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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6122207 No.6122207 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like northern Europe has terrible food, some of the worst in the world, while southern Europe has amazing food, some of the best in the world?

I keep trying German food and keep being disappointed. The majority, prepared correctly mind you, is barely edible, whether from a restaurant or storebought or homemade. Pumpernickel I couldn't even choke down, it had such an assaulting flavor. I bought turnips on a whim and made himmel und erde (mashed potato, turnip, and apple.) It was disgusting. It was like a foul version of mashed potatoes from hell. I turned it into a soup to cover up the flavor just to manage to eat it. 100% stuck to the recipe and it didn't taste off, just bad, like a similar flavor to every other german food I've had. Bitter, bland, and stuffy. Scandinavians eat rotten fish. British food is infamously bad. France, Italy, and Greece have amazing food, on the other hand. I've never had anything Italian that wasn't divinely delicious.

If northern Europeans are master race, why is their food so atrocious? How do they even manage to live when their cuisine is so disgusting that I'd rather go hungry? Name one northern dish worth eating.

>> No.6122218



Northern Europe = cold = limited as to what grows and lives there.

Southern Europe is much warmer and therefore has a much greater variety of ingredients available. Many herbs and spices only grow in a tropical or subtropical climate.

>>Scandinavians eat rotten fish
Everyone eats rotten fish. Worcestershire sauce is a great example that is very popular in the West.

>> No.6122222

>Pumpernickel I couldn't even choke down
what the hell is wrong with you? pumpernickel is fucking awesome. what about wiener schnitzel, who doesn't like that?

>> No.6122280

their food isn't atrocious, you just personally don't like it.

>> No.6122284

What about hot dogs and burgers? They're German and 90% of Americans seem to eat them so they can't be that bad

>> No.6122323


I don't like either and never have, no matter who makes it or how the quality is. Italian sausage is okay, dem fennel seeds. Both kielbasa and bratwurst are unappealing. So in the category of sausage, southern wins again.

Shepherd's pie is good. Meat pies in general. Hard apple cider is great. That's about it for northern european cuisine that is edible.

>> No.6122340

People have a really ignorant view of Scandinavian cuisine.

>muh surströmming
>muh lutefisk

>> No.6122346


Then enlighten us. What's a scandinavian recipe I can make with standard american grocery store items that is good?

>> No.6122347


>northern european

>> No.6122348


Used to make these as a student and they were great:

1 soft small baguette (not the hard french kind)
1 hotdog

poke a hole in the end of the baguette squirt in ketchup/mustard.

Can add cheese or fried onions if you want.

insert hotdog into baguette

mess free hotdog

>> No.6122350


>muh continent

The UK is part of northern europe, this is not debatable

>> No.6122361

>1 soft small baguette (not the hard french kind)

well it's not a fucking baguette then is it ?

>> No.6122363

We have plenty of good food, but as someone else said, the climate limited our cuisine. As a result, we have a lot of fatty food and food that's made to be preserved, so that we had something to eat during winter, at sea or during long journeys in our sparesely populated countries.
That being said, our constant struggle against nature has made us highly efficient, quality oriented and very good at utilizing everything to its maximum potential, which is likely why we're completely dominating the Bocuse d'Or.

>> No.6122364

Germany has a lot of good sausages, you just have to try them. I for one like Frankfurter, Weisswurst and Regensburger. Bratwurst and Currywurst are very popular as well.

In terms of dishes you could try Schnitzel and Spätzle or Knöpfle, Bratkartoffeln or different kinds of Braten. There's a whole lot variety of breads and pastries there as well.

Strudel, cakes, tarts, krapfen, marzipan. lebkuchen, stollen are popular desserts.

>> No.6122369

>a Baguette is distinguishable by its length and crisp crust.

>> No.6122375

it is very debatable.

Europe is a land mass approximately 26 miles across the English Channel from Great Britain.

>wanna borrow an atlas?

>> No.6122376

>what about wiener schnitzel, who doesn't like that?
Wiener Schnitzel isn't German.

>> No.6122380


You both knew what i meant and because of that fact I was not wrong in calling it a soft french baguette.

>> No.6122382

>wiener schnitzel


>> No.6122386


>what is a continental plate

>> No.6122391

fair dues I guess.
Enjoy the baguette ;-)

>> No.6122398

Northern people are more reliant on animal products and preserved vegetables than southerners, who have a longer growing season, and thus access to more fresh vegetables.

So if I wanted great vegetable dishes I'd go for southern, hands down. But for preserved animal products the northerners will have amazing stuff because they had no choice but to come up with it. Amazing stuff from northerners will include:
Smoked/pickled fish
Roast/stewed/braised meats

All of the above are delicious. Of course a steady diet of this stuff is the reason northerners have higher blood pressure than southerners. For day to day eating I'd rather go with olive oil slicked vegetables, but there's no denying the deliciousness of northerners' clever preservation of animal products.

>> No.6122407


Don't forget jams and preserves (in the marmalade sense, not the salami sense)

>> No.6122416


Mutton with bone.

Layer in a big ass pan, mutton, cabbage, mutton, cabbage etc.

Whole black pepper and a bit of salt.
Bit of water.

Let that shit simmer on low for hours, add in more water to not let it dry.
Serve with potatoes.

Western Norwegian cuisine easily made in any country. Classical autumn dish.

>> No.6122418


sounds pretty tasty to be honest.

Do you usually serve it with a lingonberry preserve, seems like it would go well with that?

>> No.6122420
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>> No.6122425


I went to a restaurant (admittedly probably not the best quality restaurant) and got a German sausage sampler. I hated everything. I don't know specifically what kinds, but there were five different ones.

Desserts are cheating. Everything tastes good covered in sugar and butter.

I'll make schnitzel next time I have pork on hand. Seems very plain. Bratkartoffeln is home fries but with boiled potatoes, bacon, and onion? Sounds inferior.

>> No.6122430


kk, i'm going to give this a go.

Thanks anon

>> No.6122433

Just remember to cut the cabbage in wedges.

>> No.6122446


Greek and Italian cheeses are best.

Maybe the problem is I'm used to a mainly vegetable and milk/egg diet, and northern diet is meat focused. 2expensive4me. Is there any non-wheat, non-meat, low-calorie northern european food that is good? Or is it all fat-choked and calorie dense?

I haven't liked the few german import beers I've had, but if you name a few that I might be able to find, I'll give it another try.

>> No.6122449

>I'll make schnitzel next time I have pork on hand.
Well there's your problem idiot.

>> No.6122450
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>Nice troll post

>> No.6122456


Mutton isn't something I've found in stores. What is a good approximation?

Pretty much boiled cabbage and meat, then? It doesn't sound appealing. Cabbage is only good stir-fried in heavy spice.

>> No.6122462
File: 343 KB, 500x281, Sosekjøtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fårikål (literally 'lamb in cabbage') is great. You also have Sosekjott ('sauce meat'), which used to be the traditional sunday dinner here in Bergen.
It's basically beef, onions, potatoes, mushrooms and carrots cooked in a thick brown sauce. Not entirely sure if the potatoes are served on the side or if they're cooked with the rest.
Everything you put in there becomes extremely tender and melts in your mouth. It's also a very flavorful dish.

>> No.6122468

>Cabbage is only good stir-fried in heavy spice.
You obviously know little of the wonders of cabbage.

>> No.6122472


Muttom is simply sheeps meat.

Its just a much tougher lamb meat which si why its best for slow cooked dishes.

>> No.6122477

>Mutton isn't something I've found in stores.
The fuck? I know we joke about the US being a third world country, but seriously?

As for Fårikål, it's far tastier than it sounds and looks, and there's a surprising amount of flavor in it, with the whole peppercorns giving it that extra edge. It's also extremely tender.

>> No.6122494

Generally speaking, areas of the world with greater amounts of edible biodiversity will have more varied and delicious cuisines while those with less tend not.

Some of these countries with a smaller number of common edible plants and animals do some of what few dishes they do have very, very well but the majority will generally be bland or one note, like comparing Polish food, which has a number of very, VERY delicious dishes but mostly bland, boring stuff with Italian food, which has mostly flavourful dishes but very few that are actually knock-your-socks-off good.

At least, that's how it seems to me. Could be a case of 'grass is always greener' because I am from Italy and I just find it quite literally 'everyday.' Because that's what it is. Everyday.

Simple question. Simple answer.

>> No.6122518

the cabbage is going to be much better cooked in all of the good mutton stuff, the taste is nothing like boiled cabbage

>> No.6122524

First off, Germany is in Western Europe, which is where France is. You did know that France and Germany are right fucking next to each other didn't you? Or are you literally retarded? Northern Europe would include the UK, Ireland, and the Scandinavian and Baltic countries.

Not only are you ignorant about Geography, you also are making wild claims and speculations about the cuisine of an entire region of the world.

>> No.6122533

it's not unavailable, it's just that usually the only meats you have to choose from are beef, pork or chicken. (turkey too, depending on the season) Any other delicious things like goat or lamb aren't available just because they're not farm raised on insane proportions like the common megamart shit

you can always request these things at the butcher section of a megamart or go to an ethnic food store, but youll be paying more for pieces of bony goat meat than you would for sirloin steak

>> No.6122542

*choose from when you walk into an average megamart)

>> No.6122543


This is why you use mutton on the bone. The cabbage turns into a tender sweet/savoury deliciousness.

>> No.6122557

Not that guy, but the countries are very different. Germany is culturally closer to northern Europe, while France is culturally closer to the Mediterranean. They also have different climates, linguistics and ethnicities.

>> No.6122558


Yeah, beef pork and chicken are really the big three. But other meats are widely available. I live in a mid-size town in Texas. The normal supermarkets carry lamb, veal, and goat--though in a smaller selection than the other meats. The local butchers have all that plus mutton, venison, and bison.

>> No.6122583

Those are the same three that are popular here in Norway, but you can still get lamb/mutton in most stores, whether it's frozen, prepackaged or from the butcher section.

>> No.6122590

I'm jealous of all the meat close to you in Texas

I'm from NY, so you can count my poorer selection on that

of course it's much better if you can find a true butcher but those are a dying breed

>> No.6122611

I'm from NY, too, but I live in the city. Mutton is easy to find here: just go to a supermarket in a Latino neighborhood and look for goat. For some reason mutton is always mislabeled as goat in Latino markets. If you want real goat it's available at any halal market.

There are still plenty of real butchers here. Some of them still make their own sausages.

>> No.6123136

The thread is about northern Europe.

>> No.6123147

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.6123191



Come one. The reason people think of surstomming and lutefisk is because they're the few Scandinavian foods which are actually distinct. Every other dish Scandinavians call "your" food is basically a dish people make everywhere else, or have a very close version. Look at the suggestions here:

>cabbage boiled with meat and potatoes

Pretty sure poor people eat this everywhere.


>meat boiled with onions and carrots

See above. What European country doesn't make this?

Most southern European, Balkan, and even some E.European countries have many dishes which are unique to their countries and taste good. Having lived in Scandinavia for two years, it's a great region, but the food is undeniably shit and food culture is essentially non existent compared to the south.

Scandinavian food is bad because up until pretty recently Scandinavia was a poor shit hole and the climate could only sustain 2% of the ingredients available in the south.

>> No.6123215

Why not instead of making a northern hate thread, you make a southern appreciation thread?

/ck/ would be so much better if things operated that way.

>> No.6123226

>British food is infamously bad.

NO, it's not, faggot. You've obviously never eaten it.

>> No.6123237
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>> No.6123249

Half right, all the peasants live in the north while royalty thrived in the south because of the climate.

>> No.6123260

why do europeans and amerilard eat meat/steaks with boiled potatoes????

fucking bland.

give me salsas, guacamole and grilled onions

>> No.6123379

Because OP is interested in discovering good, Northern recipes, not bolster his insight of good Southern cuisine further.

As a Dane, however, I can mostly agree that our food is sweet, unseasoned "babyfood", where the taste of milk and sweetness is central elements. There was never a lot of greens to take from in Denmark, and as a result some of the most well-known dishes utilizing these are stews. My mom speaks of her grandmother often making cabbage stew or pea soup, and generally when a proper Danish meal was cooked in my own family, it almost always involved potatoes, meat and a sauce of some sort. However, in recent times Danish cooking has been given a lot more opportunities, and as a result these old, sad traditional dishes are being given new life. Before the 1860s we haven't had much to work with, so given some time I think good results will come up and eventually become traditional dishes.

>> No.6123501


Because potatoes are a staple for us, like corn/maize in south america.

And yeah, boiled potatoes are bland on their own. But they're a great vehicle for gravy or other sauces.

>> No.6123691

I don't really want to pass judgement, because I know nothing about your particular tastes, but it seems to me that you are just a picky eater who needs to grow up and try new things.

>> No.6123697

sorry meant to reply to OP.

>> No.6123711

> what is climate?

>> No.6123909

It's neither a baguette nor is it French.

The frogs need to put a PDO on that shit. I love French bread, but I can't get it in my country because not even the expensive, high end bakeries make the bread to specifications.

>> No.6123941

Staple carbs that love growing in our wet/cold land.

>> No.6123964
File: 252 KB, 1600x909, Polish food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>northern Europe

It's like the Iron Curtain still exists....

>> No.6124050

>I keep trying German food and keep being disappointed.

you're trying the wrong things then.
go for grilled/roasted meats. pic related for example: schweinshaxe, a bavarian and austrian classic.

grilled pork leg, usually served with roast potatoes and sauerkraut.

>> No.6124052


>shitty 'German' restaurant, probably in America
>herpa derpa, all German food is awful

There's a high-end Polish restaurant near me, the food is delicious, therefore all Polish food is delicious.

>> No.6124054
File: 91 KB, 386x311, schweinshaxe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6124061

>South were once rich as fuck and due to warm climate could make whatever the fuck they want

>North had to deal with lack of crops and cold weather so stuck to basic but very filling foods

Its not exactly terrible food, it depends on how gay you are, do you prefer your food to be twinkled onto the plate by a cook that shaves his chest hair as you wait hours because this perfectionist Spanish cunt can't get the right consistency and repeats it over and over. Or are you a real man and like your meat ripped right off the fucking animal whilst it is alive, cooked up and served to you just like that, because real men don't need that pansy cuisine.

>> No.6124065
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>> No.6124085

Some people don't have to resort to ridiculous, clown-like antics to prove our masculinity. Some men prove it in the bedroom as we make love to our many, many women. (and most of the northerners women too)

>> No.6124095

Top kek
I've been to the south and can't stop laughing at the amount of men that shave their fucking legs and prance about in colorful hipster clothes afraid to mess up their hair. Every southern girl i fucked around Europe told me she wished there were more masculine men like me where they lived. Sure you get the odd one here and there but give it two more generations and you will see what i mean. Feels good being the only guy with chest hair getting all that easy pussy whilst you guys play it hard mode acting gay whilst claiming you are straight.

>> No.6124120

Oh so you scooped up all the dumb, classless whores on the street corner? You can have them and enjoy your STD, barbarian. I'll stay with the women worth having.

>> No.6124126

>Women worth having
You made my day, keep up the good comedy.

>> No.6124525

>Polish food
>mostly bland
Absolutely not in my experience.
Also, I'm french.

>> No.6124546


> brag about how many pussy you are getting on the internet
> from eachothers respective areas

wow you guys sure are classy, you don't sound like NEETs at all

>> No.6124562

>Pumpernickel I couldn't even choke down
hahaha pussy

> himmel und erde
there is no turnip there dumbass

>posting in a troll thread
I know, I know

>> No.6124565

> implying
the only french flavors are butter and rotten.

>> No.6124575

Dude are you le numbnut? Italian here, just to clarify.

Germoney has amongst the best breads, soups, cakes and sausages in Yurop so get shrekked.

>> No.6124708

>restaurant food is representative of home cooking
Polish restaurant food is as though crafted by the elder gods themselves. Polish home cooking, save sausages, is mostly bland and disinteresting.