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File: 88 KB, 760x648, about-almond-header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6168450 No.6168450 [Reply] [Original]

i dont give a shit what you say. Almond milk tastes better than real milk.

>> No.6168466
File: 80 KB, 688x1434, jfrqx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's it feel being lactose intolerant

>> No.6168469

Sure, when it's full of sugar. Then again so does german chocolate cake.

>> No.6168472

I agree. Dairy is for fat fucks.

I drink enriched soy milk though. Well I don't drink it. I just put it in my coffee. That is the only thing an adult would need milk for.

>> No.6168481


I'm not lactose intolerant though, I drink Almond Milk out of preference on its own and on cereal. Though I mostly use dairy milk for everything else like shakes and other shit.

>> No.6168490


I don't give a shit what YOU say. I've tried both almond and soy and they both tasted gross to me. I'll stick with regular old 2% milk.

>> No.6168816

>can't even handle coffee

>> No.6168820

i seriously can't believe that you drink unactivated almond milk

>> No.6168832

what makes you think it's unactivated? because, i'll tell you what, I've SEEN the almonds, and they looked pretty activated to me

>> No.6168833

it tastes better in that it's a cleaner and more refreshing taste
but I drink and use milk because I want the taste of milk
I drink and use almond milk when I want the taste of almonds

>> No.6168857

I think they both taste good, but are different enough products that you can't compare them like that.

>> No.6168904

True. I think almond milk is better for pure drinking and most cereals/oatmeal, but dairy milk is better for almost all cooking purposes.

>> No.6168908


other than it feels thinner, its better in every way

i don't want whole milk thick, i find that unpleasant

but 2% has just the right texture

>> No.6169475

I put unsweetened almond milk in my tea and I bake with it occasionally. dairy milk's for losers.

>> No.6169523


Except for all those additives bro. Ever read the back of a carton of that stuff? Very few brands are just almonds and water. They are usually loaded with sweeteners, texturizing agents, preservatives, etc.

>> No.6169537

i'd rather eat a handful of almonds and drink a glass of water. that's probably more nutritious than almond "milk" too.

>adding milk to coffee

>> No.6169538
File: 9 KB, 195x258, nofucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same faggotry run rampant, I tell ya

>> No.6169559

big dairy shill detected

>> No.6169576

hey, I do appreciate tree nuts and, to a lesser extent, ground nuts as long as they are presented in the proper form. you can enjoy deez nuts you rascal. Milk that is extracted from a nut is unacceptable as far as i'm concerned.

>> No.6169594

almond milk is sugar water. no protein

>> No.6171480


>drinking anything for the "nutrients"

>> No.6171511

>much protein
Unless you're a body builder you should literally be trying to lower the amount of protein in your diet

>> No.6171530

unless literally a literally builder literally should literally be literally to literally the literally of literally in literally literally literally

>> No.6171534
File: 24 KB, 400x462, M8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x makes you fat

Please. Everyone should be drinking whole milk and if they can't drink a glass without getting a calorie surplus maybe they should put less on their plate or stick to water.

>> No.6171538

>Everyone should be drinking whole milk
Literally ayy lmao. Do people actually believe this in this day and age of our lord 2015

>> No.6171543

Do people actually believe milk is unhealthy in 2015?
Looks like the vegan propaganda machine worked..

>> No.6171546
File: 106 KB, 900x960, 0EbcANZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soy "milk"
>almond "milk"
>2% milk

Is this the "I hate milk" thread

>> No.6171549

There is literally nothing wrong with skim/lite/2% milk.

>> No.6171552

What's the point? It's not as creamy and it takes out most of an important macro. Don't say something like saturated fat is bad based off a hypothesis that is still a hypothesis after all these years.

>> No.6171555

There's nothing right either. It tastes like milk flavored water, it's the same shit as almond flavored water

>> No.6171556

Is literally unhealthy. Not even just a little

>> No.6171557

Tastes good. Just bug off. Why do you care that people enjoy it

>> No.6171559

How so? I'm curious. If it's one of those grass fed beef vs grain fed beef things then it's a moot point because most brands of these lite milks and milk substitutes likely have hormone and other types of tampering too.

>> No.6171561

>defending bad taste

>> No.6171715

Cows' milk is for baby cows. Fuck. I'm old, and have always hated milk. You might as well drink watered down snot.

For the rare times I eat cereal, I go with rice milk. Because its flavor isn't that far off from the cereal.

>> No.6171911

i like fresh and easy's unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

from having no sugar it taste really good.

i've tried califia farms almond milk and even sweetened it isn't all that great.

silk and almond dream are pretty decent.

been thinking of trying trader joes brand.

>> No.6172021

>Can't drink milk
>Want almond milk for cereal
>Live alone
>Can't drink all of it
>Most of it goes to waste
I wish they make smaller sizes of this stuff
I'm not really lactose intolerant but I can't handle milk and yogurt. Then again cheese and ice cream hurts if I have too much.
>Shit I might be lactose intolerant after all

>> No.6172051

>X is meant for Y


>> No.6172559

Are you retarded? Almond milk lasts for months, you're just wasting good almond milk

>> No.6172682

All milk goes bad after about a week after you open the container, including almond milk.

>> No.6173017

Dairy milk tastes disgusting and is disgusting.

>> No.6173467

that's literally untrue

>> No.6173505

Nut Juice

Milk comes from nipples of mammals.

>> No.6173578

No it doesn't you faggot.
>After opening, REFRIGERATED Almond Breeze should be used within 7 days. SHELF STABLE Almond Breeze should be used within 7-10 days of opening. Because Almond Breeze does not contain preservatives, it is susceptible to spoilage after being opened for a prolonged period of time.

>> No.6173591

Nut milks are a scam. Not to mention nut milk is essentially wasting nuts.

>> No.6173595


>> No.6173639

It definitely tastes more like almonds than real milk.

>> No.6173734


>> No.6173949
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond milk a shit

Superior nut milk coming through

>> No.6173959

Of course it tastes better. Who would deny that besides someone who is in the dairy industry?

>> No.6174337
File: 93 KB, 450x370, normal person after trying soy milk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blend nuts with water
>call it milk

Fuck off retards this shit ain't milk and calling non-dairy juice milk should be fucking outlawed.

>> No.6174341


>> No.6174412

hehe technically it's "nut juice"

>> No.6174862


It actually does. I'm not even lactose intolerant in the least, and I've been drinking almond milk the past few months. Fewer calories, too, 45 per cup for the unsweetened.

Coconut milk is ass, and soy is shit. Almond is god tier.


Whole milk is better than your low fat diet housewife fare. You don't bastardize a food to make it artificially less fatty. Fat isn't even bad for you, sugar is.

Foods that have fat:

meat, almonds, walnuts, nuts, seeds, cheese, avocados, olive oil

foods that have sugar:

donuts, soda, candy, cake, kid cereal


>eating 420 blaze it fad food
>eating what filthy hipster scum eats

>> No.6175007

Foods that have fat:

meat, almonds, walnuts, nuts, seeds, cheese, avocados, olive oil

Fine, try eating an all bacon diet and see how that works out for you.

>> No.6175107

I'm not defending his statements but that narrow comparison is disjointed and doesn't lead to anything accurate.

It's like people that claim chocolate is unhealthy and will make you fat because it contains fat, while ignoring that it's a potent appetite suppressant, cardiac stimulant, dilates your blood vessels and elevates your mood, while drastically increasing your body's preference towards lipolysis.

The fat is marginal, negligible, and meaningless, but they focus on it and ignore the whole. Likewise all of the foods up there would yield different effects if you tried to live solely on them. The biggest problem with bacon is most of its fat is unsaturated, and like anything, too much of one thing'll be bad for you. It's also lacking in other nutrients to remove toxins, as well as being high in neu5gc, whatever garbage preservatives and flavor additives it's laced with, and probably has toxic compounds from being fried up at high temperatures.

>> No.6175110

most of its fat is saturated*
Had my mind on olive oil.

>> No.6175194

But I'm lactose intolerant

>> No.6175207


>Fat isn't even bad for you, sugar is.

Why can't two things simultaneously be bad for you? Half of your "foods that have sugar" are also loaded with fat by the way. Don't know why you'd list a donut but not fruit.

>> No.6175622


Those lists aren't bias at all.

Foods that have fat:

Burgers, deep fried butter, potato chips, ice cream, pizza.

Foods that have sugar:

Beets, carrots, corn, bananas, apples, oranges.

See? I can make misleading lists that only support one side of argument too. I also like how your list of good fats has two nuts listed and after that you just say, "nuts."

>> No.6175652

I found it a bit weird and burnt-tasting at first. Acquired taste.

rice milk > soya milk sweetened with concentrated apple juice (common in England for some reason) > UHT cow's milk > cow's milk > almond milk > soya milk

>> No.6175664

fat and saturated fat are not interchangeable. milk is high in saturated, those other foods have a far lower ratio of fat:sat fat

>> No.6175666

*higher ratio

>> No.6175682

Common fats that the human body can reasonably digest are not bad for you in sensible quantities.


Oh look it's you again!

Does hemp milk actually have a creamy texture or taste? Mite b cool.

>> No.6175690

>Foods that have fat:
not so much actually

>> No.6175699

I never cared for milk but I love almond milk too, I especially like it with a coconut milk blend.

I had bad acne in my teens, and it has really cleared up since omitting milk and limiting cheese in my diet. Though I eat yogurt (Dannon Light and Fit) daily, and eat spinach in atleast 5 meals weekly to get my calcium.