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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6134927 No.6134927 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to start a vegetarian diet, any advice?

>> No.6134934

dont et mat

>> No.6134936

falafels make better veggie burgers than anything you can buy in a store

>> No.6134937

Don't eat meat.

>> No.6134938

dont tell anyone about it until at least 3 months in

>> No.6134939

It sucks and it is hard. I live on that diet cause of wife. You will end up substiuting meat with cheeses and weight gain will be a problem.

>> No.6134940

don't burger

>> No.6134944
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eggs are a good dietary choice for a vegetarian.

all the protein of a potential baby animal without the morally unacceptable addition of semen.

>> No.6134949

Beans are your new best friend. To feel full eat lots of vegetable fiber. Eating out or on the go will be a bitch.
>You will end up substiuting meat with cheeses
Do NOT fucking do this. The only obese vegetarians I know are total dairy whores. Be very moderate about your dairy intake.

>> No.6134952

i dont know what a falafel is, but ill google it
im lactose intolerant, so ive never eaten or drank anything milk related

>> No.6134953

this. and milk with good amount of whole grains, fresh vag, and fruits

>> No.6134954
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Do it gradually and don't replace meat with a bunch of junk food.

Get some different WHOLE grains, get some different kinds of legumes, get some different kinds of vegetables, try different dishes with them until you get an idea of what you like and have developed a portfolio of viable meals, and slowly phase out the meat from your diet.

Trying to drop meat all at once will most likely just leave you confused if you grew up in a country where meat is the centerpiece of every meal. Swapping out the steak for a block of tofu isn't a realistic approach.

>> No.6134958

>The only obese vegetarians I know are total dairy whores.

I'm just a carb whore and I'm fat. I don't eat much dairy but I eat loads of pasta and bread and beans+rice with tortillas

I pretty much live on mostly carbs, without enough vegetables and I'm pretty sure I'm diabetic now.

>> No.6134963


That's weird, there's whole continents of people who eat like you do and they're known for their thinness

>> No.6134967

>he is not a lazy fuck who doesn't lift

>> No.6134970

Underrated post

>> No.6134971

I'm a carb whore, too, but I make sure to fill up on vegetable fiber, and I lift. You can pretty much live on grains, beans and veggies without getting fat as long as you lift.

>> No.6134973


>> No.6134976
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why not just eat meat, eggs and overground veg like an Alpha?

>> No.6134978

it's not really hard to stop all at once

there are so many satisfying meals with no meat in them, but I did get addicted to cheese for a while.

I've never even tried tofu

>> No.6134983

except for the milk part i can work with the rest
im ok with that

>> No.6134988


>it's not really hard to stop all at once
>there are so many satisfying meals with no meat in them

That's if you're already aware of those meals. In my experience, most people can't imagine giving up meat because they aren't familiar with enough dishes that don't include meat. To someone who eats meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it's not a change you can do instantly without quickly dropping the whole idea because you don't know what to eat besides vegetables and imitation meat products

>> No.6134995

yeah, I should have mentioned in my post that I pretty much never move, and I also drink alcohol

I think you can be pretty damn fit on a veg diet if you aren't a drunk lazy sack of shit like me

>> No.6135008

think of it like a pyramid.

the base of it is dark greens, like spinach and co: eat a lot of these.

the next tier up is: beans and nuts, eat a lot of these as well.

after that is weird vegetables: like carrots and stuff, good source of vitamins and minerals.

and the top of the pyramid is fruit: you should eat a decent and varied amount of these, but watch out for the sugar. you should eat more vegetables than fruit.

important thing to consider: you are going to have to eat ALOT of food, forget the idea of meals, youre basically gonna be eating all day because of how low in calories veggies are - why do you think cows/dinos would just sit around eating trees all day?

whats your BMI? ill make you a regiment

>> No.6135012

There are people on /ck/ right now that don't know what a falafel is. Holy... fucking... shit...
I bet you're from a flyover.

>> No.6135013

Disregard this post. Just eat one frozen cheese pizza a day and take a vitamin. Perfect health guaranteed.

>> No.6135014

>most people can't imagine giving up meat because they aren't familiar with enough dishes that don't include meat.
I don't know if I totally agree with you, but I will say my cooking has entirely changed since going (mostly) vegetarian. I used to eat beans once or twice a week, now it's almost every day. Middle Eastern and Indian food used to be once in a while things for me, now they're part of the day to day diet.

You sure as fuck are not going to be eating a typical Western diet as a vegetarian.

>> No.6135019

25,47 according to some web bmi calculator

>> No.6135024 [DELETED] 

hey there, fattie :DDDDD

>> No.6135029


OP, ignore this guy

>> No.6135031

well im trying to not be one, whats your problem?

>> No.6135032

sorry, meng. just being an arsehole here, good luck and all that

>> No.6135034

how old are you?
what do you weigh?
whats your height?
do you exercise regularly?

>> No.6135040

i jog for 30-40 min every morning and practice 40 mins of yoga after running

>> No.6135080

lol you cant trick me i know 175 cm is like a insect or something. what do you think im stupid? causd im not.

>> No.6135085

emm no 175cm = 1.75meters = 5.74 ft

>> No.6135086
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Buy a pressure cooker. Dried beans are fucking cheap and tasty, but a pain to prepare without one. It's also great for grains.

>> No.6135090

think about it in such a way that you wont be eating dairy / eggs so you dont get fat
>brown rice
>all the veg you want
>olive oils etc.

count your calories and limit your fruit intake

>> No.6135118

how dow you cook beans in one? will they have the same texture as canned beans?

>> No.6135130

>i dont know what a falafel is
sonny boy, this is going to be a hard adjustment for you.

>> No.6135131
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>being able to eat so much that you get fat if you don't count calories

>> No.6135137

I usually soak them for about 6 hours and then cook them for 15 min. The texture is similar to canned ones, slightly firmer. It's also possible to cook without soaking. Exact cooking time depends on the beans, your cooker, your altitude and your preferences.

>> No.6135142

cool. thx

>> No.6135156

>Buy a pressure cooker.
Definitely do this. I use mine all the time.

>> No.6135163

Having such a poor appetite that you are ill all the time.

>> No.6135195
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>limit your fruit intake

>> No.6135215

Learn how to replace the calories you would normally get from meat with legumes,fruit and veg.


>important thing to consider: you are going to have to eat ALOT of food, forget the idea of meals, youre basically gonna be eating all day because of how low in calories veggies are

Completely untrue. Also there's nothing wrong with the sugar in fruit, eat as much as you want OP.

>> No.6135422

dude centimeters? those are smaller fhan an inch.... next youll tell me you weigh 10 minimeters.

>> No.6137412

>fresh vag
OP, this part is very important. Make sure you do this

>> No.6138063
File: 111 KB, 1467x967, 119007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but fruit has SUGAR!!!

Sugar is the #1 cause of obesity in the world!

Everyone needs to limit their daily sugar intake to less than 2 nanograms per day!

Nobody should be allowed to drink anything other than water!

Any more, and you'll be suffering from Obesity, Diabetes, Autism, and Attention Deficit Disorder within Weeks!

We NEED a Sugar Tax to protect us against this fatal epidemic, or the ENTIRE WORLD POPULATION will be DEAD BY 2050!

>> No.6138288

I've been vegan for a year now and I still don't really know what one is.

Also, this this this.
Don't just eat all pasta either.

>> No.6138292
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>> No.6138559

>no mention of B12 supplements
They're trying to sabotage you, I swear.

>> No.6138602

>I would like to start a vegetarian diet, any advice?

Yeah. Don't.

Why would you want to be a vegetarian? Is it for legitimate health reasons? Or is it because you want to be trendy or something?

>> No.6138612


Forget using a pressure cooker for beans. Use a slow cooker instead.

>> No.6138617

>Sugar is the #1 cause of obesity in the world!

Overeating and not exercising are the top two causes of obesity, not necessarily in that order.