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6129483 No.6129483 [Reply] [Original]

is it true a wine hangover is the worst hangover? i heard theres more toxins in wine

>> No.6129495

Some people have a sensitivity to Histamines (in red wines) and Sulfates (normally used in both red and white production). This can lead to nastier headaches and feeling groggy.

>> No.6129496

I find mixing a few drinks together is best. Drink beer then switch to shots. Wine and vodka.

I'd guess either interactions with different chemicals cause it, or the body finds it harder to cleanup multiple messes at once.

>> No.6129499

Cheap bourbon has hit me the hardest.

>> No.6129532

I don't know where people are coming from saying that wine produces the worst hangover... I can drink 2 litres of red wine in one night and feel better than I would if I had half the total alcohol in whiskey/sugary cocktails. I just wake up, drink water, drop a huge deuce, and feel fine.

Worst hangovers I get are when I mix all sorts of alcohols, drinking beer, shots, cocktails, and everything all in one night. Any time I drink without also drinking water and eating proper food will make any hangover far worse than it should be otherwise.

Want to avoid a bad hangover? Stick to one poison, drink plenty of water throughout the night, eat lots of food, or if you're a real faggot just don't drink in the first place.

>> No.6129580


it's all horsehit pseudo science. people say that wine hangovers are the worst, so when they have a hangover from wine they remember this and convince themselves it's worse than usual.

>> No.6129591

Nothing better than shitting out a whole bottle of wine.

>> No.6129609

>is it true a wine hangover is the worst hangover?
Sweet wine will fuck you up, as will wine on an empty stomach. Dry wine with and after a reasonable meal will not fuck you up so bad, unless you go absolutely crazy with the stuff.

>i heard theres more toxins in wine
Nonsense. My experience has been the worst hangovers come from drinking too much over too long a period. Like drinking 15 hours straight or longer. Of course access to cocaine just makes that sort of thing much worse, so if you don't like hangovers avoid cocaine. The second worst come from mixing alcohol with sugar, because fructose and alcohol are another kind of one-two punch to the liver.

>> No.6129613


This. The worst hangover is the one you have right now.

>> No.6129668

This is just me, but when I have wine, I get really awful shits the next day. Doesn't hurt or anything, I just shit a lot, and it smells worse than it usually does.

>> No.6129706

op here

just something my brother told me and in my experience its true. but i guess its mixed bag, hearing from you guys.

>> No.6130632

drink a good amount of water before you pass out=no hangover

>> No.6130634

>this product may contain sulphites
yep, that's not good
organic wine is clean as shit

>> No.6130645

If I want to get shit faced, forget yesterday drunk wine is my poison, I can drink fucking 10 litres of it in a sitting. The next day is awful to say the least. I don't blame toxins or anything, just myself for drinking cheap wine.

I'm a bit drunk now, I've been drinking rum, beer and bourbon for 12 hours, I think I'll be OK tomorrow, hoping to get up early and go for a surf to freshen up.

>> No.6130646

Cheap gin or brandy... ralf

>> No.6130647

Well, I can tell you a port hangover is pretty fuckin' miserable

>> No.6130648
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Worst hangover I ever had was after cognac. I was fishing with my dad and the only bottle of liquor in my uncle's cabin was a quart of Hennessy. We finished the bottle in under 2 hours, and crawled into bed drunk as fuck. Surprisingly I didn't throw up at all, but the headche was crippling the next day.

My dad, being a old school drunk, tried to wake me up at sunrise, but literally called me a faggot when I started wining and went fishing by himself.

>> No.6130657

Try getting drunk on shit like Kahlua or Baileys, you'll wish you were dead when the hangover hits.

>> No.6130662

I've contemplated just chugging baileys once, to see what happens. I really like the way it tastes. But all dat cream is my biggest concern.

>> No.6130670

Drinking it is good at the time but you'll regret it.

>> No.6130698

imo worst hangover was from a bottle of Malibu and pineapple juice. All that sugar, coupled with the alcohol, dried me right out. And jesus H what a headache I had.

>> No.6130715

sulfites and sulfates aren't the same

>> No.6130716

This OP
More sugar and less water intake means a worse hangover,so sweet cheap bourbon,cream liquor or young wines give really bad hangovers,while clear neutral spirits and plenty of water intake will give you no hangover in the best case.

>> No.6130802

If you are sober enough to remember to drink loads of water then you probably were not going to have a bad hangover in the first place.

>> No.6130852

I think drinks with high alcohol percentages cause worse hangovers because there's less water content so you're more dehydrated.
While beer doesn't exactly keep you hydrated either, it has atleast 90% water compared to 60% for Vodka.

>> No.6130884

Avoid hangovers by never sobering up.

>> No.6130910
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pic related is pretty gnarly shit

>> No.6130923


>> No.6130936

Keystone Light and tequila were both worse than any wine hangover I've had

I split a fifth of vlad with a friend, chasing with milwaukee ice pounders and the hangover didn't even compare

>> No.6130978

agree. it's funny, some nights i used to drink myself to the point of blackout and beyond, remember nothing the next morning but be totally fine.

then other times after work i'd have like 6 beers and be immobilized and vomiting the next day. sometimes you just get lucky i guess.

>> No.6130983

discount vodka was the worst for me
not only was the hangover like going through hell but I was completely wasted and felt like shit the whole night and I have not even emptied the bottle.

>> No.6130997

>if you don't like hangovers avoid cocaine
what a wise man you are

>> No.6131869

Red wine has given me a headache, but nothing has given me a hangover EXCEPT for cheap bourbon. I don't know what but some days I can't even open my eyes or have any light or I feel like death.

>> No.6131876
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This drink, I don't know how people can stomach it.

I remember the worst part of the hangover the next day was the sour taste of it coming out. I cringe every time i see this or any other hard cider.

I'll stick to my whiskey thank you.

>> No.6131881

I think my hangovers are mostly just from smoking cigarettes. If I go out drinking (like last night) I end up smoking a whole pack. It takes like a whole day for a heart rate to go down.

I should probably stop.

>> No.6131884

I tried that last night. Tasted disgusting when I was sober. But after like five cocktails it started tasting pretty good.

>> No.6131901
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> I don't know how people can stomach it.
people want beer that doesn't taste like beer, specially women

>> No.6131907


Is everyone here 14 years old?

>> No.6131957

Obviously it's mostly just drinking a lot of alcohol in general that causes a hangover. However, any acetaldehyde already present in the drink will make it worse. Dry red wines tend to be almost entirely free of acetaldehyde, but sherry, brandy and some sweet wines have a lot of it. It's considered to be a flaw, so the more expensive wines will tend to have less of it.

>> No.6131965

For me things that are sweet tend to give me the worst hangovers.

Part of it might be I drink more of them than I would regular alc and that leads to it. But even if I don't drink much, I normally feel the sweet stuff more than I would otherwise

>> No.6131972

Cider isn't supposed to be beer, and Angry Orchard is not good cider. Unless you're mixing it with Fireball, the drier ciders are a much better choice. I'm a fan of Woodchuck green apple or Winter Chill. 'tis tasty.

>> No.6132499


>> No.6132603

white cider gives the worst hangovers ime

but did you mean tannins rather than toxins?

>> No.6133810

I remember drinking these at parties when I was like 16, everyone was poor and chipped in like $2 and we were set for the night

>> No.6133815

it's not wrong. The feeling of hungover is due to the loss of water in the body. Alcohol drains water, and feeling shit the next morning is mainly due to dehydration.