No.6190110

Not all of us are satisfied with being lonely permavigins or taking a penis up the butt like you are.

>> No.6190111

Mannys in Minneapolis? Oh man I'm in Mn too I've been there. Got a feast for graduation, the double porterhouse was the best steak I've ever eaten

>> No.6190115

Every relationship, whether romantic or not, is a two way street. If one person contributes more to the relationship it becomes unbalanced (I don't mean just monetary/gift contributions, emotional and physical ones matter too) and the person who is contributing less does not value the relationship as much. Think about it, you enjoy things more when you work to achieve them. This is how guys get stuck in the friend zone all the time, they think they need to do anything and everything for the girl they like, and then don't understand why she doesn't value the relationship as much as him.

I'm not saying op deserves more blowjobs for his 500 dollar dinner, but relationships of all kind are a give and take, and if it's not balanced it will eventually crumble.

>> No.6190120

No need to be so defensive, I just offered a alternative approach to OP's problem.

>> No.6190125
File: 332 KB, 1536x1024, 1389177606252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No wonder you people are too poor to go on a date

>> No.6190209
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>le temporarily embarrassed millionaire face

>> No.6190213

This thread is garbage

>> No.6190216

taco bell is miles better than a lot of fucking restaurants they have ever rated.

Anyone who rates food based on how its fucking arranged on a plate is pants on head retarded anyway

>> No.6190219
File: 1.17 MB, 170x113, 1364232539393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spend over $500 on this sloot and she only blows me twice.
>being entitled
>he thinks gifts should be rewarded with sexual favors
wow OP you somehow have a gf (probably that job you bragged about) yet you're still a massive cuck!

>> No.6190221

>not going Dutch

>> No.6190289

>anyone who can speak grammatically correct English and afford to eat out must be a millionaire

Feels good to be le 53%er or is it 46%er either way I did build that

>> No.6190290


We don't need to cater to you foreign fucktards. All Americans know there will be a tax on their food at a restaurant and they know based on whatever state they're in what it will be. They also go out expecting to tip the restaurant at least like 15-20% just like the OP did. Please stay out of our country and keep eating at your restaurants where you have to pay for water and light a Roman candle at your table just to get a passing glance from your server.

>> No.6190320

lol fucking rekt, enjoy your goat's milk.

>> No.6190325

I don't think that word means what you think it means.
And do you think he paid for her meal for his health? Quid Pro Quo, motherfucker. No nasty sex - nigger's not gonna shell out 500 buckaroos again in a hurry.
Back to tumblr with you I saw you write "entitled".

>> No.6190329

>defending having to add two arbitrary % to your bill
>this is somehow a good thing
Meanwhile, in Japan, your server is attentive, polite, and is offended if you even offered a tip, and the price on the menu is the price you pay.
>hurr durr freedom

>> No.6190331

>implying I give a fuck what subhuman nip creatures do

Whatever dude

>> No.6190332

I'm pretty sure that she barely ate any of that food you bought. Bitches never finish a meal.

>> No.6190335

>being this free

>> No.6190337

>Expensive restaurant

What is the point in this? Seems like this is a very American tradition

>> No.6190338

Eeeh? wut r u on bout m8? If you're defending hidden costs because of some kind of "national secret" all americans are in on, then I don't even know what to think of you. Listed prices should be what you have to pay, not plus this and plus that. In America they show a price, like say, example: $199, and you think, ok, less than $200!, cool, and then you ring it up and the guy is like, it'll be $220+

>> No.6190343

Dude, you are heavily reinforcing what is now the worldwide stereotype of americans as arrogant and disconnected from reality.

The Japanese culture was advanced before America even existed, and the people are intelligent, creating, and discerning. Their culture being one of the most advanced and ancient still in existence.

>> No.6190345

>eurotards too stupid to add sales tax in their head
color me suprised

>> No.6190350

My GF just pays her portion of the bill.

And I still get laid. She's Chinese so she believes everything should be fair so she should pull her weight.


>> No.6190351


Yeah and all Americans know to allott for the extra amount. I've never heard an American seriously have the same gripes that you are having here. It works for us and we're used to it. Why should we change it for foreigners who don't want to do the miniscule amount of math involved?

>> No.6190367
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>> No.6190369

Your joking right?
The Japs are a race of savages. They work on the most base human instincts.

>> No.6190372

Pig headed Americans. It's not about whether the math is HARD or not. It's about whether the system is stupid. Your system IS stupid. Just paying a listed price is without question a better system. And your country is backwards for not mandating that in the law, just like anywhere else. Or does not knowing your exact bill without a calculator somehow help you?

>> No.6190377

I know that feel.
She is white though, but still pays her part. I guess we lucked out, man.

>> No.6190380

Projecting this much. Have you even any idea?

>> No.6190385

90 dollar seafood tower, as an appetizer for one person is reasonable?

>> No.6190388

We don't need calculators. You just know based on the price a ballpark of how much the final cost is going to be and you make sure you have enough money to cover it. It's really not hard or inconvenient at all bro.

>> No.6190397

>literally waaaaa the post
in my state its six cents on the dollar
its really not that hard
if you need a calculator for that shit you have bigger issues pal

>> No.6190399

Nah, m8, you're just used to be economically subjugated by the powerful people you like to pretend don't exist while you enjoy your relative freedom to mess up your life and get driven into debt like most Americans, while acting superior.

>> No.6190402

Motherfucker if I drop half a grand on something that disappears and is turned into new cells in an hour, you better damn well believe I'm smashing her pelvis.

>> No.6190404
File: 362 KB, 500x562, kWJYW8T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


USA vs Europe

>> No.6190407

Right, but how is a "ballpark" better than knowing exactly how much your meal costs? Like looking at a menu that says "Fries - 1.50" and knowing that your fries cost..... 1.50?
What if your order is more complex? Your ballpark figure will be less and less accurate, unless you can calculate a % of 157.34 or whatever in your head. What if the person buying can't do math? Honestly you cannot actually believe that is a BETTER system than paying the exact stated figures on the menu. They could LITERALLY print the cost of your food items on the menu. In the rest of the developed world that's exactly what they do.
What's 6% of 27.30 then? Off the top of your head? Calculating that? You are wasting your time, or more accurately, the restaurant is wasting your time.

>> No.6190408

What makes a man make a retarded post like this?

>> No.6190409

In my country, everything is in whole numbers. it would be easy in america for them to adjust prices to reflect the total price after sales tax, but the reason they don't do this simple COURTESY, is because they teach that shit in business school like dogma.

Also, if one business did it, the rest wouldn't, and it would just seem like they had higher prices. It's not in any way better for the consumer, it's just taking advantage of the cognitive faculties of people by creating illusions of value, like the $199 example earlier.

>> No.6190410


>> No.6190412

He thinks he is bragging, obviously. We;'re supposed to be impressed and awed.

>> No.6190416

Relax it happened yesterday she probably still stuffed and will that your co/ck/later

>> No.6190419

It doesn't matter dude. Literally no-one in America cares about this.

>> No.6190422

How's that austerity going buddy? Last I checked you're still running deficits.

>> No.6190423

So true

>> No.6190427

You're wrong. Literally lots of people in America think it's retarded because, newsflash, you can be an American and have international experience, like some of us, and yes the system is inferior here and you should think about what you are defending. It's not the fucking American Way or whatever, or some crying indian or bald eagle or whatever fantasy ideology you are imagining, it's just that you're used to being fucked by the people in charge so you're defending shitty business behavior.

>> No.6190432

Not true, I'm an American and I was pleasantly surprised when I went to IKEA and the food court prices included tax.

>> No.6190434

Mistake number one: taking anyone out to a more expensive restaurant than you're comfortable paying for. A proper steakhouse has always been one of the most expensive types of restaurant in the country. Taking someone to a steakhouse is basically saying, "Tonight I've got money to burn, so let's burn some on wildly expensive beef." If that wasn't the signal you wanted to send you shouldn't have taken her to a steakhouse. It's your anniversary, so of course she's expecting the works - wine, appetizer, main and dessert. That will always be absurdly expensive at a steakhouse, dummy.

Mistake two: expecting a date to be a transaction that results in sexual payback. This can be the case when you're first dating someone. You show them a good time in hopes they will want to extend that good time with a sexual romp at the end of the night. It doesn't work that way once you're actually in a relationship. You think you would have noticed this after three years together. Yes, some wealthy, older men can manage to buy the affection of younger women, but if you're bitching about $700 dropped on dinner you're obviously not in that camp. After three years together an anniversary dinner is nothing more than you showing your appreciation of her. If $700 is more appreciation than you can afford you should have taken her somewhere else.

Mistake three: coming to 4chan and bitching about being blown twice in one day. You're either lying or bragging on 4chan. Either way it's pathetic.

>> No.6190436

I've been overseas too and paid what they paid after looking at their shockingly accurate price tags. Been buying stuff back here in America too. Don't really notice any difference. There are more important things you should be focusing your time on.

>> No.6190443

lol no one is defending shit like its their patriotic duty were laughing at you for being too stupid to do grade school math

>> No.6190447

Being this disconnected with reality.

>> No.6190450
File: 47 KB, 374x925, iDwzQf8rHO9s[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the europoor

>> No.6190456
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>> No.6190458

Keep buying our treasury bonds yuro.

>> No.6190459

Lmao look at this little bitch so anal ravaged he can't even greentext properly.

I'll take that as a sign of your defeat m8

>> No.6190460

Enjoy your Japanese designed phone made in china

>> No.6190461

ok you want to know the real answer? its for transparency. that 'extra' twenty bucks that gets 'tacked on' the end doesnt go to the business owner, it goes to the state. we do it this way so its very clear to the consumer the seller and the state that 199.96 cents is paid to the seller and everything else is tax.
you dont understand this because europe is probably the least transparent economic zone in the world. you think were fucked? you've been fucked for millenia.
we only fought a fucking war over this shit

god you people are so stupid

>> No.6190463

It's actually Taiwanese.

>> No.6190465

yeah pretty sure mines korean

>> No.6190468

You got what I was saying though

>> No.6190472

Not really. I don't know what you were saying considering I am neither racist against the Japanese nor an owner of a Jap cell phone.

>> No.6190509

No, actually, that is the opposite of transparency, congratulations on being such a tool, though

>> No.6190533


>> No.6190537
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> 3rd anniversary

Who's the fucking retard?

You should know what to expect by now you dumb fuck.

>> No.6190539

lol what? its very clear who gets what
you even get this nifty thing called a receipt to prove it

>> No.6190564

Do you still get taxed on food?

>> No.6190585
File: 2.83 MB, 190x386, 1409674147673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just shrugging it off or asking her why she she decided to go that route
>asking an internet forum

gee whiz fkn m8, blimey

>> No.6190589

that dude is hot

>> No.6190598

>gf orders everything well done

>> No.6190605

Anyone who eats with a fork like that probably doesn't wipe their ass very well.

>> No.6190606


This is why women on dating sites prefer white guys over black guys. You guys are fuckin door mats and beta as fuck when it comes to women. They'll use you and abuse you and you'll simply let them. They know they couldn't get away with this shit if they were dating a minority.

>I spend over $500 on this sloot and she only blows me twice. What a fucking waste

Because that bitch doesn't love you. She's obviously using you whitey.

>> No.6190611

As opposed to nigs who will take her to Wendy's for a date and send the fries back six times because "dey ain't crispy nuff"

And who will then rape her anyway if she decides not to put out after their romantic evening.

>> No.6190624


As opposed to a whitey who will turn pedo and rape a little kid when he fails with women.....

>> No.6190629


So you have a black gf?

>> No.6190630
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>paying for bitches that do this type of shit
>enabling them by letting it slide
>3rd anniversary
and I pray pic isn't your gf. look at how she's holding the fucking fork jesus christ

>> No.6190631
File: 148 KB, 985x887, Facts be raycis like a white man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As opposed to a whitey who will turn pedo and rape a little kid when he fails with women.....
Is that so Mr. Noggington?

>> No.6190636

They just use the nig bucks for a good dicking, otherwise, they get everything they need from whitey's money and from bitching at other women. That's all women need to live: money, black dick, and being bitches.

>> No.6190640

Just because you're jealous of our superior white penises and genes doesn't mean we're pedos.

>> No.6190644

>For that kind of money you could've fucked some good prostitutes

>> No.6190660

He kind of already is.

>> No.6190662


you're a dumbass me boy, should have gone to Strip Club

>> No.6190672
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>yfw she gets home and pukes everything out

>> No.6190693

>good prostitutes

>> No.6190697


>> No.6190725

If she was your girlfriend for 3 years, she was probably worth it.

>> No.6190731
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goes to a pricey restaurant complains about the bill

what a d in the m

>> No.6190741
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you both sound like awful people

I mean terrible human beings

you deserve each other

I hope to never meet either of you IRL

>> No.6190743
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>> No.6190784

So basically, OP is banging a land-whale.

>> No.6190821

>op finds pic of a girl eating on reddit
>op reposted pic on 4chan, making sure to title it "girlfriend.jpg" because he's obviously done things like this before
>op channels his autism and comes up with an elaborate tale of fiction where he has a gf, gets bjs, has a nice job, and has disposable income to throw away at nice restaurants
>in reality op is a kissless virgin
>in reality op lives with his parents and doesn't have a job
>in reality op hasn't left his bedroom since high school, much less been to a high class restaurant

>> No.6190827

>go to nice steak house to treat yourselves

>> No.6190833

She blew you twice since yesterday and you're bitching.

>> No.6190852

Who says men shouldn't pay for sex? All men pay for sex, and you paid a fuck ton that night buddy.

In Germany you could have fucked like 10 super hot 18-21 year old Romanian prostitutes, with all you can eat and drink buffet, over the course of 3 days for that money.

Poor pathetic Americans. No weed, no women worth fucking, no hot slim little teenage whores to bang for 50 bucks. Nothing but niggers, Mexicans, and diseased fag culture.

>> No.6190907

Wait wait wait, 500 USD is considered a lot on this board? Seriously? That's considered less than couch change to those losers in the world of warcraft threads on vg.

>> No.6190913

Cuz they all work in IT and never leave the house other than to go to and from work so they have tons of disposable income.

>> No.6190922

Its because none of them pay rent.
Its easy to live like a king when you still live with your parents.

>> No.6191049

>"I'll have the expensive food"
Typical woman. Drain 'em dry (but not in a good way)

>> No.6191078

>Poor pathetic Americans.
No. Poor pathetic you. You are just a disgusting john.

>> No.6191088

Not only that, but I guarantee you it wasn't even real lobster.

>> No.6191089
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fuck me, I forgot the pic

>> No.6191092

he wants a "classy" lady