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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6117486 No.6117486 [Reply] [Original]

>That guy at the bbq who watches over the grill and presses the spatula over the burgers and smashes down on them

idiot food general?

>> No.6117503

>those thousands of people out there who are completely sure that pressing burgers down with a spatula is wrong based on nothing but 'common sense'

idiot posters general?

>> No.6117508

It squashes the juice out of them.

>> No.6117522

wow what a dumb fuck

>> No.6117525

guessing you are one of those idiots

>> No.6117530


oh the ones that you keep in by sealing the meat i'm guessing?


>no argument

>> No.6117640

>that guy who brings a coffee press to work

>> No.6117650

You can see the juices coming out when you squash it fool

>> No.6117655


you can see them coming out when you *cook* it too dude. controlling moisture loss is about controlling the temperature and time of the cooking, not bitching out when somebody tries to get more surface area in contact with the heat source.

>> No.6117674

So make a thinner patty to begin with. If you squash the cooking burger its gonna lose more juice than if you dont squash

>> No.6117675

>place on grill
>watch for burger sweat
>watch for burger sweat

simple shit, no pressing needed

>> No.6117681


>If you squash the cooking burger its gonna lose more juice than if you dont squash

and you base this on what exactly? because it doesn't make much sense if you know how meat composition works and it's not something that's been proven in a scientific context.

>> No.6117685

I'm just glad I'll never get to experience your dry-ass burgers.

>> No.6117688


>> No.6117708
File: 428 KB, 953x737, unmitigated fury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the person that thinks barbecue = that shit has to be black all over

>> No.6117715

I base it on me seeing it happen and eating the resulting burger

>> No.6117717

I know more about burgers than all of you. SHUT UP

>> No.6117721


you didn't see it happen, you made a post hoc fallacy about what happened based on the things you *did* see. what is more likely to have happened is that the burger was pressed and then the guy cooking the burger overcooked the burger, and the two things were only indirectly related.

>> No.6117727

No i saw a fuck load of juices get squashed out of a cooking burger

>> No.6117741


which were just displaced as the patty spread out and would have been wrung out of the burger by the contraction of the cooking proteins anyway, or else they wouldn't have been freed in the first place.

>> No.6117755

They wouldnt have been freed if the guy hadnt squashed the fucking burger

>> No.6117758

>presses the spatula over the burgers and smashes down on them
GODDAMMIT, it makes me so angry when people do that. Sure, I fucking just LOVE dry ass burgers, thanks asshole.

>> No.6117761

That's not how that works. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.6117773
File: 11 KB, 220x123, 220px-SmashBurger_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One one side, /ck/ autists who literally believe that their old wive's tales trump reality

On the other, one of the greatest burger chains in the world who ADVERTISE this "idiot food general"

And: based Kenji


>See, by placing a ball of meat on a hot, un-oiled griddle and smashing it down firmly into a flat, thin disk, you greatly increase the contact points between the meat and the griddle, which in turn increases the Maillard reaction. That's the series of chemical reactions that creates the rich brown crust that makes our steaks and burgers taste so freaking good. Maximum crust = maximum flavor = maximum craving.

>> No.6117793

>And: based Kenji
Opinion discarded. There is no more trumped up piece of shit in the foodweb than him. Also, you do realize he's talking about mashing the patty when it's RAW, first on the grill, not fucking mashing it the whole time it's cooking. You are part of the problem. You don't understand how to cook and you spread misinformation.

>> No.6117797
File: 144 KB, 800x671, Smashburger-tyler-tx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butthurt: 100
Successful restaurants opened: 0

>> No.6117800

Right, but once the burger is sweating, it's already halfway cooked, and you can't increase its surface area by smushing it. You're just wasting the juice if you squish it at this point.

>> No.6117802


yes, it is.


yes they would have. they're *in the process* of leaving the meat and will weep out of the burger as it rests anyway. the water in meat is trapped in tight bundles of protein fibres - the contraction of these muscle fibres is a way more significant displacing force than the crude force of pressing down on the whole mass.

>> No.6117805

Oh god, you're fucking stupid.

This guy gets it.

>> No.6117811

Oh look, another idiot.

>> No.6117813


>no matter how empty it is, i have to get the last word

>> No.6117820


compare a squashed and unsquashed cooked burger and see what one is less juicy, now please ***stop posting*** youre being *******retarded*******

>> No.6117825


oh like you've ever attempted to test the two things side by side under controlled, fair conditions.

>> No.6117828

>says the idiot who thinks it's okay to squash down burgers as they cook.
Please, just fuck off already.

>> No.6117836


Are you honestly this stupid? Im convinced you know youre wrong but instead of just dealing with it youre set out on shitposting your way through this

>> No.6117843


the more you just call me an idiot and say absolutely fuckall to address my reasoning, the less it looks like you have your own.

>> No.6117844

Is everybody seriously being baited by this idiot this hard? I can see the unique posters, so it's obviously not one guy arguing with himself for attention.

>> No.6117881

>People think this guy is trolling


Hey I mean we've all fallen silly food myths before it's okay to be wrong

>> No.6117884

Bad example.

The difference between smashing a burger that has been cooking and smashing a burger like how Smashburger does it is the fact that Smashburger doesn't allow the fat in the meat to become liquid grease so when the meat is smashed all of the grease doesn't run out.

>> No.6118034
File: 1.60 MB, 4000x3000, hjkhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6118039

Your logic is flawed.

>> No.6118045
File: 1.02 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20150105_235004_736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6118079

Did you read that whole article?

>So when is it not a good idea to smash? Well there's the obvious: you can't smash a burger on a grill.