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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6156700 No.6156700 [Reply] [Original]

>makes fancy dinner reservations for anniversary with my girlfriend of 2 years
>she begs me to cancel reservations so she can make a meal for the two of us
>reluctantly agree to cancel the reservations
>It's the big night
>she made cream of chicken on white rice
>straight out of the can
What's your most dissapointing meal, co/ck/s?

>> No.6156706

>gf wants 2 make chicken parmigiana
>she only uses mozarella, no parmigiana

>the pasta didnt have enuf sauce

>> No.6156716

God damn that sounds so bland

>> No.6156717

I ordered Papa Johns.

>> No.6156731
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Papa John's is so fucking oily, it's disgusting

>> No.6156738
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Some women shouldn't be allowed to cook

>> No.6156803

well, did you dump her already?

>> No.6156827

I feel like the majority of girls under 30 are incapable of cooking

I say under 30 because I don't know anyone over 30

>> No.6156876

First time making food with ingredients from the cambodian store near my bf's old house.

I am a chef and didn't know how to make the stir fry taste good with the seasoning and weird vegetables. The dish was an embarrassment.

>> No.6156894

Bahaha, well for my birthday she said she'd bring me home something special and she brought me a McFish Fillet or whatever they're called; and for her birthday I made her a 4 course meal, so yeah, I dumped her.

>> No.6156914

I hear you, Cambodian ingredients (and South-East Asian ingredients in general) are fucky to work with.

>> No.6156916

This sounds horrible, but I agree completely. Seriously.

>> No.6157130

>Sister and her husband (nice guy, shit taste) visit me and my wife in Manhattan
>Taking them out to dinner to make up for birthdays and Xmas blown off
>Suggest many good restaurants
>They want Little Italy
>Will not be deterred
>Walk with them to tourist part of town
>Sis says, "This place looks cute!"
>BiL agrees
>Total tourist trap
>Start with shitty overpriced sangria
>Pasta dishes that taste of burned garlic in margarine arrive
>BiL thinks it's great, sis can't tell the difference.
>Wife and I choke down our food.
>It's really terrible, and neither of us are snobs about Italian American food - this place is a total tourist trap
>Bill looks high, but pay tip and just happy to GTFO
>Look at bill once I'm home and realize the bastards included tip into the bill
>Double tipped on already overpriced shitty meal
>Never say a thing about it because sis and BiL loved it

Never let them choose the restaurant again.

>> No.6157160

That is utterly disappointing OP, I'm very sorry for your loss.

Despite cooking every day of the week, I still fuck up occasionally and half ruin dinner which is always really disappointing given how much I love cooking / look forward to a good meal after work.

For example, I was emulating a chik-fil-a sandwich recently but I overfried the fuck out of the chicken breast, so the whole dish ended up hard, dry, and stringy.

I'm generally shit at frying, but I made some absolutely delicious wings last week so it seems to be a bit hit or miss.

Maybe I need a thermometer for oil or something.

>> No.6157162

>Maybe I need a thermometer for oil or something.
Probably not a bad idea, oil temperature is pretty important.

>> No.6157165


The wings I made were thai style, and in the recipe the author called for dipping a chopstick into the oil and watching for faint bubbling.

I followed that advice and the wings came out great ~20 minutes later, so that's what i'll have to do for now on when I fry shit.

>> No.6157423

Chicken parm doesn't contain parm cheese.

>> No.6157482

my girlfriend is damn lucky that she has a guy who does the cooking

>> No.6157484

lol this fag

>> No.6157497



>> No.6157500


>> No.6157519
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>> No.6158315

You poor soul.

>> No.6158320

Thank you, sincerely. I've had many a bad experience with frying, the temperature is very important

>> No.6158322

True, but it's not just all mozzarella either.

>> No.6158477

>expecting chicken parm to be covered in hard, dry parmesan cheese
>complaining about the use of mozz in chicken parm
She probably just used muh "healthy" low fat low moisture "mozzerella"

>> No.6158478

>expecting relationships to be about you and not about the relationship
This is why you will never be happy.

>> No.6158487

Wow... you're so picky, and yet you don't check every item on the bill? I've called a waiter over because he charged an extra $.50 for no reason. I COULD have paid the fifty cents and not felt it, but I want to pay what's written on the damn menu.

I hope not letting them pick restaurants isn't the only lesson you learned from that event.

>> No.6158529

No, she just didn't care about us. I asked her if she took us seriously and she said "not really" so I dumped her. A few weeks later she started dating another guy. I know I sound like a whiney bitch, but yeah.

>> No.6158540
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nah, sounds like you made the right choice m8

>> No.6158549

No fault in dumping someone who doesn't care about the relationship.

You phrased it earlier, however, in a "I did SO MUCH for her and cooked (however poorly) a FOUR COURSE MEAL, and she got me McDonalds!"

With nothing else to go off of, it seems like her love language, so to speak, is not of the gift giving/serving variety, and that you wanted to break up with her (or hurt her) because you felt like you were giving more than receiving. That attitude is why relationships fail so often in the US.

Having said that, you just said you actually talked to her about how seriously she took the relationship, and I think that's a totally legitimate reason to end it.

>> No.6158598

Yeah I understand how you got that, that was my bad.

>> No.6158603
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>> No.6158608

>That attitude is why relationships fail so often in the US
the entirety of the western world's divorce rates are dismal

>> No.6158613

>visiting parents for christmas
>they gush over this local mexican place
>table guacamole with under ripe guacamole that the guy puts a cup of onions into
>tortilla soup that had been immersion blended into some kind of tortilla bisque
>at least the iced tea wasn't bad

>> No.6158623

Ultimately, when it comes down to it, it's due to selfishness... I think a huge factor is our attitude toward romance stories, though. There's very much this thought that "There's the one for me, and we will mesh so perfectly that there will never be conflict between us," so when people actually DO get married, and then fight over whether to get a toaster or a toaster oven, they just say "I guess he/she must not have been the one" and file for divorce.

>> No.6158630

>be 5
>go to canada
>visit 98 year old relative
>do you want some milk?
>get milk
>it's in a bag
>mind blown
>it's slightly spoiled
>drink it down with a reluctant smile because i was too socially awkward to point out how old the milk was to my 98 year old relative i had just met for the first time
i'll remember that one forever

>> No.6158632

>and then fight over whether to get a toaster or a toaster oven

Nobody who would get a toaster instead of a toaster oven is marriageable.

>> No.6158642
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>After School Prize Day, hang out with the nerds
>They say they wana go TGI's, never been there before
>Friend recommends Jack Daniel's burger, we all get the burger

Worst burger I've ever eaten, and as a bonus, the appetizers were fucking atrocious. They literally fucking just heated up frozen shit.

>> No.6158652

We got rid of my toaster oven, because we moved to the city, where the price of a 400 square foot apartment is the same as a 5 bedroom home in the country.

I didn't want to do it at first, and sometimes I still miss it, but it was the right decision.

>> No.6158662

> yo sushi
i dont know what it is about this place.. actually i kind of do.. but its just fucking soulless as fuck. i cannot believe how shit it is, and my pleb friends always want to go there. they charge you for fucking tap water.. not only that but they don't even pour it themself, they give you a plastic cup and you get it out of some school cafeteria water tap. the seats are this hard curved plastic shit, and the meals are old as fuck just going around this lifeless conveyor belt like some future dystopian hell where all fun and soul has been sucked out of life in place of efficiency.

> my ex gf
her idea of a meal was plain rice with some canned sardines dumped on top

> friend i used to like
woke up at hers. she made me mushrooms on toast (what the fuck), except she microwaved the obviously 50p generic store mushrooms and put so much fucking butter onto the toast i cannot believe, now i know why shes fat.. fucking christ you don't need that much butter, it tasted like absolute shit, it tasted like butter with some vague bread taste and then some rubbery bitter shit with a horrible slimy texture.. i was hungover at the time so this hell was multiplied tenfold

>> No.6158863

>wife and i go over to my parents house for dinner.
>my step mom is super excited about doing a pork roast. she says its a pork loin.
>the meal starts with miller lite and a salad with iceberg lettuce and giant slices of tomatoes.
>choke it down, hooray for balsamic dressing.
>step mom brings out dinner.
>sees it is a pork shoulder roast. i can tell by the look it is going to be tough as hell.
>she brags about how she cooked it with rosemary, lemon, and honey.
>tough as leather, can't taste rosemary or lemon, but it is super sweet.
>she says she used a lot of honey to keep it moist
>sides where under-cooked red potatoes with no seasoning, and canned green beans.
>we are polite, and eat enough to make my step mom happy
>surprisingly not the worst meal i have eaten at their house.
>got a pizza on our way home.

what really makes it bad is that she talks about what she is cooking, and how good of a cook she is. CONSTANTLY.

>> No.6158962

Your stepmom wants you to stop coming over.

>> No.6159282


>being this bad

>> No.6159288

My brother in law's "famous garlic pasta" which was just spaghetti with about 2 heads of raw garlic and 2 sticks of butter added. Greasy as fuck and a terribly sharp garlic flavor instead of a nutty mellow one, which is at least how it should have been.

>> No.6159561

>visiting Pisa for study abroad
>walk around for a while seeing the sights
>gets to be around lunch time and we want food
>walk around, everything closed
>lady runs out of restaurant and beckons us in
>fuck it lets go
>all wicked hungry
>order food
>bitch starts rooting around in freezer
>everything frozen
>kitchen was 3 microwaves

worst meal i had in italy, generally pissed my the fuck off

>> No.6160669

I just gagged. I fucking hate the taste of raw garlic.

>> No.6160678

Ugh. Some countries' restaurants are just like "Har har har tourists don't know shit about our native cuisine, let's give them Chef Boy R' Dees!"

>> No.6160710

Did you just eat with 4 people? In NY and NJ, only 6+ gets a 18% auto-gratuity.

Hope this burned your ass enough to always double check the bill, dude. You have every right to complain to a manager as well if they drop the bill and don't mention that gratuity is included.

>> No.6160712



>> No.6160860


that pasta does sound disgusting but I have a habit of eating raw garlic

I also eat entire lemons raw sometimes

I think I'm broken

>> No.6160911
File: 30 KB, 500x373, dweeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's banging a chad while you're at the market buying food to cook m8.

>> No.6160940

whats his name?