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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 936 KB, 2062x2021, 0508_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6138150 No.6138150 [Reply] [Original]

When you say "fuck it" and decide to go on a (one type) candy binge, what is your drug of choice?

Pic related, mine.

>> No.6138157


>> No.6138162

Chocolate covered dicks

>> No.6138163

Peanut butter cups or truffles. Sometimes both.

>> No.6138166
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>> No.6138167
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only one

>> No.6138168

Always some type of cheap chocolate. M&M's, koetjesrepen, chocolate peanuts or nuts.

When I really say fuck it it's mostly some type of dough-type 'candy' like donuts or profiteroles or plain cake.

>> No.6138169

pretty much any kind of gummy candy. I'll eat that stuff till my shit turns colors.

>> No.6138172


For their weight, are heavy pastries worse for you than the gummy/sweet type candies?

>> No.6138192


Depends on how well they're made I guess and the added sugar. Profiterols are just basically flour and eggs with water. I only add about 7 grams of vanilla sugar to the whipped cream in total so they're not overly sweet. Per 100g the calories aren't that different because of the whipped cream but the ingredients are less of a mess than gummy/sweet candy.

>> No.6138195

Amazing taste OP, that shit is so fucking good.

>> No.6138200

Sour patch kids

>> No.6138210

Too good

>> No.6138212

please check the catalog

>> No.6138214


fuck dude I haven't had those in over a year

>> No.6138221
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I could probably eat sour cherry blasters for days

>> No.6138433

Wine gums nigga, always got a full jar.

>> No.6138436
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>> No.6138440
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>> No.6138450

I just found a store near me that sells the little movie boxes of cookie dough bites for $1 each and I bought 3 of them

>> No.6138451
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>> No.6139086

I work at a movie theater, whenever theres a package of candy that is obviously opened in a way that was poured out rather than manhandled, i'd take it.

>nb4 AIDS n shit

I'm clean and haven't gotten sick.

I'm fond of Peanut M&M's and Junior Mints for chocolate, sweet candy I fancy Twizzlers and Sour Squigglies

>> No.6139090

Chocolate covered friends banana?

>> No.6139103

>none of you fags posted based Swedish Fish

>> No.6139111
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oh shit have you had the sour versions of these? oh lordy somebody stop me

>> No.6139119

Lost my tolerance for candy binges when i was about 25, more than a very small handful of those watermelon slices and i will vomit nowadays.

>> No.6139126

beef jerky

>> No.6139147


>> No.6139154

kit kats or peanut butter cups. they're both like crack

>> No.6139175


>> No.6139189

dark chocolate kit kats. i just end up picking up the entire box and taking it home

>> No.6139222


>> No.6139228

air heads

>> No.6139231
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>> No.6139247
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>> No.6139249
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Not a bad choice, OP.

>> No.6139266
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Haribo Gummy bears (whole packet cheat meal ftw)
Or Natural confectionery>>6139086
company sour worms.

>> No.6139268

disgusting. the only candy that is tolerable is chocolate based candies

>> No.6139270

Do your co-workers think your a freak?

>> No.6139292

i dont really sweet. but i usually clock up about 1500-2000kms of non work related travel a week. so if im in the car for more than two or three hours at a time its hard boiled candy time

>> No.6139303

so chocolate is candy too?
We have a pretty good separation between chocolates and lollies. Although M&M's blur the lines.

>> No.6139308
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Practically impossible to not finish the bad in one sitting.

>> No.6139310

yeah, of course. a reese's peanut butter cup is candy isn't it?

>> No.6139314

That guy aint no american

>> No.6139361

Jelly belly's fucking love those,especially the kirkland ones cause its cheap and delicious

>> No.6139410

do they not have reese's in lolly land?

>> No.6139434

They are around, but you see them only in fancy specialy stores that charge fuck tonnes for them here in strayacunt. And some people buy them and get them shipped and rave about them. I tryed a couple when I had an american exchange student room mate in uni, it was ok.

>> No.6139479

They are "ok" because you can get them for a dollar in vending machines here in burgerland. Not meant to be that great, just a cheap guilty pleasure.

>> No.6139563


Peanut Butter MnM's. There so easy to eat and come in massive bags. I adore them.

>> No.6139570

Oh, didn't know you were in australia. my condolences

>> No.6139574

the minis are the best ones. did he bring ya rootbeer and shit? aussies find it usually tastes like cough syrup. also, americans dont have v

>> No.6139592
File: 51 KB, 200x200, shari-candies-cherry-sour-156604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These beautiful little red bastard right here

>> No.6139652

I mix them with chocolate covered raisins, delicious.

>> No.6139789

anything sour, especially coke bottles

the problem is so many "sour" candies are fucking bullshit and not sour at all

>> No.6139850

There's a difference between the best candy ever and candy you'd gorge yourself on in th event you decided you didn't give a shit anymore.

>> No.6139983

You're good men. Saved me contributing a pic.

>> No.6140980

these two are my go to, straightup whore it up with bags of these or sour gummi worms

>> No.6140984

these things always have fucking lint on them whenever I buy them

I have no fucking clue how but there is definite pocket lint on them

delicious nonetheless

>> No.6140991
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These are the only sweets that I actively really, really enjoy. Other sweets are good but these are just a whole other level.

One confectionary I'd like to try though is saltlakrits (salty liquorice). It sounds right up my street.

>> No.6141012

For me, it has to be straight up Skittles. Nothing beats the original

>> No.6141014

Mah man!

Also those red coins.

>> No.6141021

Shitty tollhouse chocolate chip cookies get my dick swole.

>> No.6141025

I can't read.

>> No.6141561
File: 50 KB, 376x250, haribo-gummi-pink-grapefruit-5lb-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those things are always a gamble for me. When they're "fresh" they have a heavenly soft texture that makes it almost impossible to stop. When they're old and stale they are too hard to be satisfying.

Grapefruit candy is my current obsession.

>> No.6141566

Maybe I had a bad brand of them, but those are horrendous.

>> No.6142229

mah nigga

>> No.6142251

Boston Baked Beans, Twizzlers, shitty chocolate assortments.

I'm looking at you, $6 Whitman's box.

Oh, and chocolate covered raisins, mini Reese's, sour gummy worms, and sugar toasted nuts.

>> No.6142252
File: 164 KB, 520x755, qa57-lutti-crocodiles-681-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These motherfuckers, or salty liquorice.

Salty liquorice is like crack for the brain though.

>> No.6142316

Gonna go get some now that you reminded me I have it, /ck/.

>> No.6142320
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where'd my image go?

>> No.6142391
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>> No.6142441

>being able to like 1 type of candy for an extended period of time

Must be nice. Anytime I candy binge I feel the need to have choices and switch between them so I get a nice balance of gummies/fruity candy and chocolates.

>> No.6142476
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>> No.6142697

candy like that always gets better in their sour versions

>> No.6142900
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Afraid they'll fuck my teeth up but I always buy them when I go to Ikea.

>> No.6142914
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Dragibus. French candy manufacturers are awesome.

>> No.6142939

>and not those miserable little rowntrees ones, I'm talking proper chunky juicy ones in the 250ml bags in tesco/lidl etc

also partial to dolly mix

in terms of chocolate: cadbury's giant buttons
>fuck me sideways

of course these aren't rare treats for me; I'll usually indulge in a bag of above choices once a week without even thinking about it

>> No.6142951
File: 179 KB, 1024x768, blue-fizzy-bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this flavor?
Why is it artificial-tasting as hell?
Why is everything pink-teal this exact same flavor?

Why is it so goddamned delicious?

>> No.6142958

Dragibus is a horrible name for a lolly. Look nice tho.

>> No.6142977

Yes. Just, yes.

>> No.6143120
File: 423 KB, 765x574, Korean.food-Yakgwa-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its yakguas for me, essentially honey, flour and fried. God they are so fucking good, shame I have to drive twenty miles to the nearest korean mart that stocks the good kinds.

>> No.6143132

I grew out of candy and snack food in general at the end of middle school. Strange you guys didn't.

>> No.6143139


omg anon u r so sophisticated n mature, we r all so impressed

>> No.6143172

I used to do this too but one of my faggy coworkers loudly exclaimed to everyone "hey anon will eat the candy and popcorn left in the theaters, watch!" I put that candy ass in his place after that, trying to hate on my free food

>> No.6143181

Holy shit, it's been years since I've had any.

>> No.6143184

I hope you still ate the candy.

>> No.6143211

peanut butter fudge or laffy taffy

>> No.6143367

Winegums. Best fucking candy in the world.

>ain't even from britain

>> No.6143395
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These and sprees are god-tier

>> No.6144413
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>Go to god-tier dollar store on the other side of the county
>Candy as far as the eye can see (except for the right eye, which sees shitty lawn ornaments)
>Chocolate, Peanut Butter Cups, Gummy Bears, and whatever else you can think of
>It's not generic trash or ant-sized either
>I see pic related in a corner

So, does anyone else have a nearby store with a GOAT-tier selection of candy?

>> No.6144452
File: 44 KB, 579x182, Candy-Reeses-Fast-Break-Wrapper-Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this for chocolate

for gummy candy its either Lifesavers (most types) or gummy bears

>> No.6144453

i still dont know what GOAT means

>> No.6144457
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When I say fuck it I purchase a pack of these mother fuckers from the local walmart

>> No.6144462

Look it up on urban dictionary you derp

>> No.6144464

Spree are gay and you are a faggot. But, because you also chose Shockers, you have redeemed yourself.

>> No.6144470

우리의 과자를 사랑해 주셔서 감사합니다 ㅋㅋ

>> No.6144471

I ate these as a chillun. Do they even make them anymore?

>> No.6144480

greatest of all time

>> No.6144501

ebola, the candy

>> No.6144507


But they're pretty much still Sprees.

>> No.6144515


I order them online.

>> No.6144520

It's a animal, similar to a sheep.

>> No.6144526


They're just jellybeans. Nothing special about them because they're le français.

>> No.6144645

sour candy til my mouth bleeds

>> No.6145008

Where can I find these?

>> No.6145043

I like Haribo Peaches

>> No.6145048
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>> No.6145070

Claey's lemon drops. I was up to a pack and a half a day at one point.

>> No.6145077
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>> No.6145095


>> No.6145101

cherry sours
so fucking good

>> No.6145103
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its so cute

>> No.6145126
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These and pic related.

>> No.6145202

Threads like these are so cool, no bantering or assholes just people talking about food and their favorite candy. Most threads here lack anything like this.

>> No.6145241

These things come in sour form? I'm getting the addiction sweats now anon you'd better take responsibility.

>> No.6145280
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>tfw walmart has 10 for $10 on small boxes or 2 for $5 on pound bags

I eat this shit until my gums bleed and me enamel is gone

>> No.6145305
File: 55 KB, 532x356, altoids_sours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these

>> No.6145327

Those, swedish fish and buncha crunch.
They're like cocaine to me.

>> No.6145389


>> No.6145392
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These snacks don't play around

>> No.6145404

Why is sour candy so destructive to your mouth? The acidity?

>> No.6145790

Forgot the name of the candy, but they're rectangle caramel and toffee.

>> No.6145794

that, and that it usually stays in your mouth for a while because it's chewy/hard/sticky.

>> No.6145800

grocery store, bulk candy section, as many generic chocolates as I can get. caramel filled, pb filled, crisped rice, toffee chips, cream filled, chocolate covered nuts, chocolate covered raisins, chocolate covered wafers, whatever

if i have to choose just one thing, peanut butter cups.

>> No.6145976
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What the fuck anon

>> No.6145984

Us3d to be a local sour bluk supplier that made these godly fruit belts but my teeth start to hurt after a while. So its a toss up between chocolate almonds and sea salt toffee.

>> No.6145998


trader Joe's desert is God tier. I actually prefer joe joes over Oreos now

>> No.6146009
File: 84 KB, 519x600, redbandsaurestäbchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this glorious stuff
~every 1-2 months my local supermarket gets a bunch of those
i tend to buy 2-3 packs and decide to binge each one at some later point

>> No.6146253


>> No.6146278
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Also these have been a favorite of mine lately.

>> No.6146280

those strawberry lolly shits

fuck those taste good

>> No.6146292

Sprees.....that are SOUR. Huge difference.

Look in the candy section at any gas station near you; they might be there.

>> No.6146296

>binge same day

>> No.6146299
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Waking up without enamel the next day

>> No.6146306
File: 111 KB, 800x455, CC_Sunline-Brands-Grape-Lik-m-aid-Fun-Dip-Lik-a-Stix-candy-package-1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know its gotta be good if they put a fat kid on the package.

>> No.6146308

Strangely, I only liked the vanilla flavored stick. Didn't even bother with the dip.

>> No.6146314

After eating the dip, I would suck on the stick for hours. I'm so fat. And so are you.

>> No.6146319

And so is everyone in this thread.

>> No.6146351
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Bubble Gum
Strawberry lollipop

>> No.6146515
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>> No.6146582

oh god the other day I ate two bags of sour lifesavers. I thought my tongue was going to deteriorate in my mouth.

>> No.6146676
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There is only one.
Geisha pure master race

>> No.6146689
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>> No.6146710

what the hell does that mean?

>> No.6146716

I had like 15 Oreos yesterday, took a nap and then went to the gym.

>> No.6146721

I jizzed all over my keyboard while I was eating gummies and then had to clean it...

>> No.6146735

>and then had to clean it...
With your tongue?

>> No.6146743

no, your mother's tongue of course.

>> No.6146752
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>> No.6146796
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It was a tough choice between pic related and Haribo Roulettes, but in the end pic related won.

>> No.6146893

I ate a whole pack of those once and thew up everywhere. Haven't had them since.

>> No.6146912
File: 210 KB, 720x720, Fizzy_Strawberry_Belts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit right here

>> No.6146954

I think they still sell Shock Tarts, which I believe are similar to what you posted.

I haven't had them in years though. When I was a kid I ate so many in one sitting that my tongue bled and I couldn't taste hardly anything for a couple days.

>> No.6146958

>Haribo Roulettes

>> No.6146983
File: 100 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lbmenv1ATN1qa1fpio1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is love?

>> No.6147000

IIRC Shock Tarts are what Shockers used to be called. Dunno why they changed it. Shock Tarts were fine.

>> No.6147030

Reese's peanut butter cups.

I once ate so many I woke up 3 hours later gagging on my own vomit.