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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6176180 No.6176180 [Reply] [Original]


>line up at the 12 item max checkout line with 20+ items and then argue with people who point it out, including the employee

>won't move cart out of way for elderly woman trying to reach a for a jar of pasta sauce

>drink soda before paying for it

>> No.6176195

>watch the prices like a hawk while the items are being rang up
>make everyone behind me wait while the bagger walks off to check the price
>smile to myself as all my items begin pile up at the end, unbagged
>take that normie scum

>> No.6176204

>won't move cart out of way for elderly woman trying to reach a for a jar of pasta sauce
How old and brittle are you to the point where you cant move some faggots cart?

>> No.6176206

>Goes to get something off shelf, causes landslide, walks away

>> No.6176207


>> No.6176209

Just try it and see Granny

>> No.6176214

>go to cereal aisle
>extend arm into nearest shelf
>run down the aisle knocking down as many cereal boxes as possible
That's being an asshole

>make everyone behind me wait while the bagger walks off to check the price
Have you ever been in a grocery store

>> No.6176215


she has a walking aid

>> No.6176221

The people that park in the no parking zone, right in front of the door. You have to jump the curb with your cart and the poor cart guy can't do his job. Lazy lazy lazy.

>> No.6176230

That picture reminded me of when I tried to go buy light bulbs today but the light bulb guy had murder suicided and the whole store was closed

Now I have to buy light bulbs on the internet, thanks disgruntled employee guy

>> No.6176231
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>brings bratty infant/young child to store
>kid isn't having it

>digs through pile of coupons at the checkout

>cart is full
>go to the less than 15 item line
>doesn't let person with less items in front

>gets something perishable (ex: dairy, meat)
>decide not to buy it
>places it on a random (non-refrigerated) shelf

>go to deli
>sample different meats
>decide not to buy anything

>> No.6176234

>leaves frozen food on a shelf
>hits on cashier

>> No.6176246
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>> No.6176248
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>Squeezes the loaf of bread to see how fresh it is. Puts it back and grabs loaf next to it instead.

>> No.6176251


>hitting on a cashier

How pleb is that? Aim higher, faggot.

>> No.6176255


>ITT we are niggers at the supermarket

>> No.6176258

> go in front of person shambling forwards in line with two handcarts of groceries, and tell them "Hey, I was paying attention" when they give me a look

> leave empty coffee cup on the edge right before the conveyor belt

> put handcart into pile at a funny angle so it doesn't fall in

> be the next person in line and stack my handcart onto the last one, making the whole pile even more fucked

>> No.6176259

Not him but my girlfriend is a cashier at Dillons, she gets hit on by balding middle aged men, children and potential serial killers pretty often. She's not ugly either, but she definitely doesn't pretty her self up for the job.

tldr; only losers and murderers try to pickup dates at the register

>> No.6176262

>leaves shopping cart at the parking lot

>> No.6176264

>wait for the cashier to bag all my items while I stand there

>walk slowly down the middle of the isle and always park my cart in the middle

>gather with people to small talk blocking shit

>order 10 things at the deli and have to sample each one to test if too thick or thin

>pay with a check

>leave my cart in a parking spot

>use an electric scooter thing but my legs work

>i'm sick and in a contagious state

>> No.6176265

>load an entire raw turkey or leg of lamb into your cart
>browse for 40 minutes so it warms up
>get to the checkout and say you don't want it
>we are legally required to throw it away

Fuck you and everyone who pulled this shit

>> No.6176266

How is that an asshole thing to do? It's your fucking job as the parking lot cart guy to move them, not mine. Why should I do your fucking job.

>> No.6176273


>guy behind you has 14 items
>you have 15

yeah nah fuck that guy.

>> No.6176276

I assume they meant leaving them freely, so they can blow around and mess up someone's car.

>> No.6176279

>she gets hit on by balding middle aged men

Why do these idiots always think they have a chance with young women? Disgusting.

>> No.6176281

I like to brush my hand against the 4/10 cashier at my grocery store when I hand her my credit card, she has bad acne and wears dumpy clothes but you can tell she'd be kind of cute if she cleaned up and fixed her skin. I'm 99% sure she's at least 20, so it's kind of ok

today I brushed against her hand twice, the second time handing back the receipt. I think I was kind of obvious about it because she made eye contact for a second with kind of a smile as I said thanks. I wonder if she wants the D.

it was the most physical contact I've had with a woman since 2 weeks ago when the shampoo girl at the barber gave me a shampoo and blow dry. I have to admit the shampoo girl is much higher class (which isn't saying much) but she has kids and anyway her breasts are a little too large for my tastes.

>> No.6176286

gr8 blog m8

>> No.6176287


>> No.6176293

For the last one, I started wearing a medical mask if I go out when I'm sick. I don't know why we don't do that in the US. As a bonus, people leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.6176300

>The line is kind of long but the cashier is trying her best to keep thing moving.
>Huff and puff, sigh as loud as you can, get on your tippy toes to look at them or for another checkout
Bonus literally makes no sense round: Leave your shopping, including perishables, that you spent 20 minutes getting because you can't wait five minutes. Because wasting 20 minutes is somehow better than wasting five.
Bonus round 2: Yell out at cashier "Why are there only x amount of registers open?" A question that seems to suggest the cashier voluntarily is making their job more difficult.
Bonus round 3: When you get to the front, don't get your wallet out until the last second. Have your wallet buried in your bag or a baby stroller where you can't find it. Ask about a million questions. Hold up the line by having a big conversation on how you'd run the store. Say something was a different price than what it scanned at even though you looked at the wrong price card. Make sure to point out to the cashier that the line and wait was long. Tell the cashier you don't want something after they've scanned it, or preferably after you've paid for it. Bring children who you will pay attention to more than the task at hand. Take a phone call.

>> No.6176301

I feel like there's a chance of hitting a breaking point and just hoping someone or something will fuck you.
>touching the cashiers
Good fucking grace your'e creepy

>> No.6176306

>I keep harassing this cashier
>I smiled at her and creepily maintained eye contact even after I stopped smiling
>Im going to rape her

>> No.6176308
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>stack of melons in pyramid
>lady takes one from the bottom
>oh boy
>melons start rolling down and splitting on the floor
>she makes a face and walks away

>> No.6176313

>Leave your shopping, including perishables, that you spent 20 minutes getting because you can't wait five minutes
Dont even spend 20 minutes, just walk in and pile random shit up onto the cart

>> No.6176319

did you just draw that? or is the previous post copy pasta

>> No.6176323

oh lol I was going to post that and its actually a comic that used to be like stick figures but had someone from /b/ redraw it in a drawfag thread

just don't go out instead unless you're getting medicine

>> No.6176324

>take shit from other peoples carts
Surprised noones said this

>> No.6176335

>Work in supermarket
>Shift is over
>Buying beans
>Some woman picks them up and says "Oh, just what I needed"
>"These are my beans"
Oh man the look on her face, I still laugh thinking about it.

>> No.6176336


>> No.6176342


>> No.6176343

Gallon smash

>> No.6176357

I do this
I can only have the best bread for my sandwiches

>> No.6176378

>be 19
>go to supermarket with a buddy
>each grab a shopping cart and load it with various items and perishables
>by the time we reach electronics the carts are literally overflowing and security is following us
>play it cool and move to the front of the store
>we count down to 3 then shove the carts away and bolt towards the exit
>middle aged security guy chases us
>hop in car make a clean getaway

We were dicks

>> No.6176394

Its this. I work at a truck stop and I've noticed that the people who hit on the girls alot tend to do that with literally every girl they see. The girl can be a 1/10 and greasy old truckers will still try to grab her ass.

>> No.6176409

Why were you running? What is security going to do?

>> No.6176419

Legally commit homicide if they're in Southern or East Coast America

>> No.6176420

Doesn't parking there mean "Please damage my car as much as possible"?

>> No.6176438

I dunno, but we didn't want to find out.

Besides more fun being chased than surrendering. Unless legit police are involved then you'll get shot.

>> No.6176445
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>omw to supermarket
>gonna get fruit roll ups, mt dew, snickers, doritos, more doritos, pizza, coke, easy fries
>people watching me
>people watching what i buy
>damn they'll think i'm a pig
>get water, lettuce, and salad kit
>maybe tomorrow
Does anyone else experience this?

>> No.6176452

>succumbing to social pressure

i bet you shower

>> No.6176456

>not making your own bread

>> No.6176458

My biggest peeve in the supered market is when the patron leaves their buggy car in the middle of the sidewalk. Like, keep it to the port or starboard, one or the other, you can't be off to one side and your carrier in the middle.
I always try as good as well to be not in the way for other patrons.

>> No.6176464
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>>drink soda before paying for it
Fuck, I do this shit all the time. I didn't know it was considered asshole-ish.

>> No.6176465

No, although I do something like that with alcohol
>eyeballing the "under $15 bottles" section
>but the qt cashier will see me buy this shitty california chardonnay
>I come here every day I can't have her thinking I'm an alcohol
>wander over to the good wines
>$37 bottle of l'etoile, it's an AOC, you've probably never heard of it
>she doesn't notice
>the wine was awesome anyway

>> No.6176469

How many bong is it where you are?

>> No.6176474
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>murder suicided
dat past tense form of murder suicide doe

I like it

>> No.6176476

I don't do the drug. Sorry.

>> No.6176478

It isn't. You're going to pay for it. It would be like getting mad at me test driving the vehicle before purchasing it.

>> No.6176479
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>> No.6176487

Did you guys meme this guy so hard you made him a YouTube celebrity?

Fuck man.. I'm sorry soda is such a high price decision for you.

>> No.6176490

With that attitude, you'll be poor in no time.

>> No.6176491

>get on your tippy toes to look at them or for another checkout
>get on your tippy toes
Fucking manlets

>> No.6176500


most of those are dick moves, but i always drink something before paying for it. i always pay for it, and i always make sure to have a few bucks in my pocket to cover the drink just incase i can't use my debit card. shopping makes me thirsty. what's wrong with that?

>> No.6176501

>at the store
>trying to pay with the last $10 on my debit card and the rest with cash
>this 55 year old cashier lady doesn't get it and can't do it
>she calls over the lady working the lotto counter
>she also can't figure out this thing I never knew was an issue before because everybody else has been able to do it for me
>wait 5 minutes for the manager
>manager isn't coming
>the 17 year old kid stocking shelves walks over and does it for her and then goes back to shelving
He's my hero. I don't know how to work a fucking grocery register or I would.

>> No.6176506

>High on cocoa bean, addled is a more accurate description. Sometimes this results in an a state with spikes of a dull and homogeneous sense of irritation. Also tends to make you much stronger, for a short while anyway.
>Was out of it, mind somewhere else, pretty tired as well but the stimulant buzzed gave me a false sense of being "refreshed".
>Was in medium size "super"market
>Minding my own business
>Some guy walking down the aisle, has a group of people with him.
>Naturally, group dynamics and an underlying idea of strength in numbers dictates that people's courtesy drops considerably, especially if they're under 30 or so. They expected me to move out of the way. I didn't. Their little dumb group of theirs could compress and easily solve the issue.
>Instead of just running into the guy I kind of... absent mindedly I'd suppose, just raised my arm and the side of my hand connected with somewhere on their upper chest area, and I forcefully pushed them out of the way and into a shelf. He said something as it was happening, I cannot recall, and afterwards I hear "hey what the fuck?"
>My focus quickly returns to the task at hand, and "blah blah blah" faded off behind me. Kept walking my basket like nothing was amiss, and why should it be.

>Near the checkout line. Some guy keeps bumping his goddamn cart into the back of my legs. I turn around, plant my foot on it, and shove it into his bulging gut. I'm not sure what my face said, it all felt very blank to me, but I stared into his eyes. He stared back. Neither of us said anything. Neither of us really meaningfully moved much. Lasted probably 5 seconds or so. Then I sighed and shook my head, turned back around. Put my shit on the counter, finally, checked out, left as normal.

I see no arrogance in any of this. And while I wasn't hoping for any real violence or conflict, I wasn't strictly against it either. I felt more or less dead inside, but ready to do what was needed. Tiresome.

>> No.6176507

>Ring up all groceries then look for my cards instead of getting cards ready.
>Forget to get points on my card ask after I pay.
>Forget to get things before going to the counter leaving boyfriend/kids/etc waiting in line as I run off to grab my items.

>> No.6176531

>be at pavillions at 11pm
>Old guy in front of me, probably in his mid to early 70's
>Old guy is buying wine and other bull shit
>Loads up food in bag then he picks up his wine from the register and drops it
>shatters to a thousand pieces wine all over the fucking floor in front of the line
>I let out a loud HAH!
>Old man turns around and looks at me with watery eyes
>I didnt know that he served our country in Vietnam and has been suffering from arthritis in his hands for nearly 4 decades.
I laughed at this man /ck/

>> No.6176535

So? It was funny.

>> No.6176543

When he turned and looked at me I could see the faces of the gooks he killed in his eyes

>> No.6176549

One time the lines at a store were outrageous enough that I walked away from my cart and left it in the middle of the line. Yes, there were perishable items in it. Went down the street and re-bought everything at another store.

>> No.6176553


>cocoa bean
do you mean cocaine?

just say "cocaine"

>> No.6176677

>it was the most physical contact I've had with a woman
This was pretty much implied by your desperate post.

>> No.6176680

>go to Publix
>want some of that capicola ham
>walk up and this guy behind the counter immediately greets me and asks if he can help
>taken aback and don't know what's going on
>point to the capicola in the case and ask for a half pound of that
>he goes ahead and asks me "how thick I'd like it"
>uhh, regular?
>he slices off a piece and gives it to me
>asks if that's a 'good thickness'
>eyeball it and say yes
>trying to hand it back but he tells me no, just to eat it
>he confirms i want a half pound and finishes up and bags it
>tells me to have a great day
>have to remind him I got an extra slice and to add it to the price
>he laughs and says it's on the house

So did he want to fuck me or what? Should I be afraid? I didn't catch his nametag. Maybe I should call next time before I go and make sure he isn't working. I'm not gay or anything.

>> No.6176685

>decide I don't want something because I found something better
>can't be assed to walk all the way across the store to put it back where it goes
>find a convenient spot to lay it down as soon as nobody is looking
>go on about my business

>> No.6176687

are you serious?
This is funny as fuck
nigga was just doing his job

>> No.6176692

You're a paranoid homophobe.
He's not trying to flirt with you, he was doing his damn job. A slice of ham is not a big deal. At most delis they'll give out free samples if you ask.

>> No.6176703


I-Irish Stew?

>> No.6176704

>all those people being kind to those total douchebags

>> No.6176724

Because it takes up parking spots retard

>> No.6176731


damn dude, and I thought I was autistic.

>> No.6176735

Nah, it'd be one thing if a customer shot them but the security guard would catch hell and probably lose his job for having an unauthorized weapon since no grocery store on earth would actually spring for the cost of a licensed armed guard (which even in the south requires extensive training compared to your average rent-a-cop.)

And having worked as a security guard, I can assure you that you should be glad that most of them aren't allowed to carry weapons at work. At least 1/3 of security guards are people who couldn't make it into the cops and are bitter about it. They would love to legally kill someone. The rest are old people, lazy people, and ex-cops who got pushed out for some reason.

>> No.6176738

>gonna get fruit roll ups, mt dew, snickers, doritos, more doritos, pizza, coke, easy fries

Just how much weed do you smoke?

>> No.6176749
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>cunts that go through the self serve checkout with a full trolley

>> No.6176751

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6176765

I'd love to see your reaction when you get enough stuff there for them to offer to push your cart to your car and help load it.

>> No.6176770

Hey man we aren't trying to be rude. We just start sweating and stuttering when interacting with cashiers.

>> No.6176773

Dude they see the saddest people in the world buy $9 handles of rubbing alcohol every day. Get whatever wine you want.

>> No.6176776

>get groceries delivered cause no car
>order deli turkey
>says $5 a pound
>guy shows up
>mfw turkey on the receipt says $10 for one pound

>> No.6176779

Showering isn't social pressure it's called hygiene and taking care of yourself.

>> No.6176802

None, tried it a couple times, disliked it each time

I stick to MDMA and shrooms

>> No.6176804

is she 13 or 40?

>> No.6176850

Well maybe that cart fucker should move faster now shouldn't he?
>inb4 hur u could be him one day
And I'll do my job as best I can while people complain forums about me.

>> No.6176852

If youre still in the thread, do young security guards make a decent amount of cash? I figure there are less hours then a normal cop and it seems like a pretty chill job since I'm not a total asshole/racist.

>> No.6176861

>enter supermarket
>bee-line for bakery
>select tasty donut from pastry case
>start shopping, casually eat donut
>check out, do not mention donut
>crumpled waxed paper in bottom of cart
>aw yis

I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel!

>> No.6176862 [DELETED] 


Who are you quoting?

>> No.6176868

Over half those posts are referring to other posts and you don't be a faggot, the arrow has multiple uses and it's been that way for nearly a decade

>> No.6176873

LOL nice troll ;)

>> No.6176894

I usually put things back in the right place or just give it to the cashier in the rare case that it doesn't work with a coupon or something.

When I was a kid, I'd put my hands in the open bins of dried beans and play with it.

>> No.6176897

hello fellow nycfag

>> No.6176936

Man who kills someone over a job at home depot? For fucks sake man. Glad I didn't decide to buy salt from that store.

>> No.6176943

>Buy refrigerated juice
>still browsing around the store
>put it in freezer so its cold when I'm done
>mfw coming back to it 15 minutes later its gone

>> No.6176955

Here are things my father does in super markets:
>puts the cart down in one of the busy main isles blocking people instead of taking the cart to a nearly empty isle he's in
>leaves a hand basket on the floor for a long time while he goes to a completely different part of the store
>walks down the middle of an isle with a cart, isle is very busy, he sees something on the shelf and leaves the cart in the middle to decide which brand he's going to pick (sometimes takes him many minutes cause my dad is the kind of person who counts toilet paper sheets per roll)
>starts walking backwards in busy isles stepping into people who were behind him (ALL THE FUCKING TIME)
>Turns around in very busy isles and bumps into people (full-on knowing that there are people just behind him)

>> No.6176961

That's why you get refrigerated/frozen stuff last and go straight to the checkout. One of the employees probably saw it there and put it back where it belonged.

>> No.6176981

i would intentionally try to embarrass you too

just because you still seem like a 13 yo

>> No.6177010


>> No.6177047

I quickly unscrew the lid to a lemonade bottle and spray it all over the floor if a kid is nearby.
I also spend hours asking the deli for samples of literally everything they have multiple times, even if I don't like it.
I find a way to hide massive amounts of raw chicken behind other foods and see how long it takes before people notice.
I sometimes steal a gallon of milk, keep it next to the furnace until the smell is overpowering, and return it to the store shelf where I found it. Same with yogurt and ice cream.
I like hiding wads of ground beef in the obnoxious flower displays at the front of the store.

>> No.6177050

I am a large hispanic / arabic / indian family taking up the entire aisle width and half it's length. No I will not let you pass, I am too busy checking coupons and keeping my children in line

>> No.6177053


>> No.6177060

Do delis let you try samples?

>> No.6177122

yes, you can sample most of the time. A lot of bitches abuse it.

>> No.6177146

One time I found a box of popsicles sitting on some random shelf and I brought it back all the way to the other side of the store and put it in the freezer. I wish I wasn't so nice sometimes.

>> No.6177188

Tumblr go home
I see women do this more and bitch about how long the line is. Women are worse customers at a grocery store.

>> No.6177189

I'd "accidentally" bump my cart into your door, and "accidentally" make a lot of scratches all along while trying to move along.

You must drive a very shitty car in order to risk that. I wouldn't do that with my car.

>> No.6177193

do they have any right to a civil claim, would you know?

>> No.6177196

not that anon but not if it's parked illegally. they wouldn't be able to make a claim because they'd have to admit to being in the wrong and they'd get punished themselves.

it'd be like calling the police to report someone stealing your meth(obviously not as serious but similar idea)

>> No.6177198

Where I live they don't have cameras at grocery stores.
This is quite a safe country you know.
You can also walk any street at night without being shot at here.
But frankly, I've also never seen somebody that such a douche that he does what OP described.

>> No.6177202

can you clarify what parked illegally means?

for instance, the stop signs in most parking lost are not governed by the city. As such, the police cannot ticket you for running them.
Thats why they are a slightly different color and a little smaller

>> No.6177212

> be cashier
> some jerk dares to bring 21 items into my lane
> gets to be his turn
> go on break
> he has to go to only open check out lane behind a family with three carts full of groceries

>> No.6177216

most of the time the 'no parking zone' they're referring to is either the fire lane or the yellow lined area in front of the door. them being governed by the city or not isn't important for that instance, since stores are private property, once you enter the lot you're at the will of the rules and the police can take action against you, by informing the store and holding you there generally. much of the time the store specifies to police when they should take action, loitering, bikes, etc.

>> No.6177219

ok so if a dick parked in a yellow lined area or fire lane

and i accidentally let go of my cart into his car

am i liable? would the store have say?

>> No.6177226

autism confirmed

>> No.6177228

>walking into entrance or walking down aisles
>massive group of mexicans/asians just suddenly STOP and stand there forever

I'm sure someone already posted this. Any fucking clue as to why large groups of mexican/asian people block aisles?

>> No.6177230

At least try to make it look like an accident. Assholes who park in bike lanes probably won't be too cooperative with the local authorities or the store officials, who might not want to cooperate too much in return.

>> No.6177231

There's a man that comes in all the time to the grocery store I work at. Holy shit, he has the most foul odor I have ever smelled. It's hobostank mixed with piss from 50 different species, dirt, shit, sweat, rotten meat, every foul thing you can imagine. I can't for the life of my figure out how he fucking smells so bad. Not showering? It can't just be that. He smells like what I imagine Chris-Chan smells like, but twice as potent. He's not homeless either, my coworkers have seen where he lives. The worst part is, even after he leaves, his disgusting smell sticks around for a while. You can literally smell him coming from a mile away, you can be standing somewhere and not see him and his stench somehow permeates a mile radius he stands in.

This man is actually pretty kind, but his absolutely atrocious odor makes him a dick indirectly.

>> No.6177233

nah, chances are the store will just chalk it up to the car being parked where it shouldn't have, especially since it's near a high pedestrian traffic area.

>> No.6177235

It might be a medical condition and something he can't control.

>> No.6177237

maybe he's a leper

>> No.6177249

Is it just me or does anyone else notice that 99% of people who are very nice are also ugly, fat or smelly or a combination of all three?

>> No.6177257

they have to be to make up for the ugly

>> No.6177262

It just has to be that most nice people are ugly or fat. A lot of people are ugly or fat. We glorify the pretty and skinny in media, they get to be seen on TV all the time, but regular people are just not like that.

So you're just probably not used to dealing with people in the world.

>> No.6177276

Id agree with you but I also know far too many good looking people who are also complete tools and ass holes because its fun. My hypothesis is that the genes that make people good looking also make them ass holes.

>> No.6177280

Probably. He also looks pretty greasy, so who knows.

No, he is not.

I find groups of white teenage girls tend to do this a lot more and a lot more obnoxiously.

>> No.6177287

How can you dislike weed then like shrooms? Personally I don't like weed so I'd be scurred to try shrooms.

>> No.6177288
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>> No.6177289
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>> No.6177294

Happens to me all the time.
>be at target
>picked out some shampoo but walk back to compare
>freakin asians looking at shampoo
>see me standing there so instead of moving to the side move even closer to shampoo

>> No.6177295

Yeah if they aren't nice what else is there to like.

>> No.6177300

>Put things back in the wrong place if i am in a rush and changed my mind
>Pay in small change if i think i have enough
>If i see something new, i steal one out of the pack and try it before i buy it, most the time i don't bother buying iit

That's all i can really think of, am i a bad person /ck/?

>> No.6177305

The level you are on isn't high enough to even be considered a nuisance.

>> No.6177308

my black friend will put things he's considering purchasing in his cart. As he gets closer to the checkout, he'll start removing unwanted items and place them in random spots around the line. I don't get it at all, but I'm a wite boi, so I guess I cant.

>> No.6177310
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>That's 2 dollars at Walmart
>That's 3 for 5 at Vons
>That's 2 pounds for 1 dollar at some random Mexican store

Fuck these people

>> No.6177311

The taking things out of the box is a pretty nigger thing to do also paying in small change.

>> No.6177312

The self-checkouts are great for change.

>> No.6177313

They are brought up differently.

People that move out the way were brought up to respect others and understand that they are the same and if not having full access to the section means they can also happily shop along side you then so be it.

People that move in closer and block the section are brought up to be greedy cunts, that the world revolves around them and why should they let some fat fucker get in the way of their shopping when they can force him away by blocking him off.

>> No.6177315

Vons is expensive.

>> No.6177322

Sorry anon, i promise i've only done it 3 or 4 times throughout my life.
Yeah i use these most the time but find myself needing the tills as everyone where i lives see's the self check out and jumps on it with little to no ideat what to do as they stand there for a whole half hour calling the employee over every 5 seconds to ask why it won't work as they slam away at random buttons and are amazed that it can detect when they put their food down.

>> No.6177326

>be me
>go to the deli section
>get ham, fish, cheese, chicken
>get chocolate milk from a the dairy section
>walk down aisles and leave cold food in random spots, hide it under pasta and behind cereal boxes.
I'm that guy.

>> No.6177331

I worked in a grocery store deli for a while. All the steps you mentioned were literally required of us. It is an algorithm that employees must follow, down to asking if the meat sample given is of an adequate thickness.

>> No.6177334

>not being the guy that replaces a couple of items that look similar so that when someone goes to buy multiple of that item they don't realize they bought the wrong brand or wrong item

>> No.6177335

It's spelled aisle. Isle is a geographical feature.

>> No.6177336

Only things that piss me off are:
>blocking the aisle while totally ignoring others around them
>leaving shopping carts in the parking lots like lazy assholes
The later pisses me off to no end. I almost had my car hit by a wild shopping cart that got picked up by the wind.

>> No.6177338

Just an example. I was talking about people who abuse the price match system at stores

>> No.6177342

Not really, since you don't consume the car. I would never eat or drink something without paying for it first.

>> No.6177346

I work as a cashier at a retail place and one time there was a long line and a regular customer back a ways said something (loudly) like "COME ON HURRY IT UP YOU NEED MORE TRAINING OR SOMETHING?" and many lols were had as all the other customers looked around awkwardly

>> No.6177349

just find something that's a similar weight so you place the item in the bagging area.

>> No.6177351

It's not about whether I can get away with it, it's about respect.

>> No.6177358

It's assumed that you still pay for it afterwards. It still goes through the checklane and I still scan it, so why should I give a fuck if it's empty or not? All I gotta ask is "Do you want me to throw this away for you?" and the answer is usually yes. I'm paid like $14 an hour to stand around staring at people all day. I don't really care if they are smiling at me or screaming at me, as long as I'm there I can keep my job. If someone ever wants to complain about me I just point them over to Patty and she listens to whatever bullshit they gotta say and we laugh about it in the break room later because anyone who is so dissatisfied with their life that they have to scream at the failures and losers at life just to feel something is someone who truly deserves pity.

Some people don't have thick skins like me, though, and can't take it. Also I spend half the week in the back room doing nothing but putting/taking things on/from shelves while blasting death metal on the stereo we have back there.

>> No.6177364

Respect for who?
The same people that follow you around the store watching as if you are some nigger as they blatantly eye ball you making sure you don't steal shit?
Fuck those guys i'l drink my drink and pay for it, because even if i was to pay for my drink then open it up, and enter the store to continue shopping i know damn well those assholes will accuse me of stealing it and make me pay again.
Might as well have them accuse me of it the first time and only pay once

>> No.6177370
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What is it about disabled people that makes them think they can get away with being an asshole?

>> No.6177373

Modern society plays up the victim angle to the point where they're no longer treated like real adults, just children with some responsibilities. Thus, they act out the same as children would.

>> No.6177378

Every fucking asshole that puts themselves, their cart, their car, their goods, their children, or anything else out where it's an obstruction.

I have seen people walk with traffic down an icy road when the sidewalks are clean and clear. What the fuck are you people doing?!

>> No.6177381

>drink soda before paying for it
Don't be silly. I still have cashiers scan the bottle, and I get some well-deserved caffeine while shopping.Not a problem.

>> No.6177386

>Fat girl on one of those mini fucking cars
>plowing through pavement at full speed
>GE OUT WAY GE OUT WAY GE OUT WAY she screams as she just full charges into groups of people
>fucking running people over and shit as she screams her head off
>one bulky as fuck guy with family turns around to her screams, and just lands a punch right in her face
>she falls off the car thing
>starts screaming shes disabled
>everyone she almost ran over shouts at her then leave

I was happy to see this one not get away.

>> No.6177398

Nope, coz they parked where people with trolleys walk.
To be frank it's a safety barrier for the car owner not to park there.

>> No.6177406

Sorry Britfriend, in America the states have their own individual and often retarded laws.

In Minnesota for instance, anything that happens in a parking lot is "no fault". So if an insurance company gets involved everyone (except the property owner usually) has to pay. Someone can hit my car while it's legally parked and unoccupied and yet still he's not at fault. Hooray capitalism.

>> No.6177418
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>at Safeway around midnight
>buying pudding cups
>being indecisive like i always am
>2 nigger hood rats spot me
>one is like 40
>he starts hitting on me
>"hey gurl getting some pudding huh?"
>"hey gurl thems some nice jeans"
>"hey gurl so where's you from?"
>give him short one-word answers and pretend to be super invested in choosing my pudding
>he eventually gets the hint and fucks off to the end of the aisle with the other rat
>get one thing of fudge, but the chocolate layer is on the very top shelf like halfway back
>I can't reach it even if I stand on the lowest shelf
>well i'm not asking them for help
>nobody else around
>spot middle aged white guy walking down aisle from the other side
>he passes the hood niggers who are still staring at me
>about to walk past me
>"Excuse me sir, could you help me with-"
>he ignores me completely, doesn't even look in my direction
>tfw he probably thought i was with them, since I'm black too
>eventually get the pudding i want off the shelf
>go to the checkout
>wind up behind the middle aged white guy
>hood niggers are nowhere to be seen
>not sure whether to give him a filthy look or ignore him
>we stare at each other for a second
>after getting his change he books it the fuck out of there
>i do the same after I check out
>lock myself in my car
>drive home
>eat pudding in the dark

>> No.6177420

Why would you need pudding cups at midnight?

>> No.6177422

Anyone who leaves their shopping cart in a parking space should be executed. How fucking lazy are you that you can't walk one row (at the very most) to return your empty cart?

>> No.6177425

I wasn't disagreeing or anything I'm just saying.

>> No.6177430

Lol I didn't know black people called niggers niggers. There is a difference though.

>> No.6177433

they can't be out there 24/7 and don't instantly know about your dumb cart. Can't you slide it into the cart return that's located like 10ft away?

>> No.6177435

Jesus christ, is this the 90s?

>> No.6177439

I've never heard a black call someone a nigger. Most are extremely offended by it.

>> No.6177444

I was getting stir crazy at home and had nothing else to do.This was over winter break and I was bored.

A-are you serious?

>> No.6177446

You need to leave your cave once in a while.


>> No.6177447


>> No.6177449

ebin! you meme'd that fat lady hard :%)

>> No.6177490


>> No.6177589

>tfw this is exactly how I feel about black people but I can never tell people out loud because suddenly it's racist if a white guy says it.

>> No.6177606

I dunno why but fat women in motorised carts really turn me on, I really want to sniff their seats and rub my face into there sweaty fat rolls.

>> No.6177613


>epic meemoo generator
>See More Crazy Pictures & Videos on Owned .com

Epic post

>> No.6177625

>> Hide soda bottles in the freezer section so they explode

>> No.6177641

this makes me rage.. God those kids are maroons

>> No.6177654

Your mom.

>> No.6177669


>there are third-worlders starving because they don't have enough rice and bugs to eat
>literally spoiling as much food as you can just for the fun of it
what a time to be alive

>> No.6177674

>deliberately run my trolley into your retard child if they are in my way and being obnoxious.
>put shit like lube, condoms, pantyhose, pregnancy testers, ect

Various other things that never happened.

>> No.6177677

>worked at a store that had a clothing section
>groups of teen girls wearing short shorts and midriff-bearing tank tops would come to my lane and make me scan piles of lewdly designed panties
>they would have security tags on them too and sometimes they would be crumpled up so i would have to handle them for an extended amount of time to delodge the tag with my magnetic tool

>> No.6177682

God yes. I would buy so much candy and chips and soda but everytime I go to the store I can't bring myself to buy any because I'm already so fat.

>> No.6177691

>not using a full trolley as a guise from which to cheat and scam and steal groceries

Your less likely to be caught when you got a lot of shit. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that didn't scan. My mistake. I just have so much stuff I wasn't really paying attention."

Self checkout is the greatest thing to happen to unscrupulous people.

>> No.6177708
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>> No.6177725

Do Ameritards really call baskets handcarts?

>> No.6177756


welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay!

>> No.6177796

I think you mean "whom."

>> No.6177814

Do you like imitation crab and model trains?

>> No.6177831
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Heh, I get it.

>> No.6177834

>If youre still in the thread, do young security guards make a decent amount of cash?

It depends where you're working. I was making $11.25/hr as a contractor at an Amazon warehouse. All in all it's a pretty sweet gig.

>> No.6177881

But they don't ...

>> No.6177899

I usually return the cart to the cart coral but sometimes it's cold and rainy when I go shopping. I have no regrets except for that one time that gravity grabbed my cart from me and sent it on a long journey until it reached the lowest level of the parking lot, right in the middle of the lane that turns off of the road.

>> No.6177900

I'm sure there's a term for it, but if some jerk blocks the aisle, and notices me yet refuse to let me pass...

I'll turnaround, go down another aisle and back up the same isle of the person, yet maintain some distance.

Let loose a noxious cloud of intestinal nerve gas, vacate so they'll eventually have to walk through it.

>> No.6177902

I wish I had this much power

>> No.6177943

Sometimes they do, happened when I worked in a store.

>> No.6177949
File: 16 KB, 500x281, mfw everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Asian grocery store because it's the only place that sells some stuff I want
>Only non-Asian person in the store
>Kind of nervous about being viewed as some weeaboo hipster faggot or something
>Picking out seafood when two middle-aged white hams come in
>Loud and obnoxious as fuck
>Start talking to the deli/seafood guy
>Suddenly hear shrieks and cackles coming from a few aisles over
>They cause a scene for the length of their visit
>mfw no longer worried about being viewed as the worst thing to set foot in the store that day

>> No.6177971

Why would you be the worst thing? You're a paying customer. This is America, and if they don't like it, they can get out.

>> No.6177973

>say "beep beep"
>if you don't move at least one person is getting mowed over as I plow through you assholes

>> No.6177974

Congratulations you probably caused a food safety issue or someone got melted and refrozen popsicles

>> No.6177980


>> No.6177983

After working in a supermarket I now always grab produce from the back

Funny how I didn't think about this before

>> No.6177987

No we call them baskets, shopping baskets, or handbaskets. He's either not American or retarded

>> No.6177991




>> No.6177994


I automatically face the shelves if I grab something from them still. Im not autistic about it but just feels wrong to leave a gap

>> No.6178007

i find it worse in smaller towns where people assume you can't speak any english or they aren't familiar with any of the ingredients

recently had a woman talking shit behind me in checkout going so far as to actually pick up my items to show her husband how strange or dumb they were ("american chives" was super funny)

but she stfu and stopped touching my stuff when she heard me speaking to the cashier in english

it could have been worse, she might have said that this is america and that i should get out if i don't like it

>> No.6178019

>go to restaurant
>ask for bill before you get your food

>> No.6178030

yeah, this is why I could never live in flyover country. they aren't necessarily intending to be rude but it gets tiresome when everyone wants to touch your hair or talk to you about anime or say "wow you don't even have an accent".

although I will admit it's nice going to one of the two or three asian restaurants in town and getting stuff comped because the owners are just happy to see someone who looks vaguely like they come from the same general part of the world.

>> No.6178031 [DELETED] 

>flyover country
>I posted it again, mom XD

>> No.6178032

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>> No.6178039

Did you post that from your middle school's library?

>> No.6178042

>in Publix a few months ago
>just getting romaine and milk on my way home so no cart or basket
>got the lettuce, cross store to dairy aisle
>as I grab a gallon of milk, the bag of lettuce breaks on the bottom somehow and spaghettis everywhere
>guy down the aisle sees this and starts cracking up, I start laughing too
>try to find an employee, somehow nobody around even though Publix usually has 200+ people in the store
>spot broom in corner, consider sweeping up the shit
>nah fuck it
>somebody found a cabbage patch kid murder scene in the dairy aisle that day

>> No.6178056

Some young women are attracted to balding middle aged men. Maturity, money, daddy issues or just plain preference

>> No.6178062

One of my pleb friends who works in Safeway used to ask us to do this at college lunch breaks because putting the stuff back on the shelves was more interesting than his usual job

>> No.6178107

>someone wants to me to do my job
>fuck him

>> No.6178111

Whose fucking job?
You take it and put it back when you're done.

>> No.6178134

>cart guy
> security
How many fucking people do you burgers have in your stores?

>> No.6178147

wow moot, thought you weren't posting anymore?

>> No.6178156

I do this and I'm white so it's not a black thing

>> No.6178159

Jit is goin ham in dolla sto


>> No.6178166

My roommate would only shop at the 24 hours store in the middle of the night to get all her junk food. She was ashamed of her weight, the judgement of complete strangers and afraid of running into someone she knew. Also, closet alcoholic. I'd hear the clinking of empty bottles as she'd transport the bags to her car to dispose of them in the night. I wonder how she's doing now.

>> No.6178170

It's a jerk thing.

>> No.6178189

Our grocery stores are the size of small European countries.

>> No.6178200

>Hahaha sorry mister, let me help you
You could hvae kept laughing, kept your cool and you wouldnt be on a Vets bucketlist.

>> No.6178205

Generally baggers are also cart gophers. Loss Prevention (security guards) are usually dressed like shoppers to catch shoplifters in the act.

>> No.6178213

>"This kid need his ass beat"
Atleast he's right about that.

>> No.6178227

underrated post

applies to most of these

>> No.6178230

I find it very erotic how she just took a shit in public like that.

>> No.6178258

>put anything in the freezer that isn't meant to go there
>around two hours later the store must throw out the item
I worked frozen at a supermarket for awhile, once I found a fucking 8 pack of Pepsi Cans in the back of the freezer fairly intentionally hidden behind some chips

it was one you guys wasn't it

>> No.6178280

How assholeish is it to make paper towel forts in Walmart? I figure as long as I'm not mixing the brands together I'm actually doing some good if anything because I make it look better stocked by facing the shelves

>> No.6178285
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>delodge the tag with my magnetic tool

What are you telling us?

>> No.6178287

It's just a right we give them as a society
Similar to how bmw drivers aren't expected to give way or signal
They're still dicks but we expect it

>> No.6178298

Shit nigger. Even white people call each other nigger

>> No.6178306

Britbong here.
> Go in Canadian chinese grocery store. > Bought a white onion and an English cucumber

>> No.6178311

Eat a dick

>> No.6178317

You should be polite to old people. Some of those ladies went through WW II and some of their husbands didn't come back and were killed by hun or jap sneak attack bastards.

I'm used to being attacked by fucks like you but they're not so be polite. You must be a nigger, only niggers have no understanding of truth.

>> No.6178320


>> No.6178350

Good one.

>> No.6178464

I had some guy bumping his cart into me in a BestBuy line. He stopped when I kick the cart back into him. You either yell at them or kick the cart back as they clearly know they keep hitting you.

>> No.6178538

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.6178583

Fyi yellow is for loading zone. You can park there temporarily.

>> No.6178604

Remember: if you want a deli meat sliced paper thin, it WILL take more time, more effort, or both because we have to make more slices. I just cannot believe how many people don't understand that and get pissed off when their diaphanously-sliced 2lbs prosciutto takes longer than the person ahead of them who just ordered the same amount of boiled ham that was pre-sliced like 20 minutes ago.

Also fuck liverwurst - every time you order that you're stinking up the place and potentially holding up the line by making us clean the crap out of that slicer.

>> No.6178623

A few years ago, a near elderly local woman had just got in her car to leave when some guy pulled up next to her and opened his door into hers. She got out, got her cart (she hadn't put it up) and slammed it into the guy's car as hard as she could, then got back in her car and drove off.

>> No.6178645

>>go to deli
>>sample different meats
>>decide not to buy anything

I don't see what's wrong with this if you're trying something new.
>go to get a few meats
>guy ahead of me gets something I've never heard of before, veal loaf
>ask deli guy if he'll slice me a piece so I can try it
>didn't enjoy it, but thank deli guy for doing it and customer ahead of me for letting me scootch in to try it

As for a time when I was an asshole? Me directly, never intentionally. My younger brother, however...
>I go shopping with him
>he grabs two full carts, tells me to grab two
>end up filling all four carts
>oh shit bro i forgot something brb
>i'm now in the checkout line unloading shit, then afterwards waiting for ten minutes while he's searching for whatever the fuck he needed
>all I can do is apologize and explain I'm waiting on someone to return with something he forgot
>the retard decided to go to the bathroom while he was gone as well which is what took so long
>he expects me to pay for his groceries

I do because I'm a good older brother and he's in a worse financial state than I despite having a better income. I know spoilers don't work on /ck/, fuck you.

>> No.6178685

I never bag my own groceries.

I DO get upset/annoyed when the cashier doesn't know how to bag groceries.

>> No.6178693

>you're stinking up the place and potentially holding up the line
No, you are. Do your job, poorfag.

>> No.6178717

basically being old

>> No.6178731

Opening anything and bringing it to the register is not a dick move, it's just odd that you were that desperate.

I've been that desperate more times than I can count. If you pay for it, you're not an asshole, just weird.

>> No.6178794

Things that should be common courtesy when shopping (In my opinion)

1. Make sure you're not blocking other people if you stand still

2. If you ask for the location of an item, you should thank them for helping you find it

3. If you have a full cart or a lot of items, and you see someone with a few items (1-6) behind you, you should let them go first

4. Smile at the cashier and say "hi" or "hello"

5. Say thank you when they hand you your receipt

6. Dont spend unnecessary time doing worthless shit while packing your bags

Optional. Take farewell with the cashier when heading off

>> No.6178795

dubs = truth

are you a cashier?

>> No.6178811

>I do because I'm a good older brother and he's in a worse financial state than I despite having a better income

That's not being a good brother, that's being a fucking terrible brother.

>> No.6178849

>drink soda before paying for it

I don't understand the problem with this, I've done this since I was a kid and I've never been stopped or got looks.

The problem is when shithead moms get like a box of fruit by the foot to feed her kids and then ditch the box when it's empty without paying

>> No.6178853

>college town in midwest
>morbidly obese women, barely overweight women, or young obnoxious as fuck black girls are the only ones that use the carts
makes my autism hurt every single time

>> No.6178872
File: 46 KB, 500x395, 1398237324848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid knocks a giant jar of pickles off the shelf
>glass and pickle juice everywhere
>mom neither scolds the kid or alerts an employee

>> No.6178983

usually they don't hire people just to do that, and if they didn't have to do that, you wouldn't be one of the rare assholes forcing everyone else to pay for the marked up prices or deal with shittier stores due to cutting costs or selling shelf space to pay for moronic overhead services like that.

>> No.6179017

I carry sandpaper with me. I use it to scratch the handicap symbol into cars that park in handicap zones illegally or in front of wheelchair pavement ramps, thus blocking them.

>> No.6179024

I dislike people eating or drinking things in shops before buying because you haven't paid for it yet so it is not yours to eat.

>> No.6179039

Doesn't Aldi's have shopping carts locked up that cost a quarter, which you get back when you put the cart back in it's corral? Is there are reason why that isn't more universal for all grocery stores? It would save the store time/money from sending an employee out to gather up the carts, limit damage to cars from wayward flying carts in the lot, and generally looks a lot neater when carts aren't strewn about in a lazy fashion.

>> No.6179050


if i was an elderly woman i would probably do that too

>> No.6179056

it's a european thing. All grocery stores and supermarkets do that here.

>> No.6179063

I got a meat end from my deli for free because the dude did not give a shit

What are you talking about

>> No.6179090

>go to grocery store
>pull posters out of rock and rap magazines and put them back with discarded pages

did this a lot in my youth

>> No.6179094

Paul? Paul Allen?

>> No.6179127

and then you grew up to suck dicks, yes?

>> No.6179231

No, believe it or not I do mean cocoa bean. It has to be the unprocessed sort. Either powdered cacao beans or chocolate liquor. I find cocoa butter is more mentally / physically energizing, whereas some of the real psychoactive stuff comes about from the powder, which is apt to addle with too much. It must be experienced to be understood.

Though I wonder, my body tends to handle histamine and degradation of various other neurotransmitters, a bit differently (poorly). This could play in for how it is to me, but I've only ever known me to do it to begin with. I'd definitely closely compare it to amphetamine in many ways.

>> No.6179285

I used to work in the deli in a shoprite, I have no love for the place so I saw all sorts of shit happen there and would do terrible shit pretty regularly. I was one of two shoprites in the area. I just happened to get employed at the terrible one.
A run down:
Good shoprite:
holiday closings so staff can go the fuck home to family
decent cleanliness
employees not dicks
food quality is obviously better
people who shop there better as well

bad one: only begrudgingly close christmas day
food bad all the time
everything dirty
people are shit, employees dont care, suck the life out of the few people who do like ticks

as to why I linked to this post there used to be a man that walked around the place, and if you know anything about the deli is that it's quite cold there, enough to really deaden smells. old dude walks around constantly and smells horrible, never get a good look at the guy just know he has dreads that are long and big hat
one day round a corner and almost walk into him, see his hat is askew
this guy comes in almost every day with an open infected huge gash on his unwashed head
nearly puke from stench
brother still works there and can confirm that gash is still huge and open and bleeding constantly

>> No.6179297

no i grew up to be a famous musician who posts on /ck/ can you guess who?

>> No.6179308


Is the second letter of your last name "o"?

>> No.6179314

no, it's "a"

>> No.6179359

When I worked at Safeway there were a couple of customers like this. Our assistant manager would always chase them out of the store. He told me about some guy they banned because he was wiping shit all over himself to keep other people away from him and he wasn't allowed in the store because he was a health hazard.

>> No.6179374


I think you are extraordinarily suggestible and induce your own fugues. Chocolate makes people happy but it ain't exactly molly

>> No.6179384

Who shits in the isle like that?

>> No.6179404
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 123577367266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shopping makes me thirsty

>> No.6179405

Chill mate. You are not the first and only white person who shops there seriously. Very likely you were the 3rd or 4th white person who shopped there that day.
If this was a world where they would say anything about you shopping there, you would tell them to Fuck off and stop going to the ordinary supermarket.

>> No.6179427

Chocolate contains and does the following relevant things -
5HT (via tryptophan)
Marginal caffeine
Triggers the release of histamine from mast cells

I have not been suggested either internally or externally, therefore, I cannot be suggestible. Histamine leads to upregulation of dopamine, norepinephrine, and to a lesser degree, serotonin, as well as having its own stimulatory effects. The andamide and what little tryptophan is able to cross the BBB does create a sense of wellbeing, but not happiness. There is a major difference.

The theobromine and histamine dilate blood vessels, and if you eat too much, it can lead to disorientation via low blood pressure (and an elevated heart rate to match). The theophylline acts on the circulatory system as well, but it's most important mechanism of action is in the prefrontal cortex. It raises cAMP, which is essentially a signaling molecule that tells nerves to open or shut down what inputs it listens to. I think this perhaps accounts for the bulk of high dosage effects.

As I said, it must be experienced to be understood. How about you talk less, and test it for yourself more? Or simply don't talk, that works too... People do induce their own states certainly, but I have quite a lot of experience with cocoa bean, and thinking about the nature of self delusion / definition. Done a lot of emotional state control as well, that plane is not foreign to me. There's individual physiological differences to account for as well. I have visual snow, research shows this is linked to hypermetabolism vs controls in a few brain regions, it wouldn't surprise me if my brain's response to stimulants is a bit screwed up. Most importantly though, I don't think you took my post as intended. For every bit cocoa bean might've augmented my mental state, the rest is all me. Depending on what you consider "I" to be, at the time, or at all.

>> No.6179441

I think you've had enough.

>> No.6179444

I am indeed still on my cocoa bean binge. Coming down.

I stopped taking in any cocoa for around a year and a half after near constant use. Thought maybe I could take it in again, and use it more intelligently this time, with a wider perspective. And I have, to a degree. But I do believe it is time to stop yet again.

>> No.6179459


one of the worst posts i've ever read on any forum

>> No.6179465

But the real test, can you verbalize why?

>> No.6179469

What does he do, drugs? If so, don't enable. otherwise yeah, you're good.

>> No.6179481

Incessant trivialities.

>> No.6179486

Go on. That's meaningless on its own.

>> No.6179494

You know exactly where that train is headed.

>> No.6179504


you should be shamed.

if you carry around unnecessary weight (aka 20+ pounds) you should be mocked into changing your lifestyle.

gluttony is a sin.

>> No.6179523


People actually do this?
>[weight] please, if it's a little over that's fine.

I'm a fucking terrible brother because I pay for his nearly $700 grocery bill? Sure I rag on him at times (like when I called him a retard in my post) and it would have been nice had he mentioned it before we went that he needed me to pay so I could make sure I wouldn't go over my credit limit, but I thought you're supposed to take care of family no matter what.

>I don't understand the problem with this, I've done this since I was a kid and I've never been stopped or got looks.
It depends, are you still taking the empty bottle to the cashier to pay for it? If that's what you're doing then I think it's fine.

Concept seems fine, but who carries loose change anymore? Everyone uses credit cards or their phones to pay now.

Has anyone attempted to politely mention the odor? I can understand being apprehensive about being all "Hey, you need to take a shower" because...

Like >>6177257 said, it's to make up for not being aesthetically pleasing.

As a fat/ugly/smelly guy myself I tend not to notice when I smell bad. Usually I unintentionally overcompensate by loading up on body spray/deodorant because dammit, no matter how hard or long I scrub I apparently always stink. It's not often someone I don't know's flat out told me I stink in public but it has been appreciated because I had no idea.

As in illegal stuff? Not that I'm aware of, but he lives in his own place with a fiancee who apparently used to have a drug habit so while I can't say for certain, he doesn't exhibit any stereotypical behavior of someone addicted to illegal drugs. Smokes like a factory chimney though.

>> No.6179526

I wish I was on a train headed somewhere. I wouldn't be wasting time on a cooking board arguing with someone who wants to post an opinion they can't even explain. I wouldn't be choosing to go through the motions because there is nothing else.

Soon enough I suppose. Anon can only provide meaningless clutter, and I have nothing to talk about because my life is empty and only problems.

Fuck this board, and myself too. I remember when I first clicked on "/ck/" because I wanted to talk about cooking.

>> No.6179530

It makes me wonder why most supermarkets still don't have bins.

>> No.6179534

Now we're cooking.

>> No.6179535

My parents didn't scold me for that shit but I grew up being socially retarded because I didn't fully understand all rights and wrongs for a long time. Karma comes man.

>> No.6179542

Sounds like too much effort, just use a scalpel.

I don't carry fucking coins

>> No.6179548


>> No.6179566

How much do you have to eat at a time to get your supposed affects though? And do you just buy the shit at the health food store?

>> No.6179590

I shit in elevators because cleaning is the janitor's job.

>> No.6179593

Any store that did that would probably lose business due to removing the convenience. ALDI is different because people have other motivations for going there.

>> No.6179599

its everyone's favorite thing to do to a deli clerk.
I always loved the customers that would point through the glass as if I could see what chicken tender they were pointing to.

If they could describe it, however, I had a bit more respect for them. But most would say generic dumb shit because they were fucking dumb, like

>that one right there
>which one?
>that one
>dig around for five minutes picking up different ones hoping it's one they like.
>they get mad and start cursing
>manager has to ask them to leave the store

god. Every day. for two years.

>> No.6179613

But then there wouldn't be an entry level position.
Also you get hella over time for collecting carts after they've been stolen, and places like Wal Mart and Safeway will pay for your gas as well.

>> No.6179626

You are extremely bad at comparisons.

>> No.6179628

It varies depending on the form I'm consuming it in.

In the past I tended to buy cacao powder, you tend to be able to find it at co-ops. Then just eat that, sometimes make things with it. For a while I couldn't get emulsifier balances with vanilla right, so to make fudge I'd add vodka then freeze it. Came out as a creamy fudge. But all that aside, 1-2 heaping spoonfuls of the powder will produce noticeable effects. 2 can be too much.

These days I'll usually eat chocolate bars or chocolate chips, now that I know of some that are just chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, and sugar. It tastes a lot better, and it seems to hit much more smoothly and feel better in general. For chocolate chips that are 55% cacao, less than half a bag produces a noticeable effect. For chips that are 70-80% cacao, a 1/3 or less. The entire bag of either eaten too quickly will produce the same nausea, disorientation, and whatnot just the powder itself will, without fail.

If you do plan on trying it, I'd recommend either the powder, buying some chocolate liquor, or buying a decent bag of chocolate chips (I recommend "Equal Exchange", the ingredients are good and it has no soy or whatever other nonsense.). Only important part is that it's not processed, whether with alkali or dutch, it doesn't matter. Diminishes the effect and strips a lot of the nutrients. Then just take it slowly, obviously, see how your body responds.

>> No.6179642

To add on, the first effects I'm apt to feel are emotional changes, a feeling of warmth, and visual changes (ie vision takes on an extreme sense of contrast. Things seem bright, and they almost shine.)

Too much for too long (talking weeks) causes a loss of metal acuity, and predisposes oneself to mixed states and general loss of wider perspective.

>> No.6179657

>unload like 30 things
>3 or 4 people behind me
>figure it'll be awhile for the first half to get bagged
>figure I could get one more thing/ forgot something
>leave the line and run to other side of store to grab it making other people wait

Also I'm sure at some points In my life before I turned 16 I always left spoil able/ melt able things in cookie aisles and around the store tucked away behind other things because I was too lazy to put them back. Worked at a grocery store later in life so, sorry guys.

>> No.6179658

And a last note about aflatoxins. Most if not all cocoa bean has it, and I'm unaware of any processing methods that really remove it. It's created by molds that are naturally symbiotic with the beans as they grow on trees. This is why it's important to buy something quality. Where the bean is grown, and how it's actually harvested, treated, then dried, makes a difference in these levels.

Should be fine enough either way, but it's something to keep in mind, and a way to put "quality" in perspective.

>> No.6179663

are you my dad?

>> No.6179713
File: 210 KB, 781x1057, IMAG0548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that arsehole who wants to break hundred dollar bills into tens and makes the cashier count it twice

>> No.6179725

who the fuck has a 1000 dollar bill on hand?

>> No.6179740
File: 1.40 MB, 720x480, i can't believe my eyes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6179741

Not that I know of.

>> No.6179763

>guy tries to hand me several hundred dollar bills for a purchase of 4.20
>Only take one 100 dollar bill
>give them correct change for it

Seriously, what.

>> No.6179769

Sounds like he's trying to get rid of counterfeit currency, in that case.

>> No.6179781

blaze it

Or a particular type of person who needs a lot of ten dollar bills in Footscray (notorious area) at 10:20pm. Hmm.

Truth is that I gave the girl a $10 note and she accidentally hit the zero button a few moe times.
Also, they close the self-serve checkout at 10pm which sucks.
Meh. Just trying to contribute.

>> No.6179819

haha, I did that to a ton of customers. People hated me for it, though.

>> No.6179844

What did you do? And why did people hate you for it?

>> No.6179868

Put in the wrong number so the machine wasn't telling me the correct change - I'm bad at math so I'd always take forever trying fix it.

>> No.6179897
File: 9 KB, 225x225, time machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I see. haha

>> No.6179945

Where I live the spooks do that routinely everywhere they go. If there is a parking spot open 2 lengths from the curb. EVEN if the the five other nog's cars force them to park on a spot on the curb that is farther away than the empty spot in the lot.

I normally wouldn't care but it's always filthy ass old Taurus or 80s model Toyota with all the paint corroded off it, dents everywhere, factory original 25 year old spark plugs and other signs of zero maintenance. The fuckin smog stinks so bad it could knock a buzzard of a shit wagon.

>> No.6179973


So is 4chan, I don't see you leaving.

>> No.6179982


I carry a quarter specifically for going to Aldi.

>> No.6181275


Asian people already shit-talk whites in their native language all the time. Just ignore them; they'll definitely do the same.