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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 285 KB, 960x720, 577881-960x720-hot-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6185565 No.6185565 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Europe and I have never had a decent hotdog. There's no place around that sells hotdogs, so I'm going to make them myself.
What's important for a good hotdog? What toppings go well together, which ones don't?

>> No.6185576

this board blows my mind
turns out people all over the world are retarded
we truly live in a glorious age

>> No.6185583
File: 38 KB, 600x400, coneydogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IDK about making hot dogs, but the best toppings are simply relish and mustard, onions and mustard, or chili sauce, onions, and mustard like pic related. What mustard you prefer is up to you obviously, spicy brown is good.

>> No.6185584


WTF is that on top of that dog...i.i.iis that fucking granola you fucking hippie?

>> No.6185595

My favorite hotdog starts with an all beef wiener, put inside a warm poppyseed hotdog bun. For toppings, I like diced onions, diced jalapeños, dill pickles cut into quartered spears, and a nice zig zag of yellow mustard.

>> No.6185596

It truly is amazing. Seriously OP, go troll elsewhere, you know how to cook a hot dog and if you don't have mommy or daddy go outside and grill it for you because you're still too young to play with matches.

>> No.6185603
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Hot dogs MUST be grilled. Boiling or putting in a pan just doesn't do them justice.

Worcestershire sauce, little dash of mayo/ketchup/mustard/any sauces you like, and that's it. A good grilled dog doesn't need to be loaded with chili or pickles or cheese or fried shit.

>> No.6185616

Oven roasted all beef wieners are good too.

>> No.6185757

Roasted onions.
Not op, btw.
Seems like you've never been to Denmark/Northern Germany, they've got pretty decent Hot-Dogs.
You need a standard bun(not toasted, only warmed), Frankfurter Würstchen, pickles, roasted onions, preferably a tomato sauce that is not super-sweet ketchup, honey-mustard and remoulade.
It's my favourite setup.

>> No.6185883


>grill it

I just boil the sausages

>> No.6185897

best way to cook a hot dog is to split it down the center and fry it

>> No.6185907

i boil hotdogs because they are too salty otherwise

is the texture really worth grilling them?

>> No.6185921

Go to Germany, you fucking ignorant pleb.

>> No.6186200

You should try to make them like they do in Chile: avocado (with salt), cube-sliced tomato, sauerkraut, mayo and ketchup. It's a fucking amazing flavor

>> No.6186334

I'm from the Detroit area so my favorite kind of dogs are Coneys. Steamed buns, beef heart chili, chopped onions, and mustard as toppings.

>> No.6186478

brie, raw onion, pickle, mustard, ketchup

>> No.6186503

>>6185565 having been to europe I understand your dilemma.

>>6185583 this is very good advice.
however hot dog preferences are regional. in the south what is generically labeled as hot dog chili is delicious and much different than a normal chilli for reasons I cannot explain.

I think grilling>frying>boiling=microwave=/=oven.

never heard of putting a dog in the oven.

>> No.6186504

must know where you are from

>> No.6186516

Phoenix here, my favorite hot dog is grilled with a buttered and grilled bun topped with mustard ketchup and jalapeno.

Also like chili cheese dogs but only when me mum makes em because she makes her own chili.

>> No.6186526

>me mum
>Phoenix here

Sort yourself out, m8

>> No.6186538


Are you 5? If its not potatoes, ketchup doesn't go on it.

>> No.6186555

There is no such thing as a "good" hot dog. They range from gross (Chicago dog, old ass sitting in the machine for 2 weeks movie dog) to acceptable (hotdog from a ballpark, chilidog)

If you want something that actually taste good you should get an Italian or German sausage.

>> No.6186560

>What's important for a good hotdog? What toppings go well together, which ones don't?

Beef frank
Grilled. Do not boil.

That's how you do it.

>> No.6186563

>is the texture really worth grilling them?

Boiled hot dogs just seem soggy to me. Grilling them makes them nice, juicy, and firm.

>> No.6186564
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>> No.6186587

Are you foreign? Ketchup goes on hamburgers, hotdogs and millions of other things. It's a fucking condiment. Saying you only put ranch on your wings and not bleu cheese doesn't make it the almighty correct answer. this board

>> No.6186636

Ketchup, mustard, and relish are the perfect combination on a hotdog

>> No.6186639

Get a load of this faggot.

If you want the best dog ever, make your own chili and cole slaw and put them on top. Chili first, then slaw, then shredded cheddar. There's millions of recipes for both, and I know what works for me, but you've gotta figure your own out.

>> No.6186643

But if you replace the hotdog with a sausage it will ALWAYS be better

>> No.6186659

But if you replace anything with something better it will always be better. If he had asked about the best toppings for a sausage I would have answered differently.

>> No.6186660
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are you 5? if it is potatoes, ketchup doesn't go on it

ketchup sucks

>> No.6186682

I remember putting ketchup in my hot dogs. When I was six.

>> No.6186690
File: 299 KB, 2272x1701, cheeseconey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6186692

>hash browns
>french fries
>tater tots
>no ketchup

fuck outta here

>> No.6186694
File: 53 KB, 1024x768, krautmustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6186708
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>> No.6187790

Ikea sells hotdogs in Germany. Not gourmet ones, but cheap and decent quality.

>> No.6187796


>> No.6188339
File: 89 KB, 675x506, best buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best tasting hot dogs should be grilled. Frying them in a pan isn't as good, but it's the next best thing. DO NOT microwave them.

For condiments:
You can't go wrong with these and they are delicious when put together on a hotdog.
You can also use chili if you're feeling adventurous.
Cheese may be used, but avoid the liquid kind, cause that stuff's disgusting.

Also grilled and/or fried buns with non-crusted sides are best buns.

>> No.6188354

ok seakale gimme the beef
if a place does hotdogs the right way, grilled with the classic toppings and a good chillidog (no beans)
are they blasphemous for trying other things too?

>> No.6188363

>hey guyz I live in Europe, land of bratwurst, currywurst, knackwurst, weisswurst, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. and I've never had a good sausage cuz I'm a terrible faggot

>> No.6189180

>i boil hotdogs
Don't do this.

These guys know what they're talking about.

>> No.6189726

> retard rants
It's about the complete dish you douche, not just the sausage.

>> No.6189744

It's literally just a sausage in a bun.
What goes on top is up to you.

>> No.6189764

For me I love beer basted brats
I use a good wurst and hoegaarden for the beer.
So once they are done I do usually a nice brown mustard (stone) or spicy brown depending how I'm feeling. Minced white onions.
Other times I'll use a nice all beef and use
Ketchup, regular yellow mustard, onions, long slice of jalapeño or peperchini.

>> No.6189772
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 2123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man has the right of it. If you love your chilidog.

Make yourself some boss fucking chili in a pot, then grill a good dog and dice that shit up and put it on your chili.

This is the way you do it.

>> No.6189810

>never heard of putting a dog in the oven.

>> No.6189824
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You have to have a bratwurst in their or it's not a hot dog. Forget about putting cheese or chili on there, that's the territory of shit tier american sausage sandwiches.
North Germany and Prague do the best hot dogs.

>> No.6189836

>bacon wrapped topped with chopped jalapeno and caramelized onion
>mustard, relish and onion
>no bean chili, mustard, onion and cheese (shredded cheddar)
>sauerkraut and mustard

>> No.6189838

Btw OP you pic related toppings are a no. Looks like pickles, fried onions and ketchup? Nah.

>> No.6189840


my nig

loads of their hotsauce on top plz

>> No.6189841
File: 22 KB, 480x319, 3507052823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mother over all; The norwegian gas station baconpolse (baconhotdog) with molten cheese inside.

>> No.6189884


only thing acceptable ITT

>> No.6190065

My local cart serves them bacon wrapped and cooked on a flat top.
Toppings are carmelized onion, diced fresh tomato, some green chile salsa.
good fresh steamed buns are essential

>> No.6190072
File: 48 KB, 600x493, picture not related.. I think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yea.
Putting 5 pounds of fucking condiments and onions and peppers and avacados on it sort of defeats the point of having a fucking hot dog.

Chicago doesn't serve hot dogs. They serve a fucking salad that just happens to have a hot dog sticking out of it, and then they have the gall to whine and act like putting ketchup on it is some sort of fucking sin.
Bitch please, you just covered that fucking thing in pickles and chili peppers. Its already ruined.

>> No.6190101

opinions are fun, aren't they?

>> No.6190117
File: 613 KB, 987x775, Berner-Würstel-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baconpolse (baconhotdog) with molten cheese inside.
You have those in Norway? We call them Berner Würstel in Austria.

>> No.6190119

I'll take 3 diabetes please

>> No.6190122

It comes with a salad, so it's okay.

>> No.6190129

>French fries are salad

I'm not even mad yo

>> No.6190136

Maybe you should get your eyes checked.

>> No.6190140

>grilled hotdogs
/ck/ has such shit taste

>> No.6190147

I see the salad now, but when I sad I want mad I wasn't being sarcastic. I genuinely thought the idea of saying the French fries where salad was funny.

>> No.6190164
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>a good hotdog