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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 1600x1200, Buttermilk-Biscuit-Recipe-Using-Self-Rising-Flour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6173854 No.6173854 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do you americunts calls these biscuits? They are obviously scones

>> No.6173860


>> No.6173864
File: 3.04 MB, 4608x3072, iojgruytrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should worry about bigger things, like where your life is going, faggolini.

>> No.6173865

They aren't even close to a scone you cunt.

>> No.6173866

they really call scones biscuits?

>> No.6173873

Those are called scone biscuits

>> No.6173879

If scones were made with lard instead of butter.

>> No.6173881
File: 132 KB, 485x358, popup_biscuit20fourre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are biscuits to the rest of the world

>> No.6173884

You put gravy on your scones?

>> No.6173885


>Taking regional colloquialisms this seriously

A life: get one.

>> No.6174241

I thought I knew trolling.

Then I found /ck/.

>> No.6174266

Why can't we just call them butterpucks?

Pls don't tell me thats what strayans call them

>> No.6174268

It bet that would be discussing with gravy.

>> No.6174271


Would you guys really call that a scone? How would you define it specifically, a neutral scone or something?

All the scones I've had are at least a little sweet and usually have things like dried fruit in them and sugar sprinkled on top

>> No.6174283

Scones are savoury. Or they should be, I don't know why anyone would sprinkle sugar on top.
Biscuits are sweet.

>> No.6174289

I'm officially adopting this into my lexicon.

>> No.6174295

We call them scones mate.

>> No.6174307

they can be either you fucking dud.

>> No.6174380


You seem upset.

>> No.6174385

Damn right I'm upset
So what, do you call rich tea biscuits or shortbread "cookies"? Doesn't that seem absolutely retarded to you?

>> No.6174387

They don't really have the same variety of biscuits in America as they do in say the UK so it probably doesn't come up for non-cookie biscuits.

>> No.6174388

What would they discuss?

>> No.6174390

ye olde english is retarded

you inbred fucks are barely intelligible

americans are your betters, use their terminology

>> No.6174399

you arent op i am

>> No.6174404

because we broke away from you in the revolutionary war and we do our own shit now

>> No.6174432

The real question is, why the fuck do you care?

We clearly do a lot of shit backwards and that is our choice. If it doesn't affect you, why would you care? Butthurt Euro detected.

>> No.6174444

What if i'm not English?

>> No.6174506

umm you broke away from us? I dont think australia was ever in the revolutionary war..you must be a product of the american "education" system

>> No.6174521

It could still work if by "you" he means the former British Empire (or perhaps the future commonwealth.)

>> No.6174529

Biscuits go soft with time
These go hard with time
Therefore they are not biscuits

>> No.6174584
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>> No.6174592
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>> No.6174603
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>People who have never hand an American biscuit thinking that they're comparable to a British savory scone.

It's like someone who's never had spaghetti noodles comparing them to ramen noodles because they're both made of wheat and have a similar shape.

>> No.6174607

>tfw when I was in the 1st grade my English teacher forced me to say crisps instead of chips

What a fucking gayass word.

>> No.6174608

Oh, all of us americans are so sorry!

>> No.6174615

My teacher had me get the faggots out of the boot once, but she wasn't British.

>> No.6174616

>I can't deal with the natural fact that different countries have different dialects and therefore different vocabulary

Fuck up Op

>> No.6174618

What? Does that mean cigars?

>> No.6174621

Britfag here, I've been told they are slightly different to our scones, how america uses them calls for a different taste/texture, naturally.

I don't care that they call them something else, but the idea of calling every biscuit a "cookie" is stupid.

>> No.6174623


To be fair we do call them french fries too, but the image behind a french fry is a long thin chip like you would get at mcdonalds. Chips are thicker-cut and almost mis-shapen.

>> No.6174648

Yeah, but if you went to McDonalds in the UK and asked for chips they wouldn't WTF out and be like "WHAT IS A CHIPS".

>> No.6174666


of course, we all know what chips arem but i go to restaurants and the menus say french fries pretty often

>> No.6174792

britfags think
>biscuits are scones
>cookies are biscuits
>fries are chips
>chips are crisps

You people invented the language why can't you get it right?

>> No.6174849

>sha-ree-ya law
Biscuits are made differently than scones here.

>> No.6174854

ITT: faggots taking the bait


>> No.6174859
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now stop being a retard,plz

>> No.6174860

you are the worst type of person on 4chan

everyone knows it's bait, we still want to talk about it

nobody got tricked and you are not above the fray because you call it bait

>> No.6174865

Much irony here.

>> No.6174882

>but the idea of calling every biscuit a "cookie" is stupid.
I don't see why. We don't have cookies for specific situations like high tea and after dinner or anything like that. Every american cookie is a dessert/snack item, there's no reason for us to use different words for them.

>> No.6174905

>Every american cookie is a dessert/snack item, there's no reason for us to use different words for them.

Jammie Dodgers (fuck yeah)
Lady Fingers

>> No.6174928

>Being a pedantic fuck
You don't complain that the produce section with all the apples and grapes in it has a sign that says fruit over it do you?

Cookie is a category just like fruit. If you say you want a cookie in America, you'll get whatever they have on hand or they'll ask what kind.

It's not like there's an aisle in WalMart labelled COOKIE with a bunch of packages that just say COOKIE COOKE COOKIE on them.

>> No.6174936

>We don't have cookies for specific situations like high tea and after dinner or anything like that.

Only low class pieces of shit like you maybe. Your oreos and chips deluxe are waiting.

>> No.6174937

>Being a pedantic fuck

No bro, you got totally reckt and your statement was proven too be 100% wrong. You're the one being pedantic now to cover blanket term bullshittery.

>> No.6174999

That made me laugh way too hard.

>> No.6175023

Because we don't take tea breaks.

>> No.6175061


>Cookie is a category just like fruit.

No its not, a cookie is a SPECIFIC kind of BISCUIT, BISCUIT is the category.

But for some reason america decided to call all fruits strawberries, or rather, call all biscuits cookies.

>> No.6175071

>Not loving oreos

>> No.6175078

>No its not, a cookie is a SPECIFIC kind of BISCUIT, BISCUIT is the category.

You pulled that straight from your fucking ass, don't lie to us.

>> No.6175082

So what the fuck do americans call scones?

>> No.6175085


Please be trolling

>> No.6175101

There's a difference between the taste of an American biscuit and a British scone. American biscuits are generally not sweetened at all and have a savory flavor which takes well to salty accompaniments such as sausage gravy. British scones are generally a bit sweet; American biscuits are generally unsweetened. The two are almost the same in concept, but it's just a question of whether the taste is primarily sweet or savory.

>> No.6175109

soft chocolate chip cookies are a type of biscuit
they may be the default american style but that isn't the standard in the culinary world

>> No.6175123
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Trash, but the British would call that rubbish I think.

>> No.6176593
File: 283 KB, 1292x926, BISCUIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a restaurant in Jacksonville, FL, and a few other places now called Maple Street Biscuit Company. Lived there for nine months on business, ate there at least three times a week, gained 30 pounds.

Worth it.

>> No.6176637

>britbongs trying to pretend they aren't the food-based laughing stock of the world by desperately trying to latch onto the old "entire world hates america" joke

>> No.6176649

Most of the food in Europe is pretty shitty. Theres only like 2 countries in the entire "continent" that are known for more than 1 or 2 dishes

>> No.6176669

>Chips are thicker-cut and almost mis-shapen.

We call those "steak fries"

>> No.6176831
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Courtesy from NZ bro

>> No.6176839

But what about cheese scones?

>> No.6176859


lel foreigners get so butthurt when you argue chips and chips

>> No.6176915

surely you mean chups

>> No.6177001

Are you an aussie cunt?

>> No.6177042
File: 255 KB, 300x234, Fuc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't we just call them butterpucks?

Gentleman, the new official name for biscuits.

>> No.6177058

Why do britbongs call every single baked good either a biscuit or pudding?

>> No.6177062

because we live in a different country where things are different

>> No.6177090

scones are different. These are sort of like... fatty buttery fluffy cakes?

fatfluffs? Butterfluffs?

>> No.6177113
File: 146 KB, 802x780, 1378843485020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the bright side, we can continue to enjoy whatever these are in America while they'll eventually be banned in Britain for being too haram and offensive.

>> No.6177125
File: 137 KB, 811x480, my-face-when-americans-call.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes op. Americans sure do have weird words.

>> No.6177133

Britain has American style biscuits anyway, they are called Yorkshire Puddings.

>> No.6177144

You can put PORK on them. Of course they will be made illegal. How DARE you people eat something MY religion hates. Thats racist!

>> No.6177183

Yorkshire puddings are nothing like biscuits or scones. They're more like savoury pancakes.

>> No.6177192

Actually they're like extra-fatty popovers.

>> No.6177236

Why do you call them puddings when they're called popovers?

Fucking limeys.

>> No.6177242

why do japs call tea, cha? or rice, gohan? it's fucking tea dumb japs!

>> No.6177244
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english people
what do you call this?

>> No.6178783

a toasted roll

>> No.6178796

a muffin.
but a muffin as also a cupcake dooberry.

>> No.6178821

Looks kind of like a crumpet.

>> No.6178908


Every time.

>> No.6179184

Actually, they are called "Negro Cakes"

>> No.6179194

0/10 obvious b8. Filename says it all

>> No.6179215


>> No.6179245
File: 271 KB, 1600x1200, welsh_faggots_peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

popover in the UK mean visiting someone

>> No.6179261

Why would someone vomit on a plate like that?

Why is there so much avocado in that vomit?

>> No.6179403


theyre mashed peas, not avocado

and that is beef gravy not vomit

>> No.6179487
File: 48 KB, 450x308, stew-and-dumplings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cookie is a type of biscuit, The big round ones with chocalate chips in.

We don't really eat savory scones with gravy in Britain. We have dumplings or maybe Yorkshire pudding with gravy.

The thing you inexplicably call a biscuit looks a lot like a dumpling to me (pic).

>> No.6179495

You ever had an American biscuit? Not even close to a scone.

It's buttery, flaky, and pulls apart in a certain way. They're designed in a way where they're good with gravy in some Southern breakfasts.

A scone is closer to a desert roll or light snack if anything.

>> No.6179496

Because you britistanis touch yourself at night.

>> No.6179498

It has to be a Southern cream gravy, possibly with sausage in it, not the brown variant.

>> No.6179501

I should have written...
It's because you britistanis touch yourselves at night.

It's the beer!

>> No.6179505

Its mushy peas m8, not mashed.

We likes em best with pork pie or fish n chips we do.

>> No.6179512

Musty peas and dick cheese, no wonder we revolted and went independent from England. You people are vile!

>> No.6179515

Yeah I know its like a dumpling.

Have you ever had a dumpling? They are buttery and break apart when you put them in gravy like in the pic i posted.

>> No.6179554
File: 76 KB, 686x397, biscuits vs dumplings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biscuits and dumplings are very different.

Dumplings are a very simple wet dough that's used as a filler in some soups or stew like meals.

Biscuits are a flaky roll that pulls apart in layers and is normally made with quite a bit of butter.

>> No.6179661
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, keyboard man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>britbongs actually believe cookies are called "biscuits"
i chuckled irl

>> No.6179678

Hahaha! Here are real keyboard men, not that which you posted.

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Live) - Elton John & Billy Joel

>> No.6179691

the roots are better than these faggots lmao
>liking dadrock
get some taste

>> No.6179694

Here's another for fun, Piano man with those two.

Elton John and Billy Joel - Piano Man live

>> No.6179695


/mu/, please.

>> No.6179702


>having such pleb tastes I fell down three classes in the caste system
>the year of Allah 2015

Make acquisitions of finer tastes in music

>> No.6179703

riight, roots. OK. Keep beliveing in that roots shit and you'll go far in life, only if you have a degree in nigger studies.

>> No.6179704

Hey /ck/ who would win in a fight? Ebola or 1 trillion Gordon Ramsay's

>> No.6179705

actually it's momrock, sorry for the confusion

entry level as fuck

>> No.6179707
File: 51 KB, 468x419, at least hitler could use an oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6179708


>> No.6179719

>implying Gordan Ramsay wouldn't win in less than 5 minutes

>> No.6179730
File: 242 KB, 500x375, flavortown-guy_fieri_times_Square1-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gordon and Guy should get a room and ball gag each other, they'll be on the road to flavortown and the burning cauldrons of oil in the dark depths of hell that only fags know.

>> No.6179742

So they'll be in >>/pol/?

>> No.6179743

Who cares as long as it's not here.