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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6163761 No.6163761 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings cu/ck/s,

If you want to be healthy and fit, just remember that if it tastes good, spit it out. Food isn't supposed to be an amusement park ride. It's nutrition.


>> No.6163766

If it requires effort, don't do it.

Wow, making up stupid things to say is indeed fun.

>> No.6163777

i eat junkfood all the time and still find fresh veggies and such very flavorful.

>> No.6163782

But I like most things, I don't want to have to subsist off of boiled cabbage and corned beef.

>> No.6163783
File: 166 KB, 600x603, his ass is strawberry flavored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right.

processed food has been designed to be as tasty as possible. the tastier the food, the more it sells.

food scientists have gone to the ends of the earth to find the tastiest substances. one of them discovered a beaver's asshole is insanely delicious.


>> No.6163805

that guy is an attention whore

the problem is abundant cheap food.

people drinking 500+ calories in soda with a meal.

it was necessary to eat whatever fruit/vegetables you could find just because you needed as many calories as possible, but not anymore. now you can go to most grocery stores and eat your bodyweight in butter and cheese.

>cabbage sauteed with garlic, add salt and lemon
>tastes good
>spit it out lol give me money

>> No.6164522


That is scooby and he used to post on /fit/ until the fucks on here doxxed him.

someone still has his tripcode.

Also hes talking about food from a wieght lifting perspective where the goal is to reduce calorie content sufficiently to have a low bodyfat %.

this content does not belong on /ck/ because its not about cooking but about stopping cravings.

>> No.6164549

How old is he? He has the face of a 60 year old man. What's the point of getting buff and chortling about nutrition is any woman with an iota of standards wouldn't be seen within a 5 foot radius of this dude?

>> No.6164574

he is in his late 60's

>> No.6164592

Christ. It shows and it's really uncanny with that body.

>> No.6165109


This is disgusting and fascinating all at once. Got any more examples or a website you know of where I can read more?

>> No.6165118

There's lots of tasty healthy food out there. A grilled spinach wrap with is fucking awesome. Fruit tastes great too.

>> No.6165121

best advice I can give is to not eat a lot of fat, and eat very little simple sugar. fat makes you fat, and sugar rots the teeth.

>> No.6165135

suburban house wife please go

>> No.6165175

Grandma get out of here you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6165197


Corned beef is tasty though. It's also not good for you. Such is life

>> No.6165212


mom and/or dad what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.6165216


Pretty mainstream nutrition advice. Eat lean, eat whole.


>> No.6165242

>cabbage sauteed with garlic, add salt and lemon

this sounds nice. is there a name for this?

>> No.6165272


Sauteed cabbage.

>> No.6165430

You will look like a train wreck at sixty bro. He looks fine.

>> No.6166909


Scooby looks more like he's in his late 40s or early 50s.

>> No.6166919

> Scooby literally tells you to C&S
That feel when Scooby is pro ana.

>> No.6167762

Why does it have to be about a woman? Besides, he's already married.

>> No.6168033

Because the person you replied to is an obese woman.

>> No.6168055

>one of them discovered a beaver's asshole is insanely delicious.

you mean a workable substitute for vanilla.

and processed food isn't the only food that tastes good, holy shit. but nothing is *that* tasty that you could actually portray the people who make it as demonic tempters of men.

>> No.6168141

>follow advice
>die of scurvy

>> No.6168154

>If you don't know what's in your mouth, spit it out

This is my creed at glory holes.

>> No.6168176

>nothing healthy tastes good

Keeping fat people ignorant isn't going to help them stop being fat.

>> No.6168184

I thought Scooby quit making videos since the doxxing?
Anyway, why so much hate for this goober on /ck/

>> No.6168394

>based scoob will never save us all

>> No.6168422

I'm from /fit/ too. Don't shove our memes down other boards throats.

>> No.6168479

>scooby is love
>scooby is life

>> No.6168485


>hamplanet detected

do you weigh 300 or 400 pounds good sir

>> No.6168491


nigga swallowed half of dat shit he a lia lia lia pants on fia

>> No.6168497
File: 48 KB, 469x709, Jack_LaLanne_1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy
"That guy" that originally said that was Jack fucking LaLanne.

>> No.6168521

Scooby is in better shape at 60-something than most guys will ever be in their prime.
He's a nice guy too, he has great workout/fitness advice (diet stuff is kind of questionable).

>> No.6168550

I came just for the 3:08

>> No.6168579

>scooby will never 308 your anus

>> No.6168663

i love scooby, but he eats like an idiot and this was a bad video. i eat nothing but whole fruit, veg, nuts, seeds, and legumes and enjoy everything that i eat

>> No.6168674

scoobs looks great for his age and any woman would be lucky to be with him, but he's probably gay

>> No.6168676


u posted earlier and referenced scooby doo

everyone told u you were being retarded for denying your natural human inclination to find pleasure in food

i guess you remained a retard and are still trying to pretend that you can live a happy life by eating only tubes of space food.

glad you suffer,


>> No.6168685 [DELETED] 

here we go again. the /fit/ retards are out en masse.

>> No.6168689

nah, he's still making vids. he's filming in 4k now

here we go again. the /fit/ retards are out en masse.

>> No.6168692
File: 1.33 MB, 355x200, 1392819658455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never seen a video so compacted with broscience before. Any reasonable statement he says is followed with one that's polarizing and cynical.

>> No.6168703

>It is often referenced simply as a "natural flavoring" in products' lists of ingredients.

Well I guess that answers one question I had about our ingredients lists.

>> No.6168940

And Jack fucking LaLanne is a retard because that's awful advice. Healthy food can taste great. Blanket statements are very often total horseshit.

>> No.6168958

use critical thinking skills. do you actually believe its economically feasible to milk beaver glands for flavoring?

>> No.6168959

Scooby is incredibly vain (the guy is shirtless in nearly every video and centers the camera on his disproportionate chest) and has the idea that you have to do exactly what he does in order to succeed (i.e. you HAVE to do 30 minutes of cardio a day).

He's geared towards awkward male teens who probably have no idea what they're doing concerning fitness, but he's not a good source of health and fitness. The guy can barely do seven pullups.

>> No.6169066



the fact that OP is going in with the mindset that only junk food tastes good is what is going to screw him over.

funny thing is, a lot of junk food doesn't ACTUALLY taste good. we've just been conditioned to be addicted to excess salt and fat... but eat healthy enough for a while and compare, and you'll realize you never actually liked junk food to begin with.

>> No.6169070

>fresh pineapple
>protein shakes

>> No.6169248


Looks like you didn't watch the video or didn't understand what he's saying.

>> No.6169668

Good job completely missing the point of that post.

>> No.6169864

>if it tastes good, spit it out

>> No.6169877

We Giada now

>> No.6170312
File: 177 KB, 1501x1068, scoobytrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6170316

kek m8

>> No.6171932

>anyone who thinks fresh fruits taste good is a 400 pound hamplanet
