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6120063 No.6120063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>i don't drink whiskey neat

>> No.6120075

How is that atheist-y?

>> No.6120098

Idiots have been doing this for while. I hate it because the fedora meme was actually funny and useful. Now it's just used on shit you don't like.

>> No.6120104

no, it's more so that language, specifically online communication, transforms through usage.

>> No.6120118
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You lost what the particular insult and distinction was good for. Now you might as well lump it in with newfag/retarded/fag/summerfag/autism insults.

>> No.6120130

i'm sorry that basic language 101 evades you, anon-kun.

>> No.6120132

It doesn't evade me, it's just wrong. Literally.

>> No.6120136

le sigh
language, words, meaning.... all forever changing.

>> No.6120146
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>i only measure ingredients in ounces and pounds
>i never use measuring cups

>> No.6121291

>using measuring cups

>> No.6121301


I miss summerfag

>> No.6121893

>fedora meme

nigga please. its funny though ill give you that.

*tips fedora

>> No.6121901

>ounces, pounds, cups
>still not using metric in 2015
fucking plebs.

>> No.6121902

whiskey makes me tired and grumpy

i dont drink whiskey m8

>> No.6121963
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The only people I met who regurarly drinks whiskey around my age are metalfags who hasn't grown mentally past the age of 15 and fedoratippers because "muh Jack daniels" is apparently a meme/trend.

>> No.6121964

Sounds like you hang out with shitty people.

>> No.6121966

I don't hang out with those people, they just happen to exist in my student apartment.

>> No.6121977

do you mean to say you live in a dormitory for idiots

>> No.6121985

No, you baka

>> No.6121987

I saw a group of fedoracores drinking wine in a dive bar. Like seriously swirling it around and sniffing it when it was probably just a jug of Carlo Rossi

>> No.6121995

What is a dive bar`? You meant live I guess. But I get your point, they tried to look cool but only came off as smug prick nolifers. Literally the same thing with metalfags for me, they literally won't ever buy any other liquour than Jack or Jägermeister, somehow Jack got associated with manchildren of the metal kind.

>> No.6121997

>What is a dive bar`? You meant live I guess


>> No.6122006

Whatever, excuse my yuropoor education for not knowing the meaning of dive bar even though I know what one is and have another word for it in my native language.

>> No.6122030

You're talking 18-year-olds, right? My significantly elder choir friends got me started on drinking whisky regularly. We'd often go to bars and some of us would occasionally have a hankering for some single malt.

These days I usually keep one bottle of single malt for special occasions and one of scotch blended for more... regular consumption. I'm 23 myself, but not everyone has to be a fedora about this stuff. My younger brother, who only recently turned 20 enjoys his Jura. Me, my dad and him went through a bottle of Talisker 10 over a week in London during the holidays. I know my dad can get sorta fedora-ey. Then again, I do sometimes drink whisky in a restaurant through a meal... Although, I'll deny any allegations of having any extensive knowledge about whisky or beer as a rule because it's true. Hmmh.

>> No.6122038

They're very casual neighbourhood places. Some might have a reputation for dodginess or unruly clientele. At least, this is how I've understood it despite my yuropoor education.

>> No.6122048
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Dive bars are usually small and in very old buildings with very old clientele who just come in for regular beers and whiskeys. Nothing fancy.

>> No.6122054

in the us a dive bar is just a shitty, dirty bar probably with dim lighting

>> No.6122074

Gotta love a place like that every once in a while. Especially if you're a regular and more or less liked.

>> No.6122083

Why's that? because it's glorified on tv shows?
There is nothing more pathetic than being a regular in a dive bar.

>> No.6122100

Are they glorified on tv? They're just a quiet place to get a drink. No loud club music, no wasted young kids starting fights, no massive line up waiting for the bartender. If you're a regular and they really like you they'll let you have an open tab for however long.

>> No.6122112

It's a place to turn borderline alchoholics to real alcoholics

>> No.6122114

Exactly. Not to mention that you can just go there in late afternoon, have a beer, have a chat and get back home. No judgement. No social games. Just people less concerned with certain aspects of contemporary society and a pint.

That's a value judgement based on the kind of consumer basis you have in mind for a place like that. They're not trendy and seen as a place for these "pathetic" people. I'm 23, middle class and just really like a quiet, laid back place to have a beer or two. Don't get me wrong, I love scotch and craft beer, but that's not what I'm always after.

>> No.6122118

That depends on how you drink. That sort of thing happens easily in any kind of people where the consumers themselves are heavy drinkers - and this is tolerated.

>> No.6122122

any kind of place*

>> No.6122129
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>i'll have a manhattan