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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6177738 No.6177738 [Reply] [Original]

Pinnacle of food engineering

>> No.6177758
File: 508 KB, 713x563, Big Ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calorie Mate?!

>> No.6177802

The fruit and chocolate ones were good. Chocolate was amazing, I want more. Cheese flavor was bad. It was not cheesecake flavored, like I read.

>> No.6178215

>soylent green is people

>> No.6178223
File: 10 KB, 265x308, 1421330935106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>calorie mate is naturally suited for people on-the-go who need an easy source of energy

Its a fucking joke, if you have time to eat this you have time to eat anything else.

You cannot physically chew or digest this quicker than any other food.

If you buy and eat these it's because you cannot be bothered to pre-make a lunch.

>> No.6178228

>If you buy and eat these it's because you cannot be bothered to pre-make a lunch.
I think that's the point, genius.

>> No.6178244
File: 24 KB, 460x288, p_gordon-ramsay_1584816c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


except it's marketed at people supposedly for its nutritional value because they're busy when in actual fact its just made for the very laziest of people.

The bar should come with a hologram of gordon ramsay shouting insults at the person as they eat it.

>it takes 5 minutes to make a sandwich, but only 5 seconds to see you're a disappointment to your parents you lazy fuck

>> No.6178247

Wut? I thought this was a metal gear thing only. Nasty.

I can hear Snake enjoying it now ;n;

>> No.6178523
File: 61 KB, 800x800, organic-chocolate-bar-dark-caramel-salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be better off with a high end chocolate bar and some almonds or something. 3 bucks, tops.

-Almonds are a source of fat and various macro nutrients, quite a lot of energy can be harvested
-Raw cane sugar (not refined) gets pushed through normal metabolism and is accompanied by all the proper nutrients to turn it into energy without leaching them out of your stores, as is the case with refined sugar.
-Chocolate, aka cocoa beans, drastically your body's preference for lipolysis, elevate your mood, sharpen your mind, and dilate your blood vessels (slightly stimulating your heart). Suppresses appetite as well.

End result, your metabolic pathways are stimulated on both fronts, there's no real crash it's just a smooth up and down to slightly below baseline (probably because it takes ~ 6 hours to do so, by which point you're fatigued anyway), and can even allow you to function at a higher level than merely being "energized".

Yes, I see that contains chocolate, but I'm not at all keen on the rest of the ingredients. They aren't necessary, and you can do better yourself. Probably is overpriced (at 5+ dollars per unit, it certainly seems it) and tastes terrible as well. Besides, it isn't an inexpensive pill that has an entire day's nutrition packed inside in a readily bioavailable form. Therefore, it is not the pinnacle of food engineering, and it isn't even all that impressive when viewed by modern standards.

Pic related. Just a chocolate bar that I can get for 2.90 or so per unit.

>> No.6178533

>being this mad

I've never even seen calorie mate in real life, but holy shit you're mad


>it takes 5 seconds to make a sandwich

You've never actually made a sandwich, have fun pretending to be a patrician chef de cuisine on a sardinian farming discussion newsgroup

>> No.6178540
File: 203 KB, 436x500, sfsticks21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pillsbury Master Race checking in.
>Space Food Sticks ftw

>> No.6178542

>Master anything

>> No.6178543
File: 18 KB, 263x300, sfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6178546 [DELETED] 

>equal exchange
>he paid extra for that
>laughing marketers dot jpg

SJW detected. I would literally rape and murder dozens of third world villagers to provide for my family. Organic can't support an entire globe.

>> No.6178547

bow down

>> No.6178552

(Pretty neat package design though)
Package design has reached pathetic levels lately. It's a mess, I don't even know where they find the people to do so. Unfortunately the answer is "fresh out of college", and in this case, a prime example of when education leads to greater delusion.

>> No.6178559
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 39883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these days
>complaining about a package from 40 years ago
>back in my day

Back in your day, the iPhone 3 was considered a cutting edge phone. Stop trying to sound old.

>> No.6178562
File: 182 KB, 960x720, idahoan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6178564

There was a day when the young padawan would gather for the midday sup around a bountiful table of glorious Tang and Space Food Sticks.
>be me / 8 yo
>yfw the true inventors of the internets walk among you

>> No.6178565

I paid for a well made chocolate bar without bullshit in it, something I haven't been able to have for the last half a decade. Not that I spent too much time looking. Besides, 2.90 per bar? Go show me another chocolate bar that cheap, and I'll show you why it's made of garbage.

We live in a broken world, and I'm no more trusting of the notion of an "equal exchange" than I buy that "free range" means anything. Stop making such blanketed assumptions. There could be any number of reasons someone would buy that very chocolate bar, you just chose the one that you liked best and that made the best target. Your own illusions only blind you, by choice.

>> No.6178570


what is reading comprehension

>i was taking the piss out of the product
>5minutes not 5 seconds

>> No.6178574
File: 368 KB, 980x1473, Jaquet_Droz_The Writer_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only barely into my twenties...

I never said "these days" to begin with. Address what was said or don't bother.

>Your body when

>> No.6178575

You've defeated yourself. You expect cheap. You wrote it yourself.

There's a difference in language between "cheap" and "inexpensive."

You seem like that type that will never understand that.

Rage at the machine maaaaaannnnnn!

>> No.6178578

>I'm only barely into my twenties...

See >>6178559

>> No.6178582

That difference lies in arbitrary semantics with very little meaning in this context. I buy what I want for what I can get it for, and comparatively, it is quite cheap. Within my budget as a whole, it is also quite cheap.

You seem like you're having trouble forming coherent thoughts and are more focused on feeling like you've "won" our conversation. Stop and think about that.

>> No.6178602


are you trying to argue that premade food is not more convenient than food you make yourself?

>> No.6178603

English does exist because of it's ability to express. Your failure to understand that isn't my problem you fucking nigger.

Did I wake you up or are you going to play the whambluance race card now?

>> No.6178611



>> No.6178619


>start shit with someone for no reason
>try to "defeat" him in an argument so you can look cool on 4chan

you're fucking pathetic

>> No.6178622


I'm pointing out that its marketing itself as speedy when it takes 5 minutes to make a sandwich.

Whos that lazy that they'd rather eat a "balanced food block" than a sandwich.

>> No.6178627

It's 4chan and it's funny.
You sir take things way too seriously.

>> No.6178635

>Whos that lazy that they'd rather eat a "balanced food block" than a sandwich.

No one does this, are you high? It's usually down to a "food block" or a bag of potato chips because you're stuck at the office at 11 PM and all the nearby takeout spots are closed.

inb4 I would never get into that situation in the first place because {insert /pol/ rant here about work ethic or librul arts or social issues warlords or boot strap lifting}, yes, we get it, everything always goes exactly according to plan

>> No.6178637

Not everyone is around a kitchen or one that's clean that's useful, some of us work ya know.

Maybe in your utopia everyone can have stuff made by robots or something, but in that book by Thomas More, that doesn't exist and it never will, that's the point.

>> No.6178650

>It's usually down to a "food block" or a bag of potato chips because you're stuck at the office
or your office is a space ship.

>> No.6178662
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, pringles-sour_cream_n_onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bu... bu... pringles!
You can never eat just one!

>> No.6178687

God Tier Pringles
>Sour Cream & Onion
>Salt & Vinegar
all others are fail

>> No.6178708

Cheddar cheese would like to have a word with you.

>> No.6178709


you don't have a spare 5 minutes the night before work to make a sandwich and put it in a lunchbox or paper bag?

If all you do is go to work come home brush your teeth and go to bed only to go to work the next day you should quit.

>> No.6178710
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1421444382829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't Calorie Mates mostly military leftovers/hiking snacks? They make me think of hard tack.

>> No.6178718


I dislike sandwiches made 10 hours prior to consumption. If I wanted a sandwich I'll go to the 50 sandwich places around my office. 99 times out of 100 this is very possible. 1 out of 100 times, shit gets crazy at work and I'm not able to eat at a normal time.

The only times I ever bring my own lunch that I made at home, it's soups or stews. Stuff that doesn't become unappealing by sitting in a container for 11 hours.

Enjoy your soggy nasty awful horrible refrigerator slime sandwiches.

>> No.6178730

>I dislike sandwiches made 10 hours prior to consumption

Me too. But It sure beats the cost and time wasted to go to a local place.

>> No.6178737


Your ignorance is astounding

Youd eat an item that describes itself as a "food block" where one of the ingredients is "edible vegetable fats" rather than a sandwich because you say the breads going to get soggy.

They had to make the distinction that one of the ingredients is edible for fucks sake.

Also separate the wet and dry ingredients and keep the bread in a ziplock bag, you can put lettuce or whatever on the sandwich at your work in less than 10 seconds.

>> No.6178746

Making a sandwich or something like that, I agree, but I get sick of sandwiches, and especially the very simple kind that won't turn into a sogged up mess by the time I can eat it. Besides that, there's soups, cold foods, and pantry items that I would prefer over a meal bar. Just about everything outside of that turns into a soggy, horribly cooked mess when microwaved. If it comes down to turning decent food into shitty food or going straight for the shitty food, eh.

>> No.6178747

It's not about time m8. As long as I get there sometime and show a presense I'm good to go.

Not every job is about clocking in at some shit hour, I was done with that crap at 18.

It just doesn't work that way now, stuff is project based... most of the time unless there are changes to things I get done way ahead of time, the rest of the time is my own. That's just a fact. Take that as you will.

One of these days you might understand but somehow I doubt it. You come across as seriously stupid with a guilt complex.

>> No.6178748


Debatable. For the variety of fresh, good bread (not sliced supermarket stuff), the amount of effort it would require to keep a constant and consistent supply of delicious and diverse bread and ingredient styles to rival what I can buy near work would be inordinate.

If it's the same sandwich every day, then the benefit of buying at the corner deli goes way down and the cost difference is worth thinking about.

I hate eating the same shit day in and day out. I could save a lot of money if I didn't mind it. But in all honesty I spend almost as much on alcohol as food, and at least food is necessary for survival.

>> No.6178752


As I said before, I've never eaten calorie mate. I'm merely explaining why I don't sperg out over sandwich meats every morning. Sure there's a 1% risk that at the traditional lunch hour, I won't be able to go outside and get whatever the hell I want. That's fine with me, I don't mind eating 99 good meals in a row followed by the random unexpected preserved food from Duane Reade.

>separating the ingredients and putting the bread in a ziploc bag

I seriously hope you are joking or something. All that effort and creating a Mt. Everest of garbage, just for a goddamm sandwich? No, fuck off.

>> No.6178771


Beleive what you will.


As opposed to the mountain of rubbish you would create from the food truck or sandwich shop you order from, are they not served in wrappers, do they not give you napkins, disposable cups, straws with paper wrappers and receipts?

>> No.6178779


Usually, if I'm getting a sandwich, it's either in a simple paper bag shaped like the sandwich, or wrapped in a sheet of butcher paper. No receipt. The napkins I would have had to use anyway. Disposable cups and straws are not necessary for the consumption of a sandwich, but since you asked, I use a water glass (made of actual glass) when I get back to the office, and fill that with water. I detest the feeling of disposable cups against my lips.

>> No.6178793

Here's a bit of reality for you.
When I'm working I bill for my time, so if I have to be on some site I like to bill for it. I can't bill if I go out to some restaurant, in the end it doesn't matter too much but still, I'm not a bazillionare so bill when I can.

You should too instead of being a twat. Get good at something and then you can bill over $100 /hr.

The point is that my time is valuable to me and as much as I like to joke around it's apparently valuable to others as well. As long as I get programs written and jobs done, it doesn't matter all that much what the fuck I do.

As I wrote before, you'll likely never understand this but you might someday. Hopefully you will, but that remains to be seen.

So yeah, why not make money while I can?
Usually I don't just work and go home to brush my teeth. I used to have a really hot girlfriend who was smart too, she kept me on my toes. Why not now? I don't know, shit happens and I don't want to deal with the bullshit right now.

I engineered our breakup, I made it look it would be to her advantage for her to break up with me. It looked good for her family and mine that way, plus I didn't want her to pump out my kids. I got off without a marriage on that one.

>> No.6178799

Nice response... I don't have to "believe" I've been there and done it, in NYC too. It's just another dreary day.

>> No.6179092

I've come to believe language and logic are two sides of the same coin. Each mutually expands the other, and somewhere, there was a spark wherein perhaps it could be said both brought each other into existence. In the past I was always inclined towards intrinsic logic being that spark, but perhaps it was more random than that.

English owes its existence to the concept of verbal communication, it evolved from this desire. It'd be more accurate to say English exists because it evolved in a region, was viable, and is extremely good at communicating and considering temporal concepts.

Unfortunately you dilute and misunderstand language to a point where it might as well be worthless, and worse, use that twisting to go around looking for a fight or false leverage. You use it as an excuse to indulge your lust for conflict. I've done a lot of fighting with myself, and in many ways done a lot of fighting with other people. It happens. Your failure to reconcile whatever is inside of you isn't my problem, and I'm not impressed you seem to think it should be. Learn to deal with your own issues.

>> No.6179098

You missed the plot on one major point.
I don't know you, therefore I don't give a shit about reconciling with you or explaining myself to you.

You can take that to the bank and flush it for what it's worth.

>> No.6179105

You aren't reconciling with me, you're reconciling with you. You aren't explaining or justifying to me, you're looking in the mirror and doing so with the only person you can never truly be rid of.

Look at how you started this exchange and what you've done during it.

>> No.6179107


Then why are you on a discussion board?

>> No.6179110

Keep thinking that while you yammer like a fucking nigger. Think whatever you're little heart desires, it doesn't make it true little girl.

Do you fart rainbows and pixie dust? From your silly assertions it most certainly seems that way.

>> No.6179114

You're not discussing, you're asserting. There's a difference.

>> No.6179115

It all falls to you at this point, anon. Conversation is over, at least for me. Nothing left to say.

Have fun.

>> No.6179118

I try to. There's no point in life if one can't have a bit of fun.

>> No.6179124


No, I just asked a question. >>6179107 was my first post on this thread. This is my second.

>> No.6179131
File: 595 KB, 1200x1125, 4a3518c62b8570bf3a398214f78dcc26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of places to derive value from in life, but yeah, without even a bit of fun they all tend to wither away into nothing or fall apart at best. Funny it took me until my twenties to at least understand and admit that.

Wonder if I lost something, or gained something. Probably both.

>> No.6179135

I already answered your second.
Some anon nailed you on your first... maybe that was me, I don't keep track, I've already been out and back to buy beer and smokes.

>> No.6179138

It takes longer for some of us dumb guys and the loss of family members or a love. Don't let that happen to you anon. I used to think that I knew everything, how wrong I was.

>> No.6179221

I did what I had to to continue on, and I wonder to what extent I really had real choices. I may talk a lot about reconciliation, but some part of me sees in many ways it's already too late.

Off I go.

>> No.6179320

>I engineered our breakup
What method did you use?

>> No.6179335

Probably subtle emotional abuse and the silent treatment, it works pretty well for me when I want to announce that the relationship is over.

>> No.6179354

I like eating granola bars because they fit in my pocket. Plus they come wrapped so I don't need to worry about how filthy my hands are.

>> No.6179529

>69 kcals per dollar on order of one
>283 kcals per dollar on a bulk purchase of forty

Fuck that shit I'll just go to mcdicks.

>> No.6179690

snickers brah

or just white sugar

>> No.6179718

Refined sugar requires nutrients to make energy out of, so you end with a net loss of bioavailable nutrients. It makes leaches it out of your stores.

>> No.6179723

more or less leaches*

>> No.6180003
File: 138 KB, 640x433, Better Made potato chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think I had a Pringles since they came out in the 1970s, as I didn't like the taste right off the bat and prefer buying locally made, but what's the cost - per - weight of Pringles compared to regular potato chips? They have to cost more per chip, as the packaging and production is much more complicated.

"Pringles were first sold in 1967, and distributed internationally by 1975.[3] P&G wanted to create a perfect chip to address consumer complaints about broken, greasy, and stale chips, as well as air in the bags.[4] The task was assigned to chemist Fredric Baur, who, from 1956 to 1958, created Pringles’ saddle shape from fried dough, and the can to go with it. Baur could not figure out how to make the chips taste good and he eventually was pulled off the Pringles job to work on another brand. In the mid-1960s, another P&G researcher, Alexander Liepa of Montgomery, Ohio, restarted Baur’s work, and set out to improve on the Pringles taste, which he succeeded in doing.[5] While Baur was the true inventor of the Pringles chip, according to the patent, Liepa was the inventor of Pringles.[6] Gene Wolfe, a mechanical engineer-author known for science fiction and fantasy novels, developed the machine that cooks them.[7] Their consistent saddle shape is mathematically known as a hyperbolic paraboloid.[8] Their design is reportedly aided by supercomputers to ensure safe aerodynamics while packaging.[9][10]"

>> No.6180019

they are small and dont taste very good

i was severely dissapoint

>> No.6180021
File: 43 KB, 500x267, Mostly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's usually down to a "food block" or a bag of potato chips


Where does one actually find "food blocks", as I've never seen them outside of this thread.

>> No.6180034


They call them "nutrition bars" and various other things. Look more carefully. Any gas station, drug store, or convenience store stocks them.

>> No.6180041
File: 66 KB, 275x300, AS20140912003268_commL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have /ck/ tried plane flavor calorie mate?
it taste slightly like apple

>> No.6180048

sorry, i correct plane to plain

>> No.6180398
File: 28 KB, 442x345, indomie_instant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it that no one mention instant noodles and MREs?

>> No.6180426

because they often has shit for nutritional value

>> No.6181482

Pringles used to be roughly the same price per ounce as other nationally sold brands like Lays. A few years back the price went up like 50% a sleeve. Now they are 2x more per ounce.

>> No.6181492

it's because everyone is making cantennae out of them