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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 618x494, chris-moot-poole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6165099 No.6165099 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this was moot:s favorite board

>> No.6165120

That's because /ck/ is the best board,also he probably will still check out the site and post anon.

>> No.6165125

so why did he resign in the first place? Guilt trip or what

>> No.6165126
File: 59 KB, 580x401, moot and baconrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every board was moot's favourite board for about a week.
then he saw how shitty it actually was and went back to trolling /a/ as anon.

>> No.6165128

The only reason he ever posted on here [while tripped] was attention

>> No.6165138

>based BaconRider
I've never seen that before. I just started going to /n/ and love his posts.

>> No.6165139
File: 986 KB, 500x318, excited-parks-and-rec-andy-dwyer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6165176

What happened to moot?

>> No.6165180

He got tired of being an administrator of a website full of weeaboo autistic faggots.
Can't really blame him.

>> No.6165181

I though it was /po/?

>> No.6165361

It was /po/

>> No.6165367

daily reminder moot is a cuck

>> No.6165376

Daily reminder that 4chan will be 200% better without Joot

>> No.6165416

What are you talking about? It was obviously /a/.

>> No.6165422

Maybe we'll finally get /hist/

>> No.6165425

So who's the new admin?

>> No.6165428

W.T. Snacks

>> No.6165432


>> No.6165449

I will always keep soup stocked for moot.

>> No.6165496

Yeah because he posted here quite frequently right?
I'm pretty sure it's well known his favorite board was always /a/.

>> No.6165657

So did he sell to gawker (or someone else), or did he retain ownership? Where does ownership now lie?

It seems things have actually gotten worse just recently. Which is saying something. Usually it's people that suck, not 4chan's functioning itself.

>> No.6165667
File: 97 KB, 890x492, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try reading the damned news post linked up top in enormous text.

>> No.6165668

4chan is officially owned by a shell company incorporated in suburban VA

That's about all you need to know, I hope you don't post anything that could be used to blackmail you in the future, like my boss sucks, my mother in law is a cunt, etc

>> No.6165673

Is snacks comin back?

>> No.6165683
File: 171 KB, 900x675, jr3ZUql7D1xa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily reminder that this was moot:s favorite board

And yet he has forsaken us just as much as /pol/. moot sold us out, and will be laughing to the bank soon.

>> No.6165697
File: 70 KB, 554x554, can't be chaika'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit about the containment board that was put up to keep the festering cancer that was /n/ - News from shitting up the entire rest of the website
>giving a shit about the containment board that insists on shitting up the entire rest of the website despite having its own damned board

>> No.6165707


You should jump off a bridge to celebrate.

Make sure you look before you jump, we wouldn't want any fish to get hurt.

>> No.6165708

And yet moot sees the containment boards as the equals of /ck/. It's going to be fun when Gawker buys this place.

>> No.6165717


I would prefer it if tumblr or reddit bought the place. I would love to see you /pol/acks have a mental breakdown over it. Plus having SJWs for mods would be awesome.

>> No.6165718

>being this delusional

this is why no one likes you, /pol/

>> No.6165722

I'm not /pol/ you fucking retards. I would hope people on a cooking board had reading comprehension.

>> No.6165728

/pol/ pls go.

>> No.6165735

I already did, fuck head. Have you? Nothing of the sort is mentioned.

>> No.6165745

he's stepping down as administrator and is passing that role to senior staff, it says right in the god damned post. eat a dick.

>> No.6165756

i'm hoping for /med/ or /phil/ but /hist/ would be cool too. Man, I love /ck/ but this is like when the silk road went down but with less drugs.

>> No.6165778

I'm not talking about what staff is running the operation, I'm talking about -ownership- of 4Chan LLC. Major difference, and my question remains unanswered in this regard.

>> No.6165817

/n/ Is the transportation board faggot

>> No.6165820

Moot should put 4chan in a trust charged with protecting this as a bastion of internet anonymity

>> No.6165824

This response is offensive and disallowed under the new SJW Gawker ownership. Permaban.

>> No.6165831

What cake will you bake and eat in MOOTs passing, /ck/?

>> No.6165833

GG fags are the worst, go back to your shitty cancerchan.

>> No.6165835

/n/ is the bikes board, newfriend.

>> No.6165853

That's not how capitalism or moot work.

>> No.6165876
File: 438 KB, 417x480, talltales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bullshit. Moot posted here like twice. Once for his favorite shitty ice cream flavor and another time for something nearly as trivial and in poor taste.

If this was truly Moot's favorite board than may I be struck dead by his wrath should a wild Moot appear.

>> No.6165905

It was because moot is a /cuck/

>> No.6165914

You tried

>> No.6165931

Bikes (with hot grills, at least) get banned, newfag. Its the F40-PH board.

>> No.6165954

look at that wavy hair
I'm 21 and he has more hair than I do

>> No.6165957

/n/ was once /n/ews but moot closed it for good reason. He later re-opened it as the transportation board.

>nsfw images get b& on a sfw board

/n/ is bikes and blimps now. dwi.

>> No.6165969

I go to that board about as often as it has new posts. So about every 6 months.

>> No.6165975
File: 790 KB, 600x338, blimp bike.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was always pretty slow but in recent months it has virtually died. Quite sad really.
Even sadder is that silly shil trying to sell jerseys to the three people who lurk regularly. haha

>> No.6165978
File: 19 KB, 500x404, r104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He responded to me a couple times on here. I did appreciate his interest

>> No.6165988

Fuck him and his pescetarian bullshit. There I said it.

>> No.6165991

I have a theory as to why moot is doing this and if I'm right (though I'm only 58.6% sure that I am) then I think he's making a smart move.

Don't ask me what that theory is because if I am right then it would be irresponsible of me to say. I just hope that he doesn't actually leave.

He has his moods like everyone else but I think he's a pretty good guy overall. I don't put him on a pedestal like some people do but I try not to judge him as harshly as a lot of others do. I think he'll be genuinely missed if he did disappear and his absence would be more noticable than you'd expect.

9/10 guy. Would have espresso with.

>> No.6165994


please tell us ur theory

>> No.6165996

>Don't ask me what that theory is because if I am right then it would be irresponsible of me to say

Do you really need attention that much?

>> No.6166005

Sorry but no.

No good can come from you knowing.

>> No.6166012
File: 119 KB, 771x763, /ck/ in bed, trying to sleep after thinking about mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly feel somewhat responsible for moot quitting, having sent him numerous drunk emails (he says he reads them all) - I feel bad towards other people I've known better, and hurt more, over the years.

I'm also still mad about having been banned a couple of times just this past month for using the F word here.

>moot only started 5 threads, at most, on /ck/
>tfw it was a very brief period of his life, but he responded to you many more times than he did via email

>> No.6166020

theory confirmed for ruse

pls go, ruseman

>> No.6166152

100 percint true he was /ck/er and /b/tard ty

>> No.6166157


>> No.6166444

It's sort of saddening to see that the only board which even seems to care about moot's departure is /a/.

Look at us, with our paltry 61 post thread on page 4...

>> No.6166452
File: 18 KB, 608x466, moots kitchen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, all you niggas weren't even here for this thread were you? He was asking for advice on where to store his pots. Silly fan art ensued.

>> No.6166454
File: 29 KB, 1578x726, unban please.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6166468

Oh, I remember this thread.
I'd like to see pics of his new kitchen.

>> No.6166469
File: 101 KB, 500x366, 476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I feel a little empty inside. Even thought he rarely posted outside of Anonymous, knowing we won't get to see any more of his silly pranks pulled on the site anymore saddens me. Like it or not, moot was like the God watching down over us all, and now he's just going to vanish, possibly never to be visibly seen on 4chan ever again and making those surprise posts that would derail a thread to hell and back.

It won't be the same without him. Thanks for all the years of faggotry, mootykins, and thanks for shitting all over /pol/'s face one last time.

>> No.6166476

Because /ck/ is slow as molasses compared to /a/, numbnuts.

>> No.6166483

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Did the right thing by stepping down, but too little too late.
He betrayed 4chan. You can forgive and forget if you want, but the fact of the matter is... he's not leaving because of his merits. He's leaving because he fucked up. Big time. And there's no coming back from it. And for those of you who see him as some sort of archetypical god-like figure... how pathetic.

>> No.6166487
File: 252 KB, 575x516, 1361532166296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sittin a little high on your horse there aint ya?

>> No.6166490

>hahah fuck moot what a faggot traitor but I'm still going to use his site everyday anyway!!!!
Time for bed, kiddo. You have school tomorrow.

>> No.6166491

In your analogy, what is the horse that I'm sitting on?

>> No.6166498

Well-aware of the treachery. All I can do is wonder when the day will come that this place becomes an intolerable, ban-happy cesspool for minor things. Biding their time, I guess.

>> No.6166506

Dude, look at these failures in life:
It's already full of otherkin and pokeman kids. These faggots just want to suckle (sp) on his teets, not for monetary reciprication, but because he's so awesome rad dude.

>> No.6166511

Gamergate broke me, tbh. Eight long years on here, and a horrible slut fucks everything up for those that actually care.

>> No.6166520

Jesus christ you are dumb.

>> No.6166532

Explain, please.

>> No.6166541

It broke us all.
Shit got real and he purposefully annoyed his demographic. Not in a cutesy "lol puddi puddi roody poo" word filter way. But in a "I'm king shit of fuck mountain" way. Too arrogant. He overstepped and alienated his clientelle.
I feel bad for him for making such a huge mistake, but then again, he isn't going to go broke. He'll be fine.

>> No.6166569

*have reading comprehension

>> No.6166571

Why did Starlord retire and get a desk job?

>> No.6166579

I've been on here on and off since 2006, so about the same time as you. This last year in general has been shitty on every board I lurk- /ck/ /o/ and /k/.

Dunno why, but my guess is the OC creators of our age have largely moved on, only to be replaced by a generation of kids raised by the internet who know nothing more than how to parrot memes and such. 90% of the posts I read in any given thread on any board are completely interchangeable.

Also to make this cooking related: tonight I made a buffalo burger, and I remembered just how overrated buffalo meat is.

>> No.6166598

>tonight I made a buffalo burger, and I remembered just how overrated buffalo meat is.
2007. I'm 43. I create OC. Here. Don't marginalize us.
But the last 6 months have been aweful site wide, I agree. But please don't project. You're neither older than me or more oldfag than me.

>> No.6166604

Wait, what? What happened? I've been gone for so long that I have no idea what's going on. I see moot's leaving, /r9k/ is calling him a cuck, and what does he have to do with gamergate?

>> No.6166606

i mean, read the whole article for maximum ragefuel, but


>> No.6166610

It's actually hilarious how much neo 4chan hates on memes nowadays, especially when you look at fucking boards like /v/ where just about every post has some retarded new fucking meme spouted in it every other word. I can't say /ck/ is all that great these days, but I definitely appreciate how you can tell this board does have more older users than some others.

>> No.6166614

>4chan hates on memes nowadays
>4chan hates memes nowadays
Choose one, super spade.

>> No.6166621

This thread fucking reeks of /pol/.

>> No.6166624

Try again.

>> No.6166627

Yeah, I'm not claiming any kind of status. I've always lurked around the site over the years, contributed a bit now and then, but that's about it.

Ironically my biggest contribution to 4chan culture was to /v/, and I've never even posted there.

>> No.6166636

Ugh. This makes me sad.

I always had a fairly high opinion of moot. Oh well.

I know this is like throwing a post-it into the ocean but I love and miss you guys. I haven't been around much and it doesn't look like things will change anytime soon but nonetheless with moot leaving, it kind of feels like the end of an era.

>> No.6166639

Well, gotta say that ED may be a BIT biased, but there are logs to read. I mean, this actually happened. And he's quiting because of it. There's no sugar coating. He rage quit. That's all.

>> No.6166641


>> No.6166651


I can't believe so many people fell for those logs. They're really, really obviously fake.

>> No.6166684

I thought they were real, but you saying "really, really" convinced me otherwise.
Have you read the 4chan blog post about dox? It's because dox. It's because logs got posted.
There was nothing inherently wrong with what was said.

>> No.6166686

proof or fuck off

all reasonable indications are to the contrary

>> No.6166776

He gave that up years ago, dumb-dumb.

>> No.6166809


There is really nothing I can say to you except if you think they are real you are absolutely fucking brain damaged and have never read a single thing moot has written before.

>> No.6166811
File: 57 KB, 1134x651, sawyer cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why i got banned all the time.

Fucking Mootles!!

>> No.6166932

>implying moot is not a weeaboo autistic faggot

>> No.6166958

is moot a cook?

>> No.6166976

>I'm pretty sure it's well known his favorite board was always /a/.
The only post I've seen from him since his announcement was on /a/.
It recieved approximately six million (metric) replies.

>> No.6166977
File: 1.56 MB, 400x267, 1416162176290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will probably call moot a faggot when he's posting as anon because you don't agree with his opinion
>and you'll never know it was him

>> No.6166979

lena dunham and felicia day are our new overlords

>> No.6166986


That's the beauty of Anonymous culture.

>> No.6166989


Yeah, mine too. Now it's complete shit.

You all suck, kill yourselves.

>> No.6167012

What the fuck do you expect from a bunch of hivemind morons who take any chance they can get to start up any kind of drama they possibly can, and also believe in anything presented to them as fact if it means they cam continue their spit flinging hate fuel over fucking nothing.

You still see the same pics posted all the time on this site that have otherwise been proven fake yet dumbasses think everything some random retard throws together to be the absolute fact. That has been and will always be the internet for you.

>> No.6167022
File: 136 KB, 256x375, usaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was always /a/

/a/ loved moot and moot loved /a/


>> No.6167054

Maybe years ago, but all the shitters on /a/ only like him because of e-celeb status, besides half the boards on this site are dead now. Fuck moot and the shitter he became.

>> No.6167113

Wow. I just spent the last 5 or so hours learning about Gamergate.

Despite the fact that I'm here everyday, I'd only ever seen pictures of that qt trope grill and had no idea about the whole issue otherwise.

After reading up on the backlash it probably was the nail in the coffin.

>tfw moot abandoned us over a completely unrelated board
>tfw moot abandoned us over a year ago, probably because he thought we were all somewhat normal, and tried to put together a meet-up and was most likely raped outside his apartment with a cast iron honing steel

>> No.6167131

>probably because he thought we were all somewhat normal

you literally have no idea what you're talking about. moot's done several meetups and panels and he's always used the site, he knows full well what the community is like.
hell, he built it for anime nerds in the Something Awful forums.

if you're going to read about that gamergate shit, stick to Kazerad's blog posts.

>> No.6167286

Shhhh, anon, these idiots need someone to blame for everything wrong ever.

>> No.6167384


>you literally have no idea what you're talking about

Well, I was here, at least, last year (apparently unlike you), when he tried to organize a /ck/ meetup and later backed out of it when crazy anons started getting crazy...

>> No.6167495

So 4chan has gotten so bad that even the captain is jumping ship?

Wish I had the willpower to do the same... but sadly there's nothing better and everything that used to be good is either down or a shell of its former self (I'm looking at you totse and somethingawful)

>> No.6167758
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus having SJWs for mods would be awesome.

>> No.6167765
File: 26 KB, 437x500, 1323375625836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember he had a conference thing where people ask him questions. He mentioned that /jp/ was his favourite board, and the one he frequents the most.

>> No.6167768

So long moot

>> No.6167772


>> No.6167921

cant spell cuck without /ck/

>> No.6168974

I'm not even joking
I don't care if someone says nigger as an insult but since 2008 or so the number of losers who just come to whine that feminazi niggerjew multiculti unredpills are why they're poor and permavirgin has gotten out of control

If I wanted the /b/r9k/storm hybrid this place is turning into, well, no one in his right mind does. "SJW" was never an insult until millennial guy fawkesers decided that not being a self victimizing bigot was bad. Maybe you have to be from the unemployed generation to get it? It doesn't matter, purge the scum

>> No.6169010

This horrible bait is not worth my time, please stop.

>> No.6169029

i've never seen this many buzzwords in one post before

>> No.6169042

This board does not usually warrant additional preparation, however this is something you should be prepared for anyway.


>> No.6169045

>this is something you should be prepared for anyway.
In a very broad sense since this is 4chan.

>> No.6169072

>purge the scum
You truly are the cancer of anonymous culture. You really are.

Please leave and I mean that sincerely.

10/10 if it was bait.

>> No.6169177

I was here before you. 4chan is not the same as /b/

>> No.6169898

>Implying anyone around here even remembers who Snacks was

>> No.6169926

>The logs are real, even though the ED outright admits that there's nothing to backup their validity.

I'm almost surprised that GG was so quick to accept these logs as gospel, given how nobody ever hesitates to accuse SJWs of false-flagging.

Laxed moderation and over-exposure killed 4chan. The site was well into its state of decline long before any of the recent drama.

>> No.6169941

Quite frankly GG is just as, if not even more fucking annoying than the SJW faggots they hate so much. Both sides are just insufferable and need to fuck right off.

>> No.6170976

Woud definitely lurking his blog frequently

>> No.6171638
File: 325 KB, 254x360, 1420842770838.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ stronk

>> No.6173587

>I was here before you.
Understood. Very few people can confidently make that claim so now, with your persona in mind, I view your earlier comments from a completely different perspective and I think I see where your comming from.

Anyway, I could write a wall of text about this but I'm sure you have better things to do right now.
Enjoy yourself.

>> No.6173648

moot probably managed to say every board was his favorite board. /o/ can't stop talking about it.