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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 1600x900, double-down-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6178178 No.6178178 [Reply] [Original]

America pls

>> No.6178191

That's disgusting.

>> No.6178206
File: 21 KB, 450x361, crust-sausage-bacon-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be worse than Korean hot dog pizza?

>> No.6178212

Not sure if weird, gross or amazing in a post-modern way

>> No.6178217

If there's something gross in America, then there's always something worse in China, Korea, Japan, or Britain.

>> No.6178219 [DELETED] 

I give you, the Pizza Hut Cheese Burger crust pizza.

>> No.6178225

I should probably add the Middle East.

>> No.6178226
File: 245 KB, 1024x678, cheese-burger-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give you, the Pizza Hut Cheese Burger crust pizza.

>> No.6178231

only available in the philippines or somewhere like that at the moment m80

>> No.6178235

I just let out of a huge sigh of boredom and disgust. Like that feeling you get when a family member is acting like a complete idiot in public.

>> No.6178236

That actually looks pretty good

>> No.6178238

i'll be honest, i want to try it. but not enough to ever order one myself.

>> No.6178245
File: 68 KB, 570x663, o-DOUBLE-DOWN-KING-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here ever try the double down king? looks disgusting.

>> No.6178253
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>> No.6178259

Is that before or after you've eaten it?

>> No.6178269

thats japanese

>> No.6178300


>> No.6178304

I can feel my arteries clogging just looking at this stuff. I'd totally try all of this stuff at least once.

>> No.6178309

That looks fucking delicious.

>> No.6178314

Looks like third world advertising, not likely in the US

>> No.6178327

>America pls

Like everything else posted in this thread, that's Asian.

>Before you get too excited, as with the Zinger Double Down King, the Double Down Dog is currently only available in the Philippines — and even if you live in the Philippines, participating chains are limited to selling only 50 Double Down Dogs per day.

I'm not trying to defend my freedom-loving country, I'm actually a little bit angry that I'll never be allowed to buy a Double Down Dog

>> No.6178364

So true. These degenerates attack the USA because their jealous of the fact that we don't have to wear beanies or diapers on our heads and have to stone our women.

>> No.6178368
File: 61 KB, 655x313, foodbeast on ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6178372

Don't be so sure. It looks like just what the nigger demographic wants.

>> No.6178375

Filipinos eat more hot dogs than black people :^)

>> No.6178581
File: 501 KB, 640x523, east-asian-fast-food-giant-lotteria-has-a-ramen-burger-it-has-three-noodle-patties-and-youre-supposed-to-dip-it-in-broth-e1408632060634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6178593

>I'd totally try all of this stuff at least once

This is the correct attitude, they are novelty foods. If I was there with some mates then damn right we are going to try the stupid stuff for a larf. No one is forcing you to go buy it everyday. Enjoy it for what it is meant to be, a novelty.

>> No.6178596
File: 10 KB, 225x225, cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


perhaps you'd like to play a game, i post a pic of shitty american food and you post a pic of shitty British food

>> No.6178640
File: 8 KB, 236x170, f78cda04bb4a340b0ff75f44d13ae082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't even go there.

>> No.6178642
File: 346 KB, 1024x582, 1399251209551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The degeneracy...

>> No.6178652
File: 100 KB, 640x984, Branston_Brown_Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down, but I think this is pointless. Someone (not you or me) is just going to defensive. It's guaranteed.

Anyways, your turn.

>> No.6178867

that is a stupid joe beef dish made for hipster plebs.

>> No.6178932

Dear God.


>> No.6178940

>Pizza Hut
>ostensibly US food
>PH website on box ends in ".co.uk"
Oh Bongs, what have you done?
And more importantly, why aren't you sharing?

>> No.6178954

I believe it was done in the middle east before here, so sharia law must have insisted it be imported.

>> No.6178955

But Philippine chicks are cute. Niggers are simply niggers.

>> No.6178960

Some of Phillipine chicks are smart too, one can talk to them. On the other hand niggers can't be spoken to without the YO YO YO bullshit, niggers are what they are.

>> No.6178969

Should be .co.yuk

>> No.6179037
File: 203 KB, 276x270, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was curious about the hot dog manufacturer so I looked it up.

"The Purefoods-Hormel Company, Inc. is the largest producer and marketer of processed meats in the Philippines."

... yeah, if there's one place for quality meat, it's the fucking Philippines. Hot dogs are weird enough as it is; theirs probably contain crickets and goat rectums.

>> No.6179059
File: 60 KB, 600x598, pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crickets and goat rectums

>> No.6179069

Didn't realize the Philippines was america

>> No.6179070

Didn't realize KFC wasn't an American company

>> No.6179074

I didn't realize you were ignorant on how R&D and marketing works with globalized companies.

>> No.6179085

What the fuck has that got to do with anything?


>KFC Double Down Dog
>America pls

Get fucked

>> No.6179102

>What the fuck has that got to do with anything?
It means that Pizza Hut in America has nothing to do with the ridiculoud pizzas that Pizza Hut's Japanese corporate branch decides to make.
Think with the big head you fucking mong.

>> No.6179106

Never reply to any tripfag, on any board, for any reason at all. Just don't do it. They are not worth even your replies. The only way to make them shut up is to ignore them.

>> No.6179144

Ive had it, its shit, they go cold quickly and taste oddly greek, and the bacon option is like shards of glass. It is fun though

>> No.6179165

That's awesome. I'm swedish and I'd love this.

>> No.6179190


>> No.6179192

I like how they have to specify "boneless".

What rectums aren't boneless?

>> No.6179197

Haha wow I bet the stoners will love that one.

>> No.6179232

>On the other hand niggers can't be spoken to without the YO YO YO bullshit
Have you ever talked to a black person anon

>> No.6179240

Ur mom's when I'm there

>> No.6180302


>> No.6180309
File: 1.89 MB, 360x230, 1389614881881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6180466

>tfw world is running out of animal and fish meat in less than a century
>we're using that dwindling supply of beef and chicken to make fast food abominations

>> No.6180544

I've waited all day for this post and I didn't even know it.

>> No.6181005

>Hating Chips and Curry
Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.6181008

asian people use Kraft singles on everything, using jarred cheese as an example was probably the worst choice

>> No.6181010


>> No.6181093


>running out of domesticated livestock

literally impossible

>> No.6181219


Hey man, protein is protein. No matter what ingredient it comes in.

>> No.6181243

What the fuck is brown sauce?

>> No.6181251


>> No.6181257

In a bottle? Gross.

Thanks anon.

>> No.6181268

>The ingredients include a varying combination of tomatoes, molasses, dates, tamarind, spices, vinegar, and sometimes raisins or anchovies. The taste is either tart or sweet with a peppery taste similar to Worcestershire. It is similar but not identical to today's steak sauce in the United States, which historically derives from brown sauce; barbecue sauce in Australia; and tonkatsu sauce in Japan.

But never mind all that, it's brown and from Britain, so ergo it simply MUST be disgusting

>> No.6181284

It's not gravy you pair of dipshits.

Let's not pretend you don't know what A1 sauce is.

>> No.6181908


sauce for bacon you american savage

>> No.6182012
File: 58 KB, 639x572, chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6182103

Flawless victory

>> No.6182154

This must be the epitome of meme food
>yeah all meat!!!! metal as fuck right guys???
>bacon yeaaaah!!!!
>no veggies allowed!!!

>> No.6183504

Well played, anon.

>> No.6183510

Aw man, chip buttys are actually pretty good.

I've made one with some good butter and wheat bread, used a ketchup, hot sauce and honey mustard mix for the fries, and went to town. It was delicious.

>> No.6183543

The guy who makes them hates hipster plebs, and made it essentially as a joke to mock them.

>> No.6183547

Has nobody fucking mentioned this isn't even in the USA?

It's in the Philippines, look it up you shits

>> No.6183609

holy kek. I was not expecting to laugh that hard this evening.

>> No.6183614

Don't you know? Reality doesn't really have any bearing on anything anymore.

>> No.6185503


>> No.6185863
File: 1.85 MB, 210x124, murica.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babality bumpality

>> No.6185870

>not all x

are you 15

>> No.6186582


>calling fries chips
>being a loose assed, pasty, monarch worshipping faggot

Pick two.

>> No.6186590

Take that back or I'll dock you 80 GBP

>> No.6186623


>> No.6186641

>webm of a gif
man, fuck you.

>> No.6187012

Dear Lord just fucking p[lease kill everything. Burn it all down.

>> No.6187013
File: 48 KB, 487x599, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most British thing I've seen since a toast sandwich. What's up with Britbongs and having starches with starches?

>> No.6187032
File: 2.66 MB, 350x262, 1401779264197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck
I don't even know anymore

>> No.6187035
File: 28 KB, 400x300, 3701593-9235199969-usa-b[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America pls stop growing meat from cells instead of having to slaughter animals for it
>America pls stop breeding new crops for food that has improved nutrition and flavor
>America pls stop providing people with everything they need to live and taking the blame for when people do stupid shit that harms themselves

>> No.6187075

back in 2005 my friend thought of this, he got 2 McChickens and a Mcdouble and threw away the buns. we called it the super karlton and convinced our friends it was on the secret menu.
its actually pretty amazing, especially if you go to Wendys and get 2 spicy chickens and a baconator.

>> No.6187086
File: 37 KB, 453x302, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, nothing like the French fry po boy that's commonly served in New Orleans

>> No.6187118

>calling chips fries
>being a fat arsed, pasty, monarch hating faggot

Pick two.

>> No.6188677 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 574x576, 1414365964673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those tendies

>> No.6188707
File: 23 KB, 360x338, sammie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides will never be the same

>> No.6188710

I'll pick

Calling chips fries
Monarch hating whatever.

Thanks for all the options!

>> No.6189397
File: 49 KB, 640x360, 2015-01-30-120626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask a guy who is currently eating double down dog

>> No.6191192
File: 28 KB, 640x435, 1376410606934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, I didn't expect that

>> No.6191273

when you woke up this morning and looked in the mirror did you- at least for a moment- consider suicide?

>> No.6191336
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>> No.6192697
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>> No.6192699

Who is currently eating double down dog?

>> No.6192714

Do you like fucking Filipino ladyboys?

>> No.6192718

Cum on it

>> No.6192719

do you not?

>> No.6192741


its like a thicker worcestershire sauce that you goes well with bacon.

>> No.6192775

top kek

>> No.6193134

I-is that a real thing?

>> No.6193179


I'm sure you'd really enjoy the protein blocks from "Snowpiercer."

>> No.6193192
File: 40 KB, 604x499, intredasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand, that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.

On the other hand, can't argue with my nation's innovative food thinking.

>> No.6193261

it's from saturday night live

>> No.6193280

Just a reminder
crazy levels:


>> No.6193292

I just want to say I fucking love the double down

>> No.6193517
File: 40 KB, 236x421, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
