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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6189011 No.6189011 [Reply] [Original]

So a friend from Europe recommended I try cooking some of these, and I did just an hour ago. Holy fuck these are god awful. They're like watery hot dogs with no flavor that disintegrate in your mouth. It's like you're getting excited to eat a hot dog every time you bite into one and you're like "What the hell happened did the hot dog warp into another fucking dimension? Oh wait I'm eating Vienna Sausages." Seriously, what the fuck, these things are awful, and probably as unhealthy if not moreso than hot dogs. Why would you do this? Did I do something wrong? Are they supposed to taste like pond water and chicken piss?

>> No.6189015

Anon try having an actual growling hunger and not a current over-saturation of sugars and fats in your regular diet.
Drink the broth.
that'll make you appreciate a can o meat.

>> No.6189016

They're made from mechanically separated chicken, so of course they're going to taste like shit.

These aren't designed for taste, they're designed to be long lasting, cheap, protein.

The only reason I've bought this stuff is because it has a ludicrous shelf life and I'm a paranoid fuck.

>> No.6189020

My dad used to use those to bait catch-em-alive traps back when he was a fur trapper. Those, and sardines.

>> No.6189094

I don't think they are meant to be cooked, my friend always ate them right out the can as a snack then he'd flick the juice at our squeemish friend

>> No.6189098

Yeah, you just grab 'em and toss 'em down your throat and try to not think too hard about what you're putting into your body.

>> No.6189124

Next time try them with applesauce as a dip. Very tasty that way.

>> No.6189128

these aren't bad on some hot rice. you need to drench em in ketchup though

>> No.6189129

OP is full of shit
I've never seen these monstrous peni in Europe

>> No.6189130

How does one go about trapping fur?

>> No.6189157

I agree. I bought 2 cans. I have one still left from about 3 years ago....

Testament to its taste.

>> No.6189192
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>tfw I'm the one person on this board that likes these

>> No.6189215

You're going to be repulsed when you open that can. Trust me.

>> No.6189220

My dad like them. Pretty good cooked in soy sauce.

>> No.6189231

I love this shit
but I live in Hawaii and we love spam so I can't really say much

>> No.6189247

I haven't had em in a while, but damn put one of those puppies on a ritz cracker, add a sprinkling of tobasco and WA LA, white trash heaven.

>> No.6189259

I eat them when I'm poor. I saute them in a pan and drizzle honey on them. Then I eat them with rice to balance out the shit flavor.

My grandparents are from europe and they'd just pop open the can and eat them. It was sick to watch as a child.

>> No.6189431

I remember my grandmother having cans of those in the pantry. If I recall, they had a weird seam running the length of each one and you could, if careful, peel the outer skin off. I remember thinking that they resembled my eight year old penis. I didn't like them then, and I would never eat them now.

>> No.6189459

>find areas where desirable fur animals live
>set catch em alive traps
>bait with OPs pic or sardines, or other bait
>leave overnight
>come back the next day
>animal in trap
>shoot animal in head
>take back to your facility
>skin animal
>sell pelts to fur traders

I don't know how much this is really done anymore. This was back in the 70s and early 80s. I don't know that there are that many fur traders as there used to be, at least not in US. But that was how Dad supplemented our income in the wintertime when I was a little kid.

>> No.6189590

I recommend 'potted meat'

>> No.6189611

>Shoot animal in the head
I thought fur-trappers clubbed or asphyxiated, because the blood could ruin the fur.

>> No.6189762

Nope. A clean shot will do it. But, you have to actually be a good shot.

>> No.6189814

They are pretty good with a can of nacho cheese or spread cream cheese on it.

>> No.6189827

These were my go-to snack as a kid. Apparently I'd eat them all the time. I haven't had any since high school but someday....

Or maybe not. Now that I know what they're made of I might just hold on to those memories.

>> No.6190053

Mash it up in the can, added spices, and use as a dip for Doritos.

>> No.6191185
File: 41 KB, 679x509, Wiener-Wuerstchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Germans call a Vienna Sausage, Austrians call a Frankfurter. The US version is simply called "Canned Sausage" here and nobody would eat it unless you point a gun at him. So maybe it's a sort of cultural misunderstanding and you friend simply told you Franks are edible ?

>> No.6191455

>dad grew up in rural buttfuck oklahoma
>keeps going on about fishing trips with his dad, eating powdered donuts and vienna sausages like they were the best thing on God's earth
>convinces me to try one
>tastes like absolute ass
>try my hardest to gently tell him I am not a fan
>gets offended as shit
for fuck's sake dad you didn't raise me to be as poor as you were, I can't help that

>> No.6191464
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>not buying good quality sausages and powdered donuts for your dad on your next fishing trip

>> No.6191512

throw them on a saltine cracker, have yourself a white trash snack

>> No.6191526

Growing up my dad would eat them all the time. He got me started on them when I was pretty young, and now I absolutely love vienna sausage. Except for Armour brand, they taste kind of off to me. Probably because I grew up on the cheap, generic stuff.

>> No.6191544

Why would you do all that when you can buy potted meat?

>> No.6192429
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>Wiener aus der Dose

That's like complaining about canned whole chicken

>> No.6192486


hey bby where u been?

>> No.6193339

What is it with dads and these fuckin things? Dad turned me on to these and potted meat. Sausages were ate plain and the potted was spread on saltines or wonder bread.

I was pretty quick to realize that I got a headache everything's I ate hot dogs or cheap deli meat., turns out it was the preservatives. I quit eating that shit he just kept having the headaches.

>> No.6195260

Who knows. Might be an army thing?

>> No.6195597

the probably has a lot to do with it. NY family wasn't poor by any means (actually pretty well off) but my dad ate these things all the time probably for that 'Nam nostalgia.

>> No.6195617

>So a friend from Europe
Nice try burgerclap
These aren't available in the civilised world.

>> No.6195828
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If you want to try something truly disgusting, try this.

>> No.6195829
File: 86 KB, 440x330, chipped-beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

believe it or not that stuff has a legitimate use: in creamed chipped beef on toast. it's really good. I imagine there's got to be a way to prepare a fresh alternative however

>> No.6195853

Not available in Europe.
You are clearly full of shit.

>> No.6195868

I hated those things but ate them as a little kid. Eventually I got my mom to buy some shit canned meat called deviled ham, I liked it better. I think the can was wrapped in paper, some of you anons probably know what I'm talking about.

>> No.6195878
File: 51 KB, 500x500, Deviled_Ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Prob not much better than canned sausage but I liked it. I wouldn't eat it now though.

>> No.6195884
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, Sausage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever try this stuff?

>> No.6195890


had a can of this and ate it last week
it was pretty horrible but I ate 2 sandwiches

would not eat again, ever

>> No.6195891

actually,they are quite tasty if you use some from a real butcher. The stuff in cans and glasses is mediocre at best.

In saxony it's a traditional christmas dinner, vienna sausage, potatoe salad and mustard.

>> No.6195901
File: 22 KB, 370x277, christmas_salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.6195907

If that's a Christmas dinner, how sad.

>> No.6195918

>Are they supposed to taste like pond water and chicken piss?

Drop them into a hot pan and put a decent scorch on those motherfuckers. You can make a decent meal out of canned foods.

>> No.6195925

They literally have less flavor trying to cook them, they're canned sausages made to be eaten without any preparation and I find it highly unlikely that someone would actual 'recommend you' such a cheap product for cooking if you aren't scrap for cash or on a budget.

Still, 8/10 for creativity but the "From Europe" part makes your shitpost fall apart.

>> No.6195926

they are pretty common here too. you put them into potatoe-soup or wrapped in puff pastry with mustard and cheese. they are mostly childrens favorites cause they have a mild taste and are soft.

>> No.6195927
File: 63 KB, 334x500, hormel-tamales[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about these delicious things

>> No.6195935

Crush them, add spice and mayonaise, spread on bread.

There now you can live on $10 a week.

>> No.6195939
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Not sad, traditional. Something light for the 24th and the real feast will be eaten on 25th and 26th.

Pic related was the dinner for the 25th, Rouladen mit Klößen und Rotkraut.

>> No.6196068
File: 8 KB, 225x225, beanee weenies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only legitimate use for Vienna Sausage

Can confirm. On toast w/ cream gravy this stuff tastes awesome in the strangest way.

Food of the white trash gods. I have to get a can of these at least once a year.

>> No.6196080

don't you mean diminutive penii?

>> No.6196084
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>> No.6196097
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I was raised on la choy so it tastes awesome to me. Gotta get the crispy noodles with it though.

>> No.6196100

Those are actual sausages with real skins made from sheep gut.
They have a firm texture and are quite delicious.
Those are uncomparable to the canned crap OP had.

>> No.6196117

He meant the fresh ones, never seen canned vienna sausages in my country.

>> No.6196125

Fuck your Ossi shit, Marcel.

>> No.6196137

>he doesnt like pate

>> No.6196177

It only sucks because you're eating the wrong damn kind. Ham and anything else is fucking disgusting. Like, pig disgusting, you will puke disgusting.

Chicken is where it's at. That shit is addictive, AND delicious.

>> No.6197347

I grew up eating vienna sausage and mayo sandwiches, so my nostalgia power is off the charts for them. But if I stop to chew, I realize how it really tastes. Bottom of the barrel canned meat product is an acquired taste.

>> No.6197864

That's actually how Germans eat on Christmas Day.
The real feast only comes the day after.

>> No.6197919
File: 9 KB, 184x208, masterracesausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me. Master race vienna's coming through.