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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 1729x742, sticky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6172614 No.6172614 [Reply] [Original]

Would you like a sticky for /ck/ ?

A place to store good tips/tricks, recipes etc.


>> No.6172625


Could include, .pdfs of cookbooks, guides on buying fresh iongredients etc.

>> No.6172626

We had one for a while, didn't we?

>> No.6172637
File: 277 KB, 1280x960, komiskoiwai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away tetra

>> No.6172640
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Not sure, since I didn't browse /ck/ much even though I like cooking.

>> No.6172662

I'd rather get that from normal threads, recipes and other food related stuff can be too subjective for a sticky.

What I'd like is to force those who post about fast food chains to have a general, it's embarassing the amount of fast food related discussions you find in /ck/ and it annoys me when you criticize people from the USA for that exact same reason and they come out with "muh cuisine" or "lol good bait mate xDxD". I think it would make this place better, I'm being 100% honest here.

>> No.6172667


Wouldn't mind if we had a recipe book dump tho.

>> No.6172669
File: 34 KB, 675x694, 1414026213890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I had to google what the hell was kokum

>> No.6172681


At the very least this, a recipe book dump would be stellar.

>> No.6172708
File: 136 KB, 473x584, faggots_o_336515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6172711

I thought there was one at one point. Something filled with technique cookbooks recipes would be great. Also if you could make it clear that only high level food discussion or technique threads or gear threads or actual cooking threads should be posted instead of all this fucking garbage that some 10 year olds put up every day for no reason that would be great.

>> No.6172720


This, A thousand times this.

>fast food threads
>joey threads
>alcoholic threads

its bullshit

>> No.6172764

I think we definitely need a sticky with at least a guide on how to improve ramen so it's not asked every single day.

>> No.6172771
File: 915 KB, 1000x3400, 815c3043a35deb33526b5bc663f2bb455a747d46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this? It's on the booru, like most verticals.

>> No.6172775


Surely that could be included in the sticky too?

>> No.6172782

no, it would go to 15k+ posts and useless to anyone wanting to look for anything.

>> No.6172789


check out /fit/s sticky

it is locked for posting and contains links to all information in 2 replies.

>> No.6172790



>> No.6172803


I take it you voted no.

You are adverse to free recipe books?

>> No.6172809


>> No.6172811
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>> No.6172820
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It's a good idea but who will dictate what goes in it?

How many ramen recipes can we add?

Will there be beans in the chili recipe?

Can I add my momma's signature sweet southern barbecue corn casserole?


>> No.6172826

>tfw a girl will never look at your dick like she is looking at that pizza

>> No.6172828
File: 761 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-01-24-17-00-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to go OP

>> No.6172830


Can give me a good reason as to why free information should not be shared that relates to the board?


PDFs of published books...

>> No.6172832

That's why I saved that picture :/

>> No.6172835

But free information abounds on /ck/
YOU need to prove why we NEED your specific brand of off format bullshit

>> No.6172844

The votes say otherwise.

>> No.6172846


/ck/ : food and cooking.

Would you like cookbooks from world renowned chefs for free?

Would you like an aggregate of tips and trick that would improve the food you want to eat for free?

All in one place at the click of a button.

We NEED this because people are lazy and this would help

>> No.6172847

These threads come up every few months.
I'm convinced it's just a troll.
report it and hide

>> No.6172848


then vote no

>> No.6172852

>advocating theft

also it's called making a thread. it will give you all that info in a more specific, custom, interactive format

>> No.6172853

No. You can't make me vote, and anyone with a brain knows that your strawpoll results are not an accurate representation because you can't make us vote, but keep on trolling.

>> No.6172856

Sorry guys, wrong poll


>> No.6172857

IF you weren't a troll, then you would have come in here with a completed sticky. You would have most the information already compiled and ready to go.

>> No.6172864


What is this site if not a haven of copyright theft, every board has copywritten material in every single thread.

>also it's called making a thread. it will give you all that info in a more specific, custom, interactive format

Then you would do away with all the questions that are posted constantly.

Choose to be a nigger and abstain from voting, truly your vote doesn't matter.

>> No.6172868

don't try and backtrack now, thieving scum
you're trying to rope moot into willingly hosting illegal content.

that's a violation of rule 1, bucko

you're fucking out of here

>> No.6172869

nice try, but thanks for bumping this thread on first page for almost an hour

>> No.6172875

What are the reasons for not having one?

>> No.6172877

the more people see how stupid you are, the more anyone promoting a sticky will get laughed at

>> No.6172887


wait and see shall we?

>> No.6172891
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>> No.6172894

>truly your vote doesn't matter.
None of them matter.

>> No.6172903

This thread has come up every few months since I've been here (7 years) and there still is NO STICKY because one is not needed. Run along back to your main board, hack.

>> No.6172904


thinking that the admins and mods don't listen to what is happening on the boards is idiotic.

If the board shows support for an idea they will implement it,


It was not always there, the board wanted it, this thread is here to determine whether or not /ck/ wants a sticky.

Clearly you don't, now lets see if anyone else wants one.

>> No.6172908

ok brah where's the sticky you want implemented

>> No.6172919

Just say no to newfag enablers.

>> No.6172921

cooking is subjective, and any and all information that you would find in the sticky would be refuted as garbage by anyone who reads it, due to the subjectivity of the topic.

itd have to be editted all the time

itsd be a fuck ton of work.

its better like this

>> No.6172922


Then lets turn this thread into a recipe book contribution thread.

I know mary and vincent price's cookbook is out there since I downloaded the pdf version from an archive link from here. Anyone have a link?

>> No.6172925

No. That's what ruined /mu/.

>> No.6172930


yet a cookbooks contents can be used by anyone based upon their deemed merits.

>> No.6172935
File: 145 KB, 797x1039, 2015-01-24_173314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6172949


this is why your parents don't care about you anon.

>> No.6172951


>> No.6172955

>ask for recipes
>get recipe
>insult poster
great plan
i bet you're one of those guys who begs for money and then throws a fit when people won't give you more

>> No.6172959
File: 238 KB, 362x381, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>asking for published cookbooks
>receiving tumblr recipes

To use your analogy:

I bet you're one of those guys who begs for dollars and then throws a fit when people give you pesos.

>> No.6172968

but i didn't beg
and im not going to help you commit a crime

no wonder no one can stand you

>> No.6172973

A sticky wouldn't be possible here so is useless. So with so many opinions from so many different places it would not only be impossible to make in the first place except for the most basic things that could easily be looked up but would be impossible to maintain.

We all get banned from time to time and that's that, but maintin some sticky here, no, it's not worth it given the decent threads that do come about here from time to time.

>> No.6172976

I can see it now. /ck/'s sticky will be full of essential burrito lists for Chipotle and essential sandwich lists for Subway.

>> No.6172982

Vote NO

stickies just shit up the board

>> No.6172992

Don't vote.
If this was going to be an actual thing, a mod would post a vote, not some random casual. Don't give him the satisfaction.

>> No.6173012
File: 182 KB, 1320x1172, 1397085013738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the sticky to be written by rambling guy.
I miss him so much

>> No.6173020

Because it's already out there, hell man go to a thrift store and find some cool old cooking books. But that's opinion and that's what a sticky would be. Opinion and opinions on other opinions and then it would need a mod to itself, so why bother?

It would be a waste of time for /ck to have a sticky when it's so easy to just ask. Opinions change that's why a sticky would go to 15k+ posts or maxed out in seconds, and what's someone to look for?

What's the best way to cook and serve oatmeal? Chili w or w/o beans? Is that chili?

It's not worth the effort to make one when that's the point of the message board itself.

>> No.6173025


>> No.6173031

No. Read the sticky.


>> No.6173032

setp 1
throw out nudles
step 2
buy glorious american food
step 3

>> No.6173171

hearts got banned for her advent calendar thread of free cookbooks. Don't think a sticky of the same would work.

>> No.6173213

>All in one place at the click of a button.
yeah, at google or any other search engine

>> No.6173355

OP, and the people who voted YES
Just go to http://unofficial-ck.wikia.com/wiki/The_Unofficial_/ck/_Wiki or http://4chan-ck.wikia.com/wiki/The_/ck/_Wiki
and make it a real wiki.

And don't post copyrighted material, retards.

>> No.6173397


Cooking help is simple to find on google, there are tons of instructional and recipe sites on the internet.

If people are too helpless to find shit themselves, they deserve to starve or live on fast food.

>> No.6173491

It would be far too difficult to aggrigate information that we could agree on.

If you look at other stickies (let's use /fit/s as an example), it's full of actual information for something that is actually pretty simple. It gives a basic introduction to weight lifting, proper diet, and even stretching. For cooking, you might have things like, basic introduction to cooking tools and ultra basic technique (this is what sauteing is, this is shallow frying, this is roasting/baking, etc), but getting into ANY more depth than that, or promoting specific cuisine styles would be far too difficult. If all you're going to post is a sign for retards who haven't even bothered to learn the most basic things about cooking, you're not going to have a useful sticky to the rest of the board (a bunch of newfags on /fit/ don't even read the sticky and ask questions in new threads that the sticky covers).

Want to know why /ck/ likes bitching about beans in chili? Sure, it's funny, but it's also because bean/no bean are both valid for making chili. If you put up a sticky that says "well, you can do this, or you can do that, it doesn't really matter because it depends on your taste." it's not useful at all.

>> No.6174016

Of course, and it's not like people come to this board wondering if it's acceptable to put beans in chilli, what the best hot sauce is, or what actually IS the beat fast food. People come here to shitpost shit topics and argue/troll. Just because some newfag comes in and is not happy about it is no reason to change it.
Don't get me wrong, I hate the shitposting, but a sticky isn't going to fix it. And really, it's majorly /fit/ who comes here and derps about how there isn't a sticky.
IF there was a sticky, It should just have a re-direct to http://ck.booru.org/index.php
the knife vertical (I think most can agree on it)
a re-direct for /fit/'s chx breast boredom like, http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/great-recipes.asp?food=keto+chicken (not to push keto, but to let them choose their own carbs)
The only useful thing that I can think of would be a conglomeration of slow cooker recipes.

Nothing is going to stop the pizza, joey, slow cooker, fast food, and now chicken tenders (OMG /v/ is trolling so funnay!) threads from occurring.

>> No.6174031


NOPE. Fuck your strawpoll

>> No.6174149
File: 43 KB, 500x610, 1391553527289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would prefer not to have a sticky because its simple enough to just type


The only other thing I think the sticky would have is a tldr of the ramen threads and the only content that is truly cancerous that comes up is that Joey thread.

I don't mind food reviewers, or the occasional thread, but having a perpetual general is really excessive guys.

>> No.6174150

I would however be in favor of this.

>> No.6174162

>world renowned chefs

Pick one

>> No.6174177

See, OP?
This level of retardation makes a strawpoll useless. People can't even fucking read.

>> No.6174194

A nutritional guide might help.

I live on take away meals and started lurking /ck/ to learn about cooking and after a while I realised that my major hurdle is actually knowing WHAT to cook, rather than HOW to cook it. That part can come later.

I saw someone mention the sticky on /fit/ so I had a look and it's loaded with a bunch of information that would take time to sift through. So I bookmarked it and plan to read it when I have lots of free time.
I need t know what my body needs before I figure out what to cook and then how to cook it.

So perhaps a simple nutritional guide for dummies could be useful.

That's my two cents plus 20% tip.

>> No.6174212

>this thread is here to determine whether or not /ck/ wants a sticky.
The demand for a sticky on other boards is usually the result of newfriends asking the same questions all the time and the regular users get tired of answering those same questions. I'm not sure if I'm seeing that problem here on /ck/.

I'm neither for or against a sticky . Just thought I'd throw my extra two cents in.

In addition to this : >>6174194 (which is me)

>> No.6174214

It's worthless.
You want something? Go find it and bring it back here.
You're not contributing, you're just holding out an empty hand.
No one is taking notes about how to personally help you or anyone else.
Why don't you go find useful info, compile it into an easy to read form, and post it asking if we agree?

>> No.6174215
File: 38 KB, 556x565, 1357775470987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa mang, kinda rude anon. Dude literally said "Thats just my two cents"

>> No.6174218

I've always thought it was a good thing that this board never had a sticky.

Easily 70% of the advice people here give is complete bullshit from people with absolutely no idea what they are talking about, who just want to post.

>> No.6174225

Fucking take your actual 4 cents back and cram them, faggot.

>> No.6174238

things i see the most:

cooking on a budget
scrambled eggs
fast food

though people may not like these threads, they are very common and could be dealt with in the sticky

>> No.6174243


this is not including the alcohol threads. i like that they're here but they really don't need to be in the sticky since they're self-explanatory.

>> No.6174253

How would fast food threads be "dealt-with"? Or are you suggesting that a potential sticky would highlight those threads with a "please refrain from making" or "Check the Catalog for"?

>> No.6174281


The thing is: NOBODY will read the fucking sticky and these threads will still exist. The only thing that will happen is retards, like you, will start constantly replying "READ THE STICKY!" And since we all know that they won't the thread will just just end up a huge pile of shit with you whining in it.

>> No.6174292

They weren't his four cents. They were mine. What's your problem?
Presumably, this is you also: >>6174281

I don't really care about having a sticky but reading your posts makes me want to push for one just to piss you off.

>> No.6174293

Thanx, btw.

I really don't see why that poster is being so irrational.

>> No.6174338

Sticky a /ck/ recipe book. Proper recipes for chili, steak, ramen, etc...

>> No.6174348

bitch is tripping balls

>> No.6174363

A /ck/ sticky is a stupid idea, mostly proposed by americans who don't believe that the cuisine in other countries can be different from theirs.

>> No.6174421

No this has never happened

>> No.6174474

/ck/ could really use a sticky. Someone and it's not going to be me, because I don't give that big of a shit, should make links to "how to eat cheaply, but nutritionally sound", "intro into cooking" and "general cooking/baking questions". Also good cookbooks should be included.

Also, since I'm already ranting about /ck/, "food pics from *insert country/location*" should be a fucking temp banned.

>> No.6174476

>Would you like a sticky for /ck/ ?

>> No.6174479


>> No.6174484

The day /ck/ gets a sticky is the day I will know we have truly fallen and will leave forever.

It would be the very definition of "this is why we can't have nice things".

>> No.6174769


61% of voters disagree with you.

>> No.6174783
File: 959 KB, 2048x1152, gaylord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>61% of faggots disagree with you


>> No.6174789
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 1421849952037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Surely if all no voters are faggots then that should be 100% of faggots disagree with you.

Or are you a faggot too?

>> No.6174795
File: 701 KB, 3264x1840, gaytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know beans about /ck/, do you?

>> No.6174916

Totally agree. did you listen to Moot's opinions on generals in the talk?

>> No.6175151


no what did he say?

>> No.6175171

The bit about not wanting 4chan used as a chat room, because the general threads push slower moving threads that might be more relevant to that particular board into deletion?

>> No.6175256

>It would be far too difficult to aggrigate information that we could agree on.
Knife technique, vegetable cuts (how to julienne an onion, dice bell peppers, etc.), cooking methods (blanching, braising, etc.) and when they're appropriate, classical French cooking (roux, bechamel, veloute, etc.)

Recipes should be the last thing in a sticky.

>> No.6175278

Doesn't necessarily need to be a sticky, but a /ck/ cookbook would be neat.

>> No.6175285


thats pretty reasonable

>> No.6175295


>how to fry ice cubes
>how to add lemon juice to cream-based dishes
>microwaving raw eggs, a beginners guide
>butchering your own animals

>> No.6175694
File: 137 KB, 752x581, 14213309351061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Teach me your ways anon

>> No.6175706


>> No.6175802


Story of your life

>insert One Direction joke here

>> No.6175810


if we ever get a sticky please make this the OP pic

>> No.6175860

>how to add lemon juice to cream-based dishes

Would that curdle it?

>> No.6175895
File: 135 KB, 2197x1463, Robin_Williams_PicGetty_Image_2_471929641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, he was being ironicle i believe

>> No.6176164


yes, basic info or at least links to it would be great.

Anyone know any reason why not to?

>> No.6176351


reasonable requests

>> No.6176472
File: 13 KB, 277x298, sticky date PUDDIng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the image in a /ck/ sticky would have to be Sticky Date Pudding.

>tfw no date

>> No.6176588

Read the thread.

>> No.6176799

We don't need a sticky. Leave now.

>> No.6176982

Holy shit! You couldn't be bothered to read the thread for all the reasons WHY NOT TO do this?!
Do you think others like you will read the sticky before starting a thread covered in the sticky?!

>> No.6178806

bumpity bumpity

>> No.6179443

bumping for justice

>> No.6179452

I think we should get a sticky for the most commonly asked questions,"How do I make ramen taste gud'',''How do I fry chicken breast'',''I'm from /fit/pls rape my boipussy'',''Poor college student trying to eat cheap and healthy'',you know shit like that

>> No.6179479
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>lets fix the boards guize

>> No.6179484


>fuck the board i love me a chicken tendies thread

>> No.6179485
File: 34 KB, 640x432, 1421836656601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's just keep wallowing in the shit all the newfriends bring in on a daily basis

>> No.6180083


>> No.6180088

>your shit is any better.

>> No.6181085


Some shit can be prevented