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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 600x400, india_shit_ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6122541 No.6122541 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that IPA is the fedora of beers.

>> No.6122565

no you idiot

it's the dubstep of beers

>> No.6122571

Daily reminder that you're a limp wristed faggot.

>> No.6122576

daily reminder that using ironic memes is the meme of /ck/

>> No.6122579


>guy is told to drink IPA buy male in fedora
>male in fedora claims this is *real* beer, that the rest were merely imposters
>claims bitterness makes you more of a man, which plays into bacon-nerd faggotry
>you drink IPA and adopt the way of the fedora

IPAs are bad beers with extra hops to cover the mistakes a brewmaster made.

>> No.6122582
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are fedoras isolated to white people or is it a universal sign?

>> No.6122587

there are brown fedoras but they get murdered

>> No.6122589
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By your own claims of what makes a man strong and virile, you should probably get cucked and have your balls stepped on by a dom.

>> No.6122593
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>> No.6122595

>IPAs are bad beers with extra hops to cover the mistakes a brewmaster made.


>> No.6122598

>not just drinking a stout or irish ale

>> No.6122601
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>take gulp over over-hopped beer
>punch yourself in the dick
>eat strip of chocolate covered bacon
>smile as you dab the beer off your hobo beard
>take another gulp
>punch yourself in the dick again

Every craft brewery in 2014.

>> No.6122616

Daily reminder beer is the fedora of drinks.

>> No.6122620
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Let me think, you're a neat whiskey fag.

Same shit, same person, different drink.

>> No.6122627 [DELETED] 

"Hey guys, I want a beer that tastes like piss and makes me have the people skills of a hornet after drinking a lot of it"

>> No.6122636

"Hey, can I get a drink that tastes like piss and after drinking so many, makes me have the people skills of a hornet?"

>> No.6122638
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wine master race reporting

>> No.6122639


not every

just most

>> No.6122641

I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.6122644

The local craft brewery has actual quality german food

>> No.6122646

>people skills of a hornet
So everyone is running away from you?

>> No.6122651

this brewery opened up near where i live, so a few buddies and i went there once and it was pretty good. they made some decent irish red ales, didn't try any of the hoppy faggot shit. and there was some 18% beer that kinda tasted like banana bread. not bad but not for me. their irish stuff was good tho

>> No.6122654

>Running from an insect

No, I'm saying you're generally annoying to be around.

I don't understand the point of drinking, it makes even the most level-headed act like completely asses and it tastes awful.

The only argument anyone ever has when I tell them this is "YOU'RE JUST NOT MAN ENOUGH". As if drinking a fermented liquid that tastes like piss makes you a man.

>> No.6122674

IPAs arent overly hoppy....you must have been drinking some awful ones

>> No.6122679

This always brings to mind such a vivid picture of a very specific type of person

>scruffy beard
>IPA beer
>lumberjack scarf
>possible fedora
>instagram w/ overly filtered sepia tone pictures
>couple photos taken outside in some pine trees
>tried going vegan once but like, bacon is just too epic, man

>> No.6122681



>> No.6122683

I like some IPAs but I don't drink them all the time.

That being said I am enjoying a nice Tripel right now.

>> No.6122686

the fuck? that's literally what makes them an IPA is the fact that they're loaded with hops

>> No.6122693


yeh no ipa could ever be lightly hopped

>> No.6122714
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i have a friend who only drinks ipas

he's kind of insufferable to drink beer with. because he'll ask you why you drink lagers, pilsners and the like. and when you do drink IPAs, he has to ask you "SEE AREN'T THEY SO GOOD?"

>mfw seasonal/mood beer drinker

>> No.6122730
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Shitty greentext not even worth rating.

Nothing wrong with IPAs, stop memeing.

In fact, I hear beer people complain about IPAs all the fucking time. "They're too hoppy!" The fuck, hoppiness is much more approachable than, say, muddiness in stouts.

They're good, strong beers. Go drink Dogfish Head 90 minute, it's a knockout.

I think that the most fedora thing is to be noisy about your taste, and to be judgmental of people for enjoying fucking food.

>> No.6122734
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>meme beard spotted

Shave your beard, homo.

>> No.6122736

holy fuck you sound like a faggot trying not to sound like a faggot.
>prefers IPAs to stouts
how fucking sad

>> No.6122738

>The fuck, hoppiness is much more approachable than, say, muddiness in stouts.

troll harder

>> No.6122745

>holy fuck you sound like a faggot trying not to sound like a faggot.

Your projector is showing.

>prefers IPAs to stouts

Who're you quoting in you're post?

>troll harder

So you actually believe that stouts are more approachable than IPAs? Name some beers.

>> No.6122751

not the person you were replying to, bu honestly since I have been drinking more farmhouse ales I can't drink stouts anymore. They are just too sweet and heavy for me. Not that they are bad but just not good to me anymore.

>> No.6122752

You must hang out with shitty drunks then.
Also, long island iced tea tastes awesome.

>> No.6122755

Only IPA I remember not having an issue with is Two Hearted, most stouts I've had are far easier to drink.

>> No.6122758

>drinking any beer with an alcohol content less than 8%

>> No.6122760

>Name some beers.

Stone Russian Imperial Stout
Young's Double Chocolate Stout

>> No.6122764

Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout
fucking guiness

>> No.6122766

The only people under 40 who can wear fedoras are Dominicans and blacks

>> No.6122769

IPAs are just one among many different styles of beer. If you just hate them because the market got over-saturated with them and all of the breweries trying to make the hoppiest one you are an idiot. By that logic you would also be obligated to hate big Imperial stouts because they have been becoming more and more popular, especially if they are aged in bourbon barrels which I assume you also hate because it is "meme liquor" or something equally stupid.

>> No.6122770

Black IPAs are my waifu

>> No.6122779

>If you just hate them because the market got over-saturated with them and all of the breweries trying to make the hoppiest one you are an idiot.

Thats exactly the reason why. I live in an area where leading in craft breweries and it seems that they all have about a dozen types of beer in stock, with 8 of them being derivatives of IPA.

More often than not, there is no options for stout or exotic recipes, with those becoming seasonals.

>> No.6122781


>> No.6122783

Good thing I can't fucking stand IPAs. They taste like ass.

>> No.6122784

>They taste like ass

>> No.6122785

Daily reminder that you don't know what irony is.

>> No.6122787

Question to IPA drinkers: I notice a slightly salty aftertaste in some drinks that puts me off, what are some good brews that don't have this?

>> No.6122793

Sure someone didn't just jizz in your bottle?

>> No.6122794


The ones where the brewmaster doesn't ejaculate into the wort.

>> No.6122795

People who hate IPAs are just as fedora as people who jerk off to them.

>> No.6122825

Daily reminder that you need to stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.6122829

>I say this thing is like this other thing that our tribal memes say is bad!
>therefore, you should hate this thing I hate!

Who gives a shit?

>> No.6122846

what is your favorite type of beer?

i like belgian style.

>> No.6122850
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I'm with you OP.
Neckbeards only like IPAs because they think it makes them look tough.

Pic related is what I'm drinking right now. An actual quality and flavorful beer that's not overpowered by hoppy bitterness and alcohol.

>> No.6122858

i like belgian style beers, irish red ales, some dark lagers, and stouts

>> No.6122865


Stouts/porters, saisons, tripels, hefeweizens, pilsners, and yes, IPAs.

>> No.6122867

The problem with IPAs is that for every good one, there seem to be five me-too microbreweries who have no idea how to balance the hoppiness, even in a style known for said quality.

>> No.6122887

I want summa dat...

>> No.6122894


Tends to be a general problem across beer styles really, bad unbalanced IPAs hit you over the head, and the style has become so ubiquitous that picking them out is easy. The glut of microbreweries over the past years has just brought a lot of people into the business of brewing beer who don't entirely know what they're doing. Some will learn, most won't.

>> No.6122905

they taste like shit but wheatey beers are the worst
>mfw people say they like gumballhead

>> No.6122941

Its just a type of beer, one of hundreds. Chill out.
What if one day every hipster and his parakeet started spouting on about how good porter is, being popular doesn't make a thing bad.

>> No.6122955

IPA's are pretty fedora but so are stout/porter's. . .

>i only like dark beers, none of that miller lite bullshit! Hot summer day? I'll take a double oatmeal coffee stout please!

Honestly, you can talk shit on just about every type of beer if you wanted to. They all have their merits and occasions. It's just autists that try to put one type on a pedestal above the rest that turn it into fedora-tier.

>> No.6123069
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>> No.6123185

These threads are worse than black coffee threads.

That being said, I love IIPAs and love black coffee.

>> No.6123198

Pretty much this.

>> No.6123230

This is pretty much the only kind of beer I really can't enjoy. I really want to but they all just taste so. . . unbalanced? Something about them just really puts me off and doesn't feel relaxing like a beer should.

>> No.6123238

I drink different types of IPAs like the normal person drinks a macro lager. They're approachable, any time of day, with any meal, at any time of year beer. The market is a bit over saturated, but IPA varieties really are the go-to of the modern beer drinker with stouts, porters, and much of everything else as a situational beer.

Also, are we really arguing Old Rasputin being more approachable than a Lagunitas?

>> No.6123242
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Definitely give this a try before it leaves in the spring. I get it on the opposite coast, so I'm assuming you'll have no problem either.

>> No.6123253

It's the yeast. It has a funky smell that can really overpower everything.

>> No.6123335

interesting, thanks for the insight

>> No.6123358

Different strokes for different folks I guess. Personally there is nothing better on a hot summer day than a relaxing with a nice crisp saison. But I like the yeastyness so it works for me.

>> No.6123362

Wine is the fedora of beer

>> No.6123368

You're the fedora of fedora wearers.

>> No.6123401

I'll agree that IPAs are basically always drinkable. If it's my only option, I don't have a problem drinking it. But I don't really get the hype, or why they became so popular. They're just aight.

>> No.6123866

IPAs are the death metal of beers

I love IPAs and death metal

>> No.6123872

I think it's partly a macho thing. Something to the effect of "My beer is more bitter than your beer, therefore I am more of a man than you are.". I'm sure you've noticed that many IPAs promise crap to the effect of "HARDCORE ULTIMATE PALETTE DEVASTATION" and boast of how close they are to the 200 IBU threshold of the human tongue.

>> No.6123895


If I ever went into a pub and saw a group like that I'd leave immediately.

>> No.6123946

I used to be a fan of IPAs until you drink enough and realize that it's just a totally unappealing taste.
All for American/Imperial Stouts, Barleywines, Strong Ales, Belgians, Sours

>> No.6124062

>I think it's partly a macho thing.

It's *only* a macho thing.

>> No.6124066

>Yeah, no IPA could ever be lightly hopped.

So you agree then?

>> No.6124099

When was the last time you went to a brewery? Cause man you have a basement dweller view on them

>> No.6124103

Not him, but heavily hopped doesn't mean overly hopped. Semantics.

>> No.6124105
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>dude has valid criticism of trends
>"quick call him a basement dweller"
>crisis averted

Great job!

>> No.6124109

>Belgian style
Wtf does that even mean? Tripels? Dubbels? Saisons?

>> No.6124113

I think it's a quadruppel.

>> No.6124115

Blue Moon bruh

>> No.6124121

I went to a brewery today and it was full of old people and a group of lesbians. Not an uncommon crowd at any brewery around here. Even the breweries I went to in California were full of regular people or old fucks.

>> No.6124124

>memetext referencing bacon eating and groin punching
>valid criticism

>> No.6124129


>missing the point

>> No.6124131

>thinking there's a point

>> No.6124132


Your joint must not be infested with the hipster or hobo-beard dude-bro elite.

>> No.6124137


>missing the point

>> No.6124147

They're around, but beer is enjoyed by a lot of people. To assume that breweries are filled with one type of person is retarded. I don't look at sushi places and assume everyone there is a weeb faggot eating a shit roll

>> No.6124151

Alcohol is the fedora of liquids

>> No.6124155


But, all of the big-name breweries in my area carry mainly IPAs and their derivatives.

I like expertly made lagers, wheat beers and stouts because I know how difficult it is to perfect them. Hell, I really like it when brewmasters get frisky and make exotics like blueberry vanilla on a wheat base or a peanut butter stout... or even root beer. Because, that's fun.

The pallet of a badly made IPA can be covered purely by hop choice and amount. It's the A1 sauce of beer.

>> No.6124162

Sounds like you need to find a new brewery. I just had a rum barrel aged imperial stout today and a smoked pepper porter. Bought a growler of their rye ipa too. Good stuff man.

>> No.6124170

2 hearted is alright, but in kalamazoo, michigan, where bell's cafe is, at this local joint called ruperts there is a really good double that's even better.

Also according to beeradvoate, the best rated beer is an imperial IPA. how does it feel to be wrong?

>> No.6124171


IPA is still a dog of beer. You just like the taste of hops.

>> No.6124177

Sure. It was really well balanced and just had a good flavor. There are good IPAs out there. Most suck though.

>> No.6124180

yeah, nah you're a cunt

>> No.6124455

When I went to Bell's I felt incredibly unhip and kept thinking "that man has a cool hat" and "why does that woman have a hula-hoop?"

>> No.6124474
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Ehh, I mean depending on who makes it IPA is either a good or bad thing.
Harpoon is a craft favorite, but DAMN is this shit hoppy and frothy

>> No.6124496

Stouts are the fedoras of beers.

>> No.6124518

Tell that to millions of Irish you colossal fagbrained fucker

>> No.6124527

I don't care what anyone thinks, IPA are delicious and I'm gonna drink em regardless.

>> No.6124529

*tips fedora*

>> No.6124531

**tips fedora*

>> No.6124534

*tips fedora*

>> No.6124539

The Irish are the fedoras of ethnic groups.

>> No.6124590
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>> No.6124634

and yummy. don't forget yummy. it has a low ibu compared to other brewers who think bitter is better.

>> No.6124660

Cool hats and hula-hoops are the new hip things. You heard it here first folks

>> No.6124670

IPAs were a thing because the taste of hops was still novel at some point. Micro-breweries understood that and pushed the concept because it's a very easy beer to make decent and also has some exclusive tone to it. Now though the market has been over-saturated with cookie cutter IPAs and people are just going to other things.

>> No.6124911

I've always found European IPAs to be somewhat better than American IPAs on average

but maybe that's just me

>> No.6124915


>I don't like variety, I only want to drink one thing

>> No.6125073


I've never seen a point missed so utterly and completely

>> No.6125076


2015 is gonna be the same but with pilsners instead of IPAs. It has already begun on the west coast.

>> No.6125148

I know someone just like that. I refuse to eat or drink with them anymore.

>Go to German restaurant for Oktoberfest
>30 different kinds of German beer on tap
>Get a Weihenstephaner Oktoberfest straight from the tap; it tastes like the nectar of the gods
>Friend asks for an IPA
>"Can I recommend the Oktoberfest that your friend ordered? It's only here for three days and you can't get it outside of the season. Plus it's very good!"
>Friend refuses, bartender sighs and serves him a German IPA
>Friend sends it back, says it's not hoppy enough
>Ends up getting a warm bottle of Stone Double Bastard, says it's way better
>Doesn't even order a sausage or schnitzel, just eats a pretzel and complains for the rest of the night that he's hungry

I'm glad I don't talk to him much anymore. He's a bit of a faggot.

>> No.6125153

Restaurants shouldn't even need to carry IPAs, they're not that good with food, let alone German food.

>> No.6125154

>IPAs are bad beers with extra hops to cover the mistakes a brewmaster made.
Full retard

>> No.6125156
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uhg, IPAs. I ended up throwing away a case of this stuff last week.

>> No.6125168

I can understand that maybe some food could pair well with an IPA, and restaurants will carry any beer that will make money, but for gods sake, don't go to a fucking German restaurant for Oktoberfest and order a shitty hopsbomb and not eat any of the food.

>> No.6125196

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.6125200
File: 44 KB, 800x600, bear-republic-racer-5-ipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT IPA coming through.

Isn't OMGEPICBACON level of hopness.

You can actually taste a lot of the floral notes.

Shit is the bomb.

>> No.6125217

who throws away beer? Give it away you wasteful dick.

>> No.6125314

>not being able to enjoy at least some examples of almost every type of beer out there

just came back to Germany from holiday in england
good thing about being back:
>can drink from my great local brewery
(no i don't live in bavaria)
bad point
>not being able to ust stop at any country pub to try a local or at least a guest ale
>barely having any ales at all in germany

i may preffer (i guess dut to being raised on it) a nicely hopped pilsner over pretty much any beer, but i love myself some other stuff from time to time

>> No.6125673

You have awful taste

>> No.6125745

I don't get all the IPA hate on /ck/. To me it just seems like a hypocritical dislike of something because of its popularity. This cult of obscurity is the same thing people attribute to another thing people love to hate, hipsters. The style is so broad (more so than competition judging guidelines allow for, those are just made for convenient and easy categorization). There's strongly malty ones with not much hop presence, there's low abv ones, not just the strong hop-bombs that people feel superior when bitching about. There was a trend for a long time where small brewers would try and gain market traction by releasing the next overly hoppy, over strength double (or triple) IPA but the market became oversaturated and that trend fell out of favour a few years ago (in favour of sours mostly, it seems).

>> No.6125772

dont understand it either....im guessing most of them must be murricans...... they dont know how to make decent beer properly

>> No.6126650

Shitposters gonna shitpost.
Most beers are mediocre at best, especially in an over saturated market like IPAs. A great IPA is great and can pair with most food, especially cutting through spicy stuff.
But great IPAs are few and far between. This is true of all beer styles. All things even.

>> No.6126677

>But great IPAs are few and far between.
You can get at least 2 or 3 great IPAs at any grocery store. Like 2 Hearted, that shit is great and everywhere

>> No.6126724
File: 667 KB, 526x701, vQPUqMz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if they get regular shipments and are less than 30-90 days old. Check your dates, IPAs go to shit almost as fast as pilsners.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6126753

It is a night and day difference between a fresh IPA and a shelf turd.

>> No.6126761

I actually like Two Hearted Ale better after it has like 5 months on it.

>> No.6126772

Nice try. By you posting this I know two things about you.
>1 You're just trying to be edgy.
>2 you don't drink beer.

>> No.6126780

Do you even know how ipas were made you mook?

>> No.6126782
File: 20 KB, 292x219, job-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hops in beer remind me of scoville units in hot sauce. You can go pretty big and still make a decent product, but going to high with either hops or heat just for the sake of it ends up doing nothing more than raping your taste buds. It becomes more of a competition to see how shitty your product can be because of memes and much less about good taste.

>> No.6126784

Kind of. Sure semi old IPA isn't as good as it is fresh typically, but its still pretty tasty

I rarely find a problem with old IPA at stores though, I only get skeptical at smaller rural liquor stores with great selections

>> No.6126787

>going to high with either hop just for the sake of it ends up doing nothing more than raping your taste bud
Thankfully most of America is not in California

>> No.6126799

You are a disgusting shitpig.

>> No.6126985

Holy shit you are so right and I never thought about it like this before.

>> No.6127092
File: 91 KB, 500x333, 4622924067_95c42e9078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good IPA coming through. Only one I'll order from time to time still.

>> No.6127157

> scruffy beard
> flannel shirts
> occasionally drink a craft beer
am I cancer /ck/?

>> No.6127163

No you're probably a 20 something in 2015

>> No.6127165

Decent guess

>> No.6127261

Most IPAs i tasted were just too kind of fruity and citric/lemony??? ( foreign speaker here) for my taste.
Tasted like some big hairy bear daddy kind of gay in comparison to the faggy kind of gay mixed beer drinks taste like.
And they lack the kind of clear, freshness where you can just gulp down a few if you are thirsty i like in good beer.
My sentence: too complicated for not enough tasty gain.

Especially for me living in germany and having like 100 german and chzech beer types readily available in the beverage shop around the corner. In fact i just started my own faggy beer taste test series and i am currrently trying to sample every single type of "Helles" they have there. Of course i buy by the box and still want to drink a nice bitter Pilsener after work so i´m probably occupied for some time ^^

>> No.6127267

most of the big german pilsnet is shit nowadays though. simplified and de-hoped to the point that you cann barely identify them if you even can.

Helles is well, also more of a beer to jst drink to quench your thirst.
i like some stronger tasting beers (inckuding ales)

>> No.6127274

Helles is good like on a holiday hike through the alps. Just go from Berghütte to Berghütte and enjoy.
But yeah some of mass market Pilsener are oversimplied and some taste outright nood good. I Alwasy wonder who buys König Plisener that tastes like Bitburger 1 year over the expiration Date.
But the hopy Pils styles like Becks and Jevener are fine and anything from a more "local" brewery is usually really fine.
Point is: we can try every beer we see without getting faggy over it and trying to imitate a wine degustation. That´s not how you enjoy a beer.

>> No.6127284

>That´s not how you enjoy a beer.
That's how many fags here do. Warm beer in a fine beer glass to capture aromas.
Most don't sweat in their work and probably don't understand the satisfying refreshment of a nice light lager or pilsner after work.
Have you tried Peroni on tap after a day?

>> No.6127288
File: 652 KB, 1059x449, fiegesortiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopped pilsener like becks
is this a joke?
there is no pilsener with less hopp than becks,
there is some better beer frmtheir brewery though.
Haake Beck (the original beer form that brewery) actually has some taste (and is cheeper).
it is Jever m8
but i like it.
Fiege is pretty based though. my local brewery and my favourite if it comes to pilsener

>> No.6127297

They are pretty bitter as far as mainstream pilsener goes. With mainstream i mean marketed in all of germany , tv spots, sold at soccer stadium kind of shit.
Fiege is good but is more of a local Pott brew and not readily available everywhere.
I was talking about the good stuff of the beers catering to the mass market ( the generally more prone to beeing shitty beers).

>> No.6127304

i know
and i also know that fiege is not more than a local brewery witha slightly bigger market.
but really Becks is by far the big pilsener i dislike the most. watery through and through, and i don't think they are bitter at all.
I remember there was a TV show where hey tested different mainstream breweries for traces of hops, and most of them were barely detectable with becks not even showing detectable amounts of hopp aroma.
i laughed

>> No.6127342

>tfw I look like the faggot looking at the camera

Feels bad.

>> No.6127344

Post a photo of yourself

>> No.6127355

Fedoras are the fedoras of hats.

>> No.6127384

the telling quality of belgian beers is the mechanism of fermentation. the microorganisms that convert wort into beer (yeast, lactobaccillus and brettanomyces) are pretty unique in belgian beers.