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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 213 KB, 485x346, MeatlessMonday[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6167443 No.6167443 [Reply] [Original]

so who is getting their free burrito on monday?

>> No.6167450

>burritos that are like 90% rice
Fuck that, I'll just go somewhere and spend money to get an actual fucking burrito.

>> No.6167451

I'm not

>> No.6167696

>Not spending a little to get something free

That's some kind of Jew.

>> No.6167710
File: 121 KB, 500x375, pupusas_nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting a company as SJW as Chipotle
I'll go to my local place and get pupusas instead.

>> No.6167715

how about spending zero?

>> No.6167722

>spending money to get it

>> No.6167726

wtf is a sofritas

>> No.6167743

Enjoy your subpar health standards and low quality ingredients to save a few cents.

>> No.6167759

I love chipotle, but the shit that comes out of a dirty Mexican kitchen can be god-tier. Also those joints tend to use local stuff to save money, and that's good enough for me.

>> No.6167761

So what exactly is Sofritas? Well, it's seasoned chunks of organic tofu braised with chipotle chilis, roasted poblanos, and other spices. It's not the first vegan-friendly item on the Chipotle menu, which has always offered a meatless veggie burrito option. However, Sofritas should appeal to vegetarians looking for a more substance in their bowls, and even carnivores might appreciate a new taste that just happens to be lower in saturated fat, calories, and cholesterol than Chipotle's other meaty choices.

>> No.6167769

>shilling this hard

How many shekels are they paying you?

>> No.6167771

It's not really that bad, but I'd rather just get the regular vegetarian for the free guac. If it wasn't extra, I'd get the sofritas on top of my meat because it does have a really nice flavor. It's just not satisfying on its own.

>> No.6167773

Thanks, did you copy that directly from their marketing page or your employee manual?

>> No.6167789

Sofritas weren't so popular after all eh

>> No.6167796

lol got it from some site promoting the promotion cause wanted to know what sofritas were

I'm kinda interested to try but wouldn't want to waste a visit when I know the meats are going to be good

do they offer samples or something? I've only been there one time and it ended up costing just as much as my local mexican place which gives more food and tastes better

>> No.6167823

so I buy a sofritas and get a free burrito? I'm broke as fuck right now and can't ignore a good value on food, how much is a sofritas?

>> No.6167832


>> No.6167845

do you know what social justice is? you seem confused

>> No.6167855

I'm not even vegan or vegetarian, and I'll eat the sofritas. It's delicious.

>> No.6167860


you can ask them to not use so much rice.

>> No.6167865

They hate guns and are full #HandsUp.

>> No.6167867


it's like 9.50 with the fggt vegan tax and everything.

>> No.6167869

>broke as fuck
>eating at chains
I think I figured out why you're broke.

>> No.6167870

Shut up
It's 6.50 before tax I think

>> No.6167873


right but I bet you're a faggot.

>> No.6167876

I work there. Today I looked at the calories of our food, and realized how fat our customers are.
275 calories for a little 2 oz vinegrette sauce? Most people get two and pour it over their 8 oz 600 calorie rice.

Don't get rice. Rice is only supposed to be 4 oz/

>> No.6167883


Local stuff isn't cheaper, it's more expensive. We don't even profit on guacamole most of the time.

>> No.6167884

Indeed, we totally need to stereotype and shoot minorities on the slightest whim they might pull a gun out of the 6rh dimension.

Also definitely need the freedom to give the mentally unbalanced the right to buy assault weaponry unchecked so they can do population control in schools and other public areas.

>> No.6167889

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6167891


Hey fuck you, you dumb hick ass flyover state living cunt. The prices are higher where people actually want to live.

>> No.6167893

Our stance on guns is no stance. Just politely ask not to demonstrate them in our stores, it scares people.

>> No.6167899

>i pay more to live in a shithole filled with shit ass people doing shit things to each other
Congrats. I'm gonna go walk my dog.

>> No.6167917



>> No.6167923

I lol at people who think there's one ideal place. It's all about being where you can deal with the shit that place gives you the best.

>> No.6167925

Those aren't Mexican, also how are they? They look very similar to gorditas. Been meaning to convince my husband to try pupusas one of these days.

>> No.6167932
File: 517 KB, 1914x1632, 1353985486402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one in every thread.

>> No.6167951


seasoned way too heavily with cumin

>> No.6167956

You're the one that implied that though.
>you dumb hick ass flyover state living cunt. The prices are higher where people actually want to live.

>> No.6167981

Whats wrong with sanctions against a country if they are proven to be violating previous laws mentioned even within the image in order to force them to change? Are you saying we should do nothing?

>> No.6167993

>Whats wrong with sanctions against a country if they are proven to be violating previous laws mentioned even within the image in order to force them to change
Because that only impacts the populace who have nothing to do with policies that you dont approve of, it will never impact the leaders whom actually make the choices.
>Are you saying we should do nothing?
Yes, we are not the world police and it doesnt achieve anything save wasting more money.

>> No.6168014


I did not know this. I kinda wanted to try the sofritas anyway, but a free burrito? I'll take it.

>> No.6168028

>healthcare, food, education and housing aren't a basic human right
Faggot. I'm fucking done

>> No.6168048

>gibs me dat

>> No.6168051
File: 89 KB, 407x405, 1390522859378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont let that cognitive dissonance get you on your way out.

>> No.6168058

No. They aren't. Earn your fucking keep.

>> No.6168062

>hey Anonymous implied something mean...what a dick. Hey there's that anonymous guy again! Prick

You're an idiot.

>> No.6168070

Sorry. Next time I'll backtrace your IP address and make sure I don't look so dumb on an anonymous Austrian sandwich discussion board
I'm really upset about this.

>> No.6168079
File: 18 KB, 400x267, 1416078610406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6168095
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, 1420065940688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6168306

>Those aren't Mexican
Uh yes they are you fucking fudge-packing fag

>> No.6168337

fucking this, or spend just as much and make your own burritos, it's not that fucking hard. mother fuck Chipotle. My gf took me there once, once i saw the price and what they put in i refused to buy that shit and told her i'm never going back in that shit hole.

this anon knows what's up, i'll go to a food truck before i got to Chipotle.

>> No.6168340


>> No.6168356

i think you meant
4chan.org/pol is dedicated to quality posts like talking about smacking peoples food off their table if they take a picture of it.

Really hard hitting political discourse like that.

>> No.6168432

and then your GF left you for being an over reacting faggot? Bitch just wanted to eat out

>> No.6168433

tip fedora

>> No.6168452

Seriously this shit is ridiculous.
>I'll take a salad, I'm on a diet. teehee
>Don't forget the vinaigrette.
>Give me another one don't be stingy.
>Why ya'll gonna charge me for a third? It aint enough dont be stingy
>I want two full spoons of sour cream.
>I want a lot of cheese ya'll can afford it.
>More lettuce please it's good for you.
What a healthy diet.

>> No.6168559

the /pol/lution in this thread is making me want to go buy like 30 burritos just to spite them

is this some sort of new marketing strategy?

>> No.6168596
File: 42 KB, 325x247, 1362181770598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THey are friends of unwanted friends staying with /fit/. We need to tell /fit/ to stop coming here and to stop bringing his girlfriend sometime.

>> No.6168599

I'm gonna go out if my way to get tofu? Nah.

>> No.6168617

At my local chipotle they gave me the free burrito card without ordering the sofritas this past monday.

It's a really cool looking voucher to be honest.

I thought this event had passed and they were just giving away the extra cards but instead I guess their manager just didn't give a shit and walked around giving free burrito cards to everyone who was eating in.

I guess I'm getting two free burritos after next week monday :)

>> No.6168709

lmao god damn dat autism, how are you this fucking socially inept?

>> No.6168739
File: 46 KB, 746x544, 1374851205386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. You sound like a real fun guy.

>> No.6168749


>> No.6168775

socially inept how? because i'd rather cook then go out and waste money? it's not like i stormed out in an autism rage, i just told her i wasn't hungry, then when we got to the car i told her i wasn't going to pay $8 for a burrito that's 80% rice and fixed something at home.

>> No.6168778

this is a rich post. give the goy-BOY, give the BOY a round of applause.

>> No.6169191

so you sperged out. Bitch just wanted to eat out.

>> No.6169546
File: 3.68 MB, 5312x2988, b3dd1908-cf0c-406e-8153-49a44b56c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday's gonna be nuts. We've been selling a lot of sofritas this month already (new years resolutions is my theory... sales dropped a bit after the first week but not by a lot) and basically everyone that gets sofritas is made aware of the promo, not to mention the viral shilling on facebook, reddit, this thread, etc...

every once in a while we'll do that at my store. it "generates goodwill in the community," gives people a reason to come back to the store, and it's fun to see the looks on customers faces when you hand 'em out. pic semi related, every crew member got a fat stack of BOGOS to hand out the other day

>> No.6169550

Wait. didn't this used to be a burrito thread?

>> No.6169565


>> No.6169567

who gets more respect, a subway "sandwich artist" or a spic burrito roller

>> No.6169571

The closest Chipoots to me is like two hours away

>> No.6169573

this is fucked up. sofrito is a stew base not a fucking meat replacement. and why is it feminine and plural that's just stupid and wrong

it comes in a jar and you cook fideo with it why the fuck does anyone think this was a good idea?

it's like saying, try our new Onionly Pickleds and Mustardos instead of a burger!


>> No.6169577

>lower in saturated fat, calories, and cholesterol
Not very hard to do, admittedly, considering how fattening and caloric their menu is for what is billed as "healthy-ish" food

>> No.6169581

Yeh, you burgers are funny and have poor impulse control

>> No.6169584

how else do you make any of this shit tasty?

>> No.6169587

>go get free burrito
>line out the fucking door that's nothing but niggers and mexicans

Yeah nah

>> No.6169597

fuc kall this/these chipotle shills!

>> No.6169603

this is what's wrong 4chan. People who earn a living trying to convince other people that the garbage that they are selling is worth buying. Chipotle is taco bell with more aluminum foil

>> No.6169682

>fam goes to chipotle.
>i try sofritas because why tf not?
>everyone else gets chicken / veggie
>i wake up in the middle of the night 6 hours later violently puking my guts out
No thank you.

>> No.6169821

I dunno, I've never worked at subway, and our spics usually man the grill instead of rolling burritos. I'm also not sure how much prep work sandwich autists do compared to us... we chop/dice/slice/marinate/mash/grill our food (except carnitas, barbacoa, sofritas and beans, which all get reheated on the stovetop). they bake their own bread, but it's shipped frozen, right?

we get tips, do subway workers get tips?

>> No.6169835

>we get tips, do subway workers get tips
Not from me, brah. Nor will I tip the s'bux niggas for pouring me a friggin' coffee.