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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6126940 No.6126940 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/,

Long story short, a recent near death experience as a result of an extremely unhealthy lifestyle woke me up and gave me a reality check.

My life is a mess right now and I realized the first step I should take is to get in the habit of eating right.

I'm 20, done some very basic cooking here and there, but I want to start regularly grocery shopping and cooking for myself. I spend way too much money eating out every single day and it's such a waste of money too.

Anyone got any infographics or basic tips / suggestions? I have a rice cooker at home, so that's a start.

>> No.6126942
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Dumping some I picked up here a while ago, if anyone has anything similar that'd be great.

>> No.6126949
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>> No.6126953
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>> No.6126954
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>> No.6126968

I highly recommend buying a pot and starting out with soups, you can make pretty decent soups most of the time by just adding chicken bouillon to water and then throwing whatever veggies and stuff you have lying around into it. If you add rice or beans you get a pretty good meal.

Also, if you like black pepper, buy the kind that comes with a grinder because it can salvage a lot of bland dishes

>> No.6126977

Start off by not holding a knife and holding that object you are cutting in that picture you posted.

>> No.6126982


I like that idea, soups would be really convenient to take with me to work for lunch breaks, etc. I remember one of my favourite dishes as a kid was potato leek soup my mom would make.

Pepper is a good idea too, thanks

>> No.6127094

> basic tips/suggestions
Cook healthy food then eat it
It's not rocket surgery

>> No.6127248


>> No.6127356

Good for you on your resolution OP!

>I want to start regularly grocery shopping and cooking for myself
This >>6126953 has it pretty much right. If you're just starting, stocking up your kitchen/pantry all at once is daunting, so don't.

Make a list of what you want to eat this week (5 dinners + breakfast. Lunches can be left overs). Write the ingredients you need for all of those. Take a look at what you have and cross those out. You now have a grocery list.

Overtime this becomes easier, as you will accumulate basics (flour, spices, dried beans, etc) depending on what -you- cook and like to eat.

>> No.6127388

If you have enough room plant a small herb garden, will save you some money in the long run and its kinda therapeutic watering them watching them grow and then eating them.