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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 604 KB, 570x1106, 0426peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6178430 No.6178430 [Reply] [Original]

Are pepperfags the worst thing to happen to cooking? I think so.

>> No.6178434

just means there are more asians posting than before.

>> No.6178437

people who completely avoid entire food groups when they don't have an allergy are worse

>> No.6178439

It's not even that, spicy shit has become super popular over the last 10 years. It's gotten to the point where things are so spicy you literally can't taste the food, but if you don't like it you're a pussy or something.

>> No.6178440

I like thai and mexican food so ... no?

>> No.6178443

>Last 10 years
Are you living in the 90's by any chance?

>> No.6178444


>> No.6178458

But how will you be able to tell that my dick is bigger than yours if I don't prove it by eating hot shit?

>> No.6178460

Everyone has different tolerance
what might be spicy as hell and ruins the taste for you might just be mild for someone else.
See i know japanese people who can barely eat chilli flakes without crying.

>> No.6178461

I bit into a raw habanero a few months ago. It ruined my night.

>> No.6178479


>> No.6178480

>It's not even that, spicy shit has become super popular over the last 10 years. It's gotten to the point where things are so spicy you literally can't taste the food, but if you don't like it you're a pussy or something.

Literally the only thing that's changed in the past ten years is the existence of Sriracha. If you think Sriracha is
> so spicy you literally can't taste the food
then you are a fucking pussy.

>> No.6178576

Pepperfags are fine, as long as they are reasonably discriminating and care about the overall flavor rather than just >muh scovilles

Hot sauce fags are another story. They do not care about food, and they turn to hot sauce as a substitute for knowing how to cook

>> No.6178584


Why, its a hobby for people to want to grow and eat the hottest thing they can.

They want to put it on shity chicken wings and see who can eat the most, they also want to bring their friends along for a laugh.

Seems like a good time to me.

>> No.6178600

nearly almost relevant cuisine incorporates peppers in their food (china, mexico, thai even italian). In cuisines like, Mexico, the pepper is to add flavor,not for the fucking heat. you're confusing hot sauce for peppers you faggot. IMO peppers should be essential in a dish after garlic

>> No.6178601


>> No.6178610


kek, based show

>> No.6178614

This is the same rationale behind watching 2girls1cup

>> No.6178626


Which people enjoy, what is your point?

Do you really hate other people for enjoying something when it doesn't affect you.

>> No.6178767

>at myrtle beach with gf
>looking at all the shops on the boardwalk
>stumble upon a chili pepper shop
>samples everywhere
>see some carolina reaper extract
>I guess I've lived long enough
>grab a little spoon and put approximately 3 molecules of the extract on it
>apply to tongue
>gf follows suit
>notice that half the people in the shop are watching me
>feel a small inferno growing in my mouth
>keep my poker face on as I leave the shop and make a beeline for the nearest vending machine
>cold soda provides temporary relief
>literally holding the soda in my mouth to extend the relief
>find an ice cream shop
>have to order something while trying to keep the fire in my mouth under control
>glaring at the guy working behind the counter the entire time he's getting my ice cream
>finally get sweet relief

10/10 would destroy my mouth again.

>> No.6178976

this basically, op get fucked.

We know who u r.

>> No.6178985

People who boast about having a high spice tolerance are the worst. If you like spicy food so much, why are you happy that you have difficulty registering spice. If you had less tolerance, you would live in an objectively spicier world.

>> No.6178986

Peppers are native to the Americas and so is this message board so what's your point OP?

Am I supposed to act stupid and think that becasue you're asian that you know more about peppers than I do? You'd be quite mistaken if you thought that. Asians are often wrong but they have to front so that makes them not just wrong but stupid.

Come on sensei asian pepper master, tell me about peppers, have fun too, I most certainly will when I, a simple white boy destroys you.

>> No.6178992


>> No.6179006

Nope, it's OC from a New Yorker.

Believe it or not!

>> No.6179009

>"everything more than 3 syllables in a row is copypasta" guy
>"I didn't like this post so it's a repost of a repost of a repost" hallucination guy
>"I saw this exact same post every week for the last 8 months" hallucination guy

hey bro how ya doing? I haven't seen you here in a while.

>> No.6179026

To be fair, the kinds of retarded up their own ass racist readers of New Yorker are basically half of /ck/ .

>> No.6179078

I'm from New York and wouldn't read that rag if some islamic sack of shit was threatening me with sawing off my head. The New Yorker magazine, that shit sucks dick so do the soho fags that read it. Same with Rolling Stone and the village voice.

Put that in your calculator and bait it.

>> No.6179083

To be fair to people like you who call anyone that disagrees with you a racist.
You're a fucking nigger, and that's putting it lightly.

>> No.6181101


i never said i was gluten intolerant just gluten SENSITIVE.......gluten is mean.

>> No.6181123

they're basically the pepperversion of soy sauce idiots.

>> No.6181125

Not really. They have their place in tropical and subtropical cuisine. But not really anything else.

>> No.6181140

>muh preserved rotten food in hot climate

no, not how it works buddy. I know it's an appealing sounding theory but it doesn't actually kill germs.

>> No.6181147

I'm saying that they've got something to do there since they are traditionally used there.
Cuisines from colder zones don't use and peppers aren't traditionally used there.

At most you find hungarian style paprika.

>> No.6181152
File: 845 KB, 500x200, joaquin-phoenix-oscars_eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-sauce fags are the only self entitled wankers who would be so arrogant that they'd make a thread specifically just to address how SJW's should be defending heat-less foods from the tyranny of the Habenero wife beaters.

If you don't like it, order something else. In the meantime, you are a fucking minority, so fuck off telling others how to enjoy food.

>> No.6181153


What do you mean by "traditionally"? Pre-columbian era?

>> No.6181154

Shut up. Fun and enjoyment are not allowed. It has to be haute cuisine or else it americuckfattyplebianlolpoorpeoplewhitetrashflyover.

>> No.6181155
File: 443 KB, 1600x1360, DSC_0177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believes there is a SJW hot sauce conspiracy

You people are amazing

>> No.6181172


It's not that they feel it less, it's that they enjoy the sensation.

>> No.6181173

>SJWs in cooking.
This userbase never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.6181241

> if you think this is hot then you're a pussy
Is the worst part of this shit

>> No.6181282
File: 277 KB, 538x419, currywurst_flavor[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once ate 1/3 of a currywurst that had 1.5 to 2 million scoville.

The pain in the mouth is totally bearable and if it were the only bad thing I could easily eat the whole currywurst but began to feel dizzy and my fingers + face were numb so I stopped eating it.
Fun experience, no burning shit afterwards either.

>> No.6181320

This. I have no problem with spice itself. I love spicy food. It's the dudebro faggots who are all YEAH MAN I PUT RAW HABANEROS IN MY CEREAL BECAUSE I'M A MAN WHAT YOU ACTUALLY LIKE TO TASTE FOOD WHAT ARE YOU SOME KIND OF FAGGOT?

Being able to eat spicy foods is not some badge of honor.

>> No.6181358

Not him but it's clearly a metaphor.

>> No.6181361
File: 88 KB, 1200x480, 1404837720825394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please explain the metaphor. Does it have something to do with cultural marxism?

>> No.6181369

that's absolutely untrue. i've noticed that my tolerance for heat has gotten higher so i can eat very spicy foods and taste it too.