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6162190 No.6162190 [Reply] [Original]

What should I make for dinner? I am toying with a few options in my head but wanted to see if anyone had some cool new ideas for me! Will post pictures as I go.

>> No.6162230

My thoughts regarding what I can make have been mashed or boiled carrots, vegetable stir fry, stuffed peppers, meatballs, and veggie pasta. I really don't know what to do with the avocados and haven't been able to decide what I want to do as far as the rest is concerned. I welcome any tips for the above ideas and new ones as well. I really need to use the avocados today too. Has anyone ever mashed them with carrots or potatoes?

>> No.6162275

I have decided to make stuffed sweet peppers with mashed avocado and carrots. Nothing too fancy but should look nice on a plate and hopefully taste ok.

Feel free to critique and comment as I go. I am fairly new to cooking and criticism will help me improve. Thanks and enjoy!

>> No.6162278

How do you make lean ground turkey not cook up disgustingly dry?

>> No.6162282

Buy beef instead.

>> No.6162285


That's difficult, which is why ground turkey is a shit-tier ingredient. I honestly don't know why anyone buys it. It's expensive, doesn't taste of much, and is difficult to cook without having that dry mealy texture.

About the only thing I'd use it for is meatballs or as filling for fried foods, and even in those cases you'd need to add some other ingredients to it to help the texture.

>> No.6162288

It depends on what you are making but I usually mix in a blend of veggies that help to maintain moisture and add flavor etc.

>> No.6162292

>Aldi food

My nigga. I love most of their products. I love getting German sausages and mustards when they have them in stock. They're also the only place I've found that stocks Glühwein around Christmas.

>> No.6162298

the only good ground turkey ive ever had was wild

>> No.6162322
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If you have chicken (i used thighs) you can do something like pic, but you have more ingredients so you can do more than what i did (just chicken, green bell pepper, onion, green onion, carrot). it tastes really good if you make it really spicy (salt+pepper and spicy montreal steak seasoning)

>> No.6162331


meatballs with shredded carrot, onion, cumin, bread crumbs and eggs. breddy delicious If I do say so myself.

any basic sage sausage recipe will do nicely as well,

ground turkey is actually incredibly tender and delicious if you use it basically as an additive instead of cooking it plain like red meat. It

>> No.6162342


it is used commercially in processed foods like froz meatballs

>> No.6162357

>meatballs with shredded carrot, onion, cumin, bread crumbs and eggs. breddy delicious If I do say so myself.

Yeah, but it would be even better with a different sort of meat.

>> No.6162366

If you have chicken or steak, I would recommend fajitas. If done right, they are breddy damn good. Mushrooms help augment and diversify the typical onion/meat/pepper/tomato mixture commonly seen in restaurants.

I usually marinate the meat in a canola-based marinade with some salt, pepper, onion powder, hot sauce, and paprika. Never be afraid of paprika in Mexican cooking. This marinade can also be used for cooking the vegetables.

>> No.6162383
File: 601 KB, 2048x1152, 20150120_185750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. I have never understood the negative stereotypes about Aldi.

Looks awesome! I will have to try that soon.

I have been staying away from bread and such as I am trying to keep carbs down. (Combined with walking have lost 36 pounds since September) thank you for the idea though.

Step One - ish;

I have prepped my vegetables and started my oven preheating to 350. Starting to boil the carrots and will be heating my onions, garlic, and mushrooms in a pan with some olive oil, salt and pepper before mixing with the ground turkey and stuffing the peppers.

>> No.6162390

To avoid the carbs of the fajitas, make a fajita salad. 90% of the flavor, half the guilt.

>> No.6162413


Or you could just eat a normal portion, christ.

>> No.6162426
File: 761 KB, 2048x1152, 20150120_191414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing good so far? Pic is onions garlic and mushrooms just a few minutes from being ready to mix with turkey.

>> No.6162439

>Indeed. I have never understood the negative stereotypes about Aldi.

It looks, feels, and is priced like a poor person store. I'm pretty sure that's all there is to it.

It's their loss, Aldi is great. Especially their little import section.

>> No.6162472


no, that's crazytalk. how will these people get by if they can't blame their lack of self control on carbs?

>> No.6162475
File: 437 KB, 2048x1152, 20150120_192608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, true indeed.

Here are the peppers before they go in the oven. I learned a little trick to stuffing these small buggers as well. Cut a slit at the bottom for air to escape and the filling goes to the bottom easier. Yall probably know this but it's new to me. Carrots are about done so I turned off the heat and will mash with avocado five minutes before I take out the peppers. I'm gonna give them 20 minutes. I think I might need more but we shall see.

>> No.6162479

The man said he is avoiding bread, asshat.

>> No.6162565
File: 421 KB, 2048x1152, 20150120_195426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crappy pic of the mashed carrots and avocado. I think next time I will just mash the carrots and cube the avocado and mix together because the color looked amazing when it wasn't mashed together. I am sure the flavor would stay pretty close too. Which I must say I enjoy the mix of two veggies.

The peppers are not done yet though. I should have covered them in foil to keep in steam. Oh well. I learn as I go. I really do recommend trying out the mashed carrots and avocado if you haven't before.

>> No.6162568

It's good in chili.

>> No.6162574


A) what does bread have to do with fajitas?

B) Perhaps he might rethink his motivation for avoiding bread and replace the silly fear of carbs with a more rational means of losing weight?

>> No.6162578


not really. sure, it soaks up the flavor of the other ingredients but that's hardly significant. use a meat that has some actual flavor to contribute!

>> No.6162592
File: 528 KB, 2048x1152, 20150120_200715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray, time for eating. Next time I do one of these I'll try to get some better presentation.

>> No.6162593

Tortillas are bread. What are you doing on this board?

>> No.6162607

The peppers taste pretty good but something is missing. A certain spice needs to be added. I am not sure what though. But something to balance the sweet of the pepper. I also used a little too much garlic and onion. Green onions would also have been better I think.

Concerning the mashed veggies I was fully satisfied but if one was inclined to add a smidgen of brown sugar to the carrots I'm sure it would be even better.

>> No.6162611


Well, let's see:
First off, the term "fajitas" refers to the meat specifically. Tortillas are not necissarily part of the dish. If you are putting fajita meat inside a tortilla, that would be a "taco al carbon". Claiming that eating fajitas means that you are necessarily eating a tortilla is as silly as saying that eating turkey means you must also eat cranberry sauce.

Second, you are the first person I have ever encountered to use the word bread to refer to tortillas. Sure, the generic American version are a flour-based product, but it's a bit of stretch to call them "bread", as they are unleavened and they are not baked. Most tortillas are made from corn, which is pretty damn far away from "bread", which is generally thought of as being made from wheat, kneaded, risen, and baked.

>> No.6162613

>something is missing

Color. You didn't brown anything. Both the filling and the peppers don't show any color at all. No color = no malliard reaction = no flavor. Your spices aren't the issue, you need to get your technique down.

>> No.6162618

Everyone else seemed to understand what was meant. Learn to imply sometime. Also;

>> No.6162626

So if I understand the Maillard reaction then I probably need to increase the heat since no browning is occurring. Should I cook the meat before stuffing it? I simply tossed the garlic, onions and mushrooms together then added to the meat and stuffed.

>> No.6162637

Tortillas are flatbread.

>> No.6162679


Maybe your whiteboy tortillas are

>> No.6162682

>soaks up the flavor of the other ingredients

If that's what you're after you may as well use firm tofu or tempeh.

>> No.6162691

>increase the heat since no browning is occurring.

>>Should I cook the meat before stuffing it?
Brown the meat in a pan first. When it's done take it out and set it aside temporarily. Then cook your veggies in the same pan--the liquid from the onions will help deglaze it. When the veggies are sweated down, mix them with the meat, stuff, then cook the peppers. Since the filling is already cooked all you need to do is cook the outside of the peppers. You could do that in a short time with a very hot oven, or use the broiler, or grill them, or even fry them in a pan.

You could also stuff them with a raw filling and then make sure you bake them at a higher temp so the outside gets a nice browning on it. Less work (and also less flavorful) than pre-cooking the filling.

>> No.6162694


So it's impossible to eat the meat and veggies but not the tortillas?

>> No.6162695

>Maybe your whiteboy tortillas are

All tortillas are flatbread It's still bread. It doesn't magically become something other than bread just because you use corn flour instead of wheat flour.

>> No.6162703

>Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking.
>Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking.

Enjoy your primitive bread. :)

>> No.6162708


It's a pretty big stretch to call a corn tortilla a "bread" in casual conversation. It contains no wheat. It contains no yeast. It isn't kneaded. It doesn't rise. It has no crumb or crust. It isn't baked. Perhaps it may be a bread by some kind of aspie technicality but it bares little resemblance to what most people call "bread".

Think about it this way: If I said "anon, you want some bread?" and then handed you a stack of tortillas wouldn't you be a bit surprised? Tortillas are certainly not what I think of when someone is talking about bread.

>> No.6162714


>dough of flour and water

Yep, whiteboy tortillas confirmed.
Corm, bro. corn. that's what real tortillas are made from

>> No.6162722

Tortillas are a particular type of flatbread, but they're bread all the same.

Corn flour is flour ya dingus.

>> No.6162726

People eat fajitas with corn tortillas?

>> No.6162819
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>Yep, whiteboy tortillas confirmed.
Corm, bro. corn. that's what real tortillas are made from

My friends grandma makes flour tortillas for her family. She also makes corn tortillas. They live in Mexico. Your argument is dicks.

Corn tortillas are good, but not because of anything your crusty lips ever said.

>> No.6162831

But more importantly corn tortillas are still bread.

>> No.6162837


>Think about it this way: If I said "anon, you want some bread?" and then handed you a stack of tortillas wouldn't you be a bit surprised?

Still waiting for an answer....

>> No.6162840


not sure if serious

>> No.6162859

If I could see the tortillas or was eating a meal where a tortilla would make sense I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised.

Outside of such contexts it would seem a little strange since in my country the most common bread product is leaven wheat bread, as such it would be a little unusual to be offered a different type of bread (tortilla, pita, sweet breads like cranberry bread, etc) as just "bread" with no qualifier.

A tortilla is still bread. I would not find it remotely strange if I was sharing a meal with someone and they asked me to pass them the stack of tortillas by asking me to "Please pass the bread."

>> No.6162865

Serious. I dont usually eat fajitas but i always see them served with flour tortillas. Pretty sure fajitas generally are a flour tortilla thing. Personally I prefer corn though

>> No.6162870


I'm not even commenting on that discussion. It was only about his "hurp durr whiteboi" shit that holds no ground.

Just noticed one line missed the greentext. Other than that, nothing else to say here from me.

>> No.6162871


"fajitas" is not a plural word, bro. you don't need to say "them", it's "it".

also if you step out of the midwest sometime you will see that corn tortillas are a very common side

>> No.6162880

>I'm not even commenting on that discussion.

Why? Because you know your answer hurts your position?

I think you know damn well that no reasonable person refers to tortillas as "bread" in casual conversation, but you are so blinded by your aspie need to say...but...but...technically it IS a bread that you will not admit it.

>> No.6162884

So whats the plural of fajitas then?

>> No.6162892

That's not what I'm fucking saying, I'm saying I haven't had anything to do with that discussion in this thread about god damned bread/tortillas. Holy shit. My first post ITT was: >>6162819 and it was ONLY about flour tortillas being "whiteboy tortillas", while I know a fucking Mexican family in Mexico who eats makes them and you can be god damned sure they aren't the only ones.

I don't give a shit if you call them bread or not.

>> No.6162896


what's the plural of billards, news, measles, acoustics, bellows, and so on? There are plenty of words which end in s yet are singular.

>> No.6162897

dat sum spoiled ass turkey

See how the vacuum package looks like it's been inflated? Never buy meat like this. It's started to go rancid, which gives off gas, which makes the top of the package balloon up like that. I work in a butcher shop, and we'll throw out any package that happens too, regardless of the expiration date.

>> No.6162901

OP here, I've decided that I'll market the main course as premium vegan dog food.

>> No.6162903

Thats cool. So there's no plural of fajitas?

>> No.6162951
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It says on the package "dome sealed for freshness".
I can guess what that means. Can you?

>dat sum

Never mind.

>> No.6162970

>I can guess what that means.

I can guess what that means too: bullshit. You see, the packaging you're looking at is what we call in the industry a "HFFS": That means "horizontal form fill and seal". The machinery uses a vacuum to pull the top of the packaging (which we call the "lid stock" or "top web") down onto the tray containing the product. That's what holds it in place while it is heat-sealed.

If you don't believe me, you can refer to the product literature for such a piece of equipment here:

....notice the constant references not only to the "sealing dome", but specifically to VACUUM in the product literature. Hell, even the maker of the equipment has "vac" in their company name.

is correct. the meat has started to offgas.

>> No.6162991

I never knew this, thanks for this info m8

Can you tell me whether or not it's a big deal if the meat being sold at the grocery store includes "natural flavors" as an ingredient?

>> No.6162993


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I certainly wouldn't buy meat with ANY kind of additive. added flavor, water, ect? Nope.

>> No.6163023
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/ck/ being informative?
Have I wondered into the twilight zone?