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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 451x609, taco-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6158195 No.6158195 [Reply] [Original]

I've shown this to some people and, they seriously told me American tacos are epic. Is this on the same level of a cult-following as those who go "bacon is the best thing evarr" or do people really like paying more for what's essentially a salad on top of ground beef?

No trolling I want a serious discussion

>> No.6158199
File: 35 KB, 297x310, 1389063900181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh tacos de lengua, zomg this is totally crazy gastronomic skydiving
>muh hole in the wall, you've probably never heard of it
>look mommy I said a spanish word!
>look mommy I interacted with a brown person!

honestly? you people are the worst

>> No.6158202
File: 2.35 MB, 640x360, taco town.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is a taco.

>> No.6158207

You just greentexted a bunch of stuff OP didn't even IMPLY and then attacked him for it.

>> No.6158208

What's up with the Italian flag?

>> No.6158212


Irish. All catholics are not the same

>> No.6158213

Does taco bell even still claim to be mexican food? At this point I'm pretty sure they've completely switched their marketing to targeting stoners.

FWIW, Taco Bell is god-tier when you're stoned and want absolute deliciousness on the cheap.

>> No.6158214

Taco bell doesn't claim to be Mexican food, though.

Also the tacos in the picture are the same thing, deal with it.

>> No.6158220
File: 81 KB, 600x450, tacooff_mighty_taco_taco_bell_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. They tried starting up in Mexico and didn't even call themselves Mexican food and they still ran away with their tails between their legs.

I hate Taco Bell tacos. I still go there sometimes, but usually when I'm with friends who want it. There are so many places in driving distance I can go to if I have the munchies that I just don't know why anyone sticks with Taco Bell. It's not even that cheap, if you're really and truly hungry you'll be paying a lot more than the price of a taco or two.

When I eat their taco, I don't even think about it anymore. It's just a bland thing I've eaten a billion times. One big bite, I'm halfway there. Munch munch, shell falls apart, 60% lettuce in my mouth. The locos tacos is just a little variety for me. Nice, Doritos. The shell's usually a bit softer too. Easier to eat.

I don't know if it's because I used to be a fatass or what, but it's always a really depressing meal with the sole purpose of just satisfying hunger and nothing more. It's not delicious or nummers or "epic" to me at all, it's super boring.

Just my thoughts on this. Also if anyone tells you the top is better than the bottom then yeah, they're on the same playing ground as people who say "bacon is the best". Yeah, yeah, it's all subjective. Well this is my subjective view on their subjective decision.

>> No.6158223
File: 42 KB, 300x253, 2_beef_tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There both tacos OP.

Hard shell tacos are just an americanize version of the taco, doesn't make it any less of a taco.
That being said most fast food places make shet hard shell tacos, you can make some really nice tacos for cheaper at home.

>> No.6158225

Oh, and another thing.

Someone handing me a sole taco from Taco Bell is like handing me a single potato chip to me. I usually decline. They're gonna need it more than me. For support. You can't just eat one taco, and not because it's delicious but because it's not really a meal.

>> No.6158233

I wouldn't take OP's image too close to hard. It's like when someone says "no no no, THIS is a real pizza" when they bitch about Chicago vs New York style pizzas.

Homemade tacos are closer to authentic Mexican tacos. I love doing them at home, but I always just end up doing it Mexican-style. More filling and more flavor. No legitimate place that sells taco, American or Mexican, would ever use ground beef as their only meat filling.

>> No.6158235

>but because it's not really a meal.
THAT is the former fatass in you talking

>> No.6158238

>At this point I'm pretty sure they've completely switched their marketing to targeting stoners.
Whether or not they like it that seems to be their demographic. The only folks I know who profess a fondness for the place are potheads.

>> No.6158243
File: 2.65 MB, 3264x2448, infographic-the-culinary-genius-of-the-doritos-locos-tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't possibly be. My stomach has shrunk and it doesn't take me much to keep me content. But a sole Taco Bell taco as a meal is really unsatisfying. I doubt I'm the only one here who agrees on this.

>> No.6158248

Post OP's image in /b/, they will go apeshit and defend their Taco Bell. So you're right.

I never understood how someone with a car would settle for less. But if you're stoned I can totally see why, because you don't want to drive as far.

At least it shows that potheads are more willing to settle for Taco Bell than to drive intoxicated.

Taco Bell needs to be used in psychological studies or something.

>> No.6158254
File: 705 KB, 1050x1013, Big%20Bell%20Box_Taco%20Bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who goes to Taco Bell and just buys one taco?

>> No.6158267

I went to taco bell when I was 7 years old visiting relatives in america. I fucking fell in love with the place. Hard shell tacos with soured cream? Fucking yes please. I make mine at home, but I absolutely cannot stand fajitas/soft tacos.

Taco bell is fucking good, or at least it was from my memories as a child.

>> No.6158280

excess salt, fat, and msg are universally addicting, OP.

>> No.6158281

My memories of Taco Bell are good too. As a 21 year old though it's like what >>6158220 said

>When I eat their taco, I don't even think about it anymore. It's just a bland thing I've eaten a billion times. One big bite, I'm halfway there. Munch munch, shell falls apart, 60% lettuce in my mouth. The locos tacos is just a little variety for me. Nice, Doritos. The shell's usually a bit softer too. Easier to eat.

It brings a tear to my eye. I remember I would also get Taco Bell late at night. This was when fast food was more of an occasion for me. I would always have Pepsi and I would get my burrito and whatnot and enjoy the fuck out of it.

But those were better days. Now Taco Bell is a drunken mistake.

>> No.6158288


nah that anon is actually on to something. taco bell is nutritionally void, i'm not surprised one taco doesn't satisfy

>> No.6158299

I don't know that I've ever agreed so wholeheartedly on a post in my life. This is exactly how I feel about it. Yes, I very occasionally eat it. Is it good? No. It's just filler when you're hungry and there's nothing else. I really can't even relate to people who genuinely think Taco Bell is "epic".

>> No.6158325

Who cares, "real" tacos and American tacos are both shit.

>> No.6158330

>I don't know if it's because I used to be a fatass or what, but it's always a really depressing meal with the sole purpose of just satisfying hunger and nothing more. It's not delicious or nummers or "epic" to me at all, it's super boring.

i find this to be true for fast food in general

>> No.6158334

>Using soft flour tortillas for the outside
>not using fried corn tortillas
What is wrong with you? I only go flour tortilla when I'm being a lazy fuck or want burritos. If you want a distinct taco, get corn.

>> No.6158335

>undercooked pizza

would not eat

>> No.6158336

I love you for posting this because for the longest time all I've ever been able to see is that picture-for-ants sized GIF. Now I can actually tell what's going on. Still haven't been able to find a copy of the whole commercial though.

>> No.6158341

nigga doesnt even know how to troll

truly pathetic

>> No.6158347

>i find this to be true for fast food in general
Me too, which is why I've pretty much stopped eating the stuff.

>> No.6158351



There you go, Anon. If you're ever looking for it later, just type "Taco Town SNL" into Google.

Anyways, Taco Bell is something I just go to occasionally for the gimmick items, like a Crunch Wrap or Cheesy Gordita crunch. I honesty can't stand the place most of the time, since most of their "new items" are just repurposed existing menu items, wrapped up in a different way.

That said, it's right down the street, so if I'm drunk, I can make it there walking. Getting to a more authentic joint means taking a few mile drive right past the police station.

>> No.6158358

>that crêpe
My sides

>> No.6158362

Even if the tacos looked like they did on the picture they'd still be a pretty awful meal by itself. It's still ground beef with lettuce and tomatos and like 16 pieces of cheese

>> No.6158369

What even is that yellow goop that he puts on second?

>> No.6158374

Everytime that gif or video is posted someone points out how unappetizing the pizza looks.

Now it makes perfect fucking sense.

>> No.6158379


>> No.6158395

Taco bell is tex mex, everyone knows this, literally why they call it tex mex and not mexican fuck off wetback nobody cares anyway

>> No.6158403

God damn im glad i dont live in 'Murrica

>> No.6158404

I-is this supposed to be a parody?

>> No.6158407

Taco Bell was founded in California. It's Cali shit. If it were tex mex, it'd be much better. Taco Cabana is more TexMex.

>> No.6158412


>> No.6158415


Someone actually tried making it

>> No.6158457

>muh epic cat pic shitpost

>> No.6158484

Mad snow nigger detected

>> No.6158495

Well they're still driving impaired just not as far. Not exactly noble.

>> No.6158505

HAHAHAHA Shit, that looks glorious and absolutely disgusting at the same time.

>> No.6158521

Can someone tell me why Mexican food is being shat on all the time on /ck/? I've been to Mexico and the food there is amazing. Mexican food in the States is different but still incredibly good.

It this just one of those /ck/ meme's?

>> No.6158531

Jesus Christ

>> No.6158534

because muh authentic white people tex mex is better

>> No.6158539

>Mad snow nigger

I really want to know what this means

>> No.6158548


I think it's a racial slur for eskimoes, or as they like to say, individuals who self-identify with the Inuit-Yupike-Aleut peoples of what is now known as northern Canada and Alaska.

>> No.6158641

What an unflattering photo of Mexican tacos, and what a flattering photo of a Taco Bell taco.

>> No.6158660

Mexicans can't afford product photographers.

>> No.6158671
File: 1.03 MB, 400x224, shia-labeouf-magic-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love both. Go fuck yourself

>> No.6158676

I mean, I didn't like when /ck/ was basically "Fast food and Ramen, the board" but at least it kept the hipster foodies out.

>> No.6158681

>just had my first doritos locos taco
i dont care if they use rat, horse, dog meat in there, or use sand as an additive, whatever they're doing, they're doing it right.