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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6150739 No.6150739 [Reply] [Original]

How common is it for customers to get food poisoning from eating with their dirty hands and the restaurant get blamed for it?

>> No.6150741

That depends if you are a shitskin or Caucasian...

>> No.6150747

Probably bout tree fidy out of 1,000

>> No.6150810

I can't imagine very often. If your own dirty hands were a prime cause of food poisoning I'd imagine it'd be a lot more common for random people at home to give it to themselves.

That said, I'm sure it's happened at one point or another.

>> No.6150821

>food poisoning
>from their hands
so fucking unlikely that making a thread about it was a fucking stupid idea

>> No.6150826
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one time i tried my poop, i got food poisoning i thik

>> No.6150859

Maybe op accidentally poisoned himself at home and wants to try and blame his local macca's and sue them for shekels.

I think you can get salmonella from eating poop.

>> No.6150906

Restaurant worker here:
I'd say it's common.
A lot of people who aren't in the industry don't know a lot about how food poisoning works.
>go to the toilet
>touch your perfectly clean dick
>wash hands
>turn off water faucet that's crusted with bacteria
>dry hands
>open bathroom door that's teeming with bacteria
>go to table and eat food with bare hands
>consume bathroom bacteria
>bacteria starts to reproduce
>16 hours later eat a mcdolan burger
>2 hours later bacteria from night before is in full swing
>blame mcdolan burger for food poisoning

>> No.6150921

first of all, by definition, food poisoning results from eating contaminated food. so that wouldnt be food poisoning. secondly, you do the same shit in the bathroom every day, it's not going to magically make you sick one day, whereas eating mcdonalds if you dont regularly might.

>> No.6150932
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Why are Australians so gay with the way they spell and abbreviate goddamn

>> No.6150937

You missed the whole point, the story was that people get sick and blame it on the wrong thing.
Also, I do the same toilet procedures every day, but does that guy sitting over there at the other table who hasn't showered in a few days? Do you think he washed his hands before grabbing the door handle/
Also, also, CDC training from working on cruise lines are particularly anal about doorknobs and handrails. That's a danger area for germs.

>> No.6150973

Blame it, sure. But a hospital will pinpoint what caused the infection and determine it was not from spoiled food.

OP won't win a lawsuit.

>> No.6150980

well 'technically' you contaminate it with your sick fucking hands faggot as he described in his post.

>> No.6150981

>oh hey there Michael, want to go down to the local fast food strip and order some McDonalds from the McDonald's restaurant?
>yeah sure thing Pete, just let me start up my automobile and fist my autistic North American anus first.

>maccas mate?

>> No.6151024

Food poisoning occurs from ingesting the waste products of the bacteria in a contaminated food, not the bacteria itself. So, you couldn't get the regular food poisoning few hours later puke/diarrhea from just having dirty hands at the restaurant.

>> No.6151059

I nearly always wash my hands at restaurants before eating.

Besides having clean hands, it has another benefit -- I see how clean their bathroom is. If it is too filthy, I don't go back again.

>> No.6151062

>. If it is too filthy, I don't go back again.
funny way of judging the quality of the food and service
the best little asian/italian/greek restaurants I've been to were all built into 80 year old buildings with the worst toilets

>> No.6151068


That's certainly true for some bacteria. For example, botulism toxins can kill you even after the botulism itself is dead.

But there are other bacteria that will get you. For example, if you eat food contaminated with e coli, it is the bacteria itself that is the danger.

>> No.6151071


It's not to judge the quality of the food and service. It is to get an idea about the cleanliness of the employees and the food they handle.

>> No.6151077
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>> No.6151189

>turn off water faucet that's crusted with bacteria
>>dry hands
>>open bathroom door that's teeming with bacteria

That's the restaurants fault for not maintaing a hygenic bathroom. Some places have button operated taps that automatically shut off. Doors are operated electronically via motion sensing or pedal switch.

It's 2017 dude, upgrade your bathrooms.

>> No.6151197


Food poisoning isn't necessarily from spoiled food, it can come from contaminated food.

>> No.6151301


>If you contaminate food with anthrax, it's food poisoning.

For the sake of our health, can we stop being faggots in this thread?

>> No.6151302


I usually grab a paper towel and dry my hands. Then I use the paper towl to turn off the water and to open the door. As I leave, I toss the crumpled up paper towl into the trash can.

>> No.6151304
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>> No.6151321

>It's 2017 dude

Have I been in a coma or something?

>> No.6151365

Fuck, I do that too but I don't want anyone to see me doing that because they're going to think I'm autistic.

>> No.6151391

Very common.
That is why civilised nations use knives and forks even for pizza and hamburgers.
>captcha: Latif. Dirty Arabs

>> No.6151495

You eat a place where staff and customers share restrooms?

That's foul, here it's a grade 4 health code violation.

>> No.6151501

Yeah, but the nothing will happen to the restaurant. Here's why:

>Go out
>Eat food
>Go home
>Get Sick
>Blame restaurant
>Report them for food poisoning
>Restaurant is investigated
>Investigation finds other people ate the exact some kinds of food as you and didn't get sick
>Investigation is closed and restaurant is found deemed to be fine

>> No.6151571
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>How common is it for customers to get food poisoning from eating with their dirty hands and the restaurant get blamed for it?

Dirty hands don't cause food poisoning, eating with dirty hands doesn't generally do anything to a healthy person. The issue with hands is the spread of a virus, very little bacteria that does anything meaningful to people is around because if it did something people would react to it and kill it.

Improper handling of raw food and contamination of cooked food from unwashed hands that had contact with raw food is the main cause of food poisoning.

People don't experience it at home because most people are not constantly cooking raw food.

A simple test for people that work in food service, watch someone working with raw food. Do they stop to wash their hands for 30s after every exchange between cooked and uncooked food?

If you used a tracer dye that can be washed off with 30s of hot water and soap to a raw food item, then let a kitchen work for a few hours most kitchens will be covered in the dye, and every food item served will also be contaminated.

Mass food preparation is very hard to operate in a contamination free environment, but lucky for us humans most contaminated food doesn't bother us. Strictly speaking the problem comes from the providers of food, however a proper cooking will remove most problems. If all the food was uncontaminated coming in their would be no food poisoning, if kitchens operated like bio weapons laps their would be no poisoning. But neither is true, so people get sick and some people die.

>> No.6151590

How fucking stupid and self centered are you that you actually think anyone gives a shit how you leave a public restroom? Lots of people use the paper towels that way. Maybe you are autistic

>> No.6151808

underrated post

>> No.6152195

>not Peter

You fucked up

>> No.6154076

>Restaurant is investigated
Only if there are many reports. Also, they will want a stool sample to do a culture.
THEN the restaurant gets investigated.
Oh also this guy
is very dumb.

>> No.6154088
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I think a lot of the problem is with people trying to be 'too' clean, using gallons of hand sanitizer like everything they fucking touch is covered in flesh eating bacteria

Theres this lady at my work who comes through the line and has this giant bottle of the shit in her purse that she squirts her hands with after touching anything.
Its fucking surreal watching her put her groceries on the conveyor
>carton of eggs
>can of corn
>giant double pack of hand sanitizer
I thought I was on some sort of youtube prank thing the first time she came through my line, because I couldn't believe anyone would really be that fucking crazy.
...but no.. there really are people like this out there.

I can't help but wonder if these are the sorts of people who get sick all the time, because they're kiling both the good and the bad bacteria and shit we need.

>> No.6154103
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>> No.6154104
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I was that gross little kid that always ate dirt and bugs and had giant scabs all over from skinning my knees and rolling in poison ivy.
20+ years later, my immune system is godlike. I get sick perhaps once a year, if even that.
I don't have any allergies, and i've never needed medication for anything.

I wash my hands and shower like a normal person, but aside from that.. I really don't have any other explanation for it, aside from me wallowing around in the mud and everything else outside when I was little.
No one goes outside anymore in the fresh/dirty/germ ridden air.
Everyones all shut up inside, afraid that the terrorists are going to get them and steal thier children.
I hate how my sister freaks out about her kids playing outside. My nephew skinned his knee once, and she wanted to take him to the fucking hospital.
"I think he'll be okay, seriously." "BUT HE'S BLEEDING, HE COULD GET HEPATITIS"

>> No.6154527

You retard.




"Macca's" sounds stupid.

>> No.6154555

maccas is australian slang ameritard

>> No.6154560
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>pic related

>> No.6154565

your sister is dumb, no offence

is she also against vaccines?

>> No.6154570


Where's "here"?

I rarely venture outside of Texas and Oklahoma. In both states, I think it is very common for both staff and customers to use the same bathrooms.

One of my favorite restaurants for lunch was a restaurant that had only one bathroom for men and women. The health department told them that they had to have one for men and one for men or they would have to shut down. The owner shut the restaurant down rather than go to the expense of building a second restroom.

>> No.6156099

>one for men and one for men

thanks patriarchy

>> No.6156119

You can't get food poisoning from your hands, moron.

>> No.6156164



>> No.6156172

Which explains why it sounds so fucking ugly and stupid. Enjoy your shitculture, shitcuisine, and shitslang on your worthless prison colony. There's a reason the rest of the world laughs at you ND IT AYUNT MACCAS, M8

>> No.6156205

Random guy here, I wouldn't give a shit and would consider it a smart move. But your worry makes me think you're already autistic

>> No.6156280

>Mfw from NZ and "maccas" is actually used by mcdonalds in advertising
>Mfw that's not even the worst name I've heard it called on a regular basis
>Mfw friend comes over and asks if I want him to get me any Micky D's on the way

I do not care because I am not an assburger.

>> No.6156286


Yfw I'm not even bullshitting.
Yfw I don't even care.

>> No.6156416


That's fucking retarded. It has nothing related to McDonalds at all. I didn't know what the anon meant when he said maccas until 10+ post later when someone else mentioned mcdonalds.

>> No.6156430

If your hands are dirty and you get sick from that. Well op only one person would be to blame. The pathetic baby with no immune system.

>> No.6156728

I'm from canada and lots of people here seem to call it "Mcdicks"

>> No.6156804

Ding ding ding
It's McDick's.

>> No.6158045


>I think you can get salmonella from eating poop.
Yes, but not your own poop. If you got it from yourself, you already had it.

The problem is when you go to a restaurant, and the Mexican dishwasher and the Central American prep cook don't bother to wash their hands after taking their pre-rush preparatory dumps, so every time they handle the plates and the food they contaminate your meal with their hepatitis- and tapeworm-egg- and salmonella-infected poop.

Then you eat the meal you bought from them and get these diseases. And the restaurant pretends that you couldn't possibly have gotten it from their illegal-immigrant workforce.

>> No.6159353
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I teach the servsafe exam in the states and this anon's answer closest to reality.

What I think goes unconsidered though; children and old people have terrible hygiene. Noro outbreaks (usually spread by hand-fecal cross contact) happen all the time in old folks homes and on cruise ships for that reason.

A few of those loose in your establishment spreading a little as 10 micrograms of contaminated poo can wreck shop, I'm certain.

Sadly, contaminated water is probably the most common carrier of biological contaminants.