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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 596x326, barista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6125712 No.6125712 [Reply] [Original]

BARISTA THREAD - any baristas here?

Things I fucking hate
>people putting sugar in cappuccinos
It's inevitable that plebs are going to put sugar in their tea and coffee. But when I serve them a perfect cappuccino and the first thing they do is fucking mix it and add 4 sugars I would put them in a concentration camp without a second look
>extra hot
Apparently the more northerly you go in Scotland, the hotter people like their coffees. So when people want super burnt lattes or send them back for an extra hot one I just want to throw it in their face. They're fucking disgusting

>> No.6125726

Not a barista but am a coffee lover (read as: snob). My roommate came back from break with a box of what he called "coconut mocha coffee packs." Poor pleb spent 20 bucks on k-cups and we don't have a keurig

>> No.6125794

Things I fucking hate
It's inevitable, those self-declared patricians, they think they're better than everyone's personal taste. I would put them in a concentration camp without a second look

>> No.6125799

I'm a sort of amateur barista at a little bakery. I'm in no way very good at what I do, but I don't get many complaints.

Any chance you could give me some tips and tricks?

>> No.6125805
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Techinically I am not a barista, but I'm also not a robot

>> No.6125806

There's nothing wrong with sugar in cappuccino

>> No.6125807


More coffee , less water.
A tip from Alton Brown

>> No.6125818

I get it, It's like adding salt before you try the food, I don't need sugar in my coffee, it taste sweet because good coffee does taste sweet, without sugar.
Maybe explain that to them next time before they add the sugar. As I said in the above post more coffee, less water, makes sweeter coffee without sugar, most people are used to nasty coffee. I use Food Lion French Roast usually in a slightly higher proportion of coffee to water than Starbucks and I think I make great coffee.
(I use a heaping tablespoon, around a half ounce or a little more, per about 7-8 ounce of water

>> No.6125824

Do you think George Clooney is a real life coffee lover?

>> No.6125929

I had hopes for this thread

And for the last time, I"M NOT A ROBOT!!!!!

>> No.6126075

coffee/juice bar manager reporting
why the fuck do you allegedly care about what a custie does to their beverage? what the fuck is wrong with steaming milk to their liking? all that matters is their tip money, faggot.

>> No.6126144
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I don't really mind making a drink to order. Although in practice, the customer ends up getting a drink somewhere in between what I think they should be drinking and what they've requested. Half caf drinks are always full caf, no foam drinks always come with micro foam, and extra hot never goes past 155F for me. What does bother me is when people try to change their order as I'm making their drink. "Is that with soy???" "No you didn't specify..." "Oh I can't drink dairy."

Anyways, when I give them a pretty drink, they usually forget about their particular requests. Pic related, its muh pretty drink.

>> No.6126199

>Fuckin holiday diarrheafest with 40 customers an hour from 9am-4pm
>Tip money still sucks
>Some fatso orders xxhot soy no-foam chai lattes
>Chai concentrate is bubbly
>Pour the milk and not a fucking molecule of foam touches the drink
>'Uh yeah that doesn't look right normally they do it with the spoon and I can see the bubbles on top so uh...'

Every time I see extra extra hot or no foam I know the customer is gonna be a fucker 7/10 times

>> No.6126546

Where do you work that 40 customers an hour is busy? I barista full time in DC and even on weekday afternoon shifts I'll never not have several drink tickets. Last Saturday there were two of us on the machine and we went through 20 lbs of beans in 6 hours

>> No.6126559

I am a certifed BAROASTA brand barista from Starbuck new affiliation academy with credential status: A baroasta can not only serve those coffees but also gets to roast beans as well and has training in roasting. I HATE when people don't know what a baroasta is that is the worst part of my jobs.

>> No.6126563

we have green tea lattes at our cafe but they're made with japanese matcha powder so they are quite bitter and not sugary at all. literally every single person that orders one will complain that it doesn't taste like starbucks, to the point where I now just add shots of vanilla to them

also anyone that asks for no foam is a moron

>> No.6126569


also regarding cappuccinos - i've realized that 95% of the population doesn't actually know what a cappuccino is and the other 5% are faux coffee experts that will complain no matter how you make it

>> No.6126573

>I would put them in a concentration camp without a second look
Are you gay? Seems like a gay person's sense of humor.

Fucking died laughing btw.

>> No.6126580

Do you work as a certified BAROASTA? If not, try getting ur facts b4 posting!

>> No.6126583

From what I learned as a barista. People don't like coffee. They like sugar and the idea of caffeine. I would get complaints that the whipped cream was too soft or that the drink tasted like coffee. If you want something sweet and cold with caffeine just get a soda you philistines.

>> No.6126594

Sounds like ur place needs a BAROASTA to roast up the beans right and 2 get people 2 eat/drink coffee as a real EUROPEAN does!

>> No.6126631

You mean those guys that burn the beans?

>> No.6126642

>Every time I see extra extra hot or no foam I know the customer is gonna be a fucker 7/10 times
No kidding. Had some old fat cunts come in today. Kid who took their order forgot to add in one of their coffees so I apologised, said I'll just make it for them for free. Cunty mumbling off to their table. Whatever.
70 celcius wasn't hot enough, and I burn my taste buds at 60 alone what the fuck? I tested the thermometers that morning so it wasn't technical, all was good. People who want extra hot do it so they can enjoy it later.

Also another extra hot coffee person came in today. Seriously, I'm the most affable person in the store and try to help out whenever.
>For conversation I ask "so you like it extra hot, how does 70 sound?".
>"I just like it extra hot okay!!".
If you come by a coffee shop regular complaining how all the previous staff never makes it hot enough for you, just fucking tell them the temp you like it. If I'm gonna drink it right away I ask for 50. Easy done, barista never ruins it for me.

>> No.6126664

A lady come in complaining how she hates another store "because they never remember to put milk in my Americano". Yes, I asked if she always asks to put milk in it. Didn't believe me that its without milk. Meh.

True. I used to have a couple sugars in mine, but bitch, try it at least once sip before you decide the beans made you something inedible. But even McDonald's has good beans nowadays.

>> No.6126669


*so they can enjoy it later
Forgot to add in case it weren't obvious, they both drank their scalded milks right away. I forgot they were half strength too.

Btw why the fuck pay for no foam?

>> No.6126672

Question. What do baristas think of the people that just come in and order a medium black coffee?

>> No.6126696

Seattle barista here making $9/hr in tips on top of more than minimum wage.

If someone rude to me they get silence and service or are asked to treat me better or to leave nothing is said behind their back.

Sugar and milk keep me employed so I don't complain.

If someone asks for split shots or decaf that what they get.

I steam xhot to 160f.

If they ask if it's soy mid drink. I tell them they didn't ask, and then I immediately remake the whole drink happily.

If someone orders a cap I ask if they take sugar cause many do and I like to serve it right.

A little consideration and professionalism go a long way in beverage service, I thank all my customers.

To all you self-important baristas in this thread I want to ask you to reconsider your job, as y'all are clearly better suited to other professions

>> No.6126697

I think you should have asked for a double espresso.

>> No.6126700

do normal people work as baristas or do you have to be a jerk?

i ask this because i like to make coffee at home but i don't wear flannel or newsy caps

>> No.6126711
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>i like to make coffee

You can't be a barista with that attitude because a barista does not simply "make coffee". He brews espresso shots.

>> No.6126713

There's already a shit ton of sugar in it. That's what makes the froth at the top. Putting sugar in it is a one-way ticket to Diabeetusville. Plus, if the barista/baristo takes pride in what they do, adding sugar is an insult.

>> No.6126749

>That's what makes the froth at the top.

Even whole milk has barely 5 grams of sugar per 100 grams of milk. The foam comes from texturing with steam. What are even talking about?

>> No.6126864

I was thinking of this.


>> No.6126908

im fuckin jealous not only are you guys more skilled baristas but you also have never known the hell spending your summer making literally hundreds of frappucinos for impatient white people

>> No.6126962

i mean you do have to be someone who's fit to be in the company of many other humans and you kinda sound like a weirdo. also yeah "making coffee" =/= barista so shut that shit down

>> No.6126965
File: 46 KB, 604x453, FUAHJU8GYE87654.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a troll article?

>A dear friend of mine showed me this way years ago.
>We lost him in the late 90's to a car accident that was his fault.
>I love and miss him dearly.
Seems an odd thing to say about someone you love.
>was his fault

> use 1/3 of a cup of sugar.
>Some restaurants hand you sugar in packets after the coffee is done.
>That insults someone like me.
Does not compute.

> It takes appox 2 mins to start to cook the coffee.
>cook the coffee
Maybe English isn't his his first language but I've never heard anybody say that they "cook" coffee.

>You can steam the milk if you have a maker that has the tube on the side to steam the milk. They are great but the cheaper ones get clogged easily and require constant cleaning. Threw mine away years ago
The steam wand requires a simple purge and wipe down with a wet cloth immediately after use. Incredibly simple.

>SO unless you have $10-30,000 for a real espresso machine they have in the cafe's and restaurants... cheat like I do and use the microwave

>watch coffee start to cook
>Take off burner
>add sugar
>Place the coffee back on the burner to finish cooking.
You're about to burn your coffee (and your pot) and won't get anywhere near a full extraction.

>I have seen grown men cry over someone throwing away a cup that still had espuma in it. I have seen old Cuban men dig the cup from the trash to lick the espuma from the cup.
Seems legit!

>Out on the west coast in Seattle and other places they use this foam to make decorative coffees by making designs with it.
I doubt that very much and I think he's refering to a typical cappuccino.

I don't mean to sound like a traditionalist and I know there are lots of different ways to brew coffee, but this just seems wrong on so many levels that I can't help but wonder if it's some kind of joke.
Just look at the state of that fucking pot!

>> No.6126966
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Another purdy coffee drink. I'm sorry about your summer of frappacino. My boss bought a vitamix to have us make frappacinos, but we just put the blender back in the box and put it in storage.

>> No.6126969

starbucks doesn't sweeten green tea lattes unless requested?? they might be taking about the blended version. tbh matcha anything is always overpriced, a thing of matcha powder is really not that expensive in comparison.

either 1. you are a person with too much money or spends it poorly or 2. you are just being a normal senior citizen

>> No.6126971


>nice swan, can you do anything else

>> No.6126975
File: 63 KB, 407x379, dirty-coffee-humour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6126979

You're probably going to pour half of that into my trash can to dilute it with milk and sugar.

but whatever. No impact no idea.

>> No.6126984

thanks anon. also that cup beautiful and im mirin. is it yours?

it's literally just coffee with a topping of sugar and coffee and it sounds like a nightmare but tbh i'd drink it

>> No.6126991

Matcha can be cheap, but you're getting highly oxidized shitty tea. Premium match (super light pale green/ no bitterness)powder is quite pricey

>> No.6127001
File: 40 KB, 1024x768, IMG_231256813609208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can do the basics and then some. The double winged bird still gives me trouble.

>> No.6127008

Yes sir.

>> No.6127011

well tru but i've never had high-end matcha and probably wouldn't know the difference tbh and neither would 99% of the people who order it from a cafe. plus i have bills to pay so i'm not gonna drop a bunch of cash on tea even if it is imported from glorious nippon.

>> No.6127015

teach me or direct me to a good resource to learn pls & thx

>> No.6127025
File: 2.43 MB, 1317x1257, muh beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if i got these from a local roaster near my aunts house for Christmas and I havnt opened them yet, how much longer do you think the beans will be good for? I didn't bring my grinder home over winter break. no roast date btw

>> No.6127034

Am I supposed to tip the barista?

>> No.6127049
File: 23 KB, 358x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this in a starbucks once.
They looked at me like I was an alien

>> No.6127060

I work at the coffee shops on campus. The coffee and espresso is terrible. The machine is an automatic so I can't even say i'm a proper barista beyond pumping syrup and using a spoon. The iced coffee is even worse, and the cold brew espresso even more so. The only thing I drink there is the espresso so I can just put it down and not taste it too much. My damn moka pot makes better espresso than this supposedly 5 figure automatic machine.

When I actually want to go to a coffee shop I go to one unaffiliated with campus dining, they at least have machines where you have to think about them and I buy my beans for home there.

>> No.6127070

>get a drink order, its a redeye/dirty chai/ very specific thing that the customer probably knows the name of
>blank stares
>"small black coffee with an extra shot of espresso"
>small man in peacoat comes over slowly

>get a white mocha order with no white chocolate syrup
>name is jaquandell or j'taime or something
>no one else in the store luckily
>put it down and call white mocha because i cant pronounce the name, i dont speak jive
>30s chubby black woman with a fresh weave walks slow as fuck up to the drink with furrowed brow, mouth open
>looks at the cup for a minute
>picks it up, tilts her head back, looks at the blank paper wall of the cup for a minute
>same expression
>she knows i fucking made it, she was watching me like i was cutting her drugs
>still holding cup up by her head, goes up to manager
>yes its your fucking drink
>i'm sorry i didn't want to offend you by mispronouncing your name
>i'm sorry you feel the world is trying to disenfranchise you in every aspect of life
>we will be glad to serve you again and see the same reaction when you come in tomorrow

>> No.6127080

last time i went to starbucks i wanted my latte with lowfat milk
kid rings it up as nonfat

"no, no, lowfat please"
"yeah, nonfat, it's the same thing"

almost left. just tell me you ran out of low fat, don't insult what little intelligence i have

>> No.6127087

If you're from Seattle and using "y'all", you can fuck right off.

>> No.6127088
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>lowfat milk

>> No.6127093

>go to campus coffee shop
>I also work there but naturally I don't know anyone on this shift as there is around 350 employees
>ask for a triple shot
>uhh, 3.65$$$
I'm sorry, a double is like 1.90 you are literally charging me for two drinks rather than just pressing the button, which I can reach over the counter and press on that register, and charging me for an extra shot within the same drink like you would every other drink ever. You are charging me the same price as a mocha but taking away the milk, bigger cup, chocolate, and whipped cream simply because you don't know basic logic skills.
>whatever, usually if they act confused I just change it to a double, then sigh as they end up simply pulling a single.
Not that I really give a fuck or loose a lot of money its all on the mealplan and I always end up with a surplus of credit.

>> No.6127095

2% is their standard. If you ask for lowfat, you're asking for nonfat.

>> No.6127096

>being this autistic

>> No.6127097

funny, i also know coffee snobs who insist that you should use it

>> No.6127098


>work at public uni coffee shop
>actually having what you need hardly ever happens because of the public contract system, if the supplier runs out we are literally barred from going anywhere else or even restocking from another cafe without 20 forms stamped by everyone from the school president to the football coach to the governor.
>served skim milk and vegetable based cream cheese to everyone for two weeks because thats all the supplier would give us.

>> No.6127101

sorry i'm pissed that everyone fucks up the simplest order ever because they cant take the extra mental step of combining "add espresso shot" with "espresso"

>> No.6127121

Read a book.

BTW, need professional opinion on this book

>> No.6127123

>make coffee for a living
>condescend to customers
wow loser much?

>> No.6127127

I am no barista but i did work at a bar in the morning shift making coffee. And holy fucking shit coffee is the worst thing to make for people. Everyone has there own fucking special little way with certain levels of shit and come to a shitty bar with a shitty coffee machine and expect to have the perfect coffee.

>Make it really hot i'm so cold today

With some customers i would literally have to make it all in view, like literally give them clear view to tell me when to stop

>That moment where they ask for a "little more" and then shout "STOP STOP STOP" after one drop, fuck me i am glad i am back to just serving beer.

>> No.6127131

I only order Hot Chocolate when I go to starbucks/cafes

am I being judged by the baristas there?
I refuse to buy tea there as it's shitty packets, at least with hot cocoa I feel like I'm actually getting something real

>> No.6127134

>extra hot
Is this really a thing? Hi i'd like to order a cup of coffee you've ruined before it's reached my cup.

>> No.6127139

Op appears to be from Scotland and as an ex resident of that country I can safely say tipping for something such as coffee does not really happen. The reason for all their angst is that any (albeit small) chances of tips are removed due to them glaring at all the customers they do serve and have the audacity to ask for the product they paid for to be created to their satisfaction.

>> No.6127146

I frequent a really good coffee place. The best in my city. They really know what they're doing. The amount of people that come in asking for a latte with syrup is hilarious. They have all these wonderful pour overs, great cappucino, only decent espresso in town and they want sugar milk. Fair enough if that's your thing but you get better value at Starbucks, they'll give you a much bigger cup for less.
Don't understand the logic behind going to an artisan coffee shop which is undeniably more expensive than competitors then ordering a shit coffee or ruining a good one. It's just not a sensible thing to do.

>> No.6127149

City and shop name

>> No.6127152

STERLING, Portland

>> No.6127153

Norwich, Strangers.
u wot m8.

>> No.6127158

I've been to Starbucks ONE TIME in the past dozen years, and it's because I was desperate for a decent hot chocolate and it was the only thing around.

Fucking shit sucked.

>> No.6127160

How did you order it?

I always order mine with extra pumps, foam, and extra cream.
If your location made it too cold order it extra hot as well.

>> No.6127164

>Order "a [flavor] Milkshake(whatever shitty name they made up for milkshake)
>the flavors are the same names for hot drinks or cold
>they completely ignore i used their shitty code word for milkshake
>serve me the hot version of the flavor i said

Why do they do this shit, they completely ignore what drink you want and just go with the flavor. Worst shit i had was when the girl did not want to take it back because her boss was around so she awkwardly smiled and said "I'l make it special don't worry" She literally poured the hot drink into a shit ton of ice added whatever the fuck she wanted then served that shit up, took one sip and it tasted nothing like what i ordered. Just walked out and used a fucking machine.

>> No.6127167

Why would I go back? They fucked up a hot chocolate.

>> No.6127170

Low fat milk is easier to froth so some people insist that it's better. But the froth is too 'airy' (for lack of a better word) and doesn't hold chocolate dust well at all, which makes it bad for cappuccinos.

>> No.6127173

>making coffee" =/= barista
that's literally all baristas do

>> No.6127180
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Barista is a stupid title, it probably makes sense in italian, but elsewhere it makes about as much since as your pizza delivery boy getting a fancy italian name.

Also why complain that people don't know what good coffee is? You realize this applies to anything right? We are all surface-level and clueless about 99% of the things we enjoy.

>> No.6127187

>He brews espresso shots.

Pressing buttons and not spilling shit is hard. French press, percolators, and moka pots at home are actually more work.

>also yeah "making coffee" =/= barista so shut that shit down

Yeah they also make sugary no fat chick drinks that have nothing to do with coffee.

>> No.6127191


that picture is stupid because the customer was actually unclear about what he wanted to order, it wasn't just cunty employees criticizing him for not using the "proper terminology"

>> No.6127195

>TFW social anxiety, can't speak to the coffee man

>> No.6127196

> the metric system is stupid, it probably makes sense in...
American logic.

Starbucks logic.

>> No.6127200

As a lowly college student working as a "barista" for a Coffee Bean (Californian version of starbucks) in TX, do you know that someone is going to be a stupid cunt if they ask for venti, half sauce/powder/whatever, soy mocha, oh and it's always unclear as to what they mean by mocha and then they look at you like you're the idiot when you try to figure out which mocha drink they're talking about, yes? Guys, that's our jobs. We get paid to deal with dill weeds and ignorant shits who don't really know what they want, so we have to hold their hands, all the while smiling and muttering inwardly about their inability to actually read a menu.

I totally get the frustration, earlier today during my shift I had to explain to this woman, who was adamant that she can have no caffeine at all (because she has a medical condition, supposedly) that technically speaking decaf still has trace amounts of caffeine in them and if she really can't have ANY caffeine she would be ill advised to consume most of our drinks. For approximately 4 minutes I had to explain to her that decaffeinated products still contain some level of caffeine, just at a reduced level. Initially she reacted as if I told her that the world is round after thinking it was flat all her life and then proceeded to order a half n half latte "with just a little bit of caffeine". Hopefully she really did have some deadly medical condition and that latte was the death of her simply so she doesn't spread her ill conceived genes around.

I'm willing to bet 99% of "baristas" (myself included) are just poorly trained coffee shop workers while real baristas would just cringe in general at the general ignorance presented in this thread and in coffee shops in the US.

>> No.6127208

We don't have the cultural equivalent of a barista in the US, and no one knows what the fuck the word means, so why use it?

It's the same bullshit as using short, tall, and grande for drink sizes. Just be fancy and take the money.

>> No.6127210

>I'm willing to bet 99% of "baristas" (myself included) are just poorly trained coffee shop workers while real baristas would just cringe in general at the general ignorance presented in this thread and in coffee shops in the US.
I love you so much right now. I really wanna hug you.

>> No.6127214

>Starbucks logic.

You can youtube a world champion barista and watch how they pull espresso.

If you think there is any talent or acquired skill behind that, please stay in your home and don't touch anything.

>> No.6127223

Again, not going to act like I'm a real barista and most people (read Americans) just want to feel "European" when they order a drink, so I kiss their ass and make whatever they order or think they want to order.

I'm not complaining. I make $12 an hour, have health benefits and pull in anywhere between 50 and 150 bucks a week in tips. It's my job to make these people feel like they get what they want and chat it up with them.

Also, customers don't always suck. Many are kind and considerate, especially when you act like you care and bust your ass. It's usually those one or two shitheads that give everyone a bad taste in their mouth.

Service workers are over entitled IMO, mostly because we do get treated like shit and have no recourse over unreasonable customers. Do your job and if you hate your job, find a way to get a better one. /rant

>> No.6127225

The better you are the easier you make it look.
The sentence above applies to everything in life.

Get out the basement once in a while.

>> No.6127227

If it was that easy you'd actually be able to find good espressos everywhere you mong.

>> No.6127234

Hey baristas, I have two questions,

Why do you guys always look at me funny when I order a double espresso?

And whats the next Hipster coffee fad that's going to replace the Flat White, I'm in the UK and they've gone mainstream now but there doesn't seem to be anything to replace them.

>> No.6127235

Grind beans into a cup, tamp/press them, twist it in the thing, press the button. Steam milk and pour it.

Literally the hardest part is not burning the milk, but that's what a thermometer is for.

This started with some guy asking if he could make coffee at home is he was qualified to be a barista, and the answer is yes if he can interface with customers. It's not something hard you make easy, it's not even something remotely challenging.

There are so many jobs you can fuck up in a blink of an eye and cause a disaster, but we don't give them a special name.

>> No.6127238

They are shit because of shit ingredients or shit/poorly maintained equipment.

But yes I'm completely open to the fact that an english major at a coffee chain can fuck such a simple task up.

>> No.6127240

>We don't have the cultural equivalent of a barista in the US
Because companies like Starbucks popularized the phrase while misrepresenting its true definition. So now most people (presumably) think that anybody who 'makes' a coffee is a barista. A Starbucks employee presses a few buttons without even touching or tamping the grind and they are a barista. Someone at home can tip some boiling water into a mug with instant coffee and "LOOK AT ME I'M A BARISTA".
Like that same person can hammer a nail into a block of wood and "HEY IM A CARPENTER".

At least that's how I see it from over here in the southern hemisphere.

>I'm willing to bet 99% of "baristas" (myself included) are just poorly trained coffee shop workers while real baristas would just cringe in general at the general ignorance presented in this thread and in coffee shops in the US.
It's like poetry!

>> No.6127251

>A Starbucks employee presses a few buttons without even touching or tamping the grind and they are a barista.

The thing is there's not much to list past that though. Modern appliances have made espresso so easy and commercially efficient that it's no longer a discipline in the least. Baristas are pretty much a drink mixer, and I even mean the ones not using super-automatics.

Back when this shit had to be manually ground and manually pulled, if you couldn't produce consistency you were a shit barista. America has never known that distinction. Most of the modern world doesn't have that distinction any more.

>> No.6127262

starbucks is a bad example imo
they take all their espresso to the darkest roast they can for the sake of consistency
Outside of that, though, a good barista will still keep a close eye on the quality of the brews and will make adjustments when needed. A shit barista will just push buttons and since it puts coffee water in an espresso cup, they'll call it espresso.

>> No.6127265

give him some credit!
sometimes they make latte art!
it's incredibly complex and takes weeks of training to pout frothy milk into a cup and drag a stick through it

>> No.6127268

If they're adding sugar then you're failing to deliver what they want. Ever wondered why your tip jar is empty?

>> No.6127277

Well I came into the job all fresh faced. Seen too many adult toddlers that I got a few stories to tell, but that's about it.

Any barista I see looking like a jerkoff I think is either waiting in defence for the next jerkoff customer or just hate their job.

>> No.6127281

How do you know?

>> No.6127289

I can't even make a leaf. Fml.

Taste it and find out.

>> No.6127291

We look at you funny, because it's rare that someone actually wants to really taste espresso, especially if you're coming to a chain. It's because we're conditioned to ask you what kind of sweetener you want and how much milk.

You're alright anon, if it tastes good to you, go on with your bad self.

>> No.6127292

No. Not everyone feels like a heap of caffeine. Why do you care so much ?

>> No.6127294

What was unclear about asking about two of the smallest sizes, and one of the biggest?

>> No.6127301


There is just a teeth clenching connotation I have to this word, I can think of a million other wage-slave tier jobs that require the same technical skill, but they don't get off by calling themselves a fancy name for their job.

Its probably because whenever I hear someone use the word they're doing it to make their retail job sound harder or better than any other retail job in the world, I consider the people working at McDonald's and KFC to be more competent than you, and they get the worst shit out of everyone.

>> No.6127317

>Live in Spain
>Hot fucking day
>order a frappuchino
>4 sips in
>they gave me a plastic cup with a chunk of ice and cream on top

Fuck all these shitty places, they make macdonald quality mistakes.

>> No.6127324

I usually order a double shot of espresso from coffee places because even the shittiest espresso is still goddamn delicious to me. I always feel like I want more, though. Would 4 shots be too much? What would people think of me? Most importantly, why does my espresso go lukewarm before I can finish it? I want to savor each drop, not down it like a goddamn caff-fiend.

>> No.6127336

Whats the fucking difference, they all have names?

>> No.6127343


Read my post again

>> No.6127348

Automation only makes life easier but it's at the cost of perfection.

Take the car, for example. An automatic gearbox made the car much more user friendly, but all levels of motorsport still use a manually operated gearbox because they are necessary for pushing the absolute limits of the vehicle.

Same with automatic coffee machines. They make brewing coffee easier for Joe Average, which in turn makes them more commercially viable, but they are never capable of a perfect extraction.
The problem here is that espresso is an incredibly easy thing to get wrong. Like throwing a stone through a rotating fan, there's a very small window of operation. Good, expensive automatic espresso machines might come close but there's always room for error.

>> No.6127440

Is English not your first language? I'm just asking, because you literally might not understand what these words mean.

>> No.6127477


Get a load of this butthurt minimum wage lifer. If you want a name, just give your job a name. If it resonates with the general public, maybe it will catch on. If not, you can resume aerosolizing and inhaling pig brains in a slaughterhouse while coming down with weird diseases, or coal mining, or whatever it is that you do.

Please whine some more about how you do "real work" unlike your other fellow minimum wagers, whereas in fact the reason you probably have a job that doesn't involve interacting with the public is that you're just generally unpresentable.

It never ceases to amaze me how the bottom rungs of the labor market manage constantly to find reasons to fight internally rather than trying to improve their situation.

>> No.6127495

What do they mean then?

>> No.6127499

>but all levels of motorsport still use a manually operated gearbox

That was true 20 years ago, but not now. The vast majority of drag-racing vehicles use automatic transmissions because the timing of the shifting is much more precise, and consistency is the key for drag cars. For road-race cars automatics are the norm now because they can shift faster than a human ever possibly could. Check the specs on the new Corvette Z06: Auto trans is faster in the drag strip and on the track than the manual trans, even in the hands of an expert driver. You can't even buy a Ferrari with a manual transmission anymore unless you are talking about a used car. That's not a very good analogy to use here.

Now then you are correct that the average coffee machine is certainly a compromise. There do exist sophisticated machines that produce very good, consistent, coffee but they are so expensive that they're irrelevant unless you're rich as hell or its for a restaurant. Check the section on Coffee in Modernist Cuisine--very enlightening.

>> No.6127507

>What do they mean then?
Person who works at a bar counter. Job consists of mixing and serving drinks and schmoozing it up with the customers. It's largely about entertainment.

Person who is skilled at making coffee drinks, especially espresso and drinks derived from it, otherwise similar to the above, except booze is rarely involved.

Position at a restaurant. Person takes orders from the customers and brings food from the kitchen to the customer. Also provides advice on the menu and general customer service.

Derived from the rank "Chief" in the French army; It is literally a rank, like the military rank. It's the person in charge of the kitchen.

The equivalent of the Chef, but in charge of the front-of-house (waitstaff, etc.) rather than the kitchen.

>> No.6127513

get your facts straight. there's a big difference between automatic clutches and automatic gear selection.

>manually operated gearbox
driver manually pulls on a paddle or stick to select the gear.

>> No.6127525

>>big difference between automatic clutches and automatic gear selection.

Mainly in semantics. All automatic transmissions contain clutches. Even the ones from the 1950's. Ever rebuilt an old Powerglide? Clutches in there. Same with anything other than a CVT.

>driver manually pulls on a paddle or stick to select the gear.

Speaking of getting your facts straight: yes, paddle-shifting does exist. But that's just an optional manual ovverride for an automatic transmission. These days the transmission does a better job shifting itself than the driver could with paddles. Sure the option is still there for the driver but most of the time they let the computer do the work. In other words, these days the driver rarely selects the gear himself--he lets the computer do it for him.

>> No.6127526

>starbucks doesn't sweeten green tea lattes unless requested
the matcha powder is sugary as fuck

>> No.6127563

Wow. Just fucking wow.

Show me any form of motorsport where the driver does NOT manually select a gear. Provide a reference so that I can see it for myself.

I'm about to blow your mind by informing you that drag racers also manually select their gears.

>Check the specs on the new Corvette Z06
Why? I'm talking about motorsport. Also, guess what? It had paddle shifters. What do you think they are for?
>You can't even buy a Ferrari with a manual transmission anymore
Wrong yet again. They also have paddle shifters. The only thing they removed recently was the clutch pedal.

>Now then you are correct that the average coffee machine is certainly a compromise. There do exist sophisticated machines that produce very good, consistent, coffee but they are so expensive that they're irrelevant unless you're rich as hell or its for a restaurant. Check the section on Coffee in Modernist Cuisine--very enlightening.
Thank you. I believe you are a good person but a bit ill-informed about motorsport. Manual transmission is king. It's the thing that transforms an average car into a precision instrument. Like getting the best possible extraction from compressed coffee grinds. An automatic machine might get lucky and come close but extracting manually will always yeild the best results.

>> No.6127567

yeah alright, pal. now backtrack and put it in context: >>6127301

>> No.6127582

Fuck you OP. I do what I want.

>> No.6127620

>Show me any form of motorsport where the driver does NOT manually select a gear. Provide a reference so that I can see it for myself.

The most obvious is pretty much any class of drag racing, just google it. NHRA pro stock or pro mod or pretty much any other. There are even special devices for this which you can look up. A common one is the delay box, which times the "launching" of the car to the lights on the tree. All the driver does is punch a button in time with the lights. The delay box then automatically releases the brakes and hammers the throttle when it calculates the final light will go green. The driver just steers--shifting is all automated. I'm not saying that EVERY drag racer does this, but in the high-end competitive classes, they do.

>>Why? I'm talking about motorsport
Care to be more specific about what exactly you mean? Where I live, many people own cars like the ZO6 for track days and amateur racing. Does that not qualify as motorsport in your definition? Also, the point wasn't really what car was being used, the point is that in the same car, same engine, expert driver, the automatic transmission is faster than the manual gearbox.

>>paddle shifters. What do you think they are for?
I already said: an OPTIONAL override if the diver wants it. Go watch some of the recent track videos of them testing the car. The paddles are there, but the drivers rarely use them.

>>The only thing they removed recently was the clutch pedal.
And the shifter on the floor. Call me a purist, but no clutch pedal and no gearshift lever = automatic transmission.

>>bit ill-informed about motorsport. Manual transmission is king.
I think you're a couple years behind the times. It didn't happen until quite recently, but these days the computer does the shifting most of the time. The driver might override with a paddle now and then but generally the computer does most of the work.

>> No.6127630


I'm not part of that argument. >>>>6127507 was my first post in that part of the discussion. I just though it was silly that someone didn't know what those jobs meant, so I explained it.

>>they're doing it to make their retail job sound harder or better than any other retail job in the world

that seems like an odd opinion to hold. why can the word not be descriptive? I'm not disagreeing that some of those are "wage slave" jobs, but just because someone uses a word that triggers your autism doesn't mean that they are using to sound fancy; it can easily be descriptive. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, you know?

>> No.6127636
File: 20 KB, 369x257, cagers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the stupid cagers in this thread please fuck off back to /o/? This was a coffee thread.

>> No.6127637

>Extra extra hot cappuccino
>Extra wet

fucking idiots

>> No.6127648

>Making me put sugar or milk in your coffee even though we have both at the condiment table

>> No.6127656

I'm a waiter but I have barista duties and I love it. I fucking hate making decaf shit though, the coffee comes in little packets and isn't a patch on the stuff I've just ground up. People putting sugar in any coffee that has milk in it are dumb as hell. It's like liquer coffees that require sugar, the sugar goes in with the booze and coffee before I float the cream on top. Adding extra ruins the cream float. It is sweet enough already, goddamn.

>> No.6127657


>All this projection

I never made a comment that compared my work to a barista, I simply said I detest people who use the word as if it implies their job is more respectable than any other wage-slave tier job, which I often experience people doing. Somehow you concluded that I am complaining about my own work not being recognised and that I am not improving my life situation, both things that I never even hinted and are incorrect entirely.


On the off-chance somebody phrases it "I'm a barista at starbucks/a coffee shop" then I couldn't care less, but thats generally not the case, I hear people mention how they are a Barista and they become offended if they are told that theyre just a retail worker or "they work in a coffee shop", as if the title MUST be said when addressing them, and these kinds of people I come across more frequently.

>> No.6127680

I'll take credit for introducing the subject of automotive precision and I apologise. I forgot that Aericans cant into manual transmission.

Won't happen again.

>> No.6127696

this thread made me realize all baristas are scoffing ass hokes and i will be spitting in their faces next time i meet one

get you head out of your ass, youre just mixing liquids. no talent. no skill. nothing.

youre literally pouring a drink.
it takes a bartender 4 days to properly pour a beer.
it takes a barista a life time to realize hes worthless

>> No.6127710 [DELETED] 

Your first post read like you were complaining about baristas even having a title, and people responded accordingly. You were very clear.

>I hear people mention how they are a Barista and they become offended if they are told that theyre just a retail worker or "they work in a coffee shop"
So how does this conversation come about?

>i'm a barista
>um, no. i'm a barista

>> No.6127715

Your first post read like you were complaining about baristas even having a title, and people responded accordingly. You weren't very clear.

>I hear people mention how they are a Barista and they become offended if they are told that theyre just a retail worker or "they work in a coffee shop"
So how does this conversation come about?

>i'm a barista
>um, no. i'm a barista

>> No.6127717

>Somehow you concluded that I am complaining about my own work not being recognised

But that is what you are doing, isn't it? Complaining that there is a word for a certain job, that everyone recognizes, and not a well known word for whatever it is you do? Trust me many people in very specialized positions deal with this every day. I just say "consultant" and if someone asks for detail I tell them that it's really complicated to explain and not that interesting. If they insist, then I spend a few minutes explaining it, and then they understand why I told them not to bother asking.

This is why having interests outside of work is helpful. It gives you things to make small talk about so you don't get butthurt that you're not adequately recognized by the general public for the work you do.

>I hear people mention how they are a Barista and they become offended if they are told that theyre just a retail worker or "they work in a coffee shop"

Are you sure these are real people and not just made up trolls in the youtube comments section?

>> No.6127734

You really are the dumbest motherfucker on this planet. Fuck me I think I just got a bit dumber after reading half of your post. I'm not going to read the other half in case I spontaneously kill myself.

>> No.6127755
File: 136 KB, 629x348, ck makes coffee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're fooling no one, /ck/.

>> No.6127759

underrated post

>> No.6127765


cool story bro
you sure convineced us that guy was wrong

>> No.6127768


>I'm a waiter and get no tips while baristas get all the bitches
sux to be u, i guess.

Read the questions that he was attempting to answer. He didn't actually answer anything. He even made stuff up to try and sound educated. He embarassed himself, and fed into a stereotype.

>> No.6127780

>Read the questions that he was attempting to answer.

i looked up that nhra crap. it talked about how there had to be some kind of sheild or something around the automatic trans

i also googled the delay box thing apparently it plugs into the transmission to control it or something? sure sounds like the guy was right about the drag racer using autos

plus the guy he was arguing with was inoring his wuestions too. the guy asked about what was motorsports but nobody replied to that. he mentioned the videos where you can see people driving those fancy cars but they dont use the paddles so maybe he's not an expert or anything but it seems pretty solid

the other guy just seems to be saying 'lol your stupid". sounds like he lost and switched to insults

>> No.6127793

>what was motorsports
>many people own cars like the ZO6 for track days

any idiot can take his mother's car to track and bounce it off tyre barriers but motorsport implies PEOPLE GETTING PAID TO DRIVE. those people tend actually know how to drive and THEY ALL USE MANUAL TRANSMISSION.

i can't believe i'm actually having this conversation. i really can't. it's ludicrous.

>> No.6128056

the transmissions in motorsport are vastly different than any you would encounter in your regular life. the automatic being faster in the new z06 is a recent revelation, and this is largely due to gearing. when you compare any car that offers both, whether it be a bmw, vw, or corvette, you would see the gearing is more favorable toward the dct version.

part of that is convenience, if you gave the manual version the same gears you would end up with some quirks like a ridiculously short first gear, conversly no manufacturer would release a dct car that is slower than a manual.

This is simple physics as there is a lot more parasitic loss even in the most recent dct cars compared to a manual transmission.

Like I said, the transmissions in motorsport that everyone claims to be "automatic" simply because you shift with paddles than with a stick is probably never going to make it to most cars under 100k and even then these types of transmissions are rare for supercars. These motorsport transmissions are really just paddle operated sequential manual transmissions with dog clutchs that allow shifting without any slip between gears, so you only need the clutch on a standing start. In the case of F1, they only use the clutch getting into first gear and it is no longer a pedal, it is a lever.

>> No.6128070

until the automatic transmission gains the ability to read the road ahead of the car and shift accordingly, they will never shift better than a manually operated gearbox.

>> No.6128084

I got a Breville 300esxl
I make caramel macchiato or cappuccino 3-4 times a week

>> No.6128644

>Most importantly, why does my espresso go lukewarm before I can finish it?

Probably because paper cup instead of styrofoam/polystyrene.

>> No.6128658

>being faster in the new z06 is a recent revelation

yeah thats what the guy said. nowadays--as in very recently--the auto trans is faster, but generally speaking he was agreeing with you

depends on the driver
for an expert, sure manual is great. but not all drivers have that skill level. a modern late-model auto trans shifts better than the average driver

>> No.6128662

Position of seniority
Supposed to have a lot more training than a cook
Doesn't get a special name based on what food they serve or if they wear roller-skates, they are always called a waiter
Probably the closest thing to a barista because they just mix drinks. Not going to argue which is more complicated because it depends on the establishment. Actually no, because I would never want to people who work at starbucks to be in charge of alcohol.

>> No.6128696

>The problem here is that espresso is an incredibly easy thing to get wrong. Like throwing a stone through a rotating fan, there's a very small window of operation. Good, expensive automatic espresso machines might come close but there's always room for error.

I would believe this, but they use nespresso machines at Michelin star restaurants. I know that's different because people go there for the food and wine, but just the fact they are there with a $100 price tag says price =/= performance for machines.

Also you might be confusing automatic for super-automatic. Manual espresso uses a lever to press the water through, automatic is a typical espresso machine, and super-automatic are the machines at mcdonalds and now starbucks that you only press buttons.

Anyway manual espresso is more prone to human error. If you keep an eye out for problems on an automatic, it's the modern way to make espresso. If it was less perfect the most elite espresso establishments wouldn't be using them.

>> No.6128713

>Open up coffee shop
>Use small, medium, and large for drink sizes, milk coffee instead of cafe latte, etc.
>Barista, can I get a-
>Ma'am I'm just the guy that makes your coffee
>Eagle perches on shoulder

Customers, customers and blowjobs everwhere

>> No.6128722

>I know that's different because people go there for the food and wine,

Actually a lot of very high end restaurants serve pretty shitty coffee. If they don't focus on the coffee it can easily be an afterthought to them. In other words, just because a restaurant is famous for its food doesn't mean they have coffee at the same level. I suspect that even a mid-tier specialist coffee shop would serve better coffee than most 3-star restaurants.

>> No.6128727

>that seems like an odd opinion to hold. why can the word not be descriptive? I'm not disagreeing that some of those are "wage slave" jobs, but just because someone uses a word that triggers your autism doesn't mean that they are using to sound fancy; it can easily be descriptive. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, you know?

If it was a descriptive word they would call them coffeetenders, because english speakers would immediately know what they do.

>> No.6128737

>So how does this conversation come about?

It's in this thread. Baristas got butt blasted twice when they were told their job is to make coffee.

>> No.6128767

>I suspect that even a mid-tier specialist coffee shop would serve better coffee than most 3-star restaurants.

this is largely true.
I've had the luck of eating at several 2-star and a couple of 3-star places over the years. The coffee was never bad but it was never great either. I have honestly had better at a starbucks. I'm not saying that all fancy restaurants are like that, but in my experience the coffee was always a few notches below the food.

If you want really good coffee then you need to go to a specialist coffee shop

>> No.6128816

scotland sounds horrible, but not nearly as horrible as op

>> No.6128819

that's why you ask the customer what kind of milk they want. you don't blindly guess. idiot.

>> No.6128827

i think of them as customers. what else?

>> No.6128855

I followed some buddies into a Starbucks once or twice. I couldn't make heads or tails of their fucking menu while they were ordering all this crazy shit. I just went to the nearest vending machine and got a soda. Second time I went to a gas station for a french vanilla.

>> No.6128863

>The other day
>Fedora walks into my shoppe
>Literal embodiment: neckbeard, greasy ponytail, fat, glasses, trenchcoat, tacky vest, cheap dress shoes, trilby, and the icing on the cake was a Dr. Who pin
>*tips fedora* can I get a medium soy hazelnut cappuccino?
>tell it we don't have soy
>it just gets regular milk
>*tips fedora* and leaves
>fuck, my sides

>> No.6128868

I really like black and whites, can any of you coffee making queers suggest a drink that's similar that may in fact be better?

>> No.6128881

There's more than 1 kind of milk?

>> No.6129032
File: 18 KB, 552x414, fuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former barista here. I used to get customers who would come in and order decaffeinated drinks and then sit there and tell me their life story about how they could die if they had ANY caffeine at all.
Why in the fuck are you in a coffeeshop?! If I have a deadly peanut allergy I damn sure well won't be caught wandering around the Planter's factory.
People are so fucking pants on head most of the time.

>> No.6129234

Shit nigga i get my coffee from there. I live like 10 minutes away from there.

>> No.6129270

>Team member
>Floor team
>Sales associate
>Custodial staff

Those are just from my wage-slave experience, most of them do the same or close to the same things, or just describe all employees.

>> No.6129281

>I'll have a coffee with extra hot water
Took me way too long to realise that she wanted a cup of coffee and a cup of water

>> No.6129333

Typically a fancy restaurant has really good coffee will flaunt it and charge even more for it than a coffee shop will. I'm not saying it's unjustified, since the restaurant will have more overhead and probably have to pay someone a lot for a little hours for the same sort of product than a place that specializes in it. It's almost on par with places that have a very good sommelier, but less cache and less financial reward if it works for them.