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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 1051x717, RedRoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6151251 No.6151251 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one on /ck/ who eats Kangaroo?

>> No.6151256

I've had it once or twice. Not really a meat for cooking indoors.

>> No.6151262

I've had it a couple times (in the US) as ground/mince on a burger at a place that specialized in 'exotic' meats.

It was okay, needed more fat in my opinion. I'd love to try steaks or other cuts though, I hear it can be pretty good.

>> No.6151268

Nope. That gormet game brand shit is so cheap I used to get it all the time. Great for /fit/ fags as well with those macro's.

But about a year and a half ago now there was a big scare about how there is little to no quality control on kangaroo meat and its storage and processing so people were getting sick. So I'd definitely look into it more if you want to eat it regularly and not get tape worm.

>> No.6151271

I'd certainly try it. I've heard it's tender as fuck.

amerifag here though, 'exotic' meats are expensive over here

>> No.6151276

Hey yeah found the news report I was thinking about. Turns out it was a tree hugger campaign to stop us kill poor cute roo's. Still not sure how much is true though.


>> No.6151280

It's alright. I only eat it for something different and because it's cheap. It's definitely not any better than steak or lamb.

>> No.6151289

>needed more fat
It's like venison in that regard
gotta have it med rare with a nice buttery sauce

>> No.6151341

Best meat ever. Nutritional values are through the roof.

>> No.6151345

Never got sick from it
Must be placebo. "Muh national icon".

>> No.6151355

I eat rats, they're kind of like kangaroos.

>> No.6151360

I eat it occasionally but not as often as I'd like to. When I get my shit together I will.

If a rat is like a kangaroo then a chicken is like a bald eagle.

>> No.6151361

>Am I the only one that's only eaten food from an animal you shouldn't eat?
>Does that Mean I get my street cred now, ceekay?

>> No.6151439

Have eaten it. Would eat more if I end up on that side of the world again
And what animals should we eat? Kangaroos taste fucking great, and that's all that matters.

>> No.6151468

Where the fuck are you guys getting it so cheap, I'm in brisbane and it cost more per kilo than beef, sometimes more than lamb.

Fucking yuppies started buying it because "oh so different and unique, I saw it on a cooking show once".
Same shit as sushi, I remember when no one ate sushi rolls but I used to love them so me and mum would get them for $1.60, then the health crazed yuppies bought into it "oooh so healthy and exotic, not many people like raw fish but I adooore it".

>mfw a half decent sushi roll costs $3-4

>> No.6152274
File: 94 KB, 700x578, kangaroo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an Australian market in Munich where you can get very good roo at pretty horrendous prices. You must know about it though, they don't advertise it and you won't see it in the market, they basically sell it under the counter. If you're lucky you can buy it at Christmas in German supermarkets, but quality is pretty mediocre.

>> No.6152321


funny meme

>> No.6152332

They look too much like humans, I feel they could evolve into a similar species probably....so I don't think it's right.

Also super smart ones like dolphin and chimps and octopuss.

>> No.6152359

I'm 20 hours away from where it's easily found but I'd eat it if given the chance.

>> No.6152366
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>Eatin me bruddas

>> No.6152571


agreed, too humanoid

>> No.6152596
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>> No.6152610


Slow braised leg o skippeh with juniper, sage and red wine jus.


>> No.6152644

I've only had it once, in meatball form along with some antelope.

>> No.6152814


my cat eats kangaroo

hows ur pet food bro

>> No.6152822


My kangaroo eats cat.

Hows your kanga food bro

>> No.6152841


>eating cat
>not starving to death and being run over

fuck off retard

>> No.6153207

A co-worker brought Kangaroo jerky back from his trip to Australia. Had a slightly lighter flavor than beef jerky. 8/10, would eat again.

>> No.6153222

Best enjoyed when cooked like how the abos used to do it. Hunted with spears or boomerangs or whatever and the slow cooked with hot coals underground.

>> No.6153273

is it illegal to just go hunting for roos in australia to skin and eat?

>> No.6153299

Might need a licence. They're a pest actually. Our environmental department hires people to shoot them from helicopters

>> No.6153316

there are lots of different types of roo, some of them are regarded as pests so if you go want to go kill and eat one of them the only thing you really need is a gun licence and a gun.

>> No.6153366
File: 55 KB, 481x495, 156548561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga how the fuck a boomerang gonna kill a roo???

you ever seen a roo?

dey hench as fuck, nigga!

Pic related, that roo would flex and rape a fucking village for breakfast!

>> No.6153784
File: 475 KB, 1437x1881, 1410174650629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, now. Let a real 'roo take the job from 'ere, mate.

>> No.6153811

perth fag here. twebty five cents can get you an amazing amount of meat. anything over 130cm is legal.

>tfw i got over 100kg of roo meat last time i went out because i coundnt find any pigs

>> No.6153818

Actually kangaroo is far from endangered, they are super common and pests in some places, often needing culling.

>> No.6153837

When I lived in inner west sydney It would go on special at IGA at least once a fortnight for like $6/kg. I'd buy about three and freeze them for making chilli/ spag bol or meat n beans. It has pretty much no fat so it can go dry easy though.

Also even though this stopped me from eating it as rare steaks like I used too. I did eat it rare occasionally for about a year and it never made me sick. Most likely hippy bs.

>> No.6153842
File: 2.00 MB, 204x360, Kangaroo Flexing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6153844

> humanoid

Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb8OqoMraMI

>> No.6153852

My dog eats beef off cuts

How's your dog food beef stock bro?

>> No.6153865

Oh gay this didn't even show the kangaroo people, anyway trust me they're in it. And they're weird.

>> No.6153867

The best steak I ever had was the kangaroo I ordered medium rare from the Little Snail in Sydney.

>> No.6153927

It's quite nutritious but very lean and dry, the taste gets old very quick.
Sometimes it has little hard bits of bone/ cartilage in the mince.
Because of how lean and rich it is, some people get stomach pain and diarrhea.

It's nice for a change but i can't see it replacing beef as a staple food.

>> No.6153950

Yeah, I got ill after eating some once, ate it a fair bit before that, but can't stomach it anymore.

>> No.6153990

Ive had it once but only a bite so I couldnt get a good taste. Im guessing this would be hard to find in your average flyover state grocery store, woudlnt it?

>> No.6154598


good m8 urs?