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6186336 No.6186336 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought one today. How do y'all feel about them? What are the best kinds?

>> No.6186355
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>> No.6186361

are those good?

>> No.6186367

I think Keurigs should be classified as drug paraphernalia, they make it so easy to consume insane amounts of caffeine and sugar.

>> No.6186500


Are there even k-cups that contain sugar? I had a Keurig for 3 years and never had a cup of coffee that was sweetened, unlike Tassimo. I like the Starbucks and Van Houte's cups. Kaluha cups are ok too. Don't buy Donut House; they tasted worse than the watery yet burnt Maxwell House we have at work. The new ones also make less than a full mug of coffee, which is bullshit.

>> No.6186505

>buying k-cups
>not grinding your own

like holy shit

>> No.6186537

My company switched to them exclusively. I ended up using the empty screen thingy and bring my own dark roast. I then run it through twice in to a big mug. It's a decent cup of joe, but it's kind of labor intensive for a beverage that really shouldn't be.

>> No.6186542
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>falling for the DRM coffee trap

>> No.6186552

my job gave me one for free so I've been using it a lot lately.
Honestly the coffee almost always tastes burnt to me. I prefer the coffee I get from using my french press, though the convenience of the Keurig is a huge plus

>> No.6186589

Why do you need a machine to make instant coffee? Are people too lazy to open a jar and use a teaspoon like normal people?

Fucking hell.

>> No.6186598

>thinks Keurig is instant coffee
>actually drinks instant coffee

>> No.6186601

Yeah this. Unless you buy your own little refillable k-cup you're throwing away money for bad coffee.

>tfw my place of work has a Flavia machine and there are no ways to use your own grounds

I end up doing one regular packet of coffee and two espresso shots of the same thing all into one mug. It's still just okay and I am by no means a coffee snob. It's also wasteful as hell what with the coffee packets and disposable cups. I've worked there for less time than anyone and I'm the only one who has a mug. Everyone else uses 3-4 styrofoam cups a day.

>> No.6186662

My sister gave me one of the older models that was used at her job when they decided to upgrade. I bought some of those reusable cups and use them along with regular packages of coffee so I'm not spending assloads of money on k-cups. I heard the newer Keurig models won't work with the reusable cups either, which seems incredibly wasteful.

Sometimes if I don't feel like using the stove to heat water I'll just use it for that too. It works alright for tea and instant miso soup.

>> No.6186696

Keurigs are fucking bullshit. But then again I'm a barista and try to preserve at least a little art in coffee making.

>> No.6186699

This thing is good for one thing and one thing only, a person who only drinks one cup of coffee at a time.

If you wake up, make coffee then leave, it's perfect. If you're like me, and like several cups of coffee, then I honestly would just get a superior percolator.

>> No.6186727


Question; are you an ACTUAL one, or a Starbucks shill who pushes two buttons on a whiz-bang superauto, puts a cup of cold milk on the panarello, then put it and five fucking gallons of syrup in a paper cup for $5.50?

>> No.6186730

They make those little cups for hot chocolate and various Starbucksy "iced" drinks too

>> No.6186734

Good question. I'm an actual one. I don't consider Starbucks baristas baristas.

>> No.6186744
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>coffee slaves getting snobby over other coffee slaves

>> No.6186749

Suck my coffee cock!

>> No.6186757

Oh thank fuck, I'm learning on a lever machine I got off my Grandpa (he didn't want it) and a Rocky. What do you use?

I do it as a hobby and because I like the stuff. Starbucks baristards are basically trained monkeys with fancy aprons and terrible beans. As patient people who can tolerate bullshit, I have respect for them; as someone skilled in coffeecraft, none.

>> No.6186762
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You should get rid of that Keurig, and move up to a Tassimo. much much better

>> No.6186764

I tried one once at my parents house, but I don't really get them. They don't seem much different than a traditional drop coffee maker, except more expensive.

>> No.6186777

That's tremendous! Well, I'm from Italy so I was raised on old country percolators and presses. But nowadays I use vacuum brewer or chemex.

>> No.6186798

Ahh, typically I mostly drink espresso- at least nowadays. Before that, I used an Aeropress. I only bought the Rocky because it was damn near bulletproof and it could do other-than-espresso grinds.

What part of italy? My grandfather's from Sicily

>> No.6186807

My respects to your grandfather. I'm from Assisi.

I dip back into espressos periodically, but my nephews send me beans from around the globe, so nowadays I just grind and enjoy those.

>> No.6186812

Do you have any favorites? I'm thinking of starting ordering stuff from around the globe right now.

>> No.6186823

There's no art in a cup of filter coffee nigger

Captcha nigge

>> No.6186824

This may sound curious, but I've really enjoyed coffee from the Philippines. I've only ever enjoyed it fresh from the islands, but these beans come kind of close.


It was good talking to you, friend, but work has ended and it's time for me to go home. Buonanotte!

>> No.6186842

>implying our discussion was any way about filter coffee.

No, but filter coffee can actually be pretty good. However, the DRM Keurig bullshit is tragic.

>> No.6187262

It's fast with no cleanup and still tastes good.

>> No.6187291

Because the world needs more plastic junk going into landfill.

>> No.6187294

It looks like that thing is wearing a fedora.

>> No.6187311

They're good if you're only drinking one or two cups of coffee a day. Quick, easy to clean, kind of takes up some space but so does a regular drip machine.

>> No.6187363

Keurigs make filter coffee dumb ass

>> No.6187391

mocha master and betiva make good filter coffee. Literally the only two drip filter machines that get hot enough for complete extraction
So fucking this

Keurigs make sub-par coffee and wtih every cup add to the increasing mountain of plastic that will never ever bio-degrade. I honestly don't understand how this scam has ever caught on. I get it for an office environment, but why a private home would ever own one is just beyond me. It's basically $1.25 US for a cup of coffee at home. Just go to a coffee shop if you're that lazy.

>> No.6187395

with old stale shitty grounds

>> No.6187404

Sick kirby fig

>> No.6188222

but i just bought it

>> No.6188531

trash. buy a real espresso machine.

>> No.6188882

No you just wasted money on some thing with out looking in to if it was worth any thing. You wasted your money.

>> No.6189466
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Not the same guy but I spent a $700 on an espresso machine and it was worth every penny. Kinda wanna upgrade even

>> No.6189469

what do you usually make with yours

>> No.6189476

have people over frequently, people want different drinks. Cappuccinos usually but macchiatos and espressos from time to time

>> No.6189532

Got a keurig about 2 years ago. 90% of the time it's just a kettle. Just hit the brew button when there is no kcup in it and it just pisses out a cup of boiling water.

>> No.6189549

I just fill up a mug with maxwell house and let the hot water fill up

>> No.6189584

I got a small Keurig for christmas one year that I ended up selling on craiglist. The k-cups were too expensive, then I bought my own reusable cup for my own coffee grinds, but the stuff it made just wasn't doing it for me. It was just kinda watery and had an "off" taste to it, I don't even know how to describe it. Plus I missed being able to set my coffee on a timer the night before and just have it sitting ready in the morning.

>> No.6189605

There are literally baskets you can put in a Keurig with fresh grounds / tea / what-have-you

You can adjust the brewing temperature to the degree.


>> No.6189607

Some of the Keurig machines have the option to set a clock which lets you brew at a prescribed time.

>> No.6190048

Now that is a damn sexy machine!

>> No.6190061
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>kinda watery and had an "off" taste to it,
Yea, like the water didn't have time to really soak through the coffee, instead it was just sorta blasted through as quickly as possible. Every cup of regular black coffee from a keurig i've ever had has tasted that way.
Good if you're in a hurry in the morning, but shitty if you just want to sit down and relax with a nice, strong cup.
Even the flavored ones were kinda 'meh'.

If I had one, i'd use it to make tea instead. You could probably stuff a bag or two of your favorite brewed tea into the little reusable thing.