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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6170843 No.6170843 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever use this stuff? Does it make water unhealthy? Is it bad? Why?

>> No.6170846

It is basically the syrupy Jew. It's alright horridly unhealthy. Just drink water and coffee/tea.

>> No.6170853

Disgusting. There must be something seriously wrong with you if you think it's appealing to add drops of some horrid chemical fruit flavor or else you can't imagine drinking water. I guess maybe if you live in one of those plains states where the tap water smells foul, but you can just buy bottled stuff...

>> No.6170857

NO NO NO, I love water! I just sometimes like a fruity drink, and I don't have more than 1 glass of juice per day usually, and tea gets boring.

I'm not having this with every bottle. Just sometimes.

>> No.6170867

I use this at work when I'm on a long shift in the kitchen and tempted to hit the soda fountain for a sugar rush. A few drops in my water and I'm good to go and my craving for sugar is mitigated.

>> No.6170872
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At home my tap water is hard. You can taste copper and lime crust. I use these for two reasons, to cover up the hard water taste and because juice and iced tea mixes and shit like that is too fucking sweet. These drops let me control the sweetness.

I also use them camping, because I don't buy bottled water (i think buying bottled water has so many detrimental effects, i just don't do it). I use a hand pumped ceramic water filter, fill up some nalgene bottles every morning, and use the Milo drops sparingly because I don't buy ice either, so it makes the water nice and tasty even if it's warm.

>> No.6170895

Just drink real juice then you fat fuck.

>> No.6170900

I like it with vodka and water.
Like, half cup vodka, half cup water, 4 shots of mio and I'm good to go.
Cherry blackberry and blueberry pomegranate are my favourites.
Hmm now I wanna make one. I need a drink.

>> No.6170902

Someone gave me a bottle. I put it in water, it made the water taste like Powerade without sugar. It's fucking revolting.

>> No.6170905

I love it. If I had access to it (eurofag here) I would use it on everything, especially flavoring desserts.

>> No.6170909

it tastes awful

>> No.6170916

All of you guys are using it wrong. Drink that shit raw, it's great to give your taste buds a shock.

>> No.6171574

It's amazingly overpriced compared to regular squash, which you Americans don't seem to have.
The only sugar-free squash that works is lemon. I could chug sugar free lemon squash all day.

>> No.6171594

>Natural flavouring
>With other Natural flavouring
Any americans care to explain this shit?

>> No.6171599

it's saying the natural cherry blackberry flavoring plus other, non specific 'natural flavoring'

>> No.6171619

Try diluting it next time.

>> No.6171620


I'm with this guy. The lemon flavour stuff is the only one that didn't taste horrid and leave the artificial sweetener aftertaste in my mouth.

>> No.6171624

Powerade zero drops are better
blue is my shit just bought a 6-pack off amazon

>> No.6171630
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Get one of these, enjoy good water, use fluoride rinse.

If all you ever drink is sweetened, you'll expect everything else to be sweeter. And artificial sweetener can cause you to eat more.

>> No.6171634

I just use sugar free orange squash all the time.

>> No.6171637

Are you a girl, or a straight up raging faggot? You sound like both. If plain water is boring you try sparkling water, San Pellegrino is my choice. And now I'm the one that sounds like a huge faggot, sparkling water. Lel.

>> No.6171659

>san pellegrino
Independently confirmed for being a huge faggot

>> No.6171661

I offered my disgusting family with aspirations to patrician status a taste test between a bottle of san pellegrino and regular £0.17 2L bottle of filtered sparkling water.
None of them could tell the difference, and I couldn't either.

>> No.6171692

I don't see the harm in enhancing your water if that's the only way you physically can stand drinking a healthy intake of water. There is quality research that shows correlations between artificial sweeteners and destruction of good bacteria in the gut. (An unhealthy gut can lead to IBS, for one thing). There is more dubious research done on links to cancer, migraines, brain changes, and cravings for sugar. So, take that with a grain of salt.
But, if you are double-dosing on the drops? Need them to be at the point of creating a kool-aid? Several times a day? Probably too much.

You can try to enhance your own water with infusions of delicious unsweetened tea, or splashes of fruit juice. A little mint bigelow in a cup of water can be crazy refreshing chilled down, or diluted into two cups. Same for luzianne by the pitcher, and you can even toss in a flavored bag like cinnamon-orange. You can steep your own hibiscus tea from mexican groceries, which is high in antioxidants, or buy celestial seasonings 'zinger' flavors. It's tart and citrusy.

>> No.6171694


>> No.6171793
File: 551 KB, 245x220, 1414938109578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god this is worse than /v/'s gamer fuel threads.

>> No.6171796
File: 34 KB, 252x233, 1388954686555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing about thread types on /v/

Sorry, were you just trying to be superior to something, anon-kun?

>> No.6171797
File: 281 KB, 500x301, 1414934082623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing things about things is bad guys I swear
>just burn the books dude nobody needs to learn about what not to become

>> No.6171799
File: 854 KB, 1936x2592, iciEPgI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being an expert on the traditional threads of shit tier crapflood boards like /b/ and /v/ is like nazi book burning

You can't make this stuff up

>> No.6171801
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>mentioning one thread

>> No.6172442

Tried one. Never again. Yuck. Just make some damn kool-aid, tang, or something. Convenience and vanity, has a price. The price, is your health. You really should look into the chemicals that make up that shit.

>> No.6172453

put that shit in vodka. yes it is actually bad for you.

>> No.6172479

GROSS, and trust me I'm not like these queers OP...I don't care about it being bad, I live off Chinese food and steaks. But those just taste so bad...I've tried em and the flavors are just bad. Just have juice or gatorade.

>> No.6172502

When I was trying to get off of diet soda bought maybe ten different 'water flavorers' and rotated through each.

That brand was pretty lousy. Bad aftertaste. Some of the others were pretty good, though - the Koolaid Brand ones tasted like KoolAide.

>> No.6172709
File: 221 KB, 600x883, 5930d626abb2f745e91f24fc18ddb75f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. A squirt of the lemonade flavour to coke or diet coke recreates that pepsi twist I so long for.

One bottle can last a month for me. I wish they offered no-flavour, just like a sugar taste to add to stuff like oatmeal.

>> No.6172944

I only remember those furry commercials
