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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6125969 No.6125969 [Reply] [Original]

Saw this on /v/ the other day, what the hell is wrong with people?

>> No.6125972

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Holding your burger while you shit?? That's unhygienic.

>> No.6125979

That picture is old as fuck


>> No.6125981
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I have no idea why people would put their toilets so far away from a food source?

>> No.6125982

Reminds me of Masao. Heh

>> No.6125984

alcohol and baseball can do a lot to a man

>> No.6126475 [DELETED] 


My boyfriend does things like that sometimes...I think it's sad sometimes, but he's the only person I have to hold and love...

God, I love my boyfriend.

>> No.6126528

You do realize that this board had a bathroom foods thread about a month ago. All of the posters were serious responses.

>> No.6126549

Is it acceptable to drink coffee while you shit?

That's my late-morning ritual.

>> No.6126556

fuck, i remember that. its not normal i tell yah

>> No.6126666


There is literally nothing wrong with using the restroom and eating at the same time. I often eat breakfast in my lap at the toilet in my morning routine

>> No.6126676

Confirmed for qualified hugeine specialist.

>> No.6126727

God damn it Satan quints...

I guess it's OK now.

>> No.6126737

I can tell just from the way you talk he's cheating on you. sorry

>> No.6126742

Please tell me how you know. I talked that way about my boyfriend and he cheated on me.

He's my ex boyfriend now

>> No.6126745
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>> No.6126747

I'm an empath.

>> No.6126777
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keked harder than I should have.

>> No.6126778

What about setting it on the piss soaked, germ infested floor of a public restroom.

>> No.6126791


You realize most public bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected on an hourly basis, right?

They're actually probably cleaner than your own kitchen counter. After all, when is the last time you disinfected it? Days? Weeks? With chemicals, mind you, not had a quick rub. Certainly not hourly.

>> No.6126792


hope u realise those cleaners rub the taps and floor and door handles down with the same cloth

>> No.6126797

The fact that I do clean my kitchen counter with bleach aside, there's a difference between the KIND of microorganisms as well as the amount.
And the ones on the floor of a public toilet just seem like they'd be a gnarlier sort than the ones on my kitchen counter.

>> No.6126805


Yeah, that's their job. The rag has chemical on it. You realise that's how this works, right? The sanitizer sanatizes. You sound like my mom, worried a bar of soap can get dirty. Do you throw away sponge after every use? Throw away towel after wiping up after meat (after all, can't put in washing machine or will contaminate whole machine and everything washed in it!)

>> No.6126811


Well you hear about children dying from accidentally drinking apple juice or eating romaine or having some bean sprouts. Food itself can be downright filthy, and just as dangerous as anything else.

>> No.6126843


Sanitizing agents won't get rid of the particles of shit and piss on the surfaces. And soap certainly can get dirty. Go shove a bar of soap up an ebola patient's ass and then wash your face with it.

>> No.6126854

>Sanitizing agents won't get rid of the particles of shit and piss on the surfaces
this. i dont get how people are stupid enough to think that hand sanitizer and stuff remove dirt and shit and stuff. all it does is kill germs. if you pick up a piece of shit and use hand sanitizer, you've still got shit on your hand

>> No.6126857

(this is what idiots actually believe)

>> No.6126867


Why is it, do you shit with your hands?

>> No.6126912
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>public bathrooms
>cleaned and disinfected on an hourly basis

Janitor here. Laughed much more than is probably healthy.

>> No.6126938


Well it's a good thing we were discussing wiping with a rag or mopping then, weren't we. Did you not read that post, or simply ignore it because it destroys your concern? Do you know how cleaning works, out has your mother always done it for you?


You too, why is this so difficult to understand? You wipe away with a cloth, the sanitizer destroys the germs. Have you ever eaten out? Do you fear herpes on the rim of every glass? Of you don't understand cleaning and sanitation this must be a very real fear for you.

Tell me, both of you: do you wipe after taking a shit? The paper does not protect you. You have feces on your hands. To bad you fellows don't believe in soap and water. Your hands are dirty. Any food you prepare with your dirty hands is trained. You have the Midas touch-- of shit! Nothing can ever be clean again, no amount of wiping or washing or sanitizing will satisfy you because you do not understand it. You cure your autism or you starve.


Hush child, don't interrupt unless you want to contribute something

>> No.6126956

>Do you fear herpes on the rim of every glass?
glasses get washed and the shit goes down the drain
>Tell me, both of you: do you wipe after taking a shit?
yeah, then I wash my hands with soap and water, not sanitizing bullshit

>> No.6127862
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You don't scoop out your butt-trash with three fingers?

>> No.6127867

fist your asshole then fist your throat you degenerate

>> No.6127878

Serious question, anon, how much do you get paid? I foresee my freelance career not taking of the ground. Considering being a janitor at this point.

>> No.6127945

logic is flawless


>> No.6127990

fist him

>> No.6128107

What about talking on the phone while on the shitter?

>> No.6128137

Dude seriously you're aren't sceak please stop

>> No.6128152


>> No.6128161

>he didn't just balance the burger on the carton of chips

he won't amount to anything in life

>> No.6128213


>monetary compensation
They do it for free.

>> No.6129010


So you about you eat hand to mouth with literal shit germs on your hand?

You literally have shit on your dirty, undisinfected hands?

You seriously think your opinion matters here?

>> No.6129225 [DELETED] 


I don't think so...

i think he's handsome, and it does that feel inside when i think about him, like it hurts so much but it feels good at the same time, and you know he can take the pain away, so it just feels good kind of feel...so sometimes i think everybody must think he's super hot, too, and that all the girls and boys must want to fuck him...because, you know, everyone must think like i do... but then, i think it's probably not true, and it hurts so much that the world would not want my boyfriend...

it's incredibly stupid. but i hate the world for not wanting to suck my boyfriend's cock. i think everybody deserves a piece of heaven.

>> No.6129247

that guy is obviously chinese

>> No.6130079

I constantly eat while I shit.
I just finish my food before I stand up, wipe and button back up because I dont want poop on my food.

>> No.6130129

Should've taken his fries.

One by one

>> No.6130182

lol true, hahahahaha. love that guy. hHaha.

>> No.6130218
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>not wanting optimal eating
you guys sicken me

>> No.6130227


I don't think you've read the conversation. Many people here eat in the bathroom and far more sickening things have been discussed

>> No.6130243

Ex cleaner/McDonald's employee, I never wiped the toilet seats. wooopz

>> No.6130248

>having your chips and burger touch
It's like you want the burger to be inedible.

>> No.6130257
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I think there's a turd next to your bin

>> No.6130271

Fucking lost.

>> No.6130294


How the fuck was I warned by a mod for my thread quality the other day and yet people get away with this shit?

>> No.6130295
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The funniest part is the guy pulled his pants down past his ass to pee.

>> No.6130298

Feels good man

>> No.6130301


>i'm a grown ass man who has to exposed my ass to pee

>> No.6130304
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>> No.6132464

Haven't laughed this hard in a while

>> No.6132514

my ritual is after work

it takes me about 35 minutes to get home from where I work, so I always stop and get some energy drinks, slimjims, hamburgers, really any junk food that can be eaten in the car.
the drive home is just enough time for things to really get churning in my belly, so as soon as I get home I go straight to the bathroom and destroy my fucking toilet. I blow hard diarrhea all over the place with satisfaction and think to myself "yeah, I own this fucking toilet, I'm a hard working business man and I can do what I want"

>> No.6132806

snorted no idea why

>> No.6133091


>> No.6134880


Laying your sandwich straight on the floor like that is just excessively retarded. Put it inside the cup or on top of your shoe ffs. I bet that's you in the picture you stupid OP. CHRIST.

>> No.6134904

>on top of your shoe

>> No.6135787
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Sometimes it just happens

>> No.6135807

Wasn't that because there wasn't enough power outlets in the kitchen?

>> No.6135817

yeah it was, surprised someone remembers.

I'll post the full set later in the week.

>> No.6136421
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>> No.6136454


>> No.6136459

>not putting fries in your burger
It's like you're trying to be a faggot

>> No.6136463

>on the floor

>> No.6136647

Do you see any dirt on that floor at all? No, of course not. It's sparkling white. Quit being such a bunch of babies

>> No.6136684

We always have a box of those 6pack crackers with cheese or some other type of finger food like granola bars in the bathroom. Can get hungry sitting for 20 minutes while browsing on the tablet we keep on the shelf.

I've taken plates of food in there before though when I suddenly have to shit in the middle of a meal. During large events or things going on in the house I'll do it just to get away from the kids I always get stuck having to eat with.

>> No.6136692

>Janitor here.
Laughed much more than is probably healthy.

>> No.6136713
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oh man

>> No.6136808

this is the funniest fucking thread in the world

>> No.6136845

Do you do your job for free?

>> No.6136927

So you think that just because you can't see anything on the floor that it isn't dirty?

Version with audio

>> No.6137026


The same could be said of your own eating utensils, dishes, or the meat and vegetables you buy.

You don't have a paranoid schizophrenia over your lunch salad, do you? Feces and e coli kill, you know.

>> No.6137055
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>that flush sound at the end

>> No.6137060


>a toilet that has hundreds of people shitting in it a week of varying levels of personal hygiene and illness/etc is cleaner than a toilet that only you and your partner use 2-6 times a day

>> No.6137069
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It's an /a/ thing

>> No.6138376

just completed my ritual again
I was fueled by a cheesesteak, coffee, and a protein shake