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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 407 KB, 700x700, whiskey-sour[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6115851 No.6115851 [Reply] [Original]

I turned 21 a few months ago, and I'm still pretty new to the bar scene.

What does /ck/ like to drink at a bar?

Pic related, whiskey sours, have been my go-to, but I want to expand my horizons. Even though I don't have enough hair on my chest to go for something as manly as straight whiskey, I'm still pretty comfy with drinks that can be called "acquired tastes". On the other hand, being made fun of for drinking something girly doesn't phase me either. My options are pretty open, as long as it doesn't cost a million dollars a glass.

PS I don't like beer very much. The flavor is fine but it feels too bulky in my stomach.

>> No.6115864

I'm similar, i don't care if i order something that's stereotypically girly. I usually stick with less expensive mixes. My personal favorites:

Rum and coke
Washington Apple
Vodka cranberry

>> No.6115874
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>> No.6115893

I order beer, bourbon and cokes, occasional whiskey sour if I'm in the mood.

>> No.6115918
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I started out with Malibu and coke like a complete faggot at 18, went onto rye and coke, then rye coke press, and finally rye water with a splash of coke.

>> No.6116142

If the place looks upscale/has a good reputation, the least-unappetizing looking 'house cocktail' then switch to beer

If I personally know the bartender, manhattan no cherries or (up) negroni

Otherwise beer or neat rye/scotch, unless there's a good special on wells or happy meals or whatever

>> No.6116147

Honestly anon, don't worry about what others think of the drinks you like, if you want to do rye or whiskey, just start simple whiskey and coke if you want . if you want to order fruity drinks, the order them. Its no ones business. D

>> No.6116203

rye and ginger > rye and coke

>> No.6116215

if you're at a decent place, get a tom collins, but don't expect a proper one at a local dive. jameson and ginger ale is always good, and of course the based long island

>> No.6116217

Any soft drink should just be for color.

>> No.6116225

What do you keep referring to with "rye", please?

>> No.6116228

rye whiskey

>> No.6116229


It's gay lingo for man sauce

>> No.6116267

I like
>rum and cokes
>margarita on the rocks

>> No.6116271

>rum and coke
high schooler detected

>> No.6116291

I like simple things that will get me drunk.

>> No.6116488

Old Fashioned, Manhattan, Whiskey Straight, a good beer.
If I'm at the beach a Mojito or a good rum.
If I'm at a good mexican place that does it right, a margarita. Fuck margarita mixers.

>> No.6116495

try a new york sour

>> No.6116499

Japanese whiskey

>> No.6116502

Just try whatever they have on special for a while.

>> No.6116510

Gin and tonic
Gin and orange/cranberry juice

Both with tons of life. Definitely take the edge off and they both have that sort of "aquired" tastes you speak of, the latter being sweeter and perhaps a bit "girly"

>> No.6116516

Meant lime* not life

>> No.6116522

Don't start.


>> No.6116526

leave your liver alone. let it work without the added stress of processing alcohol.

>> No.6116529


kindly fuck off weeaboo.

>> No.6116607

These are nice drinks and all, but what should I get when I'm broke?

>> No.6116623

dont buy alcohol at a fucking bar

>> No.6116665
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russian nailpolish comrade
+ off brand energy drinks if you wanna go full king of the beggars

>> No.6116790

Dont you smoke that?

>> No.6116944
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>make this at home
>fuck bitches

>> No.6116994
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dear god that would be so sweet I'd lose my will to drink after trying that

>> No.6117008

i'm usually not a huge fan of super sweet drinks but it's fucking great. some shit for a nice summer day or spring break

>> No.6117021

Get a moscow mule. The ingredients make it sound terrible, but damn it's good. You can barely taste the alcohol in it.

>ginger beer
>lime juice

>> No.6117131

>What does /ck/ like to drink at a bar?

Get a Rose's and soda... soda water with a splash of Rose's lime...

>> No.6117168

>What does /ck/ like to drink at a bar?
Depends, at my usual place I'm generally getting different kinds of beers, like trappists.

When I go out clubbing, cheap ass beer, vodka-red bulls, rum cokes, shots, whatever.

>> No.6117172

No they don't. That sounds great. Gonna try that soon.

>> No.6117187

sex on the beach is my favorite.

if i want to mix it up i tell the bartender to make me their favorite thing, which every now and then ends up being something made extremely dirty because thats how they take it.

>> No.6117319
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>> No.6117336

Picklebacks and beer

>> No.6117340

Make drinks at friend's places or your place

>> No.6117372

"I'd like one unit of whatever has your cheapest alcohol milliliter"

>> No.6117377

Autists dont go to bars

>> No.6117391

Godfather is alright.

>> No.6117467

Whiskey or tequila sour
Mai Tai

>> No.6117856

It's because people like you awkward kids get all stuck in their heads with their non-binary genders and otherkin support groups.

There is a point where things are not ok, and drinking fruity fucking drinks at a bar is one of them. If you want a fucking cocktail drink some Ocean Spray at home.

>> No.6117868


If you care that much about what people think about what you're drinking at a bar, perhaps you should keep to your home instead.

>> No.6117870

Gin and tonic, ez and clean tasting.

>> No.6117902
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I love whiskey.

>> No.6117916

seven & seven
if i'm giving less of a fuck, i'll get a vodka and cranberry or even a sex on the beach

>> No.6117920

Damn a mojito sounds great right now

>> No.6117924

>pretty comfy with drinks that can be called "acquired tastes"

that shit is no acquired taste, it's straight up pussy drink

>> No.6117929
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>> No.6117931

I am a beer and a shot guy but if you're too much of a faggot but still like whisky try a 7 and 7

>> No.6117932

A simple rum & coke
Whiskey/rum neat
A decent beer

I'm boring.

>> No.6117939

I work on a bar and my favourite cocktail is as follows

1 measure Midori
1 measure SoCo
1 measure Liqueur Fraise
150ml of cranberry juice
Shake with ice in a boston glass, strain and serve in a pre-cooled martini glass. Top up with a little lemonade and a little more cranberry. You can add a little fresh lime at the end if you want to cut through the alcohol.

>> No.6117940

Vodka soda water or tonic. I drink a lot, so I try to stave off the fat by nixing the sugary stuff. Used to be vodka sevens, cherry vodka sour, vodka redbull. Every now and then I'll do straight Jameson.

>> No.6117941

Rum and Coke

If I'm out with girls, whatever girly stuff they make me drink with them. Pretty easy for me because my girlfriend can't tolerate alcohol.

>> No.6117952

>not having a gf that can drink guys under the table

>> No.6117955

>tfw you're a fucking lightweight

>> No.6117964

When in familiar bars, bars a with good reputation or bars that simply look good, my go to drinks are:

>Old Fashioned
>Gin Fizz
>Whiskey Sour

If I doubt the bartender, I just go for some two component gin drink.

If in tropical areas and the beach, I go for Mojito.

>> No.6117968

>btw im a grill :3

>> No.6117975


>tfw my little qt gf drank huge well-trained guys under the table
>tfw she won a chugging contest
>tfw when she has served in the military and none of my guy friends have

>> No.6117978

try pure rye or bourbon - thats not even whisky.
the food stuff comes from the highlands or ireland.
But rye is okay in an oldfashioned.

Prefer Muscow Mule if it comes to cocktails, though

>> No.6117983

sounds like 2d waifu

>> No.6118009
File: 184 KB, 600x326, bourbon-whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bourbon - thats not even whisky
Bourbons aren't whiskeys?

I usually just drink my stuff straight anyways.

>> No.6118025
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how'd you know?

>> No.6118029

gin and tonic, it doesn't stain if I get hammered and spill.

>> No.6118033


Whisky is a drink distilled from a fermented grain mash...so both rye and bourbon qualify,

>> No.6118038

>little qt gf
>served in the military
u gave it all away m8

>> No.6118115

this is the most autistic drink recipe I've ever seen

>> No.6118138

Are you alright m8?
>mfw I drink whiskey and beer when I go out to bars.
>mfw as I drink glen levette 18 year as I read your comment.
>mfw I don't try to brag about it at a bar like you
>mfw I laugh at people like you who order their drinks loudly like there is something to prove.
I mean are you that ass blasted about what others drink preference? If you are there is something you need to get off your chest or up your rectum. Or stay at home if you become so unnerved at bars. Geshis

>> No.6118157

The tonic does show up under blacklight though.

>> No.6118232


lol whatever, the drink is delicious

>> No.6118274

Dark and Stormy's for days

>> No.6118280

of course bourbon is whiskey

>> No.6118284

I prefer to keep it simple, so I mostly drink either Baileys or Licor 43, my liquor of choice.

>> No.6118942

what's it like being with a man

>> No.6118946

Sometimes she sticks 3 fingers in my ass even though I hate it and beg her not to.

>> No.6118966

I always get whiskey sours when I'm with my gf cause she can't handle the taste of alcohol.

When I'm just drinking for myself, though, and not to just have a social drink, but to get actually fucked up, I'll just get a shot of whatever bourbon or irish whiskey there is and then a nice pint of some good American Dark Ale like a Stone Arrogant Bastard or something tasty.

>> No.6119267

I usually go for Gin Tonic.

and this.

Sounds like a high schooler to me.

Fuck you, do you have any idea how expensive Suntory is?

This looks really, really bad.

Moscow Mule is a classic.

So, what's it called?
I doubt I'd get anything if I asked the bartender for some co/ck/sucker's favorite cocktail.

>> No.6119424

I usually stick to beer at bars because quite a lot of beers out there I only like on tap. But when I'm all alone and no one's looking, I make Blue Hawaiians for myself.

>> No.6119429

Never tried a whiskey sour that looks pretty good

>> No.6119432

But it's Suntory time.

>> No.6119441
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Fuck you, I don't have the money for relaxing times, let alone making them Suntory time.

>> No.6119573

its basically a whiskey sour with red wine on top

>> No.6119705

drink J&B straight. It's insanely smooth entry level scotch.

It tastes watered down right out of the bottle.

Drink that until you're willing to try something stronger and more daring.

>> No.6119710

Gimlets are underrated.

>> No.6119881

Manhattans and margaritas are my choices. No, that fucking slush is not a margarita.

Also learn mixology. You'll save so much money over bars.

>> No.6119889

Shots of hard liquor is my go to.

>> No.6119903

dry beefeater martini with a twist of lemon