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File: 271 KB, 1024x689, 1397462251938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6132187 No.6132187 [Reply] [Original]

>be a vegan for 5 years
>literally never supplement vitamin b12
>feel amazing and doctor says I'm perfectly healthy
>people always say you'll die in a week if you don't take certain vitamins as a vegan

What are some other stupid things you've heard pro meat/dairy people say?

>> No.6132229

i had one friend try to claim you can't get ANY protein from anything not meat related

>> No.6132235

I'm not a veg but I hear this a lot. Many people don't know that there are many plants that provide excellent amounts of protein.

>> No.6132252

>eats vitamin fortified vegan frankenfood
>doesn't realise that this is supplementing his diet with b12
You're dumb.
As usual, veganism is a privilege available only to the wealthiest people on earth. Surprise surprise that a vegan would be so out of touch with the reality of his diet.

>> No.6132277

B12 comes from the ground and can be consumed by humans through animal meat. If you're not lacking B12 after 5 years, it's because you're consuming some, somewhere. For example, most milk replacement beverages (soy, almond or other) contains added B12.

>> No.6132291

have you ever read the label? all of that shit is fortified

>> No.6132292


I haven't eaten anything but kale, avocado, beans, and rice for years.

>> No.6132297

I think you meant
>i'm lying
Because you are. Lying I mean. You're lying. You lying liar, you.

>> No.6132307

Why would you come onto the internet and lie?

>> No.6132317
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>> No.6132320
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>If you don't eat ANY cholesterol you will DIE!

>> No.6132327

>Implying most of the world isn't forced to be vegetarian because meat is too expensive.

Please educate yourself.

>> No.6132328

stupid things?
>wow ummmm real men eat meat lmao (no homo)
>ughhh i hate vegans and vegetarians they're SOOOO ANNOYING MEAT IS MURDER TASTY MURDER LMAO!!
>omg look at this sad unrealistic picture of an "aborted fetus"... this tragedy and senseless murder needs to end #1like1prayer

>> No.6132333

how can you be that fat and still be a vegan you must graze all day

>> No.6132336

>implying vegetarian is the same as vegan
They eat eggs and/or dairy as well as bugs and grubs to supplement that semi-vegetarian diet, numbskull.

>> No.6132340
File: 46 KB, 600x591, 1418944307317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While watching jurassic park:
during the hiding in trees with brontosaurus part:

>You know why they are so big? They eat meat...

>> No.6132345

>as well as bugs and grubs
If you're going the pussy "vegetarian" route, sure. I don't consider anyone who eats any animals real vegetarians. Not a hipster vegan, I eat loads of meat, I just don't think you get to call yourself something you fucking aren't.

>> No.6132350

>Wow you are so skinny! You are wasting away!

I'm actually 15 pounds heavier now...

>> No.6132372

if you aren't retarded what you would take away from that image is that steak is more nutrient dense than broccoli
what that picture tells us is
3 oz of steak exceeds 12.6 oz of broccoli in protein

I know science is hard for you though, so I'm not mad

>> No.6132379

I eat a vegan diet but I call bullshit on that. You do need to supplement vitamin B12, as should everyone else

>> No.6132380


>Have fun with high blood pressure from eating all that salt!

>> No.6132413

100 calories of broccoli is heavier than 100 calories of steak, so we need to eat a lot more broccoli to get 11.2g of protein than to get 11.2g of steak.

i'm vegetarian btw.

>> No.6132444

No shit. That doesn't change the argument the picture is making.

The point of that picture is that if you're trying to get protein while minimizing calorie intake, broccoli is better than meat.

>> No.6132454

It's like people don't know how to read and draw relevant conclusions or something...

>> No.6132466

so the point you are trying to make is broccoli is better when you are imposing arbitrary guide lines on food?

because as we know, its completely reasonable to sit down and eat nearly a pound of broccoli in one sitting. a little bit of meat though? out of the question!

>> No.6132482

I think the argument the picture is making is that a hundred calories of steak with fifty calories of broccoli would make a tasty high-protein lunch.

>> No.6132493

That's why I eat 99% fat free chicken breasts. Also, broccoli is not a complete protein.

>> No.6132494

>>eats vitamin fortified vegan frankenfood

Why did you make this assumption, anon?

>> No.6132524

there's no way the protein in raw fucking broccoli is even remotely as bioavailable to humans as the protein in cooked steak

>> No.6133144

any of you guys try the new beyond meat burgers?

they are supposed to be amazing

>> No.6133250

> be me at age 32
> have very rare intolerance to Chlorophyll A
> have not eaten a green vegitable in over 20 years
> take a multi-vitamin every other day for several years
> doctor says I am in amazing shape
> vegans always tell me I will die of heart disease in a year, usually with a lot of spite and anger in their voice

I don't try throwing dietary advice in the face of anyone because I understand special dietary circumstances. So would all you vegan-fags understand that the real reason everyone in society hates you has nothing to do with your dietary choice and everything to do with the fact that you are all just shitty human beings that seek to legislate your dietary choice because your hatred has completely consumed you.

>> No.6133327

Beans provide complete protein. Peanuts, oats, rice and wheat all provide other kinds of protein.

I used to be one of the people that condemned vegans for their ineffective diet, until i realized that I was wrong :^)

>> No.6133336

What multi-vitamin brand are you taking right now? And any recommendations for ones more focused on vitamin a, d, and e? I'm suffering skin health issues, especially related to my face and lips right now and hoping I'm just suffering from a vitamin deficiency than something much worse but all the medical professionals I been too, seem to laugh when I ask them if I could have a blood test for vitamins I am lacking which is pretty disheartening to hear since they seem eager to suggest I am suffering something much worse and therefore want me to get blood tested for much worse stuff than a lack of vitamins and to appease them, I let them test my blood for worse stuff and when the blood test says I am free of that bad stuff, they still refuse to do the original vitamin blood test I asked for in the first place, and just tell me they don't know why my face and lips are getting fucked up right now.

So I am taking matters into my own hands but all those different vitamin brands just give me a headache since each one seems to promise different things they can do for you thanks to advertising and I can't ask anyone I know for help since no one in the family or social circle takes vitamin pills...

I just feel so lost.

>> No.6133348

cool story

i kekt, but cant u still eat pretty much every plant that doesnt look green

>> No.6133370

aside from the 5 red bulls you drink a day

>> No.6133389

Faggot vegan OP detected.

How are you even still alive?? If you don't eat meat even for one day, YOU DIE. Thus I have all the proof I'll ever need: So called "vegans and vegetarians" eat even more meat than anyone else, and that's why they live longer: it's because they are lying about not eating meat. FUCK YOU.

>> No.6134202


So your response to people ignorantly making generalizations is to also make ignorant generalizations?

>> No.6134224

>Fake smiles and too much makeup.
Is this what Americans find attractive

>> No.6134251
File: 240 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is possible that OP's B12 levels are normal for now because the body stores this vitamin in large quanitites very efficiently. If he is not supplementing or consuming fortified products, however, he will eventually the effects of his "hurrnob12theory."

What does it look like? Pic related is Pellagra, associated with Niacin deficiency (which is very rare). Other more minor types of dermatitis are often
associated with deficiencies (like riboflavin, for example) but are generally regarded as chronic and probably a result of genetic and immune issues.

>> No.6134651

My mom once had a vegetarian friend that only ate French fries and chips

>> No.6134669


Yup. There are no diseases or deficiencies strictly related to veganism. I've been vegan for 5+ years now and have only been in the best shape of my life. I also don't eat mock meats unless I'm going out to a restaurant for fun. I mostly run on fruits, vegetables, carbs and legumes.

>> No.6134677

It's really not that difficult to eat a few heads of broccoli, to be honest. Don't be a pussy. It'll also make you shit beautifully.

>> No.6134689

A lot of straight men do.

>> No.6134704
File: 273 KB, 1024x576, whydoamericans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what Europoors really find attractive?

God, shut the fuck up already

>> No.6135194

I think that's the point.

>> No.6135233

apparently you've been eating cum

>> No.6135347

well duh, he's a vegan

>> No.6135459

are humans animals?

>> No.6135524

There's no such thing as a complete protein.

>> No.6135529

What an obnoxious faggot. B12 deficiency degenerates your brain, and he's clearly a victim of it.

>> No.6135875


wow I just realized I haven't seen that picture in years

>> No.6135904

Kind of dry itchy face if I don't hurry and apply moisturizer on my face after showering or just simply splashing water on my face. The creases of my nose and the tip of my nose sometimes have have tiny skin flakes on them from dryness though. My nose bridge also feels dry, flaky, and itchy. My chin gets the most dry out of my entire face, though, and you can see the skin flakes pretty clear on my chin.

As for my lips, they keep peeling off like a snake shedding its own skin despite generous applications of 100% pure original Vaseline day and night.

Basically, I feel like my face's skin barrier is fucking up and unable to hold onto moisture properly and can't even deal with plain old water running down the face for far too long.

I never had to deal with such face problems until only the past few months.

It feels like all my skin problems started after I suffered through a first time ever experience of jock itch I caught last August which took until September to go away. It feels like after experiencing jock itch, my skin especially my face have become sensitived and weaker. It didn't help that I caught a bad cold that lasted 2 weeks during the time I had jock itch and a cold right after I was cured of jock itch.

It feels like maybe my body used up all its supply of vitamins and that's why my facial skin and lips are suffering right now because my body used up all its vitamins fighting my jock itch and consecutive long lasting colds that lasted from August to mid October.

So I want to take vitamin supplements but the specific one I think my body needs the most right now but again, it feels like no one is able to provide a vitamin deficiency blood test for me in my area so I feel like I have to guess which vitamin I need right now.

I heard higher doses of vitamins require a doctor's prescription but again can't seem to find a doctor who wants to take me seriously and wants to blood test me for other crap and not vitamins.

>> No.6135908

>comes from the ground
It comes from bacteria, not "the ground". Bacteria in our intensives actually make b12, it's just too far down for our bodies to utilize.

>> No.6135916

>Bacteria in our intensives actually make b12, it's just too far down for our bodies to utilize.

You are retarded.

>> No.6135939

And yeah, this will be the first time I am taking vitamin supplements in pill form in my life and I wish I had some guidance on vitamin brands and if there is a risk overdosing on these pills or taking them for far too long.

But again, it feels like all the doctors in my area don't believe in vitamin deficiency so it feels like no one wants to help me figure out why I am suffering right now.

By the way, until late 2014, I always been healthy and haven't seen a doctor since I was maybe 15 years old and it feels like my childhood doctor who already retired was much more caring than any of these modern doctors for adults I have encountered over the past few months.

It feels like they just want to kick you out of their office as soon as possible and don't really pay attention to what you are complaining about.

It kinds of makes me wish my retired childhood doctor could treat me right now instead of these doctors for adults.

>> No.6135953
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Best thread I have ever had the honer of participating in.


>> No.6135960

Ups wrong link:

>> No.6135966


You should take some time and read about vitamins, what the symptoms of deficiency are for each one, weigh that against the weak spots in your diet, then focus on those to see if the situation improves.

Not everything will show up on a blood test. If you only want to put as much effort as it takes to get a blood test, get a new doctor and ask for a full metabolic profile first thing. Any good doctor will start off with that , especially if you are over 30. That will screen a whole lot of stuff and uncover any problems with your major chemical systems which can in turn infer possible vitamin, mineral, electrolyte (or over-abundances, which can be a problem too).

Anyhoo, what's going on with your face and lips and why do you suspect nutrition?

>> No.6135971

You should but you don't have to. There have been studies where long term vegans (in like rural Afghanistan of all places) did fine without any dietary source of b12. Their blood serum levels initially drop but then stabilize. Still, as a vegan living in a modern world where sanitation is the norm, a supplement is a good idea.

>> No.6135978

> vitamin b12
Isn't that what Alex Jones pushes?

>> No.6135980

I don't understand why carl's jr has to be sexual in their advertising and things like this. That think on his left is creepy too.
>those mouths

>> No.6135992

I just noticed the image was Carl's Jr.

>> No.6136002

>99% fat free chicken breasts
I don't even think that's a thing

>> No.6136010

I guess this is what he's been advertising.


Actually afraid to use it if I wanted to.

>> No.6136015
File: 9 KB, 250x242, 1398790641584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr what are amino acids

>> No.6136020

All this came through as I was typing my last reply. Jock itch it's a fungal infection... Tinia. Same family as dandruff, athletes foot, sun fungus, etc. It thrives in hot weather, so you can expect it to return next summer. Get some clotrimazole or miconozole, use daily for a few weeks, that will knock it out for a few months. There is another fungus in that family that you get on your face, neck, shoulders, and torso, but you will get skin discoloration normally, but maybe not. Try a bit of anti-fungal on it for a few days and see if it helps.

Otherwise, go to a dermatologist. Family doctors are shit when it comes to skin. It is a very complicated specialty.

>> No.6136023
File: 335 KB, 1600x1200, tipsfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't eat eggs
>I don't drink milk
>I don't eat meat
>I don't eat cheese

>> No.6136029

Cheese is for plebs; enjoy your tit food.

>> No.6136031

I've had the chicken pieces, not the burgers. Will have to check it out

>> No.6136033

See >>6135904

I initially suspected nutrition due to the beating my immune system took from August to mid October 2014 and instead my doctor did a basic blood test screening for autoimmune diseases instead of vitamin deficiency. I don't think he tested for every possible autoimmune disease because I think that would require multiple blood draws but he told me just the basic autoimmune screening (which I don't really understand myself about just how basic is basic) and the blood test results said negative for autoimmune which is a great thing and a relief to hear after my doctor scared me right off the bat when I just thought I had problems with vitamins in my diet but he is still one stubborn bitch and doesn't seem to believe I am suffering from a lack of a specific vitamin somewhere.

I even called other local doctors around my area but it seems like they never heard of a vitamin deficiency blood test before. I even asked the nurse who drew my blood if she ever heard of such a blood test and she said she doesn't know...

I am starting to wonder if I should go to a hospital right now even if I can't really afford it because maybe the hospital staff know what I am talking about instead of these local family doctors?

I don't know but it just sucks when no one takes you seriously even though you are paying them to try to understand your current medical problems.

>> No.6136061

I can't imagine why your doctor won't give you a test if you explicitly ask for it. Don't you have a gd who isn't a cunt

>> No.6136063

My transgender girlfriend came out to me and told me she was a vegan. Should I dump her now?

>> No.6136066

This is the truth you massive piece of shit. Fucking know-nothings feel like they always got to say something

>> No.6136073

All proteins contain all amino acids. I bet you don't even know the difference

>> No.6136111

I am considering switching doctors but only after I find a doctor who will do a vitamins deficiency blood test for me and doesn't think I made up some imaginary blood test because it feels like I am being treated like that in my area's local doctors so I guess I will have to search for doctors outside my town.

>> No.6136116

Hospital is the last place I would go. They specialize in trauma/acute crisis issues and most of the staff are residents.

Dry skin and jock itch are not life threatening. There is no magic blood test to check for all vitamin deficiencies. Some, but not all. Jock itch does not send your immune system into a tizzy. When your immune system does go to battle it goes back to normal very quickly. In fact, your immune system would have little if any involvement with topical skin issues. The skin fights that on its own.

My advice, stop panicking asked get yourself an appointment with a dermatologist. Be honest, tell them anything you can about you history, experience, symptoms, etc. But if you go in and try to argue your "gut feeling" that your immune system conspired to steal all your vitamins while fighting off jock itch, they will probably just refer you to psychiatrists. Let them do the thinking.

>> No.6136119

There are tests. Some more effective than others. Unfortunately they are expensive and hospitals are on a tight budget and generally don't give a shit about their patients. If you have money, go see a dermatologist. Otherwise you can try to get that sort of visit covered by a better insurance plan, although I'm not sure how that all pans out now that OBONGOCARE has changed things.

However, I don't think that your problem is vitamin related. It takes quite awhile, not just a few months, for severe vitamin deficiencies to manifest in clinical symptoms. However, like I said before, there are certain ones that cause skin issues (mainly b vitamins), but as you have noticed you would need to test for them.

Where do you live? Some people are really sensitive to the weather/cold when it comes to their skin, so that could also be another factor.


>> No.6136153

I live in California. The weather has been cold lately but I have been using a humidifier in my home so I don't think the cold weather is the cause behind my current skin problems.

I guess I will consider seeing a dermatologist but I hope they don't just tell me to use a steroid cream or act as uncaring as my current doctor I am seeing and actually want to find out the reason behind my skin problems.

>> No.6136174

>Jock itch does not send your immune system into a tizzy.

My jock itch lasted a really long time, though, almost 2 months.

I was tempted to ask for jock itch pills since it felt like the jock itch creams weren't working and the itch was really god damn awful that it was really difficult sleeping. I had to wrap my hands in cotton gloves and pray I don't unconsciously scratch my inner thighs too much as I sleep.

Finally, in late September, my stubborn jock itch finally cleared up but I was a mess at that point and asked how something as cruel as jock itch can exist; it is like a penalty for sweating too much or exercising too much.

>> No.6136378

No,no,no her sex drive will skyrocket as a vegan! :3

>> No.6137190

drink those fucking monster energy thingies.

>> No.6137264

>>be a vegan for 5 years
Know how I know you're gay?