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6164288 No.6164288 [Reply] [Original]

>go to bar
>order gin with lime on the rocks
>bartender looks at me like I'm patronizing them
>"You mean a GIMLET?"

>go to bar
>order a gimlet
>"A what?"

>> No.6164292
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> ordering a gimlet
> not a double gin and tonic

>> No.6164294

You have to piss on the bartender as soon as you come in to assert dominance. By the end of the night, he'll be serving you pina colodas and calling you 'sir'.

>> No.6164344

It all depends on the establishment. Bartenders at trashy bars aren't going to know shit. All they do is pour beer and shots, maybe they know 1 or 2 sugary drinks for the girls.

>> No.6164357

I guess the solution is to change what you order based on the bar you're in. That is, only order a gimlet in a place where the bartender probably knows what a gimlet is. If you're in a place where you think you might have to explain it, just get a jameson on the rocks or something.

>> No.6164364


> drinking Jameson


>> No.6164377


I didn't say it was good. It's a safe bet for a shitty bar. I understand you feel the pathetic need to assert the superiority of your tastes over that of others, but at least try to understand the context.

>> No.6164386


Yes because it is impossible that anyone would post anything with tongue in cheek or they wouldn't argue about for eternity.

>> No.6164392

The first bartender is a douche, the second is incompetent.

>> No.6164479

The second bartender was stupid.That's a drink that's as classic as the Martini.

>> No.6164483

They wouldn't

>> No.6164518

Is it cringe-worthy to say "on the rocks"?

I always feel like I'm coming off as a try-hard when I say it.

>> No.6164560

I say things like
"Get me a glenlivet 12"
Then bartender says either
"How would you like it"
"On the rocks?"

If I want it neat, I say neat, if I want it with ice, I say rocks.

>> No.6164586


that's not a fucking gimlet.

>lime juice NOT a lime
>NO rocks

>> No.6164595


That's how you refer to it so no. How could you possibly feel "try hard" about a drink?

> oh no, they think I'm trying hard because I want ice!

>> No.6164600

"With lime" means lime juice, numbskull. Also, I don't know what shit gimlets you're drinking, but You're not supposed to use fucking syrup in them.

>> No.6164604


with lime means with a lime squeezed in and placed in the drink as a garnish.

a gimlet is made with lime juice, not lime fruit, simple syrup and shaken to chill.

>> No.6164607

>The gimlet is a cocktail made of gin and lime juice. A 1928 description of the drink was: "gin, a spot of lime, and soda." The description in the 1953 Raymond Chandler novel The Long Goodbye stated that "a real gimlet is half gin and half Rose's lime juice and nothing else".

>> No.6164612


Roses lime juice is..wait for it..... lime juice and sugar syrup.

>> No.6164634

Lies, It's made with roses and lime juice.