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6164299 No.6164299 [Reply] [Original]

just bought a cast iron pan

how do i season it

how long before it become god tier pan

pic semi related

>> No.6164303

shallow fry a few batches of chicken in crisco
bam, seasoned

>> No.6164307

>how do i season it

Put any food-safe fat on it (thin layer). Bake it. You should have a hard, shiny, black coating on the skillet. If it's sticky then you used too much oil and/or you didn't bake it long enough.

>>how long
Immediately if you did it right.

>> No.6164316

You dun fucked up now.
non stick pans are much better unless you want to be a hipster.

>> No.6164319


different tools for different jobs anon.

>> No.6164326

Get out of here with your balanced viewpoints. Haven't you learned that everything is black and white yet?!?

>> No.6164360



>> No.6164407

Did you buy it at target? It's preseasoned.

Check the surface of the pan. If it's smooth, you need to season it, and there are hundreds if not thousands of instructions online for that. If it's rough, it's been preseasoned, and you can start cooking today. It will never be as non stick as an old smooth one, though.

>> No.6164412

Not OP, but I use almost all metal utensils (other than my silicone spatula). Non stick would be torn to shreds and rendered useless by my high quality utensils.

>> No.6164435

>how do i season it


>Go to your local health food store or organic grocery and buy a bottle of flaxseed oil. It’s sold as an omega-3 supplement and it’s in the refrigeration section because it goes rancid so easily. Check the expiration date to make sure it’s not already rancid. Buy an organic flaxseed oil. You don’t want to burn toxic chemicals into your cookware to leach out forever more. It’s a fairly expensive oil. I paid $17 for a 17 ounce bottle of cold-pressed, unrefined, organic flaxseed oil. As it says on the bottle, shake it before you use it.

What I do is scrub a new cast iron pan with soap and hot water, then dry it, then rub a thin coat of Crisco shortening on it, inside and out, handle and all, then turn it upside down over a half sheet pan on the next rack down. Turn the oven on to 400, when it's preheated, turn the oven off and let the pan cool down. Then I'll brown a pound of hot Italian sausage to kind of break it in. Throw out that batch of sausage.

You ought to be good to go from that point. Don't use soap to clean the pan, just hot water and a scrub brush.

>> No.6164449

>heta stove top
>put like 3 or 4 quarters worth of oil in the pan
>heat it til just before smoking temp
>dont let it smoke
>tilt the pan until the oil has touched/covers every inch of the pan
>remove form heat and allow to cool entirely
>wash the pan clean
>dry with a paper towel completely
>repeat 3 or 4 more times


if you have patience, and avoid making the mistake of letting the oil just cook and get narsty, youll have a perfectly preserved pan.

ill season most every pan i have now. it makes it that much better to use.

also, roll silicon utensils and tools.

>> No.6164480



really only good for eggs

enjoy not being able to put it in an oven or use metal tools on it, or heat it to a smoking point

>> No.6164567


>autism: the blogpost

Just use Pam, it's goes on quick, smokes off around 450 and has no bad taste and doesn't cost $16 fucking dollars an ounce.

>> No.6164590

I did this.


Never needed to re-season.

>> No.6164625

Enjoy your shitty pan that doesn't hold its heat.

>different pans for different--
what >>6164319 said

>It will never be as non stick as an old smooth one, though.
Technically true, but it really makes far less difference than you'd expect, once you've got some decent seasoning on there... and that's decent seasoning as in what happens when you use the pan regularly, not some insane "rub it lightly with oil, heat to precise temperature, repeat ten thousand times interspersed with prayers and appropriate rituals" silliness.

>> No.6164652
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>> No.6164843


I find it ironic that you are recommending pam, yet also discussing the price.

Pam is nothing other than vegetable oil in a spray can with a high price tag. Read the ingredients label sometime.

>> No.6165037

I season my cast pans on my charcoal grill. Oil it up and toss it right on the coals. I cook my steaks and such as usual letting the drippings fall into the pan as I go. Once the coals are cold I pull the pan and rinse with hot water, scrub with a bamboo wok brush and wipe it out with a lightly oiled paper towel and it's good to go. This works kill.

>> No.6166350

even then nonstick/teflon for eggs is bullshit

i get better, nonstick and better tasting results using a stainless fry pan because I know how to actually fucking use it

sorry if that comes of as an attack on you. it's not.

>> No.6166582
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Did someone say cast iron?

A lot of my cast iron is from second hand stores. I find them super cheap (usually under $6 USD). But most of them are nasty, caked on oil or grime.

What I do is them into a hot BBQ for an hour at roughly 600+ degrees American. This gets it so hot I can literally scrape off all the gunk with a BBQ metal brush and take it back to the bare iron. I let it cool down enough that my oven mitts don't catch fire upon touching it. Then towel it off to get whatever metal bits and left over junk off the surface.

After I take the cookware to bare metal, I get the temperature of the BBQ to around 400-450 degrees. Then start liberally applying shortening (like Crisco) evenly as possible to all sides. I do this a few times to make sure there is enough for the iron to soak up, and evenly enough so there will be no large blotches. I like to just use folded paper towels for this operation. After a few coats, I start to dry towel the excess off. If at any time it feels sticky, I crank up the heat a little and apply a very light coat of more shortening. Then proceed to dry towel again until the iron doesn't feel sticky when wiping.

After the shortening has been applied, I let the BBQ cool down slowly, reducing the temperature by 50 degrees every 15 or so minutes. When the BBQ is finally turned off, I leave the cast iron to rest until it comes to the ambient temperature.

From there, I have a well seasoned used cast iron purchased for a fraction of the price for a new one. The time it takes to BBQ a batch of recently acquired cast iron is roughly three hours or so depending on how long it takes to take the initial junk off.

I literally did this today to the center front flat 10" pan, it took just under three hours and I cooked some New York prime while doing so.

Enjoy cast iron /ck/! I certainly love cooking on it.

>> No.6166586

you must be new

youre far to nice for this

>> No.6166620

>I find them super cheap (usually under $6 USD
Lucky you. In my area all the second hand stores have wised up and price them at $20 or above.
The only thing you could get for sub-$10 would be one of the really, really tiny 1-2 egg pans.

>> No.6166625


>coat with THIN layer of flaxseed oil
>put into cold oven
>turn oven on full (~260C)
>set timer for 90 minutes
>when timer beeps turn oven off and don't touch the door until it is cold again

repeat x number of times.

>> No.6166647


Bottom right corner

corn pan


Was a cook for ten years, never saw one of those before

Already wondering if there's a top half

Already wondering about throwing in a cob with a knob of butter and pouring in Mexican/cane sugar coca cola then cranking that baby up

Thanks asshole, now I know my life is incomplete

>> No.6166672

I leave mine on top of the fridge or in the oven and never use it because I never fry anything. Most of my food is cooked in an elevated pan in a pressure cooker.

>> No.6166674

My mom has one. It's for corn bread, not corn.

>> No.6166680

>The only thing you could get for sub-$10 would be one of the really, really tiny 1-2 egg pans.
>Not that we needed all that for the meal, but once you get locked into a serious cast iron collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.
I was tempted to buy a six-pack of tiny, tiny cast iron pans the other day. Could use them to serve things? Maybe? Small things?

So cute.

>> No.6166700

Rosti pans.

>> No.6166701
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Oh, corn 'bread' you say.
You must be from the former colonies.
No wonder I failed to recognise this item's utility.
You see, we use wheat to make our bread. Furthermore, our biscuits are not called cookies, our scones are not called biscuits, and our gravy is rich and brown, not the colour of a Klansman's semen.

>> No.6166703

Cornbread usually has wheat flour in it too. Call it corn cake if you want.

>> No.6166709
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>if you want
They will.

England has everything either ass-backwards or rhymy-whymy.

>> No.6166715
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I use my two 3-4" skillets to make cookies in. Put some ice cream on top, fucking amazing.

>> No.6166726
File: 16 KB, 225x225, nekkid 2675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple keyboard
>'Cookie' being made in a rosti pan

You disgust me, sir.

>> No.6166728

Expect cancer and/or heart disease :^).

>> No.6166735
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Here have some lamb shank stew in Irish stout beer instead.