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File: 47 KB, 500x182, srssteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6124238 No.6124238 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good way to cook my steak? Are the conclusions he drew correct? Also, best cooking youtube channels?


>> No.6124279

>meat is pale greyish brown

closed video, saged, opinions discarded

>> No.6124298

>medium heat
>nonstick pan

>> No.6124317

guy's about to throttle that kid after the cut

also yes i agree with reverse searing but i don't agree with how shit this guy is at cooking in general

>> No.6124350

>best youtube cooking channels
Cooking With Dog

>> No.6124390


That fat fuck can't cook for shit, but the principle of slow cooking then searing is sound. The mistake he makes (other than almost everything else) is doing the slow cook for the same time on both. The steak that gets seared first comes up to a high temperature, and then stays hot in the oven, so it overcooks. If you're really going to do this method though, you should sous vide rather than use the oven.

>> No.6124414


>If you're really going to do this method though, you should sous vide rather than use the oven.

that's really not necessary.

>> No.6124432

That pan isn't hot enough, he doesn't get a nice sear at all.. If you're having trouble with a pan that's slow to heat up and burns the oil before it sears the meat, just splash oil directly on the steak, before it goes in the pan.

As for the idea. Sure, why not. It's been established many a time that searing doesn't "seal" in anything.

sue veed or overn? Personally, I use reverse searing when I've sous vide'd something but not when I use the oven, why? Habbit, it's the way I was taught, and when you've done it hundreds of times and your confident and happy with the result I don't see a reason to change.

Howerver, if you think about the "gradient" (how cross section goes from well done on the outside to Medium to rare the further in you to) it would be better to pre sear then cook through. But all those sous vide blow torch cunts who prattle on about gradient are cunts imo.

To end my rant I'll say; I don't think reverse searing is going to change much, sure do what you want but the most important things are
>seasoning before you sear (as in salt, everything else is optional)
>getting a good, hot, and well coloured sear
>cooking it to the correct doneness (personal preference, I go for rare)
>Resting the meat.

After you do those four things, you can feel free to fuck around with whatever else but you should still get a good steak.

>> No.6124517

So in addition to the shitty "sear" he got, he said he salted and peppered the steaks. I have to assume that means he salted the reverse sear steak prior to putting it in the oven.

This'll draw the moisture out and make it harder to get a decent sear, ruining the point of the reverse sear.

>> No.6124855

>doesn't salt steaks
enjoy your bland food.

>> No.6124882

Do you have ANY cooking experience?

>> No.6124885

>This'll draw the moisture out and make it harder to get a decent sea

That's bass-ackwards. Drawing out moisture makes it easier to get a sear because there is less moisture in the surface of the meat where the searing is occurring.

>> No.6124990

Seriously, that nigga can't cook for shit.

>> No.6124994


just heating it does that too though

honestly i think there's merit to what both of you are saying; it might warrant actually experimentung with it

>> No.6125105

There's no need to experiment when you aren't totally retarded. This is just science. Salt before oven.

>> No.6125162


no it isn't you pompous shit. 'science' would actually mean experimenting.

>> No.6125700

lmfao you retarded phaggot. I am a scientist. I'm a protein chemist that does solid phase synthesis every day. I don't need to make a specific peptide (experiment) to know its the exact same thing dictated by theory.

Go back to undergrad.

>> No.6125734

>Also, best cooking youtube channels?

Henry's Kitchen


Weber Cooks

>> No.6125853


your condescension isn't intimidating dude. there are two processes in your situation which could drive off moisture, only the salt merely draws it to the surface whereas the heat is what carries it off. they might interact favourably with each other or they might not in the low heat of the oven - the salt could just make the meat wetter on the very surface and draw moisture from close enough to the centre to give a cured texture. i know pre-salting sous vide meat does this but dry heat may or may not prevent it. the 'theory' is too subtle here to say one way or the other, unless you have a convincing argument that hasn't yet been proposed.

>> No.6125978
File: 87 KB, 992x558, chpotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yum yum in tum tum

>> No.6126012

>throws meat into lukewarm oil to "sear" it
>"sears" meat for 5 mins
>proceeds to burn meat in the oven

Why do people like this make videos and post them where the whole world can view?

>> No.6126017

What boggles my mind is that there are people that actually believe that shit.

>> No.6126372

Too done.

>> No.6126734

Reverse searing is now my goto method for cooking a steak in a pan, but this guy failed at it. Miserably...

>> No.6126817


this looks so incredibly good i can't even

>> No.6127145

>Jack "Just put it in a fucking bag or whatever" Scalfani


this dumbass has no idea how to cook besides "food on heat makes cook"